Powershell: Write to a single Logfile - powershell

I have written a small function that writes into a single logfile for each server this module is installed, but somehow a few cycles to write the line are lost, sometime I get the error file already in use. I have tested this function on different version of Powershell, PS5.1, PS6, PS7.1 x86 and x64 all with the same result.
if (!(Test-Path -ErrorAction Stop -Path (Join-path -Path $ScriptLogPath -ChildPath "$FQDN.log"))) {
New-Item -Path $ScriptLogPath -Name "$FQDN.log" -Force -ItemType File -ErrorAction Stop
$CreatedNew = $false
$Global:MTX = New-Object -TypeName System.Threading.Mutex($true, 'Global\LogFileMutex', [ref]$CreatedNew)
try {
if (-not $CreatedNew) {
$Global:MTX.WaitOne(10000) | Out-Null
catch [System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException] {
if (!(Test-Path -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application\LogWriter')) {
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source LogWriter
Write-EventLog -LogName "Application" -Source "LogWriter" -EntryType Error -Message $_.Exception -EventId 1000
($Date + $InstanceId + $Severity + $ScriptLineNumber + $ScriptName + $Message) | Out-File -Append -FilePath (Join-path -Path $ScriptLogPath -ChildPath "$FQDN.log")
catch {
if (!(Test-Path -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Application\LogWriter')) {
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source LogWriter
Write-EventLog -LogName "Application" -Source "LogWriter" -EntryType Error -Message $_.Exception -EventId 1000
finally {
if ($Null -ne $Global:MTX) {
That is the block of code that will append the formatted string into the file.
So fare I have tried different approaches to handle the Mutex, made them globally and not. Used different approaches to append the string to the file, like Add-Content.
To try out the function I use this little script, it should write 150 lines, but end up with about 130 and no single error.
for ($num1 = 1 ; $num1 -le 5 ; $num1++) {
Start-Job {
for ($num = 1 ; $num -le 10 ; $num++) {
Write-Log -Severity 'INFO' -Message "Starting Job $num"
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
try {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (Get-Random -Maximum 10)
Write-Log -Severity 'INFO' -Message "Starting"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (Get-Random -Maximum 10)
Write-Log -Severity 'INFO' -Message "DONE"
catch {
New-Item -Path "C:\Users\User\Desktop" -Name (Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") -ItemType File

Since every server is writing to the same logfile, i dont think that you can override "error file already in use"
Iam thinking that maby you should think over the concept and run from a server where you are monitoring by invoke-commmand ?


