how to insert error returned from copy command from .bat file into table - postgresql

cd C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v5\runtime
psql -h "Hostname" -p "5432" -U "user_name" -d "dbname" -c "\COPY (SELECT * FROM schema_name.table_name) TO "C:\ExportFromStaging\outputfile.csv" WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER TRUE, FORCE_QUOTE *, QUOTE '\"', ESCAPE '''',DELIMITER ';')
Expectation :
If any error occurs in copy command, I want to catch error rerturned from Database eighter in local variable or in table
Example batch file:
cd C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v5\runtime
psql -h "Hostname" -p "5432" -U "user_name" -d "dbname" -c "\COPY (SELECT * FROM schema_name.table_name) TO "C:\ExportFromStaging\outputfile.csv" WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER TRUE, FORCE_QUOTE *, QUOTE '\"', ESCAPE '''',DELIMITER ';')
if error
insert into error_log (error_message,error_time)

i don't know postgress but i can hazard a solution. From the psql manual:
psql returns 0 to the shell if it finished normally, 1 if a fatal
error of its own occurs (e.g. out of memory, file not found), 2 if the
connection to the server went bad and the session was not interactive,
and 3 if an error occurred in a script and the variable ON_ERROR_STOP
was set.
you can try:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem use double quote if there is space in filename.
cd "C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4\v5\runtime"
rem psql command.
psql -h "Hostname" -p "5432" -U "user_name" -d "dbname" -c "\COPY (SELECT * FROM schema_name.table_name) TO "C:\ExportFromStaging\outputfile.csv" WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER TRUE, FORCE_QUOTE *, QUOTE '\"', ESCAPE '''',DELIMITER ';')
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 set "result=psql fatal error."
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 set "result=psql connection to the server went bad."
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 set "result=psql error occurred in a script: '%ON_ERROR_STOP%'"
echo psql error: [!date! !time!] !result!
:: you can change "timestamp" with variable !date! !time!
:: pseudocode:
:: insert into error_log (error_message,error_time) values ("!result!","!date! !time!");
) else (
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 echo psql finished normally.


Can function get empty arguments?

My code
function foo
argparse -n foo 'u/user=' 'g/group=' 's/shell=' -- $argv
bar $_flag_u $_flag_g $_flag_s
function bar -a user group shell
echo $user
echo $group
echo $shell
foo $argv
Execute and Result
> fish -u user_name -g group_name -s shell_name
> fish -g group_name -s shell_name
> fish -u user_name -s shell_name
Expectation I want
> fish -u user_name -g group_name -s shell_name
> fish -g group_name -s shell_name
> fish -u user_name -s shell_name
Can I get the expectation?
If -u option is not used, my expectation is that $user in bar function is empty.
(it means that result of "echo $status" is 1 after "set -q user".)
If I have no choice, I'll do bellow:
function foo
argparse -n foo 'u/user=' 'g/group=' 's/shell=' -- $argv
set -q _flag_u; or set _flag_u ''
set -q _flag_g; or set _flag_g ''
set -q _flag_s; or set _flag_s ''
bar $_flag_u $_flag_g $_flag_s
function bar -a user group shell
if test -n $user
# do something
if test -n $group
# do something
if test -n $shell
# do something
foo $argv
Your issue is this:
function bar -a user group shell
This means bar calls its first argument "user", the second "group" and the third "shell".
When you then run
bar $u $g $s
fish expands the variables. If they are set, they'll expand to as many arguments as they have elements (in fish, all variables are lists!).
So you'll get $u into $user, $g into $group and $s into $shell.
However, if one isn't set (because the option wasn't given in the call to foo), then the variable will expand to nothing, so if e.g. --group wasn't given, this works like
bar $u $s
which will assign the contents of $u to $user and $s to $group - because it is the second argument that bar sees.
To inhibit this, either use set -q or double-quote the variable:
bar "$_flag_u" "$_flag_g" "$_flag_s"

Postgres comparing two databases

We running two database servers with around 10 databases and multiple schemas in it (production and test). Every night we restore some of the prod to the test. The backup we do with pg_dump and restore with pg_restore. Now the size of the production and the restored database differnces from a few kb up to 700mb.
Now I want to ensure that the restored data is the same as on the production. I already saw that this is usual to postgres but we have to proof this to our manager. What would be the easiest to proof that the database servers are the same after the restore?
Let me suggest you another approach. You can use pg_restore with single transaction. Quote from de docs:
--single-transaction Execute the restore as a single transaction (that is, wrap the emitted commands in BEGIN/COMMIT). This ensures that
either all the commands complete successfully, or no changes are
applied. This option implies --exit-on-error.
In this case you don't need to compare a COUNT on all tables from both sides just because if pg_restore returned 0 (zero) then everything went well.
just solved the provide our solution for the moment.
#change to the dir this script is located in (just to be sure)
cd "$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cat "" > $logfile
databases=$(psql -U postgres -t -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false")
for database in $databases; do
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> $logfile
echo $database >> $logfile
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo $database
if [ "$(psql -U $remoteUser -h $remoteHost -p $remotePort -tAc "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname='$database'" )" = '' ]
echo "Database '$database' does not exist on remote host! I quit now!" >> $logfile
exit 3
schemas=$(psql -U postgres -d $database -t -c "SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM information_schema.schemata
for schema in $schemas; do
echo --$schema >> $logfile
if [ "$(psql -U $remoteUser -h $remoteHost -p $remotePort -tAc "SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM information_schema.schemata
WHERE SCHEMA_NAME='$schema'" )" = '' ]
echo "Schema '$schema' does not exist on remote host! I quit now!" >> $logfile
exit 3
tables=$(psql -U postgres -d $database -t -c "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = '$schema'")
for table in $tables; do
if [ "$(psql -U $remoteUser -h $remoteHost -p $remotePort -tAc "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_name = '$table'" )" = '' ]
echo "table '$table' does not exist on remote host! I quit now!" >> $logfile
exit 3
orderField=$(psql -U postgres -d $database -t -c "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema = '$schema'
AND table_name = '$table' LIMIT 1")
#psql -U postgres -d $database -t -c "SELECT * FROM $table order by $orderField" > l.txt
#fetch same table data on remote instance
#psql -U $remoteUser -h $remoteHost -p $remotePort -d $database -t -c "SELECT * FROM $table order by $orderField" > r.txt
#if !(cmp --print-chars "l.txt" "r.txt")
lcl=$(psql -U postgres -d $database -t -c "SELECT * FROM $table order by $orderField")
rmt=$(psql -U $remoteUser -h $remoteHost -p $remotePort -d $database -t -c "SELECT * FROM $table order by $orderField")
if !("$lcl"="$rmt")
echo ---$table ✘ >> $logfile
exit 3
echo ---$table ✔ >> $logfile
rm l.txt r.txt
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> $logfile
echo comparsion finished, sir! >> $logfile
exit 0

Password set in batch file not taking last character

I have a batch file that accept input from the user for the password. It does not take the last character for some reason and I cannot figure it out.
powershell -Command $pword = read-host "Enter password " -AsSecureString ; $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword) ; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) > .tmp.txt & set /p password=<.tmp.txt & del .tmp.txt
echo psexec \\%computerName% -u %domainName%\%userName% -p %password% cmd
I know it is not the powershell command because I tested it with set /p password="Enter password: " and still fails to echo the last character.
As per my comment, here are the if statements I used:
set /P domainName=
set params = %*:"=""?!
if "%domainName%" == "1" (
set "domainName=domain1"
goto nextstep
if "%domainName%" == "2" (
set "domainName=domain2"
goto nextstep
if "%domainName%" == "3" (
set "domainName=domain3"
goto nextstep
) else (
goto resetfile
My problem is that for 2 of the 3 domains, psexec runs. For domain1, it does not run. I echoed out the command, and it prints perfectly. When I remove echo from the command, it skips all of that and restarts the file.
nextstep is:
set /p userName="Enter your Admin username: "
powershell -Command $pword = read-host "Enter password " -AsSecureString ; $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword) ; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) > .tmp.txt & set /p password=<.tmp.txt & del .tmp.txt
psexec \\%computerName% -u %domainName%\%userName% -p %password% cmd
set resetfile=
set /p resetfile="Do you want to restart this file? Press 'y' for Yes or 'n' for No then Press ENTER: "
if not '%resetfile%'=='' set resetfile=%resetfile:~0,1%
if '%resetfile%'=='y' goto start
The script does not even ask if I want to restart the script. It just loops back to :start, which is at the beginning of the script.
Please help, thank you!
Try first this with your password, to see if it's complete
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p password=
echo my password '!password!'
If this still fails there must be a non ascii character involved.
Then you should change the codepage with chcp.
Then you can use it with your code
psexec \\%computerName% -u %domainName%\%userName% -p !password! cmd

Powershell variable for cmd argument

I want to use a powershell variable for a cmd argument but I don't know how to make it.
function iptc($file)
$newcredit = correspondance($credit)
$cmd = '& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit=$newcredit $file.FullName'
Invoke-Expression $cmd
For example newcredit can be "James" but in my case when I run the command -Credit will only be "$newcredit".
Single quotes (' ') do not expand variable values in the string. You can address this by either using double quotes (" "):
$cmd = "& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit=$newcredit $file.FullName"
Or, by the method I most often use, by using string formatting:
$cmd = '& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit={0} {1}' -f $newcredit, $file.FullName
If either of the parameters has a space in it then the parameter will need to be surrounded by double quotes in the output. In that case I would definitely use string formatting:
$cmd = '& C:\exiftool\exiftool.exe -S -t -overwrite_original -Credit="{0}" "{1}"' -f $newcredit, $file.FullName

convert to powershell script

#echo off
:: Grabbing the users input of job number to create
SET /P JobNum="Enter Job Number: "
:: Creating the job number folder structure
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\DataPrep"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\DataPrep\Data"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\DataPrep\Data\Input"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\DataPrep\Data\Working"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\DataPrep\Programs"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\DataPrep\Docs"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\Prepress"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\Prepress\Working"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\Prepress\PNetImages"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\CSR"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\Production"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\Production\MailDocs"
MKDIR "\\server\jobs\%JobNum%\Production\Output"
Need this converted to PS script. Not sure about the PS commands and how they translate from a batch file.
Try something like this:
$JobNum = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Job Number: "
"\Production\Output") |
foreach-object { new-item -type directory -path "\server\jobs\$JobNum$_" }