The data for trend radar - trend

Good morning,
I am a student in HTW Berlin Germany. Now I am doing my thesis about Trend Radar. This radar shows the trend for the trendy technology in this moment time or indicates the new technology in the area of health some things like that. But I got stuck that where can I get the important explicific data ?
I have found some examples on the internet :,
But there are only the production of company
Google trend does not provide an api for the developers.
If you come up with an idea pls tell me
Thanks and stay healthy in this corona time


WhatsApp rejects all templates designed for business-initiated conversation using Business API

I am testing a feature of WhatsApp Business API using a test account. I want to integrate this functionality in my personal project. So far, I have tried submitting many different templates. But none of them were approved. Not just that, most of them were rejected with seconds by some AI I guess. They haven't provided any specific reason for it.
These are the templates I have submitted till now:
This template is for test purpose only!
(Transactional) Your package has been shipped. It will be delivered in 4 business days.
Dear {{1}},
Your request to change your ABCD username has been approved. You can access your account using your new username.
Contact ABCD customer support for any further assistance.
Dear Customer,
Welcome to ABCD Payment Gateway!
You’re now one among 50 lakh+ businesses that use ABCD to accept payments from their customers. Start your journey by visiting ABCD developer's documentation page.
We are eager to offer you support in integrating our payment gateway with your platform and to provide the best customer experience possible.
Why Awareness campaign on waste management is so important?
Waste management and disposal of waste is a serious issue that we are facing nowadays. If we are not aware of proper waste management, it leads to serious issues like air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. By doing small practices in our daily life we can make a huge difference. For that, we all have to practice the “3Rs” in our daily life.
The 3Rs – Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
Reduce- try to reduce the use of single-use products maximum especially plastic substances.
Reuse- always try to reuse day to life things. For example, carry kit when you are going for shopping.
Recycle- try maximum to recycle or reuse things other than disposing of.
Above all 3R’s will help us and our society for the proper disposal of waste management.
Hi there!
We are excited to invite you to join us for ABCD`s Biggest Education Fair to fulfil your dream to study MS.
Many program representatives from different universities and institutions will be present at the fair to provide you with the latest information on admission requirements and scholarships, as well as answer any questions you may have.
Date: February 25, 2023
Venue: XYZ
Please register by visiting our website.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best Wishes,
Does anyone know what is the problem with these templates?

CMS martial arts membership management or own?

While I found quite some interesting suggestions on this site (the typical WP vs. Joomla) I just couldn't find an answer that could help me get started.
I know this is close to some of the other CMS questions but I'm missing specificities that need answering.
I'm looking for a CMS that can provide me with the following key functionalities, either through minimal programming or additional plugin installations. I'm stating this because it won't be just me, who can program, but also other trainers who are not technically inclined that will handle the site (in the future).
The functionalities I'm looking for:
Schedule management of training
Trainees of the club must check-in before or after the training to proof attendance, thus site must be mobile friendly. This is more proof-of-concept since not everyone has/wants a smartphone.
Each trainee has his own profile that logs said attendance
Possibility to provide feedback on training. For example: give a thumbs up on the last training, give a "yellow card" if the trainee misbehaved, two/three/four and you're prohibited from training ones/twice/thrice.
The attendance allows the trainee to become eligible for the next exam
Schedule management of said exam
Yearly subscription reminders for the trainees and if under-aged required parent information
Management of trainee profiles and subscriptions
Is the above possible through a CMS or is it too specific and will I need to program this myself? Either is fine by me but I'd first like to find out if a CMS can offer this.
I've decided to Go for a custom solution using ReactJS.
There are very good open-source solutions for the admin part and the open/client part is fairly simple so React is perfect for what I want to achieve. Additionally, it also challenges to think differently since I never worked with ReactJS before.
With ReactJS I have a lot of freedom in how I implement the above scenarios while at the same time have a lot of support available online in cause of issues.

iPhone: Weather report APIs library

I am planning to add weather report for selected country->state->city, for daily, weekly, monthly averages. I have googled it and also went through couple of discussion on stackoverflow threads and I got confused! Could anyone please tell me if there is already Weather report APIs library available? What could be the best way to implement my requirements? I am just expecting overview so that I don't chose wrong path.
See WorldWeatherOnline.
I compiled a set of information about different weather APIs looking for a similar solution. My general consensus was the WorldWeatherOnline seemed to be the best bang for the buck (free) and seemed pretty feature rich.
UPDATE (12/18/2013): This response was from 2011, since that time some different providers have made updates. I tried to keep the link semi-up to date, but you'll want to take the list provided and do your own research.