Using Powershell to backup remote computers event logs

I'm very new to PowerShell and my end goal is to backup event logs on remote servers to a fileshare on the network. I was able to get my script working locally on a single server, backing up the servers event logs to a folder. Now, I'm trying to run this script from "server A" and backup event logs on "Server B" and "Server C". I was hoping I can accomplish this via simply creating a new ps session for each server and copy pasting my code. This of course wasn't the case. I'm guessing I might have to go through and add -Computer parameters to somethings?
I got the foundational code from this website
Was hoping a PS guru could point out my failures, here's my code:
$Servers = 'ServerB'
$ArchiveServer = 'ServerA' #For Testing
foreach ($Server in $Servers){
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $Server -Credential mycred
$RemoteArchive = "\\" + $ArchiveServer +"\c$\z-TestScript-lastname"
$LocalArchive = "C:\z-TestScript"
$ArchiveComp = "\$Server"
$ArchiveFolder = "\Archive-" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd") + "test14" ### Added test to get past testpath check
$RemoteLogFolder = "\\" + $Server + "\c$\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs"
$LogFolder = "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\*"
$RemoteCompressedPath = -join("$RemoteArchive","$ArchiveComp","$ArchiveFolder",".zip")
$CompressedPath = -join("$ArchiveLoc","$ArchiveComp","$ArchiveFolder",".zip")
$RemoteArchivePath = -join("$RemoteArchive","$ArchiveComp","$ArchiveFolder")
$ArchivePath = -join("$ArchiveLoc","$ArchiveComp","$ArchiveFolder")
$winlogs = 'application', 'security', 'system', 'setup', 'hardwareevents', 'internet explorer', 'key management service', 'oalerts', 'Parameters', 'oneapp_IGCC', 'windows powershell'
# Checking paths
If (!(Test-Path $RemoteArchive)) {
Write-Host "Archive folder $RemoteArchive does not exist, aborting ..." -ForegroundColor Red
If ((Test-Path $RemoteArchivePath)) {
Write-Host "Archive path $RemoteArchivePath exists, aborting ..." -ForegroundColor Red
If (!(Test-Path $RemoteArchivePath)) {
Write-Host "Creating Archive folder $RemoteArchivePath ..." -ForegroundColor Red
New-Item -Path $RemoteArchivePath -type directory -Force
# For all newer event logs, archive.
foreach ($winlog in $winlogs) {
# Configure environment
$sysName = $Server
$eventName = "$winlog Event Log Monitoring"
# Add event source to log if necessary
If (-NOT ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($eventName))) {
New-EventLog -ComputerName $Server -LogName $winlog -Source $eventName
# Check the log
if ( $winlog -ne 'Setup'){
$Log = Get-WmiObject Win32_NTEventLogFile | Where-Object {$_.logfilename -eq "$winlog"}
# Archive the log
$ArchiveFile = $ArchivePath + "\$winlog-" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd#HHmm") + ".evt"
$EventMessage = "The $winlog event log will now be backed up."
$Results = ($Log.BackupEventlog($ArchiveFile)).ReturnValue
If ($Results -eq 0) {
# Successful backup of the event log
$Results = ($Log.ClearEventlog()).ReturnValue
$EventMessage += "The $winlog event log was successfully archived to $ArchiveFile and cleared."
Write-Host $EventMessage
Write-EventLog -LogName $winlog -Source $eventName -EventId 11 -EntryType Information -Message $eventMessage -Category 0
Else {
$EventMessage += "The #winlog event log could not be archived to $ArchiveFile and was not cleared. Review and resolve security event log issues on $sysName ASAP!"
Write-Host $EventMessage
Write-EventLog -LogName $winlog -Source $eventName -EventId 11 -EntryType Error -Message $eventMessage -Category 0
# Close the log
# For older archives like setup, archive.
Else {
$Log = Get-winevent -Listlog Setup | select Logname, Logfilepath | ForEach-Object -Process {
$name = $_.Logname
$safename = $name.Replace("/","-")
$logpath = $_.Logfilepath
$path = $ArchivePath + "\Setup" + (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd#HHmm") + ".evt"
wevtutil.exe EPL $safename $path
Write-Host "Copying Setup log to: $path"
#Copy any windows archived logs over, then delete
Write-Host "Copying Archived Logs..."
Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFolder -Include Archive* -Recurse | Copy-Item -Destination $ArchivePath
Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFolder -Include Archive* -Recurse | Remove-Item
#Compress the folder
Write-Host "Compressing $ArchivePath and moving to $CompressedPath"
Compress-Archive -Path $ArchivePath -Destination $CompressedPath
Main errors I'm getting as it goes through the foreach loop for the winlogs, it seems to run it twice, once for remote pc and once for local.

How to restart process if it crashes using powershell?

