Arrange custom views in SwiftUI without space or overlap - swift

I'm trying to build a UI (SwiftUI / iOS) out of a number of custom views.
All those custom views have a defined aspect ratio or ratio for their frame.
Here's a simplified version of such a custom view:
struct TestView: View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
.frame(height: geometry.size.width / 3)
My ContentView currently looks like that:
struct TestContentView: View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader {geomerty in
VStack {
I would like to have the two rectangles to be positioned right below each other (at the top of the screen). So without any space between them. So a bit like an old-fashioned UITableView with only to rows.
But whatever I try, I only get one of two results:
They are equally spread out over the screen (vertically)
They overlap (= the view on the top only gets a vertical size of 20
The only solution I've found so far is to define the frame size of the sub-views also in the TestContentView(). But that seems to be quite un-SwiftUI.

Remove the GeometryReader from your content view, since it isn't doing anything
You said that your TestView has a defined aspect ratio, but, in fact, it doesn't -- it just has a defined width. If you do define an aspect ratio, it starts working as expected:
struct TestView: View {
var body: some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
.aspectRatio(3, contentMode: .fit)
struct TestContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0) {


Why won't a nested scrollview respond to scrolls in swiftUI?

I'm building an SwiftUI app with a dropdown menu with a vertical ScrollView within another vertical ScrollView. However, the dropdown menu one (the nested one) won't scroll. I would like to give it priority somehow. It seems like a simple problem, but I have scoured the internet but cannot find an adequate solution. Here is the basic code for the problem (the code is cleaner in the app but copy and pasting particular snippets did not work very well):
(other stuff)
(other stuff)
struct DropdownSelector(){
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
ForEach(self.options, id: \.self) { option in
(do things with the option)
Creating nested ScrollViews in the first place is probably a bad idea. Nonetheless, there is a solution.
Because with ScrollView it scrolls as much as the content height, this is a problem when they are nested. This is because the inner ScrollView isn't limited in height (because the outer ScrollView height just changes), so it acts as if it wasn't there at all.
Here is a minimal example demonstrating the problem, just for comparison:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack {
Text("Top view")
Text("Bottom view")
struct DropdownSelector: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 0) {
ForEach(0 ..< 10) { i in
Text("Item: \(i)")
To fix it, limit the height of the inner scroll view. Add this after DropdownSelector():
.frame(height: 100)

How to use GeometryReader within a LazyVGrid

I'm building a grid with cards which have an image view at the top and some text at the bottom. Here is the swift UI code for the component:
struct Main: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: .init(repeating: .init(.flexible()), count: 2)) {
ForEach(0..<6) { _ in
ZStack {
VStack {
.frame(minHeight: 72)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
}.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))
}.frame(width: 400, height: 600)
This component outputs the following layout:
This Looks great, but I want to add a Geometry reader into the Card component in order to scale the top image view according to the width of the enclosing grid column. As far as I know, that code should look like the following:
struct Main: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: .init(repeating: .init(.flexible()), count: 2)) {
ForEach(0..<6) { _ in
ZStack {
VStack {
GeometryReader { geometry in
.frame(minHeight: 72)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
}.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))
}.frame(width: 400, height: 600)
The trouble is that this renders as the following:
As you can see, I'm not even trying to use the GeometryReader, I've just added it. If I add the geometry reader at the top level, It will render the grid correctly, however this is not of great use to me because I plan to abstract the components into other View conforming structs. Additionally, GeometryReader seems to be contextually useful, and it wouldn't make sense to do a bunch of math to cut the width value in half and then make my calculations from there considering the geometry would be from the top level (full width).
Am I using geometry reader incorrectly? My understanding is that it can be used anywhere in the component tree, not just at the top level.
Thanks for taking a look!
I had the same problem as you, but I've worked it out. Here's some key point.
If you set GeometryReader inside LazyVGrid and Foreach, according to SwiftUI layout rule, GeometryReader will get the suggested size (may be just 10 point). More importantly, No matter what subview inside GeometryReader, it wouldn't affect the size of GeometryReader and GeometryReader's parent view.
For this reason, your view appears as a long strip of black. You can control height by setting GeometryReader { subView }.frame(some size),
Generally, we need two GeometryReader to implement this. The first one can get size and do some Computing operations, then pass to second one.
(Since my original code contains Chinese, it may be hard for you to read, so I can only give a simple structure for you.)
GeometryReader { firstGeo in
LazyVGrid(columns: rows) {
ForEach(dataList) { data in
GeometryReader { secondGeo in
// subview
.frame(width: widthYouWantSubViewGet)
I just started to learn swift for a week. There may be some mistakes in my understanding. You are welcome to help correct it.

