Photoshop datasets and variables from csv limited to 99? - png

We're using Photoshops ability to import datasets from CSV to produce some ID cards for an event. We merge separate PNG's together and the output them using the "Export/Datasets as files" function
The CSV is set up as
|ID | Image1 |Image 2 |
| - | ------------- |---------------|
| 1 | path to X.png | path to Z.png |
| 2 | path to Y.png | path to W.png |
Repeated for about 200 rows with different images.
The issue we have is anything beyond the 99th row pulls the error
"Could not apply the dataset as the replacement file was not found" There are no issues with the file paths. If you substitute a post 100 row into a row pre 100 it works fine.
As if there is a hard limit of the number of rows we can have in a imported csv. I can't find any documentation from adobe as to any hard limit. And this "bug" is present in both a copy of cs6 and photoshop 2021. 1-99 work absolutely perfectly.
Does anyone have any workarounds. Or an alternative method of doing this?


Table headers with arbitrary locations in Github flavored markdown

In the gfm documentation, the examples for tables always have the table headers at the top.
| foo | hello |
| --- | ----- |
| bar | test |
Is there a way to place the headers in arbitrary locations, for example to have headers on the top and side? This can be done using HTML to make the table, however is there a solution to this without using HTML?
No, there is no way to do this without using HTML.

How can I add a table with multi-row cells to a readme in VSTS?

How can you add tables with multi-row cells to markdown in Microsoft VSTS?
I have previously used asciidoc for readme files on github as it is both richer and less ambiguous. The company now has projects on VSTS which does not support asciidoc so I need to use markdown instead.
However, it is unclear what flavour of markdown is actually supported
This page says that github flavoured markdown can be used
I found another page saying they use commonmark via the markdown-it library.
Q: Does VS Code support GitHub Flavored Markdown?
A: No, VS Code targets the CommonMark Markdown specification using the
markdown-it library. GitHub is moving toward the CommonMark
specification which you can read about in this update.
I've been using a combination of asciidoctor and pandoc to convert files but nothing gets it quite right.
(Asciidoctor converts to docbook which pandoc can then parse)
asciidoctor -b docbook -v -o "$OUTPUT".xml "$INPUT" &&
pandoc -f docbook -t markdown_github -i "$OUTPUT".xml -o "$OUTPUT"
I have to re-add the title manually.
My current stumbling block is multi-row cells.
Github supports grid tables,
see Newline in markdown table?:
| Fruit | Price | Advantages |
| Bananas | first line\ | first line\ |
| | next line | next line |
| Bananas | first line\ | first line\ |
| | next line | next line |
But neither this nor embedded html seem to work in VSTS.
I would be happy to use html readmes instead if that was permitted.
Update 17-Nov-2017:
I found the link to markdown-it and added it above. I've raised an issue there for clarification (or enhancement). Its unclear which version VSTS actually uses under the hood.
I would like to ask the question of Microsoft themselves but their ask a question link goes straight to stack overflow.
The markdown-it library does support the usage suggested by #Waylan:
| Fruit | Price | Advantages |
| ------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- |
| Bananas | first line<br>next line | first line<br>next line |
| Bananas | first line<br>next line | first line<br>next line |
The issue is most likely Microsoft disabling html.
A solution thus waits on a reply to #starian's suggestion:
In short, each row must be on one line and should use <br> to indicate a line break. Like this:
| Fruit | Price | Advantages |
| ------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- |
| Bananas | first line<br>next line | first line<br>next line |
| Bananas | first line<br>next line | first line<br>next line |
Below is an explanation of each tool with an analysis of that tool's documentation:
