How do you find unicode characters in VSCode? - visual-studio-code

The Julia extension for VSCode makes it nice and easy to use Unicode characters with latex-like syntax. For example if I want a variable named with the symbol for pi in a unicode-aware language, I can just type \pi<tab> and get the symbol for pi!
But I can't figure out how to search for these characters. The find boxes don't seem to do the same tab-completion on latex-like syntax.
Is there something obvious I'm missing?

This worked for me:
Write \pi<tab> in the editor which will convert it to the symbol
π (you can also do \pi<enter> or \pi<mouse-click first item in drop-down>).
Copy the symbol π from the editor and paste it into the find box
(Ctrl+F) and press enter.


How to tranform css hex to uppercase in vscode?

I'm just using vscode prettier, and I was told that hex value should be uppercase as company's standard. I've been through a search and I found their github-issue
that states,
" Personally I prefer uppercase too, but I was asked to do lowercase... But changing this would cause a lot of unnecessary churn for all Prettier users... this decision has been made and is not going to change. An option won't be added." - Sep. 29,2018
So basically, prettier transformed hex value to lowercase, and does not provide an option to change it to uppercase.
I want to ask, have they change their decision now and made an option to transform css hex value to uppercase? And if theres no really option for this in prettier, is there any alternatives to achieve this?
My basic alternative that I used is the idea of #rioV8, however I would prefer to use replace field instead of Transform to UpperCase, I think that would be more quick.
I would like to provide this as answer because it's at least working.
In vscode find #(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2} using regular expression, and replace it with \U$0.
Updated: how to auto transform after save
Follow this link: How to automatically run a "find and replace" after save?
Since \U$0 did not work well, we looked for alternatives.
Search by regular expression
Open a search window with cmd + shift + f, click .*, and execute a regular expression search with #(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}.
Select the target string
In the search results window, use cmd + a to select all and cmd + shift + l to select the target string.
Open the command palette
Open the command palette with the cmd + shift + p.
Convert to upper case
Type upperor lower on the command palette and execute.

Is there a way to use cursorWordPart*Select command w/o capturing underscore?

I'm a fan of sub-word captures, but I'm used to the sublime way where if you have a word with underscores, it will exclude the underscore from the capture like this:
In VScode, I setup my keyboard shortcuts to use the cursorWordPartLeftSelect and cursorWordPartRightSelect, but they include the underscore like this:
Here are the lines from my config:
Is there a way to change that?
Add the underscore character to the Editor: Word Separators list in the settings (just search for separators).
~!##$%^&*()-=+[{]}\|;:'",.<>/?_ // with the underscore added at the end
I am a little surprised it isn't already there but it isn't. Then your WordPart selectors won't include the underscores.
It looks like v1.44 adds a fix to this so that the cursorwordpartleft/right acts like Sublime Text with respect to underscores. See
I'm experimenting with this extension, and removing underscores and hyphens from VS Code's word separators:
Haven't had the time to dig into it and configure it to match Sublime Text yet but I'm praying this will be a part of the puzzle in getting VS Code to work like Sublime Text did!

How can I use the original unicode characters for the four card suits in a jupyter notebook?

If I copy and paste the four symbols from the character selection panel (I'm on macOS) they change to the following: ♠️ ♣️ ♥️ ♦️, whereas I'd like the heart and diamond to be red.
EDIT: Interestingly, i've noticed that if I type the sequence 👁‍🗨♥️, and then I hit backspace when the cursor is between those two characters, they both transform into 👁‍♥️! (the same happens with the other three)
Can someone explain what is happening?
I guess this is because your browser doesn't know about these special characters. But I think you can check this page
and replace special characters with unicode codes from page
or from this page

How do I enter '·' (middle dot) in agda-mode?

I'm working through a paper that uses the middle-dot character in Agda code. I'd like to be able to type it up without copy/paste. How can I enter it with agda-mode?
I've tried typical resources such as
\cdot gives you · and \. gives you ∙ (these are different symbols).
If you can copy/paste a character, then you can discover how to type it by choosing the "Agda/Information about the character at point" option in menu (or using M-x describe-char) and looking at the to input: section.

Entering accented characters with notepad++ using only the keyboard

I am new to notepad++ and like it very much, since I can customize how my text documents look more easily than with wordpad. However, I would like to know if it’s possible to enter accented characters like in wordpad (I thought it was a windows thing, but perhaps it isn’t). In wordpad, I can type, for instance, ctrl-’ then i to get an accented í character. Similarly, I can type ctrl-shift-~ then n to get the accented ñ character. It makes it much easier to enter accented characters than copying and pasting from the character map application, or trying to remember code points. When I tried this method in notepad++ I just got the plain character without the accents. I should also mention that when I open documents with such accented characters already present they appear just as expected. Is there a way to enter accented characters like this in notepad++ using only the keyboard? I am using the latest notepad++ under Windows 7.
In Notepad++ you can go to “Edit” then select “Character Panel” near the bottom of the drop down menu. It will show you the ASCII set available which includes most accented characters. You find the character you want and there will be a number for it, to easily use that, press and hold your ALT key, then, on your keypad on the right side of your keyboard type zero followed by the number for that character. So for something like “ñ” for example, the code for it is 241, so you would press ALT and then type 0241 on the keypad while holding down ALT and you will get the character you need. That works in most Windows programs, even in here.
This only works for ASCII characters in the range of 0 to 255. I don't know of a method other than copying and pasting from the “Character Map” app available in Windows for Unicode. Though I did test Wordpad with the Decimal number of the Hex value you see for a Unicode character above 255 and it will work with the ALT+#### in there, and probably other places, but it doesn't work in Notepad or Notepad++ for some strange reason, sadly. Two I use a lot and have memorized are ALT+0147 and ALT+0148 for the quotation marks “like these”, so once you use the numbers enough you tend to get used to them, or you can jot down the ones you use the most.
For anyone searching for a solution and coming across this page, try this (Windows): install and use the US International keyboard instead of the plain US keyboard. Search for "windows keyboard us international install" or something similar. I liked the write-up on it and the step by step on how to install. Hope this helps someone in future looking around as I was earlier today for how to easily meet this need.
You can make your own keyboard layout to enter arbitrary characters anywhere in Windows, using MSKLC. Here's one I made earlier.
I think it is configured in the input method. With input method containing the characters you mentioned, you can press key combinations to get special letters.
You can add a keyboard layout preset in Windows. Under "Language and Regions" - "Language" - "Language settings" - "Input method" settings in Control Panel, you can add all what you want. Like this:
Switch keyboard layout with Alt + Shift.