SwiftUI - ScrollView has 0 width and my content is not visible

I am trying to use a scroll view for scrollable content, but whenever I nest my views inside the Scroll View, I have noticed that the views from my stacks vanish back into the view hierarchy and nothing remains visible on the screen. I have also seen that whenever I am using a ScrollView, it adds another Hosting View Controller and I don't know if this is the normal behaviour.
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false) {
VStack {
ForEach(bookLibrary.indices, id: \.self) { index in
HStack {
ForEach(self.bookLibrary[index], id: \.self) { book in
BookView(book: book)
Getting this view hierarchy. You can also see that the HostingScrollView has a width of 0.
If you don't want to use GeometryReader just insert zero height view with correct width like this
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: 0)
ForEach(...) { each in
While not a perfect solution, you can use GeometryReader to set the scroll view's frame to the same width as its superview.
NavigationView {
GeometryReader {geometry in
ScrollView(.vertical) {
// TODO: Add content
.frame(width: geometry.size.width)
This workaround was inspired by Rob Mayoff's answer on another question.

SwiftUI - Using GeometryReader Without Modifying The View Size

I have a header view which extends its background to be under the status bar using edgesIgnoringSafeArea. To align the content/subviews of the header view correctly, I need the safeAreaInsets from GeometryReader. However, when using GeometryReader, my view doesn't have a fitted size anymore.
Code without using GeometryReader
struct MyView : View {
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.padding(.bottom, 64)
Code using GeometryReader
struct MyView : View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.padding(.bottom, 64)
Is there a way to use GeometryReader without modifying the underlying view size?
Answer to the question in the title:
It is possible to wrap the GeometryReader in an .overlay() or .background(). Doing so will mitigate the layout changing effect of GeometryReader. The view will be laid out as normal, the GeometryReader will expand to the full size of the view and emit the geometry into its content builder closure.
It's also possible to set the frame of the GeometryReader to stop its eagerness in expanding.
For example, this example renders a blue rectangle, and a "Hello world" text inside at 3/4th the height of the rectangle (instead of the rectangle filling up all available space) by wrapping the GeometryReader in an overlay:
struct MyView : View {
var body: some View {
.frame(height: 150)
.overlay(GeometryReader { geo in
Text("Hello world").padding(.top, geo.size.height * 3 / 4)
Another example to achieve the same effect by setting the frame on the GeometryReader:
struct MyView : View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
Text("Hello world").padding(.top, geo.size.height * 3 / 4)
.frame(height: 150)
However, there are caveats / not very obvious behaviors
View modifiers apply to anything up to the point that they are applied, and not to anything after. An overlay / background that is added after .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) will respect the safe area (not participate in ignoring the safe area).
This code renders "Hello world" inside the safe area, while the blue rectangle ignores the safe area:
struct MyView : View {
var body: some View {
.frame(height: 150)
.overlay(VStack {
Text("Hello world")
Applying .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) to the background makes GeometryReader ignore the SafeArea:
struct MyView : View {
var body: some View {
.frame(height: 150)
.overlay(GeometryReader { geo in
VStack {
Text("Hello world")
// No effect, safe area is set to be ignored.
It is possible to compose many layouts by adding multiple overlays / backgrounds.
A measured geometry will be available to the content of the GeometryReader. Not to parent or sibling views; even if the values are extracted into a State or ObservableObject. SwiftUI will emit a runtime warning if that happens:
struct MyView : View {
#State private var safeAreaInsets = EdgeInsets()
var body: some View {
Text("Hello world")
.background(GeometryReader(content: set(geometry:)))
private func set(geometry: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
self.safeAreaInsets = geometry.safeAreaInsets
I tried with the previewLayout and I see what you mean. However, I think the behavior is as expected. The definition of .sizeThatFits is:
Fit the container (A) to the size of the preview (B) when offered the
size of the device (C) on which the preview is running.