Development team collaboration via Google Wave

I hope I am not repeating any previously asked question.
Anyway, so Google Wave is nice and shiny and sounds like a lot of folks(at least at Google I/O :) used it in a useful for work(!) way. I've been beta-testing Google Wave for sometime now, but can't quite grasp how to improve our workflow using it. We have a medium size team of developers that are spread out around US and Europe and naturally most of communication is happening via IM and Skype and email of course. So what are specific things that could be offloaded to Google Wave to improve collaboration by leaps and bounds(meaning not just replacing IM with nicer IM)?
I do not think Google Wave will ever replace "communication" tools, so you won't be able to offload much in terms of IM/Skype/email (and imho the ping feature in Google wave kinda sucks).
What's it's great for is collaboratively and concurrently editing content in the chaotic initial phase, be it documentation, emails, press releases or whatever. Then once documents are stable I find it's easier to manage them as Google docs, which can still be versioned but in a more mature environment.
Also, I think Wave would be great for concurrent programming, and I am hoping someone will put together a code-completion/syntax-highlighting extension for concurrent programming (would do it myself if I had time). it would change "pair programming forever", and at least that way the other wouldn't just sit there occasionally trying to grab your keyboard!
Unload the daily/hourly/whatever notifications about people pushing git updates, how many errors were found, etc onto Wave for people to monitor and respond to instead of making them filter all sorts of email notifications.
Hey, youll be happy to know is finishing up a Google Wave/App Engine + Eclipse Perspective team collaboration. it will let you post your code automatically into a created wave and syntax highlight it side by side with your current code.
be sure to check for updates
coming soon! :)
We're working on a desktop app here that leverages email communication to help teams succeed with projects. The app represents email communication in channels, as chats, and adds project related info so that all ownerships and requests could be tracked.
It is in "beta" but check it out, may be there is a fit for your team:

Best way for R&D company to get out of pure "D" mode?

I work for an R&D company in the energy business. We've developed some successful products, but now seem to be spending all our time fixing issues relating to those products. We don't seem to have any time to work on developing new products.
Does anyone have any good ideas on how to both handle problems arising with the existing products but still have the time and resources to develop new products as well?
If you have a successful product, and are staffed to handle either development OR maintenance then the solution seems to point at hiring. Perhaps bring in some new blood/fresh grads to "grow" them into the more mission critical side of the R&D company? Thus the new blood would gain experience on existing products (with guidance from the more senior staff) and grow into great devs for the R&D side!
I would suggest the best method is to have a group/person dedicated to new development. They should be available for questions, but... The only problem would probably be some jealousy, but a good manager should be able to figure out how to handle that.
Why do you need all manpower for the existing products?
Was the staff reduced after completion? - Hire new guys
Are the products -ahem- very defective? - Fix your process, and fix your bugs first (sorry)
Did you develop many products, with more and more time going into maintenance, and now no development is left? - Cancel support for old products, hire new guys, or make clients pay dearly for maintenance (i.e. let them cancel support)
Are you frantically adding new features to the products? - sorry, you are doing new stuff. New features need to be balanced
Does the comany require more "R"? Many R&D companies end up M&F - Maintenance and Features. Are the other guys happy? If so, maybe you need to look for a position better suited to you.
I am not sure about your position - are you doing inhouse development, or is your company selling the software? In any case, there must be some room for new development, to remain healthy. Make clear to your management that, if the job consists purely of maintenance, the best people will leave.
Don't expect to much, though - especially if you are on inhouse development. It is estimated that 80% of all positions are maintenance (I wish I could find a reference).
Have management come up with a list of fixes that need to be done.
Engineering assigns an estimate of hours for each fix.
Decide which fixes get in and which get pushed out. Some may be "fixed" in documentation (work-around, known issues, etc.)
If you can afford to, hire someone to handle support and maintenance to free up resources for research.
If you cannot, you need to reduce your marginal cost per customer. Keep track of all manual labor and support requests and prioritize new features that will reduce these to a minimum.
try Getting Things Done by David Allen
Be very careful of this. I've seen a few companies do this where the support of the active products (the ones making money) became secondary. The "Support" function is minimized because support income counts against you in an IPO situation.
The next thing you know, your company isn't making any money, the support staff that are trying to make a little are treated like crap (and fired when the money runs out), and the "New product" team isn't required to release anything (no customer demand) so they succumb to feature-creep and multi-year long release dates.
This leads to a refocus where 2/3 of the companies staff is cut and the remainder all work on support and a token few on the "Next generation" that's always around the corner--which works until the bank calls in the loan for the money you borrowed to hire the marketing people before you even had a "new" product to market.
It doesn't have to happen this way--just be careful.