UISlider stuttering when updating value - swift

I am creating an audio player and am using UISlider to update the audio's playback time in real time. I decided to use a periodic time observer to do this:
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC)), queue: .main) { time in
slider.setValue(Float(time.seconds), animated: false)
This was a good start, however I ran into an issue where this would fire (understandably) while I was trying to change/seek the time with the slider, so I altered it to:
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC)), queue: .main) { time in
if !slider.isHighlighted {
slider.setValue(Float(time.seconds), animated: false)
This was great, but the last issue I'm facing is that when I let go of the slider, it seems to quickly set the slider value back to what it was before setting the new value, and then quickly fixes itself. See a visual below:
To clarify again, it's stuttering like that as soon as I let go, not while I am trying to slide

This looks like the PeriodicTimeObserver is sending the correct value but the seeking is not actually completing until afterwards which is causing the stuttering. I'd suggest you have a flag that would determine if the seeking has completed before asking the observer to update any values.
I'd suggest you do something like this as it eliminates the need for listeners to be removed but rather ignored. May not be the best solution but it will do the job.
var isSeeking = false
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC)), queue: .main) { time in
if !isSeeking {
slider.setValue(Float(time.seconds), animated: false)
func seekToTime(_ time: CMTime) {
isSeeking = true
player.seek(to: time, completionHandler: { [unowned self] (completed) in
if completed {
isSeeking = false

Try to listen to touch events from the slider. And remove/add the observer on each - touchBegin/touchEnd event. This way you will not receive updates from the player while changing the time manually.
Checkout the docs on how to keep the observation token and remove it when needed. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avplayer/1385829-addperiodictimeobserver
Some useful SO links - In iOS AVPlayer, addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval seems to be missing

Try this one, it seems that timeObserver is fired before the seek and after the seek and those unwanted updates always have different timescale
let preferredTimescale = CMTimeScale(NSEC_PER_SEC)
player.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: preferredTimescale), queue: .main) { time in
if time.timescale == preferredTimescale, time.flags == .valid {
slider.setValue(Float(time.seconds), animated: false)


Update Showing Frame of AVPlayer When Using AVPlayer.seek() Prior to AVPlayer.play()

I have an AVPlayer and when I get to the end of the duration, I want to go back to the beginning, but I don't want to restart the AVPlayer.
//Do something when video ended
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(playerDidFinishPlaying(note:)), name: NSNotification.Name.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime, object: nil)
#objc func playerDidFinishPlaying(note: Notification) {
func restartVideo() {
self.player.seek(to: .zero, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .zero)
From here, I can simply .play() the AVPlayer and it will play from the beginning. But, prior to me .play(), the .seek() function does not indicate to the user that it has been reset back to the beginning. The AVPlayer frame does not actually transition back to the first frame until AFTER I execute .play().
How can I get the AVPlayer to change the actual frame it shows to the user when using the .seek() functionality?
This part of your code is right. It could be something else calling it to seek to end??
You can use the completion handler to see if the seek was interrupted. And also set a break point to see what queue you're on, just to make sure you're on the main thread. If a second seek operation happens you will get a false result in the completion handler. Also, try setting a break point after the seek to check if the UI responded.
self.player.seek(to: .zero, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .zero) { success in
print("seek finished success = ", success)
set like this
self.player.seek(to: .zero) // it will update the player slider to 0:00
if you want to set on specific time than use it like
// Seek to the 2 minute mark
let time = CMTime(value: 120, timescale: 1)
self.player.seek(to: time)

Swift Timers in Loop all fire at the same time instead of sequentially

I am using a Swift Timer which works fine until I try putting it into a loop. I start the timer and after it reaches zero the selector calls a method to invalidate the timer. I want this to be repeated for 3 times and have a counter that counts the number of iterations this goes through.
func start() {
var interval = 0
repeat {
interval += 1
print ("Interval \(interval)")
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(fireTimer), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
} while (interval <= 3)
#objc func fireTimer() {
timeOn -= 1
if timeOn == 0 {
print("timer done")
The output is:
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
timer done
It seems as if 3 timers are started simultaneously and then the timer.invalidate stops all of them. What I want is to have the timers start independently and run sequentially. Notice the repeat/while loop. Any suggestions appreciated.
You said:
It seems as if 3 timers are started simultaneously and then the timer.invalidate stops all of them.
No. All three timers are running and when you call invalidate you're just invalidating the last one. Each time you set timer, you are discarding your reference to the prior one. Because you discarded your references to your first two timers, you now have no way to stop them. (Add a print statement in fireTimer and you will see the other two continue to fire after you cancel the one timer.) And because you invalidated on timer when timeOn was zero, the other two will keep firing, with timeOn now having negative values, and the == 0 test will never succeed again.
Instead, you could let your timer handler routine to accept a parameter, the timer reference. That way each one would be able to invalidate itself.
func start() {
for interval in 0..< 3 { // if you really want three timers, then for loop is easiest
print ("Interval \(interval)")
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(fireTimer(_:)), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
#objc func fireTimer(_ timer: Timer) {
print(Date(), "tick")
timeOn -= 1
if timeOn <= 0 {
print("timer done")
Now that is exceedingly confusing have multiple repeating timers all updating the same timeOn property. I changed the if test to be <= 0 to address that problem.
It begs the question why you would want multiple repeating timers firing at basically the same time. E.g. every second, timeOn is being reduced by three. Is that really the intent? Generally you would only want one repeating timer.
This process of scheduling a bunch of timers also begs the question of how you will cancel them when the object in question is deallocated. I guess you could keep an array of them, but it seems very convoluted way of doing it. The other approach is to use the block-based timer with [weak self] reference (to prevent strong reference cycle), and then each can check to see if self is nil and if so, invalidate itself:
func start() {
for interval in 0..< 3 { // if you really want three timers, then for loop is easiest
print ("Interval \(interval)")
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in
guard let self = self else {
self.fireTimer(timer, interval: interval)
func fireTimer(_ timer: Timer, interval: Int) {
print(Date(), "tick", interval)
timeOn -= 1
if timeOn <= 0 {
print("timer done")
But I am unclear why you would want multiple repeating timers at all.
You said:
I don’t really want 3 timers. I want the timer block to run three times, sequentially.
Then just create a repeating timer that will run three times and then invalidate itself:
weak var timer: Timer? // weak because when you schedule the timer, the RunLoop keeps a strong reference
deinit {
timer?.invalidate() // in case the timer is still running after you dismiss this object/controller
func start() {
timer?.invalidate() // in case you accidentally called this previously, cancel any prior timer (before you lose a reference to it)
var counter = 0
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in
counter += 1
if counter >= 3 { timer.invalidate() }
self?.doSomething(counter) // do whatever you want here
Key things to note:
I used single repeating timer.
I used closure based rendition with [weak self] to avoid the strong reference cycle of the selector-based rendition of Timer.
If you’d like to keep a reference to the timer so that you can invalidate it as soon as the parent object is deallocated, keep your own weak reference to it.
In start, I invalidate any prior timer, which is obviously unnecessary if you make sure that you call start once and only once. But, again, it is a solid defensive programming pattern to invalidate any prior timer before you replace any old reference with a new Timer reference.

current time after AVPlayer seek is incorrect

func seekFullRead(seconds: Float64, completion: (() -> ())? = nil) {
let targetTime:CMTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(seconds, preferredTimescale: 60000)
fullReadPlayer?.currentItem?.seek(to: targetTime, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .zero, completi[enter image description here][1]onHandler: { (finish) in
if finish {
fullReadTimeObserver = fullReadPlayer?.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: 10), queue: DispatchQueue.main, using: { [weak self](time) in
guard let self = self else { return }
if self.fullReadPlayer?.status == .readyToPlay {
self.delegate?.audioPlayer(self, didUpdateCurrentTime: time.seconds, teach: nil)
When I seek to 4.57 seconds, the correct current time will be displayed first, then the current time will be 0.2 seconds forward, but playback will start after the current time will be 0.2 seconds forward.
current time: 1.30104062
current time: 1.401042787
seek to : 4.579999923706055
current time: 1.498295786
current time: 4.579983333333334
current time: 4.319330793
current time: 4.319642834
current time: 4.401050459
current time: 4.501045084
current time: 4.601038959
I think NSGangster had the point. Observer timer and seek are on different processes. What this means to me is I will have to handle the discrepancies by myself.
I did not find an answer on the internet and had no luck in finding out a way to make this correct, but I did manage to find a workaround: I could use a variable like 'isSeekInProgress' to mark whether to update the progress bar UI. Illustrated below:
var isSeekInProgress: Bool = false // Marker
let targetTime:CMTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(seconds, preferredTimescale: 60000)
isSeekInProgress = true // Mark
fullReadPlayer?.currentItem?.seek(to: targetTime, toleranceBefore: .zero, toleranceAfter: .zero, completi[enter image description here][1]onHandler: { (finish) in
if finish {
isSeekInProgress = false // Unmark
Some people pause the player while seeking then resume playback in the completion block, but this won't work in the case you want the playback to keep going while scrubbing. The above example is fairly painless, and all you have to do is check:
if !playbackManager.isSeekInProgress {
progressSlider.value = playbackManager.progress
And during the next periodic observer notification, your progress will be updated.

How do I make this a timed loop? Swift [duplicate]

I am trying to build a reliable solid system to build a metronome in my app using SWIFT.
I Have built what seems to be a solid system using NSTimer so far.. The only issue I am having right now is when the timer starts the first 2 clicks are off time but then it catches into a solid timeframe.
Now after all my research I have seen people mention you should use other Audio tools not relying on NSTimer.. Or if you choose use NSTimer then it should be on its own thread. Now I see many confused by this Including myself and I would love to get down to the bottom of this Metronome business and get this solved and share it with all those who are struggling.
So I have implemented and cleaned up at this point after the feedback I had last recieved. At this point here is how my code is structured. Its playing back. But I am still getting 2 fast clicks in the beginning and then it settles in.
I apologize on my ignorance for this one. I hope I am on the right path.
I currently am prototyping another method as well. Where I have a very small audio file with one click and dead space at the end of it with the correct duration until for a loop point for specific tempos. I am looping this back and works very well. But the only thing Is I dont get to detect the loop points for visual updates so I have my basic NStimer just detecting the timing intervals underneath the audio being processed and it seems to matchup very well throughout and no delay. But I still would rather get it all with this NSTimer. If you can easily spot my error would be great for one more kick in the right direction and I am sure it can work soon! Thanks so much.
var clickPlayer:AVAudioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer()
let soundFileClick = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("metronomeClick", ofType: ".mp3")
var metroTimer = NSTimer()
var nextTimer = NSTimer()
var previousClick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() //When Metro Starts Last Click
//Metro Features
var isOn = false
var bpm = 60.0 //Tempo Used for beeps, calculated into time value
var barNoteValue = 4 //How Many Notes Per Bar (Set To Amount Of Hits Per Pattern)
var noteInBar = 0 //What Note You Are On In Bar
//********* FUNCTIONS ***********
func startMetro()
barNoteValue = 4 // How Many Notes Per Bar (Set To Amount Of Hits Per Pattern)
noteInBar = 0 // What Note You Are On In Bar
isOn = true //
//Main Metro Pulse Timer
func MetronomeCount()
previousClick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
metroTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(60.0 / bpm, target: self, selector: Selector ("MetroClick"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
nextTimer = NSTimer(timeInterval: (60.0/Double(bpm)) * 0.01, target: self, selector: "tick:", userInfo: ["bpm":bpm], repeats: true)
func MetroClick()
func tick(timer:NSTimer)
let elapsedTime:CFAbsoluteTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - previousClick
let targetTime:Double = 60/timer.userInfo!.objectForKey("bpm")!.doubleValue!
if (elapsedTime > targetTime) || (abs(elapsedTime - targetTime) < 0.003)
previousClick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
//Play the click here
if noteInBar == barNoteValue
clickPlayer.play() //Play Sound
noteInBar = 1
else//If We Are Still On Same Bar
clickPlayer.play() //Play Sound
noteInBar++ //Increase Note Value
countLabel.text = String(noteInBar) //Update UI Display To Show Note We Are At
A metronome built purely with NSTimer will not be very accurate, as Apple explains in their documentation.
Because of the various input sources a typical run loop manages, the effective resolution of the time interval for a timer is limited to on the order of 50-100 milliseconds. If a timer’s firing time occurs during a long callout or while the run loop is in a mode that is not monitoring the timer, the timer does not fire until the next time the run loop checks the timer.
I would suggest using an NSTimer that fires on the order of 50 times per desired tick (for example, if you would like a 60 ticks per minute, you would have the NSTimeInterval to be about 1/50 of a second.
You should then store a CFAbsoluteTime which stores the "last tick" time, and compare it to the current time. If the absolute value of the difference between the current time and the "last tick" time is less than some tolerance (I would make this about 4 times the number of ticks per interval, for example, if you chose 1/50 of a second per NSTimer fire, you should apply a tolerance of around 4/50 of a second), you can play the "tick."
You may need to calibrate the tolerances to get to your desired accuracy, but this general concept will make your metronome a lot more accurate.
Here is some more information on another SO post. It also includes some code that uses the theory I discussed. I hope this helps!
The way you are calculating your tolerances is incorrect. In your calculations, notice that the tolerance is inversely proportional to the square of the bpm. The problem with this is that the tolerance will eventually be less than the number of times the timer fires per second. Take a look at this graph to see what I mean. This will generate problems at high BPMs. The other potential source of error is your top bounding condition. You really don't need to check an upper limit on your tolerance, because theoretically, the timer should have already fired by then. Therefore, if the elapsed time is greater than the theoretical time, you can fire it regardless. (For example if the elapsed time is 0.1s and and the actual time with the true BPM should be 0.05s, you should go ahead and fire the timer anyways, no matter what your tolerance is).
Here is my timer "tick" function, which seems to work fine. You need to tweak it to fit your needs (with the downbeats, etc.) but it works in concept.
func tick(timer:NSTimer) {
let elapsedTime:CFAbsoluteTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - lastTick
let targetTime:Double = 60/timer.userInfo!.objectForKey("bpm")!.doubleValue!
if (elapsedTime > targetTime) || (abs(elapsedTime - targetTime) < 0.003) {
lastTick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
# Play the click here
My timer is initialized like so: nextTimer = NSTimer(timeInterval: (60.0/Double(bpm)) * 0.01, target: self, selector: "tick:", userInfo: ["bpm":bpm], repeats: true)
Ok! You can't get things right basing on time, because somehow we need to deal with DA converters and their frequency - samplerate. We need to tell them the exact sample to start play the sound. Add a single view iOS app with two buttons start and stop and insert this code into ViewController.swift. I keep things simple and it's just an Idea of how we can do this. Sorry for forcing try... This one is made with swift 3. Also check out my project on GitHub https://github.com/AlexShubin/MetronomeIdea
Swift 3
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class Metronome {
var audioPlayerNode:AVAudioPlayerNode
var audioFile:AVAudioFile
var audioEngine:AVAudioEngine
init (fileURL: URL) {
audioFile = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: fileURL)
audioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
audioEngine.connect(audioPlayerNode, to: audioEngine.mainMixerNode, format: audioFile.processingFormat)
try! audioEngine.start()
func generateBuffer(forBpm bpm: Int) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
audioFile.framePosition = 0
let periodLength = AVAudioFrameCount(audioFile.processingFormat.sampleRate * 60 / Double(bpm))
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: audioFile.processingFormat, frameCapacity: periodLength)
try! audioFile.read(into: buffer)
buffer.frameLength = periodLength
return buffer
func play(bpm: Int) {
let buffer = generateBuffer(forBpm: bpm)
self.audioPlayerNode.scheduleBuffer(buffer, at: nil, options: .loops, completionHandler: nil)
func stop() {
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var metronome:Metronome
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
let fileUrl = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Click", withExtension: "wav")
metronome = Metronome(fileURL: fileUrl!)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
#IBAction func StartPlayback(_ sender: Any) {
metronome.play(bpm: 120)
#IBAction func StopPlayback(_ sender: Any) {
Thanks to the great work already done on this question by vigneshv & CakeGamesStudios, I was able to put together the following, which is an expanded version of the metronome timer discussed here.
Some highlights:
It's updated for Swift v5
It uses a Grand Central Dispatch timer to run on a separate queue, rather than just a regular NSTimer (see here for more details)
It uses more calculated properties for clarity
It uses delegation, to allow for any arbitrary 'tick' action to be handled by the delegate class (be that playing a sound from AVFoundation, updating the display, or whatever else - just remember to set the delegate property after creating the timer). This delegate would also be the one to distinguish beat 1 vs. others, but that'd be easy enough to add within this class itself if desired.
It has a % to Next Tick property, which could be used to update a UI progress bar, etc.
Any feedback on how this can be improved further is welcome!
protocol BPMTimerDelegate: class {
func bpmTimerTicked()
class BPMTimer {
// MARK: - Properties
weak var delegate: BPMTimerDelegate? // The class's delegate, to handle the results of ticks
var bpm: Double { // The speed of the metronome ticks in BPM (Beats Per Minute)
didSet {
changeBPM() // Respond to any changes in BPM, so that the timer intervals change accordingly
var tickDuration: Double { // The amount of time that will elapse between ticks
return 60/bpm
var timeToNextTick: Double { // The amount of time until the next tick takes place
if paused {
return tickDuration
} else {
return abs(elapsedTime - tickDuration)
var percentageToNextTick: Double { // Percentage progress from the previous tick to the next
if paused {
return 0
} else {
return min(100, (timeToNextTick / tickDuration) * 100) // Return a percentage, and never more than 100%
// MARK: - Private Properties
private var timer: DispatchSourceTimer!
private lazy var timerQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility) // The Grand Central Dispatch queue to be used for running the timer. Leverages a global queue with the Quality of Service 'Utility', which is for long-running tasks, typically with user-visible progress. See here for more info: https://www.raywenderlich.com/5370-grand-central-dispatch-tutorial-for-swift-4-part-1-2
private var paused: Bool
private var lastTickTimestamp: CFAbsoluteTime
private var tickCheckInterval: Double {
return tickDuration / 50 // Run checks many times within each tick duration, to ensure accuracy
private var timerTolerance: DispatchTimeInterval {
return DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(Int(tickCheckInterval / 10 * 1000)) // For a repeating timer, Apple recommends a tolerance of at least 10% of the interval. It must be multiplied by 1,000, so it can be expressed in milliseconds, as required by DispatchTimeInterval.
private var elapsedTime: Double {
return CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - lastTickTimestamp // Determine how long has passed since the last tick
// MARK: - Initialization
init(bpm: Double) {
self.bpm = bpm
self.paused = true
self.lastTickTimestamp = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
self.timer = createNewTimer()
// MARK: - Methods
func start() {
if paused {
paused = false
lastTickTimestamp = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
timer.resume() // A crash will occur if calling resume on an already resumed timer. The paused property is used to guard against this. See here for more info: https://medium.com/over-engineering/a-background-repeating-timer-in-swift-412cecfd2ef9
} else {
// Already running, so do nothing
func stop() {
if !paused {
paused = true
} else {
// Already paused, so do nothing
// MARK: - Private Methods
// Implements timer functionality using the DispatchSourceTimer in Grand Central Dispatch. See here for more info: http://danielemargutti.com/2018/02/22/the-secret-world-of-nstimer/
private func createNewTimer() -> DispatchSourceTimer {
let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: timerQueue) // Create the timer on the correct queue
let deadline: DispatchTime = DispatchTime.now() + tickCheckInterval // Establish the next time to trigger
timer.schedule(deadline: deadline, repeating: tickCheckInterval, leeway: timerTolerance) // Set it on a repeating schedule, with the established tolerance
timer.setEventHandler { [weak self] in // Set the code to be executed when the timer fires, using a weak reference to 'self' to avoid retain cycles (memory leaks). See here for more info: https://learnappmaking.com/escaping-closures-swift/
timer.activate() // Dispatch Sources are returned initially in the inactive state, to begin processing, use the activate() method
// Determine whether to pause the timer
if paused {
return timer
private func cancelTimer() {
timer.setEventHandler(handler: nil)
if paused {
timer.resume() // If the timer is suspended, calling cancel without resuming triggers a crash. See here for more info: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/15902
private func replaceTimer() {
timer = createNewTimer()
private func changeBPM() {
replaceTimer() // Create a new timer, which will be configured for the new BPM
#objc private func tickCheck() {
if (elapsedTime > tickDuration) || (timeToNextTick < 0.003) { // If past or extremely close to correct duration, tick
private func tick() {
lastTickTimestamp = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
DispatchQueue.main.sync { // Calls the delegate from the application's main thread, because it keeps the separate threading within this class, and otherwise, it can cause errors (e.g. 'Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread', if the delegate tries to update the UI). See here for more info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45081731/uiapplication-delegate-must-be-called-from-main-thread-only
delegate?.bpmTimerTicked() // Have the delegate respond accordingly
// MARK: - Deinitialization
deinit {
cancelTimer() // Ensure that the timer's cancelled if this object is deallocated

Swift Solid Metronome System

I am trying to build a reliable solid system to build a metronome in my app using SWIFT.
I Have built what seems to be a solid system using NSTimer so far.. The only issue I am having right now is when the timer starts the first 2 clicks are off time but then it catches into a solid timeframe.
Now after all my research I have seen people mention you should use other Audio tools not relying on NSTimer.. Or if you choose use NSTimer then it should be on its own thread. Now I see many confused by this Including myself and I would love to get down to the bottom of this Metronome business and get this solved and share it with all those who are struggling.
So I have implemented and cleaned up at this point after the feedback I had last recieved. At this point here is how my code is structured. Its playing back. But I am still getting 2 fast clicks in the beginning and then it settles in.
I apologize on my ignorance for this one. I hope I am on the right path.
I currently am prototyping another method as well. Where I have a very small audio file with one click and dead space at the end of it with the correct duration until for a loop point for specific tempos. I am looping this back and works very well. But the only thing Is I dont get to detect the loop points for visual updates so I have my basic NStimer just detecting the timing intervals underneath the audio being processed and it seems to matchup very well throughout and no delay. But I still would rather get it all with this NSTimer. If you can easily spot my error would be great for one more kick in the right direction and I am sure it can work soon! Thanks so much.
var clickPlayer:AVAudioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer()
let soundFileClick = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("metronomeClick", ofType: ".mp3")
var metroTimer = NSTimer()
var nextTimer = NSTimer()
var previousClick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() //When Metro Starts Last Click
//Metro Features
var isOn = false
var bpm = 60.0 //Tempo Used for beeps, calculated into time value
var barNoteValue = 4 //How Many Notes Per Bar (Set To Amount Of Hits Per Pattern)
var noteInBar = 0 //What Note You Are On In Bar
//********* FUNCTIONS ***********
func startMetro()
barNoteValue = 4 // How Many Notes Per Bar (Set To Amount Of Hits Per Pattern)
noteInBar = 0 // What Note You Are On In Bar
isOn = true //
//Main Metro Pulse Timer
func MetronomeCount()
previousClick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
metroTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(60.0 / bpm, target: self, selector: Selector ("MetroClick"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
nextTimer = NSTimer(timeInterval: (60.0/Double(bpm)) * 0.01, target: self, selector: "tick:", userInfo: ["bpm":bpm], repeats: true)
func MetroClick()
func tick(timer:NSTimer)
let elapsedTime:CFAbsoluteTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - previousClick
let targetTime:Double = 60/timer.userInfo!.objectForKey("bpm")!.doubleValue!
if (elapsedTime > targetTime) || (abs(elapsedTime - targetTime) < 0.003)
previousClick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
//Play the click here
if noteInBar == barNoteValue
clickPlayer.play() //Play Sound
noteInBar = 1
else//If We Are Still On Same Bar
clickPlayer.play() //Play Sound
noteInBar++ //Increase Note Value
countLabel.text = String(noteInBar) //Update UI Display To Show Note We Are At
A metronome built purely with NSTimer will not be very accurate, as Apple explains in their documentation.
Because of the various input sources a typical run loop manages, the effective resolution of the time interval for a timer is limited to on the order of 50-100 milliseconds. If a timer’s firing time occurs during a long callout or while the run loop is in a mode that is not monitoring the timer, the timer does not fire until the next time the run loop checks the timer.
I would suggest using an NSTimer that fires on the order of 50 times per desired tick (for example, if you would like a 60 ticks per minute, you would have the NSTimeInterval to be about 1/50 of a second.
You should then store a CFAbsoluteTime which stores the "last tick" time, and compare it to the current time. If the absolute value of the difference between the current time and the "last tick" time is less than some tolerance (I would make this about 4 times the number of ticks per interval, for example, if you chose 1/50 of a second per NSTimer fire, you should apply a tolerance of around 4/50 of a second), you can play the "tick."
You may need to calibrate the tolerances to get to your desired accuracy, but this general concept will make your metronome a lot more accurate.
Here is some more information on another SO post. It also includes some code that uses the theory I discussed. I hope this helps!
The way you are calculating your tolerances is incorrect. In your calculations, notice that the tolerance is inversely proportional to the square of the bpm. The problem with this is that the tolerance will eventually be less than the number of times the timer fires per second. Take a look at this graph to see what I mean. This will generate problems at high BPMs. The other potential source of error is your top bounding condition. You really don't need to check an upper limit on your tolerance, because theoretically, the timer should have already fired by then. Therefore, if the elapsed time is greater than the theoretical time, you can fire it regardless. (For example if the elapsed time is 0.1s and and the actual time with the true BPM should be 0.05s, you should go ahead and fire the timer anyways, no matter what your tolerance is).
Here is my timer "tick" function, which seems to work fine. You need to tweak it to fit your needs (with the downbeats, etc.) but it works in concept.
func tick(timer:NSTimer) {
let elapsedTime:CFAbsoluteTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - lastTick
let targetTime:Double = 60/timer.userInfo!.objectForKey("bpm")!.doubleValue!
if (elapsedTime > targetTime) || (abs(elapsedTime - targetTime) < 0.003) {
lastTick = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
# Play the click here
My timer is initialized like so: nextTimer = NSTimer(timeInterval: (60.0/Double(bpm)) * 0.01, target: self, selector: "tick:", userInfo: ["bpm":bpm], repeats: true)
Ok! You can't get things right basing on time, because somehow we need to deal with DA converters and their frequency - samplerate. We need to tell them the exact sample to start play the sound. Add a single view iOS app with two buttons start and stop and insert this code into ViewController.swift. I keep things simple and it's just an Idea of how we can do this. Sorry for forcing try... This one is made with swift 3. Also check out my project on GitHub https://github.com/AlexShubin/MetronomeIdea
Swift 3
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class Metronome {
var audioPlayerNode:AVAudioPlayerNode
var audioFile:AVAudioFile
var audioEngine:AVAudioEngine
init (fileURL: URL) {
audioFile = try! AVAudioFile(forReading: fileURL)
audioPlayerNode = AVAudioPlayerNode()
audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
audioEngine.connect(audioPlayerNode, to: audioEngine.mainMixerNode, format: audioFile.processingFormat)
try! audioEngine.start()
func generateBuffer(forBpm bpm: Int) -> AVAudioPCMBuffer {
audioFile.framePosition = 0
let periodLength = AVAudioFrameCount(audioFile.processingFormat.sampleRate * 60 / Double(bpm))
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: audioFile.processingFormat, frameCapacity: periodLength)
try! audioFile.read(into: buffer)
buffer.frameLength = periodLength
return buffer
func play(bpm: Int) {
let buffer = generateBuffer(forBpm: bpm)
self.audioPlayerNode.scheduleBuffer(buffer, at: nil, options: .loops, completionHandler: nil)
func stop() {
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var metronome:Metronome
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
let fileUrl = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Click", withExtension: "wav")
metronome = Metronome(fileURL: fileUrl!)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
#IBAction func StartPlayback(_ sender: Any) {
metronome.play(bpm: 120)
#IBAction func StopPlayback(_ sender: Any) {
Thanks to the great work already done on this question by vigneshv & CakeGamesStudios, I was able to put together the following, which is an expanded version of the metronome timer discussed here.
Some highlights:
It's updated for Swift v5
It uses a Grand Central Dispatch timer to run on a separate queue, rather than just a regular NSTimer (see here for more details)
It uses more calculated properties for clarity
It uses delegation, to allow for any arbitrary 'tick' action to be handled by the delegate class (be that playing a sound from AVFoundation, updating the display, or whatever else - just remember to set the delegate property after creating the timer). This delegate would also be the one to distinguish beat 1 vs. others, but that'd be easy enough to add within this class itself if desired.
It has a % to Next Tick property, which could be used to update a UI progress bar, etc.