I intercalated some letters to define each part and make it more clear:
A = the final size of the preview.
B = The size of what you are modifying with .previewLayout(). In the first case, it's the VStack. But in the second case, it's the GeometryReader.
C = The size of the screen of the device.
Both views act differently, because VStack is not greedy, and only takes what it needs. GeometryReader, on the other side, tries to have it all, because it does not know what its child will want to use. If the child wants to use less, it can do it, but it has to start by being offered everything.
Perhaps if you edit your question to explain exactly what you would like to accomplish, I can refine my answer a little.
If you would like GeometryReader to report the size of the VStack. you may do so by putting it inside a .background modifier. But again, I am not sure what's the goal, so maybe that's a no go.
I have written an article about the different uses of GeometryReader. Here's the link, in case it helps:
Ok, with your additional explanation, here you have a working solution. Note that the Preview will not work, because safeInsets are reported as zero. On the simulator, however, it works fine:
As you will see, I use view preferences. They are not explained anywhere, but I am currently writing an article about them that I will post soon.
It may all look too verbose, but if you find yourself using it too often, you can encapsulate it inside a custom modifier.
import SwiftUI
struct InsetPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
static var defaultValue: CGFloat = 0
static func reduce(value: inout CGFloat, nextValue: () -> CGFloat) {
value = nextValue()
typealias Value = CGFloat
struct InsetGetter: View {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
return Rectangle().preference(key: InsetPreferenceKey.self, value:
struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
struct MyView : View {
#State private var topInset: CGFloat = 0
var body: some View {
VStack {
CustomView(inset: topInset)
.padding(.bottom, 64)
.padding(.top, topInset)
.onPreferenceChange(InsetPreferenceKey.self) { self.topInset = $0 }
struct CustomView: View {
let inset: CGFloat
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
Text("C \(inset)").color(.white).fontWeight(.bold).font(.title)
HStack {
I managed to solve this by wrapping the page main view inside a GeometryReader and pass down the safeAreaInsets to MyView. Since it is the main page view where we want the entire screen thus it is ok to be as greedy as possible.

How can I get a SwiftUI View to completely fill its superview?

The following is supposed to create a Text whose bounds occupy the entire screen, but it seems to do nothing.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
.relativeSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
The following hack:
extension View {
/// Causes the view to fill into its superview.
public func _fill(alignment: Alignment = .center) -> some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
return self.frame(
width: geometry.size.width,
height: geometry.size.height,
alignment: alignment
struct ContentView2: View {
var body: some View {
seems to work however.
Is this a SwiftUI bug with relativeSize, or am I missing something?
You need to watch WWDC 2019 Session 237: Building Custom Views with SwiftUI, because Dave Abrahams discusses this topic, and uses Text in his examples.
To restate briefly what Dave explains in detail:
The parent (in this case, a root view created by the system and filling the screen) proposes a size to its child.
The child chooses its own size, consuming as much or as little of the proposed size as it wants.
The parent positions the child in the parent’s coordinate space based on various parameters including the size chosen by the child.
Thus you cannot force a small Text to fill the screen, because in step 2, the Text will refuse to consume more space than needed to fit its content. is different: in step 2, it just returns the proposed size as its own size. We can call views like this “expandable”: they expand to fill whatever space they're offered.
ZStack is also different: in step 2, it asks its children for their sizes and picks its own size based on its children's sizes. We can call views like this “wrapping”: they wrap their children tightly.
So if you promote to be the “main” view returned by body, and put the Text in an overlay, your ContentView will behave like and be expandable:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
If you use a ZStack containing both and Text, the ZStack will wrap the, and thus take on its expandability:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {