Azure Devops Build Complete Notifications aren't firing - azure-devops

Azure DevOps "Build Complete" Notifications aren't firing when there is auto-trigger fires the build because of a commit in the bitbucket git repo. The build and release complete with no issues but the email notifications don't go to all at all to the team members. The end goal trying to achieve is to send an email to the administrator and the user who has checked the code in the bitbucket repo.

By reference to this doc: Supported subscriptions, we can subscribe notification of Build completed, as below. Thus only members of artifact-demo Team can receive notification which meet the filter criteria.
From your snapshot, it is out-of-the-box (OOB) or default subscriptions, and will send notifications to all subscribers, by default. Thus members of Dev Team can receive notification.
Therefore, if you have a CI pipeline for bitbucket repository, and want to send an email to the administrator and the user (we call it contributor) who has checked the code in the bitbucket repo via Azure DevOps notification service, please make sure that the administrator and the contributor are members of Dev team, so they will get build completed notification. Otherwise, they need to subscribe such notification via Personal notifications or Team notifications
Update>>If you want to only send notifications to the administrator and contributor, you could choose "Custom email address" and then set up multiple subsciptions.
Or the administrator and contributor can subscribe this notification via Personal notifications.
BTW, if some users doesn't want to receive such notifications, they can manually unsubscribe it.
Update2>>Using custom email address will send email to specific user. And if you have 20 members, there might be too many subscriptions, you could consider to add these 20 members to a new group/team(NotificatoinTeam), and then just need to subscribe this notification for this group and choose "Members of NotificatoinTeam", so everything is done. If there is new member wants to get this notification, just adds them to this group/team. Also if some members don't want to get this notification, just remove them from this NotificatoinTeam group/team.
Update3>>You could use this predefined variable Build.RequestedForEmail to get the contributor's email. See: Build variables (DevOps Services) for more details.


Avoid being flooded by Azure Devops notifications

We have global notifications setup to send notification to work items assignees. But since there are many fields in these work items, users complain about receiving too many notifications.
We want to setup work item change notifications to be sent only when certain fields are updated, For eg. only on state and title change of a work item.
Is this possible in Azure Devops?
Yes, this is achievable in Azure devops. You only need to configure the filter criteria for the notification. See below example:
Navigate to the Organization Settings page-->Global notifications-->Statics tab-->Select the notification your team subscribed.
Then Edit the notification your team subscribed. Add the new clause in the filter criteria section to only send notification on the specific fields changes.
Check out document Manage notifications for a team, group, or organization for more information.

Azure DevOps Deployment Approval Notifications not delivered to Azure AD Security Group members

In Azure DevOps, I have few teams that consists of Azure AD groups (security groups not distribution groups) and few direct members. While sending an custom email to that team via say from Release Pipeline's "Send Email", the team is expanded and direct members and the members of AD Group get notified. In fact, the email is sent with everyone CCed. However, when the same team is notified via event notification e.g. deployment approval notification, only direct members get the email. As per docs this seems like a designed behavior but since it works for custom email, I was wondering if there is another setting somewhere. Troubleshooting with this doc doesn't work either as I don't see any new diagnostics logs.
Deployment Approval Notifications not delivered to Azure AD Security Group members
Based on my test, I could reproduce similar situation.
The root cause of this issue could be that the Azure AD security group in Azure Devops sets as Do not deliverby default. And it seems that we couldn't change it in Azure Devops.
For Office 365 type AAD Group, it could be set as deliver to the Email Address.
You could check it in Organization Settings -> Global notifications-> Subscribers.
The AAD Groups don't have the Deliver to individual members option. So when the notification is triggered, the notification couldn't work as expected.
This situation is similar to Scenario 1: A member with Do not deliver preference or Scenario 3: A nested group
Here is a suggestion ticket about the feature request.

Is there any notification channel in azure-devops just for my project?

I have been searching for a notification channel in Azure Devops. Notification can be when a release happens, I want to send a custom mail to all the team members or when someone is working on some pipeline changes I want to display a message to the team members saying they might expect disruptions in using that pipeline. I saw message banners on top, which are organization wide and not for an individual project.
Any leads on a better notification channel?
In the Project Seetings, there's a Notifications setting which should be the one you are looking for.
You can see the usement in the doc Manage notifications for a team or group.
This allows you to custom your notifications when it should be sent and who would recieve the notifications.
You can set filter to a specific project when you create a custom notification:

VSTS Release Approval Emails

Using the 'Old Editor', there is a way to configure release environment to send emails to approvers via Release Definition > Triggers > Configure Environment as seen in this screen shot. (see also this answer)
Is there a way to do this using the 'New Editor'? Seems like the options for email and blocking the creating user from approving are missing from this workflow.
You can set Approval email notification in the page (by clicking profile -> Notification settings).
In the notications package, you can add a new subscription for An approval for a deployment is pending, and then specify the email address(es) and filter conditions.
with the integrated notification settings experience, we are moving
the control on notifications from the sender to the receiver. By
default, we'll always raise notification events whenever approvals are
pending and based on receiver's preferences around whether he wants to
be notified by email or not.
More details, you can refer:
Personalize what notifications you receive for releases
New Release Editor does not expose option to Send email to approver
In notification page, add a new subscription An approval for a deployment is pending, the detail settings as below:
Just add the email address(es) who need to receive this kind of email, for multiple email addresses, separate with comma (,).

How do you configure a github organization's repo to send notification emails about all events?

The webhooks guide lists email as one of the available services, however it seems that this only kicks off when a user actually pushes a change to the repository. How can you configure it so that an email is fired off for every event concerning that repo - issues opened/closed, pull requests, etc.?
You cannot, currently. See this pull request to the github-services which would enable at least pull request notification by email, but it was never merged by GitHub.
As a work-around I currently use IFTTT on my Android device to get notified about pull requests by email.