I wanted to use singularity container on remote server, so I tried this command to create image:
singularity build --fakeroot ....
but when I enter the assembled container (singularity shell name.container) or try to run some program file thought exec, singularity can see, but can not open one folder. When I try to open it by cd there is this problem: bash: cd: name_folder: No such file or directory
Same container works perfect on my computer (sudo singularity build ...). Can you suggest anything, please?
I am trying to set up a debugger for my application which is running inside my Kubernetes pod in the EKS cluster .
I have one through many articles but they all talk about setting up a debugger for local env .
I am using helm charts and EKS for the Kubernetes cluster.
Please help me with this problem.
I tried Dockerfile changes to install delve but CMD and ENTRYPOINT command both are failing with
exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH
My docker file looks like
Stage 1: Compile the Golang application
FROM golang:1.18-alpine AS builder
WORKDIR /application
COPY . /application
RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -x -o app --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"'
Stage 2: Move only the compiled code to container
FROM alpine:latest
WORKDIR /application
COPY --from=builder /application/app /application
RUN apk add --no-cache delve
# let's start delve as the entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dlv", "debug", ".", "--listen=:40000", "--accept-multiclient", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2" , "exec" , "./app" ]
Not an expert in Go but in the second stage you are copying the files from first stage to the second one.
Those files could be the executable or source code
In the second stage you have installed the delve but when you are adding the Entry point or CMD it's showing error of this
exec: "go": executable file not found in $PATH
it's due to the second stage is alpine won't have Go installed by default and as you have not copied Go binary from the first to the second stage so showing a path error or missing error as dlv might be requiring it in background.
What you can do is install it with in first stage and move to second stage
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go install github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv#latest
stage 2
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/dlv /usr/bin/dlv
I have been trying to pip install psycopg2 for some time now
I have just updated to python 3.7.4, before this problem started.
To set my path to a specific python version I used the code below.
nano .bash_profile
I thought that it would now be easy for my system to identify the path of the newly installed python, as to enable it to install psycopg2. Then the below started happening.
The second line of system terminal or python terminal is now always showing:
-bash: zzzzz#: command not found on my terminal
No matter what I type on my terminal, I am always getting command not found
This would mean you literally have "zzzzz" somewhere in the bash_profile. Bash is seeing "zzzzz" as just another command to run at startup like the rest of the profile script. As there is nothing in your PATH matching that string, bash reports the issue back to you.
Either remove the extra line from your .bash_profile. OR use a terribly wasteful work-around!
ln -s /bin/true /bin/zzzzz
This will create a symbolic link to the "true" binary (all it ever does is return true) from zzzzz. Now bash can find zzzzz and run it during start up, which does nothing. No more error and an absurd work around. You should fix the file.
So when i run the command,
docker-compose -f config/somefile.yml up -d
I get the following error:
ERROR: .FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ./config/somefile.yml
I tried giving the full path to the yml file, but the error is the same.
However, when i create a dulicate file with the name docker-compose.yml (by using, script: cp somefile.yml docker-compose.yml) and then i run
docker-compose up
It runs fine.
It just cannot run any other file than the default one.
Ive searched a lot of places and could not find any solution.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Docker-compose: 1.22
O.S: Ubuntu 14.4
In my case, I forgot to start Docker itself.
So, check if you've started the Docker application before executing docker-compose.
The file is probably not there.
One way to make sure the tool is not to blame, is to use another basic command like cat.
$ cat ./config/somefile.yml
cat: ./config/somefile.yml: No such file or directory
For me, restarting both the Docker app and terminal worked.
i just installed mongopi from https://github.com/RickP/mongopi and it working correctly after doing a few adjustments mainly $ sudo chown $USER /data/db. However my mongo and mongod calls arent persistent i do PATH=$PATH:/opt/mongo/bin/ &
export PATH however this does not last on next ssh session. Also how can I make mongo initialize at startup? I did all the steps from the github repo.
For the path part of the question:
To get the path working you should put it in a script that runs every time you log in. Generally there is a rc-file for you shell in your home directory. Type
echo $SHELL
to see what shell you are running. Go to your home directory:
and then open the file that is called .(your shell)rc - that is, if you are running bash, open .bashrc
nano .bashrc
add the path at the end of this file:
export PATH
For the initialization part of the question:
Download and edit this script: Mongo init.d at github
You'll need to change the value of the DEAMON at line 50. I had some other troubles, but you should probably be ok if you create a configuration file (that probably could be empty) and refer to it from line 57. Also, you need to add a mongodb user that the server should run as. You can edit this on line 95, but the default is probably a good idea.
When all this editing is done, you move the file to /etc/init.d/mongodb, like so:
sudo mv init.d /etc/init.d/mongodb
and then add it to the systems start-up routine
sudo update-rc.d mongodb defaults
(This is presuming you run debian. Other distros may have other commands to do this.)
Now, see to that you are not running mongod some other place, and control the service by
sudo service mongodb start
service mongodb status
sudo service mongodb stop
... and so on. This will also run automatically on start-up and shutdown.
I am front-end developer attempting to crossover into the world of web app development. I've come a long way in learning Javascript, and now I'm looking to toy around with frameworks.
I still have a bit to learn about using the OSX terminal, but I was hoping somebody could help me with this first stumble I'm having....
I try to install meteor using:
$ curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
Then I get the following:
Meteor 0.6.4 has been installed in your home directory (~/.meteor).
Writing a launcher script to /usr/local/bin/meteor for your convenience.
This may prompt for your password.
cp: /usr/local/bin/meteor: No such file or directory
Couldn't write the launcher script. Please either:
(1) Run the following as root:
cp ~/.meteor/tools/latest/launch-meteor /usr/bin/meteor
(2) Add ~/.meteor to your path, or
(3) Rerun this command to try again.
Then to get started, take a look at 'meteor --help' or see the docs at
If it's still helpful to anyone, going into /usr/local/bin, running "sudo rm meteor" then running the install gets it to work for me
Yeah try one of the three suggestions or:
sudo curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
I had the same problem heres how I fixed it!
Delete all meteor folders
In finder (cmd +shft+g)
type in "~/.meteor"
on the top of the finder window where is has the folder.meteor click and drag folder to trash
In finder (cmd +shft+g) type in "/usr/bin/meteor" then drag the meteor folder to trash
3.In /usr/ create a new folder "local" (password required) and inside "local" create a folder "bin"
Go back to terminal a run curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh