Scala WithColumn only if both columns exists - scala

I have seen some variations of this question asked but havent found exactly what Im looking for. Here is the question:
I have some report names that I have collected in a dataframe and pivoted. The trouble I am having is regarding the resilience of the report_name. I cant be assured that every 90 days data will be present and that Rpt1, Rpt2, and Rpt3 will be there. So how do I go about creating a calculation ONLY if the column is present. I have outlined how my code looks right now. It works if all columns are there, but Id like to future proof it to ensure that if the report is not present in the 90 day window the pipline will not error out, but instead just skip the .withColumn addition
Result would be the following columns uniqueid Rpt1, Rpt2, Rpt3
* +---+-----+------+----------+
* |id |Rpt1 |Rpt2 |Rpt3 |
* +---+-----+------+----------+
* |205|72 |36 | 12 |

You can catch the error with a Try monad and return the original dataframe if withColumn fails.
import scala.util.Try
val df2 = Try(df1.withColumn("new_calc", expr("Rpt2/Rpt3")))
You can also define it as a method if you want to reuse:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
def withColumnIfExist(df: DataFrame, colName: String, col: Column) =
val df3 = withColumnIfExist(df1, "new_calc", expr("Rpt2/Rpt3"))
And if you need to chain multiple transformation you can use it with transform:
val df4 = df1.alias("d1")
.transform(withColumnIfExist(_, "new_calc", expr("Rpt2/Rpt3")))
.transform(withColumnIfExist(_, "new_calc_2", expr("Rpt1/Rpt2")))
Or you can implement it as an extension method with implicit class:
implicit class RichDataFrame(df: DataFrame) {
def withColumnIfExist(colName: String, col: Column): DataFrame =
Try(df.withColumn("new_calc", expr("Rpt2/Rpt3"))).getOrElse(df)
val df5 = df1.alias("d1")
.withColumnIfExist("new_calc", expr("Rpt2/Rpt3"))
.withColumnIfExist("new_calc_2", expr("Rpt1/Rpt2"))
Since withColumn works with all datasets, and if you want withColumnIfExist to work generically for all datasets including dataframe:
implicit class RichDataset[A](ds: Dataset[A]) {
def withColumnIfExist(colName: String, col: Column): DataFrame =
Try(ds.withColumn("new_calc", expr("Rpt2/Rpt3"))).getOrElse(ds.toDF)


Write transformation in typesafe way

How do I write the below code in typesafe manner in spark scala with Dataset Api:
val schema: StructType = Encoders.product[CaseClass].schema
//read json from a file
val readAsDataSet"mode",mode).schema(schema).json(path)as[CaseClass]
//below code needs to be written in type safe way:
val someDF= readAsDataSet.withColumn("col1",explode(col("col_to_be_exploded")))
.as("date"), col("col1"))
As someone in the comments said, you can create a Dataset[CaseClass] and do your operations on there. Let's set it up:
import spark.implicits._
case class MyTest (timestamp: Long, col_explode: Seq[String])
val df = Seq(
MyTest(1673850366000L, Seq("some", "strings", "here")),
MyTest(1271850365998L, Seq("pasta", "with", "cream")),
MyTest(611850366000L, Seq("tasty", "food"))
).toDF("timestamp", "col_explode").as[MyTest]
|timestamp |col_explode |
|1673850366000|[some, strings, here]|
|1271850365998|[pasta, with, cream] |
|611850366000 |[tasty, food] |
Typically, you can do many operations with the map function and the Scala language.
A map function returns the same amount of elements as the input has. The explode function that you're using, however, does not return the same amount of elements. You can implement this behaviour using the flatMap function.
So, using the Scala language and the flatMap function together, you can do something like this:
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.ZoneOffset
case class Exploded (datetime: String, exploded: String)
val output = df.flatMap{ case MyTest(timestamp, col_explode) => value => {
val date = LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(timestamp/1000, 0, ZoneOffset.UTC).toString
Exploded(date, value)
|datetime |exploded|
|2023-01-16T06:26:06|some |
|2023-01-16T06:26:06|strings |
|2023-01-16T06:26:06|here |
|2010-04-21T11:46:05|pasta |
|2010-04-21T11:46:05|with |
|2010-04-21T11:46:05|cream |
|1989-05-22T14:26:06|tasty |
|1989-05-22T14:26:06|food |
As you see, we've created a second case class called Exploded which we use to type our output dataset. Our output dataset has the following type: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Exploded] so everything is completely type safe.

Create Spark UDF of a function that depends on other resources

I have a code for tokenizing a string.
But that tokenization method uses some data which is loaded when my application starts.
val stopwords = getStopwords();
val tokens = tokenize("hello i am good",stopwords)
def tokenize(string:String,stopwords: List[String]) : List[String] = {
val splitted = string.split(" ")
// I use this stopwords for filtering my splitted array.
// Then i return the items back.
Now I want to make the tokenize method an UDF for Spark.I want to use it to create new column in DataFrame Transformations.
I created simple UDFs before which had no dependencies like it needs items that needs to be read from text file etc.
Can some one tell me how to do these kind of operation?
This is what I have tried ,and its working.
val moviesDF = Seq(
val tokenizeUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf(tokenize(_: String): List[String])
moviesDF.withColumn("tokenized", tokenizeUDF(col("column_name"))).show(100, false)
def tokenize(name: String): List[String] = {
val wordFreqMap: Map[String, Double] = DataProviderUtil.getWordFreqMap()
val stopWords: Set[String] = DataProviderUtil.getStopWordSet()
val maxLengthWord: Int = wordFreqMap.keys.maxBy(_.length).length
Its giving me the expected output:
|columnname |tokenized |
|kingdomofheaven |[kingdom, heaven] |
|enemyatthegates |[enemi, gate] |
|salesinfointheyearofdecember|[sale, info, year, decemb]|
Now my question is , will it work when its deployed ? Currently I am
running it locally. My main concern it that this function reads from a
file to get information like stopwords,wordfreq etc for making the
tokenization possible. So registering it like this will work properly
At this point, if you deploy this code Spark will try to serialize your DataProviderUtil, you would need to mark as serializable that class. Another possibility is to declare you logic inside an Object. Functions inside objects are considered static functions and they are not serialized.

Spark : Parse a Date / Timestamps with different Formats (MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm, MM/dd/yy H:mm ) in same column of a Dataframe

The problem is: I have a dataset where a column having 2 or more types of date format.
In general I select all values as String type and then use the to_date to parse the date.
But I don't know how do I parse a column having two or more types of date formats.
val DF= Seq(("02-04-2020 08:02"),("03-04-2020 10:02"),("04-04-2020 09:00"),("04/13/19 9:12"),("04/14/19 2:13"),("04/15/19 10:14"), ("04/16/19 5:15")).toDF("DOB")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{to_date, to_timestamp}
val DOBDF = DF.withColumn("Date", to_date($"DOB", "MM/dd/yyyy"))
Output from the above command:
The code above I have written is not working for the format MM/dd/yyyy and the format which did not provided for that I am getting the null as a output.
So seeking the help to parse the file with different date formats.
If possible kindly also share some tutorial or notes to the deal with the date formats.
Please note: I am using Scala for the spark framework.
Thanks in advance.
Check EDIT section to use Column functions instead of UDF for performance benefits in later part of this solution --
Well, Let's do it try-catch way.. Try a column conversion against each format and keep the success value.
You may have to provide all possible format from outside as parameter or keep a master list of all possible formats somewhere in code itself..
Here is the possible solution.. ( Instead of SimpleDateFormatter which sometimes have issues on timestamps beyond milliseconds, I use new library - java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter)
Create a to_timestamp Function, which accepts string to convert to timestamp and all possible Formats
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.LocalTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import scala.util.Try
def toTimestamp(date: String, tsformats: Seq[String]): Option[java.sql.Timestamp] = {
val out = (for (tsft <- tsformats) yield {
val formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
if (Try(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.parse(date, formatter))).isSuccess)
Option(java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.parse(date, formatter)))
else None
if (out.isEmpty) None else out.head
Create a UDF on top of it - ( this udf takes Seq of Format strings as parameter)
def UtoTimestamp(tsformats: Seq[String]) = org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf((date: String) => toTimestamp(date, tsformats))
And now, simply use it in your spark code.. Here's the test with your Data -
val DF = Seq(("02-04-2020 08:02"), ("03-04-2020 10:02"), ("04-04-2020 09:00"), ("04/13/19 9:12"), ("04/14/19 2:13"), ("04/15/19 10:14"), ("04/16/19 5:15")).toDF("DOB")
val tsformats = Seq("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm", "MM/dd/yy H:mm")'DOB)).show
And here is the output -
|2020-02-04 08:02:00|
|2020-03-04 10:02:00|
|2020-04-04 09:00:00|
|2019-04-13 09:12:00|
|2019-04-14 02:13:00|
|2019-04-15 10:14:00|
|2019-04-16 05:15:00|
Cherry on top would be to avoid having to write UtoTimestamp(colname) for many columns in your dataframe.
Let's write a function which accepts a Dataframe, List of all Timestamp columns, And all possible formats which your source data may have coded timestamps in..
It'd parse all timestamp columns for you with trying against formats..
def WithTimestampParsed(df: DataFrame, tsCols: Seq[String], tsformats: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
val colSelector = {
c =>
if (tsCols.contains(c)) UtoTimestamp(tsformats)(col(c)) alias (c)
else col(c)
Use it like this -
// You can pass as many column names in a sequence to be parsed
WithTimestampParsed(DF, Seq("DOB"), tsformats).show
Output -
| DOB|
|2020-02-04 08:02:00|
|2020-03-04 10:02:00|
|2020-04-04 09:00:00|
|2019-04-13 09:12:00|
|2019-04-14 02:13:00|
|2019-04-15 10:14:00|
|2019-04-16 05:15:00|
I saw latest spark code, and they are also using java.time._ utils now to parse dates and timestamps which enable handling beyond Milliseconds.. Earlier these functions were based on SimpleDateFormat ( I wasn't relying on to_timestamps of spark earlier due to this limit) .
So with to_date & to_timestamp functions being so reliable now.. Let's use them instead of having to write a UDF.. Let's write a function which operates on Columns.
def to_timestamp_simple(col: org.apache.spark.sql.Column, formats: Seq[String]): org.apache.spark.sql.Column = {
coalesce( => to_timestamp(col, fmt)): _*)
and with this WithTimestampParsedwould look like -
def WithTimestampParsedSimple(df: DataFrame, tsCols: Seq[String], tsformats: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
val colSelector = {
c =>
if (tsCols.contains(c)) to_timestamp_simple(col(c), tsformats) alias (c)
else col(c)
} _*)
And use it like -'DOB,tsformats)).show
WithTimestampParsedSimple(DF, Seq("DOB"), tsformats).show
Output looks like -
|coalesce(to_timestamp(`DOB`, 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm'), to_timestamp(`DOB`, 'MM/dd/yy H:mm'))|
| 2020-02-04 08:02:00|
| 2020-03-04 10:02:00|
| 2020-04-04 09:00:00|
| 2019-04-13 09:12:00|
| 2019-04-14 02:13:00|
| 2019-04-15 10:14:00|
| 2019-04-16 05:15:00|
| DOB|
|2020-02-04 08:02:00|
|2020-03-04 10:02:00|
|2020-04-04 09:00:00|
|2019-04-13 09:12:00|
|2019-04-14 02:13:00|
|2019-04-15 10:14:00|
|2019-04-16 05:15:00|
I put some code that maybe can help you in some way.
I tried this
mport org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import java.sql.Date
import java.util.{GregorianCalendar}
object DateFormats {
val spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "4") //Change to a more reasonable default number of partitions for our data
.config("", "Multiline") // To silence Metrics warning
val sc = spark.sparkContext
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
try {
import spark.implicits._
val DF = Seq(("02-04-2020 08:02"),("03-04-2020 10:02"),("04-04-2020 09:00"),("04/13/19 9:12"),("04/14/19 2:13"),("04/15/19 10:14"), ("04/16/19 5:15")).toDF("DOB")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{to_date, to_timestamp}
val DOBDF = DF.withColumn("Date", to_date($"DOB", "MM/dd/yyyy"))
// todo: my code below
.map(r =>{
if(r.toString.contains("-")) {
val dat = r.toString.substring(1,11).split("-")
val calendar = new GregorianCalendar(dat(2).toInt,dat(1).toInt - 1,dat(0).toInt)
(r.toString, new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis))
} else {
val dat = r.toString.substring(1,9).split("/")
val calendar = new GregorianCalendar(dat(2).toInt + 2000,dat(0).toInt - 1,dat(1).toInt)
(r.toString, new Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis))
// To have the opportunity to view the web console of Spark: http://localhost:4040/
println("Type whatever to the console to exit......")
} finally {
println("SparkContext stopped.")
println("SparkSession stopped.")
|[02-04-2020 08:02]|2020-04-02|
|[03-04-2020 10:02]|2020-04-03|
|[04-04-2020 09:00]|2020-04-04|
| [04/13/19 9:12]|2019-04-13|
| [04/14/19 2:13]|2019-04-14|
| [04/15/19 10:14]|2019-04-15|
| [04/16/19 5:15]|2019-04-16|
We can use coalesce function as mentioned in the accepted answer. On each format mismatch, to_date returns null, which makes coalesce to move to the next format in the list.
But with to_date, if you have issues in parsing the correct year component in the date in yy format (In the date 7-Apr-50, if you want 50 to be parsed as 1950 or 2050), refer to this stackoverflow post
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.coalesce
// Reference:
val parsedDateCol: Column = coalesce(
// Four letters of M looks for full name of the Month
to_date(col("original_date"), "MMMM, yyyy"),
to_date(col("original_date"), "dd-MMM-yy"),
to_date(col("original_date"), "yyyy-MM-dd"),
to_date(col("original_date"), "d-MMM-yy")
// I have used some dummy dataframe name."parsed_date")