Any feedback on how this can be improved further is welcome!
protocol BPMTimerDelegate: class {
func bpmTimerTicked()
class BPMTimer {
// MARK: - Properties
weak var delegate: BPMTimerDelegate? // The class's delegate, to handle the results of ticks
var bpm: Double { // The speed of the metronome ticks in BPM (Beats Per Minute)
didSet {
changeBPM() // Respond to any changes in BPM, so that the timer intervals change accordingly
var tickDuration: Double { // The amount of time that will elapse between ticks
return 60/bpm
var timeToNextTick: Double { // The amount of time until the next tick takes place
if paused {
return tickDuration
} else {
return abs(elapsedTime - tickDuration)
var percentageToNextTick: Double { // Percentage progress from the previous tick to the next
if paused {
return 0
} else {
return min(100, (timeToNextTick / tickDuration) * 100) // Return a percentage, and never more than 100%
// MARK: - Private Properties
private var timer: DispatchSourceTimer!
private lazy var timerQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility) // The Grand Central Dispatch queue to be used for running the timer. Leverages a global queue with the Quality of Service 'Utility', which is for long-running tasks, typically with user-visible progress. See here for more info: https://www.raywenderlich.com/5370-grand-central-dispatch-tutorial-for-swift-4-part-1-2
private var paused: Bool
private var lastTickTimestamp: CFAbsoluteTime
private var tickCheckInterval: Double {
return tickDuration / 50 // Run checks many times within each tick duration, to ensure accuracy
private var timerTolerance: DispatchTimeInterval {
return DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(Int(tickCheckInterval / 10 * 1000)) // For a repeating timer, Apple recommends a tolerance of at least 10% of the interval. It must be multiplied by 1,000, so it can be expressed in milliseconds, as required by DispatchTimeInterval.
private var elapsedTime: Double {
return CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - lastTickTimestamp // Determine how long has passed since the last tick
// MARK: - Initialization
init(bpm: Double) {
self.bpm = bpm
self.paused = true
self.lastTickTimestamp = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
self.timer = createNewTimer()
// MARK: - Methods
func start() {
if paused {
paused = false
lastTickTimestamp = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
timer.resume() // A crash will occur if calling resume on an already resumed timer. The paused property is used to guard against this. See here for more info: https://medium.com/over-engineering/a-background-repeating-timer-in-swift-412cecfd2ef9
} else {
// Already running, so do nothing
func stop() {
if !paused {
paused = true
} else {
// Already paused, so do nothing
// MARK: - Private Methods
// Implements timer functionality using the DispatchSourceTimer in Grand Central Dispatch. See here for more info: http://danielemargutti.com/2018/02/22/the-secret-world-of-nstimer/
private func createNewTimer() -> DispatchSourceTimer {
let timer = DispatchSource.makeTimerSource(queue: timerQueue) // Create the timer on the correct queue
let deadline: DispatchTime = DispatchTime.now() + tickCheckInterval // Establish the next time to trigger
timer.schedule(deadline: deadline, repeating: tickCheckInterval, leeway: timerTolerance) // Set it on a repeating schedule, with the established tolerance
timer.setEventHandler { [weak self] in // Set the code to be executed when the timer fires, using a weak reference to 'self' to avoid retain cycles (memory leaks). See here for more info: https://learnappmaking.com/escaping-closures-swift/
timer.activate() // Dispatch Sources are returned initially in the inactive state, to begin processing, use the activate() method
// Determine whether to pause the timer
if paused {
return timer
private func cancelTimer() {
timer.setEventHandler(handler: nil)
if paused {
timer.resume() // If the timer is suspended, calling cancel without resuming triggers a crash. See here for more info: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/15902
private func replaceTimer() {
timer = createNewTimer()
private func changeBPM() {
replaceTimer() // Create a new timer, which will be configured for the new BPM
#objc private func tickCheck() {
if (elapsedTime > tickDuration) || (timeToNextTick < 0.003) { // If past or extremely close to correct duration, tick
private func tick() {
lastTickTimestamp = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
DispatchQueue.main.sync { // Calls the delegate from the application's main thread, because it keeps the separate threading within this class, and otherwise, it can cause errors (e.g. 'Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread', if the delegate tries to update the UI). See here for more info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45081731/uiapplication-delegate-must-be-called-from-main-thread-only
delegate?.bpmTimerTicked() // Have the delegate respond accordingly
// MARK: - Deinitialization
deinit {
cancelTimer() // Ensure that the timer's cancelled if this object is deallocated