Eclipse Cucumber intelligence failed to show undefined step definition warning - eclipse

Eclipse Cucumber failed to show the warning for undefined step definitions
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Eclipse Cucumber failed to show the warning for undefined step definitions
What do you expect to happen? This is normal behavior. The Cucumber library doesn't run in the background to warn you that a test step in a feature file doesn't have the required step definition. Think about what you are asking. If the plugin did that during development, how often will it warn you? You can also have dozens of steps not fully implemented. Instead, the plugin depends on the developer to do his or her job and not create test steps that are not fully implemented. After all, you should not be pushing feature files that have not been validated with at least one successful run. So... what's the harm in giving you the warning when it is trying to execute the step?


How to skip dependent feature file when parent feature file fails in protractor cucumber

I have 5 test scenarios in my 5 different feature files.
TC-3&TC-4 are dependent test cases when test scenario TC-3 failed automatically TC-4 should skip and TC-5 should execute how we can achieve this in cucumber any suggestions
Thanks in advance.
I never worked with cucumber closely, but I found out it's not possible in jasmine and pytest. So I assume this is how all test frameworks work.
The problem is that both of these^ build a queue of tests to execute before the browser started. And you can't modify it based on a runtime results.
see this answer for jasmine, and see if you can apply this approach to cucumber Nested it in Protractor/Jasmine

Why am I getting this DataStage job compilation errors?

I am getting the following error along with a lot of others when trying to compile jobs on DataStage 11.7:
Error when checking composite operator: Subprocess command failed with exit status 256
I did an internet search of all possible solutions. Could not look at dsxchange as the site is down. Looked at all compiler options and they look the same as other projects with successful compilation.
IBM has a solution but it did not work for me:
Any ideas?
There are 165 hits on DSXchange (it is not down).
Can you please verify your operating system and the values of the four environment variables that control your compiler and linker (APT_COMPILER, APT_COMPILEOPT, APT_LINKER and APT_LINKEROPT)? Please also verify the exact version of DataStage that you are running and the exact version of the compiler.
As noted in the Knowledge Center article, this error usually relates to the compiler being incompatible, the incorrect version, or having incorrect options.

How to activate "treat warning as error" for specific build definitions?

I would like to make my main branch TFS build definitions to treat warnings as errors so that the build fails when the projects are not error free. Since I do not want to activate "treat error as warning" in all project as a default, my first idea was to add a powershell script to my main build definition that substitues false with true in the line <TreatWarningsAsErrors>...</TreatWarningsAsErrors> in all csproj files it finds (something along the line of this). Is there any better/straighter way via some option as part of the build definition settings?
In the build definition specify /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=True in the MSBuild argument field.
This will override any setting from the csproj files.
Unfortunately, there is no this kind of settings as part of the build definition.
However, you could be able to return warnings and errors from your powershell script using logging commands. With using task.logissue type=error you could fail the build task and then fail the build.
More details you could take a look at this similar question: Is it possible to raise and display build warnings from build steps using TFS 2015

Build a VS2003 project from the command line without outputting warnings

Anyone know if it's possible to build a VS2003 project from the command line without showing any warnings? We've got a heap of VS2003 projects that get built by TSFBuild as part of our platform build and the warnings are just noise in the build log file.
I have looked at the parameters by running /help and nothing there seems relevant. VS2010 has a build output verbosity setting but I couldn't find one for VS2003. I am also looking to see if it can be configured through the project file.
Seems like you're building your projects using MSBuild. If so, you can try suppress the warnings by setting the WarningLevel property as suggested here. Or you can choose the console logger to not show the warning and error summary, then output them to seperate files as provided here:
NoSummary: Hides the error and warning summary displayed at the end
of a build.
You can use up to ten file loggers by
following the parameter with a digit
identifying the logger. For example,
to generate separate log files for
warnings and errors, use -

Headless build in Eclipse: how to retrieve result value

I'm trying to use Eclipse CDT's headlessbuild feature for integrating Eclipse with TeamCity. I use a command line call to build my projects as descriped in this question. If there is a compilation error, a message box pops up saying "Java was started but returned exit code=1". I'd rather not have this message but get the return code so I can process it further in my script. Is there any way to do this?
You can suppress the popup and redirect output to be included with your script:
Add "--launcher.suppressErrors" to your command line arguments for eclipse
The error needs to be tracked down in the GUI from what I can tell, because the headless mode doesn't support very good error reporting from sub-tasks yet.
From there I used output from the GUI-based build to narrow down why my project failed to build.