CommonMark is a Markdown variant with a strict spec. GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) is an extension of CommonMark (which adds features to CommonMark such as tables), with its own spec. Therefore, to say that an implementation supports GFM is to say that it supports CommonMark with extensions. Note that GitHub adopted the current spec on March 14, 2017, so any information older that that may not be relevant for the current implementation.
Whether VSTS actually uses a CommonMark/GFM implementation or a close approximation is unclear from the documentation. However, as the documentation clearly states that "GitHub-flavored extensions" are supported, that would indicate to me that the GFM Spec would be a good reference. Regardless, the GFM Spec is the controlling spec for any Markdown rendered on
The Tables section of the GFM Spec plainly states:
Block-level elements cannot be inserted in a table.
And gives this simple example:
| foo | bar |
| --- | --- |
| baz | bim |
While the spec does not specifically mention multiple line cells, there are no examples with any cells that contain multiple lines. It is my understanding that that is not supported by GFM. Therefore, the only way to include line breaks in GFM Table cells is with the <br> tag, which is not a block-level element.
Pandoc supports multiple different styles of table syntax. If you are passing your Markdown to both Pandoc and GFM, then you need to use Pandoc's table style which most closely matches GFM's style. For example, GFM Tables do not include support for + at the corners. That syntax is specific to Pandoc's Grid Tables. Fortunately, Pandoc's documentation tells us which style most closely matches GFM.
Pandoc has support for various "Markdown Variants", one of which is gfm. The docs have this to stay about that variant:
We also support gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown) as a set of
extensions on commonmark:
: pipe_tables, raw_html, fenced_code_blocks, auto_identifiers,
ascii_identifiers, backtick_code_blocks, autolink_bare_uris,
intraword_underscores, strikeout, hard_line_breaks, emoji,
shortcut_reference_links, angle_brackets_escapable.
Note that the gfm variant of Pandoc uses Pipe Tables. It is also noteworthy that the markdown_github variant of Pandoc is deprecated since GitHub adopted Commonmark. But even the markdown_github variant uses Pipe Tables.
Pandocs' documentation for Pipe Tables states (emphasis added):
The cells of pipe tables cannot contain block elements like paragraphs and lists, and cannot span multiple lines.
And gives this example:
| Right | Left | Default | Center |
| 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
| 123 | 123 | 123 | 123 |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
That is clearly the same as GFM tables and does not include any support for block level elements or multi-line cells.
The VSTS Documentation for Tables closely matches GFM and Pandoc Pipe Tables with this example:
| Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3 |
| Cell A1 | Cell A2 | Cell A3 |
| Cell B1 | Cell B2 | Cell B3 |
While the the VSTS Documentation makes no specific mention of block-level elements or multiple lines, is seems safe to assume that it is in fact the same style.
We can make that assumption because in all three instances (VSTS, GFM and Pandoc Pipe Tables), the syntax does not provide a divider between individual rows of the table (compare with Pandoc Grid Tables, which supports row dividers). While there is a divider between the header and data rows, with no divider between individual data rows, there is no way to indicate how many lines of text belong to each row. Therefore, each row can only be represented by one line of text.
Given the above, to be parsed properly by VSTS, GFM and Pandoc (gfm variant), your table should be formatted like this:
| Fruit | Price | Advantages |
| ------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- |
| Bananas | first line<br>next line | first line<br>next line |
| Bananas | first line<br>next line | first line<br>next line |
And when using Pandoc, be sure to use the gfm format (pandoc -f gfm ...).
It is not supported in markdown of VSTS, I submit a user voice here: multi-line in the cell of a table in markdown in VSTS, you can vote and follow it.

How to select a column of a table in emacs org mode

I can't find my way around copying a column, or a series of them, from a table.
The only solution I found so far is to copy the whole table and then delete the columns I don't need.
I suppose there must be another easier way for this. Maybe I am just too tired to realize how to do it.
I think the easiest way would be to take advantage of emacs rectangles
To create your rectangle, put your cursor at one of the corners of the rectangle you want to create.
Use C-SPC, or whatever you have set-mark-command set to.
Place your cursor at the diagonal corner of your rectangle.
Use C-x r rr to copy the rectangle to the register named r
Use C-x r ir to insert the rectangle that is being held in the register named r.
Following this process will copy and insert the columns that you want. You may need to repeat this process if the columns are not adjacent.
I am using a bolded r to denote that this is technically a name of the register, and not some special input.
If you specifically want to copy the column(s) into another org table (or indeed back into the original table), there's support for that.
See C-hf org-table-copy-region RET
It works much like the regular rectangle commands, so it's not a better interface for selecting the column; but the associated paste command is smart about what it does with the content.
I you are planning to use emacs rectangle command you avoid the use of registers by using the command copy-rectangle-as-kill bound C-xrM-w, execute the command after selecting a region this will copy the rectangle (see this for an example of how marking rectangles works). Then you can paste the copied retangle by doing C-xry.
The page org-mode hacks describes a way to copy columns using org-table formulas. You will need to name the table.
Here is an example of using table formulas to copy columns from another table
Suppose you have following table named FOO, it is necessary to name the table for referring it from table formulas.
| 0 | 2 | 1 |
| 1 | 3 | 2 |
| 2 | 4 | 3 |
You want to copy the columns 1 and 3 from table FOO to column 1 and 3 of the following table (lets call it B)
| | 5 | |
| | 6 | |
| | 7 | |
The following formula will do the trick, you will need to copy the formula below the table B and move cursor on the formula and do C-cC-c
#+TBLFM: $1=remote(FOO,###$1)::$2=remote(FOO,###$3)
The table B will be converted to the following
| 0 | 5 | 1 |
| 1 | 6 | 2 |
| 2 | 7 | 3 |
You can read about the syntax of the org table formulas here, basically $N refers to Nth column, #N refers to Nth row. ## and $# can be used instead of N to refer the row and column where the current value goes. remote(table-name, #N$N) refers to the Nth row and Nth column of the table table-name. :: concats multiple formulas.
I too had trouble using the standard rectangle operations. When moving to the next column, all of all of the rows between the point and the mark were highlighted. When I tried copying columns by formula as described above and in the org mode hacks, org threw errors if the column's values were non-numeric with more than one word.
But a good hint about cutting and pasting revealed that the problem is the initial direction of motion of the cursor. Moving first rightward to the next column, then down highlights the correct region. Standard rectangle operations then work correctly.
The "native" way in org mode is already covered in the answer by user2053036; I just wanted to add that in the simpler context, "to copy a column within a table": Let's say you have this table
| hello | world |
| is | good |
And want to repeat column 2 in column 3.
Place the cursor after the bottom right | of the table
Open a new column to the right using keys Alt-Shift-<right>
| hello | world | |
| is | good | |
Add the "row copy from" formula (for example by putting cursor to row 1 column 3 and typing =$1 C-c C-c; or just type the TBLFM below the table and jump to step 4)
| hello | world | hello |
| is | good | |
#+TBLFM: $3=$1
Place the cursor on the TBLFM and type C-c C-c
| hello | world | hello |
| is | good | is |
#+TBLFM: $3=$1
That will copy column 1 to column 3.

How to write custom eclipse formatter for a custom file type (text)

I'd like to write an eclipse formatter for a custom file type (text based). The goal is to format tabular text data like Fitnesse does, for example:
|column1 | column 2 |
When formatted would appear as:
| column1 | column 2 |
| 5 | 6 |
I don't think the code would be hard to write and I may be able to get the algorithm from fitnesse, but I don't know how to write the plugin for eclipse.

Typo3: remove Email attachment size limit

I have an contact form on the website with the possibility to add an attachment to the email. It's a normal form configured like this:
Position* | *Position=input
Name* | *Name=input
Vorname* | *Vorname=input
Firma | Firma=input
Strasse | Strasse=input
PLZ / Ort | PLZ_Ort=input
Land | Land=input
Telefon G | Telefon_G=input
Telefon P | Telefon_P=input
Mobile | Mobile=input
Email* | *Email=input
Website | Homepage=input
Ihre Nachricht | Ihre_Nachricht=textarea,,5
CV | attachment1=file, 4096000
| formtype_mail=submit
| html_enabled=hidden | 1
| subject=hidden | Kontaktformular Internet
The problem now is, that the files aren't attached to the email, if they are bigger than 2MB. The upload doesn't have a problem, if I add 2 or more attachments, which are smaller than 2 MB. Also the formmailMaxAttachmentSize shouldn't be the problem, because it's set to 25000000.
I've searched for solutions on the internet but didn't find anything that would help me solve this issue.
The version of TYPO3 is 4.4.2
Some operating systems (like Debian) come with a default upload size of 2 MB for PHP uploads.
Please check the configuration settings "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" in the php.ini of your webserver.
Do both contain a value greater than 2 MB? If not, please set the limits to a value greater than 2 MB. The example below sets the upload limit to 10 MB.
upload_max_filesize = 10M
post_max_size = 10M
When the problem came up it really was because of the php.ini file, but it also didn't work after I changed the limit to 20M, because of a simple problem. Every time when I tested the formular I was logged in, in the backend. I don't know why, but if you use the preview feature it seems, that the formular doesn't work. So I simple had to log off from the backend and then test it again.