I'm trying to run Core Keeper Dedicated Server, everything seems fine, but from time to time CoreKeeperServer.exe crashes. So main Powershell script what launches it not tracking is it crashed or not. How do i need to modify this script, so it constantly (every 1-5 seconds or so) monitored if process still running or not, and start it again if it is? Also i want to keep "press q to exit" functionality what already included in stock script.
Stock script:
# Feel free to change these (see README), but keep in mind that changes to this file might be overwritten on update
$CoreKeeperArguments = #("-batchmode", "-logfile", "CoreKeeperServerLog.txt") + $args
$script:ckpid = $null
function Quit-CoreKeeperServer {
if ($script:ckpid -ne $null) {
taskkill /pid $ckpid.Id
Wait-Process -InputObject $ckpid
Write-Host "Stopped CoreKeeperServer.exe"
try {
if (Test-Path -Path "GameID.txt") {
Remove-Item -Path "GameID.txt"
$script:ckpid = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath %0\..\CoreKeeperServer.exe -ArgumentList $CoreKeeperArguments
Write-Host "Started CoreKeeperServer.exe"
# Wait for GameID
while (!(Test-Path -Path "GameID.txt")) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Write-Host -NoNewline "Game ID: "
Get-Content "GameID.txt"
Write-Host "Press q to quit, DON'T close the window or the server process will just keep running"
While ($KeyInfo.VirtualKeyCode -eq $Null -or $KeyInfo.VirtualKeyCode -ne 81) {
$KeyInfo = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown")
finally {
Solved problem like this:
# Feel free to change these (see README), but keep in mind that changes to this file might be overwritten on update
$CoreKeeperArguments = #("-batchmode", "-logfile", "CoreKeeperServerLog.txt") + $args
$script:ckpid = $null
function Quit-CoreKeeperServer {
if ($script:ckpid -ne $null) {
taskkill /pid $ckpid.Id
Wait-Process -InputObject $ckpid
Write-Host "Stopped CoreKeeperServer.exe"
try {
if (Test-Path -Path "GameID.txt") {
Remove-Item -Path "GameID.txt"
$script:ckpid = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath %0\..\CoreKeeperServer.exe -ArgumentList $CoreKeeperArguments
Write-Host "Started CoreKeeperServer.exe"
# Wait for GameID
while (!(Test-Path -Path "GameID.txt")) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
Write-Host -NoNewline "Game ID: "
Get-Content "GameID.txt"
Write-Host "Server is runnig. Press CTRL + C to stop."
While ($true) {
if (-not (Get-Process -Id $ckpid.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Host “Server is died restarting...”
$script:ckpid = Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath %0\..\CoreKeeperServer.exe -ArgumentList $CoreKeeperArguments
Write-Host "Started CoreKeeperServer.exe"
Write-Host -NoNewline "Game ID: "
Get-Content "GameID.txt"
Write-Host "Server is runnig. Press CTRL + C to stop."
sleep 1
finally {

Using PowerShell to detect and remove certain type of software

I wish to modify the below script that used to be working, but now it is not working.
The purpose of this script is to uninstall and remove all Microsoft Office 2010, 2013, 2016 any version (Standard or Professional) 32 and 64 bit.
Write it to the log file when failed.
This is the script below that I've tried to modify but not working:
$AppDisplayName = 'Office'
$global:uninstallLog = Join-Path $TARGETDIR uninst.log
$WhatIfPreference = $true
$global:ShouldProcess = $false
$savedVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
$VerbosePreference = $savedVerbosePreference
$WhatIfPreference = $false
function Write-Log {
Param (
$Color = 'Green',
[string]$logfile = $global:uninstallLog
Process {
$msg = '[{0:dd\MM\yyy HH:mm}{1}' -f [datetime]::Now, $Message
if($logfile){$msg | Out-File $logfile -Encoding ascii}
$msg | Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Color
function Get-UninstallInfo {
Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |
Get-ItemProperty |
Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match $AppDisplayName}
New-Item $TARGETDIR -ItemType Directory -Force
Get-UninstallInfo |
Write-Verbose "Processing $($_.DisplayName)"
Try {
if ($_.DisplayName -match '365') {
Write-Log "$($ENV:COMPUTERNAME) is already using O365 , no need to uninstall"
} else {
if($_.UninstallString -match '{(.*)}'){
$productCode = $matches[1]
Write-Log "Non Office 365 Detected - $productcode - Querying Uninstall command"
$arglist = '/x', $productCode, '/qn', '/norestart', '/L*v', $uninstallLog
Write-Verbose "ProductCode is set to $productCode"
Write-Log "Uninstall command detected as $($_.UninstallString) Attempting silent uninstall"
Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $arglist -Wait -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction Stop
} else {
Write-Verbose '"$ShouldProcess" is set to "$false"'
} else {
Write-Log 'Product code not found' -Color Red
Catch {
Write-Log "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color Red
This is the error log:
The "=" operator is missing after a named argument.
At line:7 char:29
Missing function body in function declaration.
At line:17 char:2
Missing function body in function declaration.
At line:23 char:2

Find old computers in AD is not accurate?

Playing around with the Get-EventLog command. The first 3 commands work as expected.
Get-EventLog Application -Newest 1000 | Select Message
Get-EventLog System -Newest 1000 | Select Message
Get-EventLog Security -Newest 1000 | Select Message
But this does not work
Get-EventLog Setup -Newest 1000 | Select Message
and this does not work
Get-EventLog setup
How come? There are WSUS errors in the Setup that we'd like to capture.
Sorry this is a bit long but I'm kind of fond of try/catch statements and over-communication.
#requires -Version 2.0
function RemoteEventLog([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$LogName, $MaxEvents,[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$computers, $LogPath)
Gather remote event logs by log name by computer names.
Specifiy a log name to narrow down the search. Provide as many computernames as needed.
.PARAMETER maxevents
-maxevents is all about how many events.
.PARAMETER computers
The array or list of comma separated computer names to run the script through.
-LogPath will let you decide the parent folder of the location to store the logs by computer name.
RemoteEventLog -logname Application -maxevents 1000 -computers ('host1','host2','host3')
This will loop through the computers and bring back the log for each computer.
$computers = $computers -split (',')
$testLogPath = Test-Path $LogPath
"Error was $_"
$line0 = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
"Error was in Line $line0"
New-Item -Path $LogPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction:Stop
"Error was $_"
$line1 = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
"Error was in Line $line1"
foreach($computer in $computers)
$log = Get-WinEvent -LogName $logName -MaxEvents $maxevents -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction:Stop
"Error was $_"
$line2 = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
"Error was in Line $line2"
New-Item -Path $LogPath -Name ("$computer.evt") -Value $log -Force
$log | Out-File -FilePath $LogPath
"Error was $_"
$line3 = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
('Error was in Line {0}' -f $line3)
RemoteEventLog -logname Application -MaxEvents 100 -computers 'localhost,computer2,computer3' -LogPath D:\Desktop\logs

During Foreach read another foreach in powershell

Hi all powershell gurus out there.
I have a foreach which opens a URL from URLListl.txt and doing a Measure-command on them. The result from Measure-command writes to event-log.
In another text file i have country list, like:
and so on....
I want in write eventlogs Message to read from this Text file and write it with the Measure-command result in Message part of the eventlog.
The below is my script which works fine but it creates two entries for each URL.
$URLListFile = "C:\yourname\URLList.txt"
$URLList = Get-Content $URLListFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Foreach ($Uri in $URLList)
$Time = Measure-Command {
$countrycode = (Get-Content c:\yourname\URLListcountry.txt)
foreach ($SiteCode in $CountryCode)
$LogFileExist = Get-EventLog -list | Where-Object { $_.LogDisplayName -eq "Scriptcheck" }
if (! $LogFileExist)
New-EventLog -LogName "Scriptcheck" -Source "Scripts"
if ($Time.Totalseconds -lt 25)
Write-EventLog -LogName "Scriptcheck" -Source "Scripts" -EntryType information -EventId 100 -Message " $SiteCode `nTotal Time: $Time"
elseif ($Time.Totalseconds -gt 25)
Write-EventLog -LogName "Scriptcheck" -Source "Scripts" -EntryType warning -EventId 101 -Message " $SiteCode `nTotal Time: $Time"
if (Get-Process -name iexplore -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Stop-Process -Name iexplore