Passing struct type to methods or UDFS in spark sql dataframes

I have two dataframes and I have joined them and after joining in the joined dataframe , i have got two columns which are of type struct. Basically they are of Array[[String,Int]]. I need to derive a third column based on the elements of this struct type.
My code looks like below.
val bdf = Seq(
val gbdf = bdf.withColumn("bmergedcol",struct(bdf("monthdel"),bdf("open_quant"))).groupBy("contract_number","linenumber").agg(collect_list("bmergedcol"))
val pl = Seq(
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val gpl = pl.withColumn("mergedcol",struct(pl("type"),pl("qnt"))).groupBy("connum","linnum").agg(collect_list("mergedcol"))
val jdf = gbdf.join(gpl,expr("((contract_number = connum) AND (linenumber = linnum ))"),"left_outer")
My output of jdf is like
I need to understand how can i pass the two struct type fields to some method and derive a third one from it?
Both array of structs should enter your UDF as Seq[Row], which you can then map into tuples by specifing the types of the structs (i think its string,int in your case). In this example I use pattern-matching on Row, but there are also other ways to do it (e.g. using Row#.getAs):
val myUDF = udf((arr1:Seq[Row],arr2:Seq[Row]) => {
// convert to tuples
val arr1Tup: Seq[(String, Int)] ={case Row(s:String,i:Int) => (s,i)}
val arr2Tup: Seq[(String, Int)] ={case Row(s:String,i:Int) => (s,i)}
// now do derive new quantities
Using the 2 Sequences of Tuples you can derive your new column
User-Defined Functions (aka UDF) is a feature of Spark SQL to define new Column-based functions transforming Datasets. An UDF could be used to pass the two struct type fields to derive a result.
val customUdf = udf((col1: Seq[Row], col2: Int) => {
// This is an example.
col1(1).getAs[String]("type") + "--" + col2
val cdf = jdf.withColumn("custom", customUdf(jdf.col("collect_list(mergedcol)"), jdf.col("linnum")))
In above udf col1 is Seq[Row] as it an array of struct type, If only struct type has to be accessed than simply Row should be used.

How to correctly handle Option in Spark/Scala?

I have a method, createDataFrame, which returns an Option[DataFrame]. I then want to 'get' the DataFrame and use it in later code. I'm getting a type mismatch that I can't fix:
val df2: DataFrame = createDataFrame("filename.txt") match {
case Some(df) => { //proceed with pipeline
df.filter($"activityLabel" > 0)
case None => println("could not create dataframe")
val Array(trainData, testData) = df2.randomSplit(Array(0.5,0.5),seed = 12345)
I need df2 to be of type: DataFrame otherwise later code won't recognise df2 as a DataFrame e.g. val Array(trainData, testData) = df2.randomSplit(Array(0.5,0.5),seed = 12345)
However, the case None statement is not of type DataFrame, it returns Unit, so won't compile. But if I don't declare the type of df2 the later code won't compile as it is not recognised as a DataFrame. If someone can suggest a fix that would be helpful - been going round in circles with this for some time. Thanks
What you need is a map. If you map over an Option[T] you are doing something like: "if it's None I'm doing nothing, otherwise I transform the content of the Option in something else. In your case this content is the dataframe itself. So inside this function you can put all your dataframe transformation and just in the end do the pattern matching you did, where you may print something if you have a None.
val df2: DataFrame = createDataFrame("filename.txt").map(df=>{
val filteredDF=df.filter($"activityLabel" > 0)
val Array(trainData, testData) = filteredDF.randomSplit(Array(0.5,0.5),seed = 12345)})