Any way/API to get the list of documentIds in the envelope - rest

We are working on POC to integrate our public API with DocuSign using Webhook Connect.
Want to know is there any way/API by which we can get the Document IDs of all the documents in an envelope, we don't want documents to be included in the payload of webhook notification.

You can perform a call to list the documents in an envelope and the ID of each document is contained in the response. The call follows this format:
Here's a link to the DocuSign Developer center with more information.


How to get actual document from Clio API?

I want to create a webhook that is notified whenever a document is uploaded or changed, so that I can analyze that document for the user.
I have looked at the APIs for documents, but I don't see how to get the actual document itself.
I'm new to the API and probably missing something, do you download a document after it has been uploaded to Clio?
According to the API Documentation
The API can download a document using the following address, using the ID that was provided from your webhook:

Moodle Data Request

I want to pass the user id (100) to moodle and then get a JSON string about the stored data of the user with the id (100). Is there a way or a web service for this?
First of all, you need to enable Moodle web services, you can follow this link, then add the "core_user_get_users" function to your external web service, then you can create criteria to search and get user data.
webservice endpoint: https://<MOODLE_URL>/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=<YOUR_TOKEN>&wsfunction=core_user_get_users&moodlewsrestformat=json&criteria[0][key]=username&criteria[0][value]=<USERNAME>
webservice endpoint: https://<MOODLE_URL>/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=<YOUR_TOKEN>&wsfunction=core_user_get_users&moodlewsrestformat=json&criteria[0][key]=id&criteria[0][value]=<ID>
For other response formats change "moodlewsrestformat" in the request.

Does Keycloak API has any endpoint to update account email?

I am trying to change account email in Keycloak, but did not find any useful information in the Keycloak official documentation.
I tried work with this endpoint
PUT /admin/realms/{realm}/users/{id}/execute-actions-email
but it only accepts an array of actions and sends to a user an email to perform specified actions.
But I want to update it directly performing my request. Is this possible?
I think you are looking for below API.
PUT /admin/realms/{realm}/users/{id}
with a JSON payload as below.

Connect the docusign console through REST API in Apex

I have created an envelope, added recipients and documents to the envelope through REST API call in apex code. Now I want to view my envelope in docusign user interface before ot it sent to the signers. Can I connect to the docusign from REST API call in apex and view the envelope?
There are different type of views you can use, based on the Envelope status, details are available at You might be interested in seeing or or if sender wants to see it then
You can use the EnvelopeViews: createSender API (also called Embedded Sending) to open the "tag and send" view of the envelope and let your users send it through the DocuSign Console. This also allows them to make changes to envelope before sending, given that they have the correct permissions.
This is what the API request typically looks like:
POST /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/views/sender
"returnUrl": ""
Once the user is done sending the envelope they will be redirected to the URL that's provided in the returnUrl parameter.

DocuSign API SOAP API Documents without fields

I'm having issue using DocuSign API. when I send a PDF via SOAP API. (I am using the method CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates, the templates are on your server) When the user received the envelope (PDF) the fields are not there. But when I send via the WEB they do have the fields.
I was not adding the Role to the API, now I'm but still not showing the fields.
Should I use the method CreateEnvelopeFromTemplatesAndForms instead the other one?
I believe you're using the right method (CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates). The most likely reason that the fields (tabs) are not being displayed when you create the Envelope via the API is that the recipient Role Name(s) being specified by the API request does not exactly match the Role Name(s) specified by the Template itself (with which the tabs are associated). Make sure spelling, spacing, and case of Role Name(s) specified by your API request matches exactly with what's specified by the Template.