Is it still supported to interactively change to vi mode in IPython via %config magic? - ipython

For me when I try to interactively switch to vi mode in a quite recent version of IPython, it simply stops reacting to all keyboard input except for Ctrl+D.
$ python3 -m IPython
Python 3.6.9 (default, Jan 26 2021, 15:33:00)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.16.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: %config TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode
Out[1]: 'emacs'
In [2]: %config TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode='vi'
Specifying on the command line works perfectly fine however, so I don't think it's my terminal or anything like that
python3 -m IPython --TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode=vi
But I am testing this in:
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
GNOME Terminal 3.28.2

It should, if it does not it's likely a bug, the vi mode does not have a lot of users; and even less that dynamically switch.
It's likely a question of propagating changes to TerminalInteractiveShell.editing_mode to other places in the codebase.
Feel free to open a bug, and we'll do our best to guide you on how to fix it.


how can I show all warnings in the iPython console in Spyder?

The iPython console in Spyder (when run from within a tab in Spyder) seems to strip warnings by default. This behavior is different from the iPython console run on its own.
It is easy to reproduce. Create a file containing only the following:
import sys
print sys.argv
Note that this is invalid Python 3 because print does not have parentheses. Run this within iPython (not within Spyder) and you will see the following:
In [305]: run test args
File "C:\Users\sdewey\Documents\intro to ML with python\", line 13
print sys.argv
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'
If you run the same thing within the iPython tab within Spyder, you'll get a blank response:
In [9]: run test args
In [10]:
Note that if you run a program which does not have errors, you will see the result in Spyder as usual. For example if you fix the parentheses here, you will see the printed argv in the console. Only error output seems to be impacted, not standard output.
I obtained this copy of Spyder through Anaconda 4.3.1. This is Spyder 3.1.2, Python 3.6. I've looked through the Spyder preferences, but haven't seen anything that addresses what to do with failures.
My working hypothesis is that this has something to do with error output vs standard output. This is a Windows installation so I don't think there are different streams but I could be mistaken.
(Spyder developer here) You need to update the qtconsole package to its version 4.3 to fix this error.
If you are using Anaconda, you need to open a terminal (cmd.exe) and run this command
conda update qtconsole
If not, you need to run
pip install -U qtconsole

On SageMath Cloud, how can I use Python 3 notebooks?

I'm using the fantastic SageMath Cloud service to remotely collaborate with a partner. In particular, I'm using IPython notebooks. Unfortunately, the language seems to default to Python 2; I would prefer Python 3.
SSH'ing into my project, I can see that IPython 3 is actually installed. Is there a way to coerce SMC into using Python 3 for notebooks?
I have tried the instructions mentioned in the FAQ, i.e.,
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 ~/bin/python
ln -s /usr/bin/ipython3 ~/bin/ipython
While this works for invoking Python from the SSH commandline, it doesn't seem to affect the kernel used by IPython notebooks created from the web GUI.
Once you open an IPython Notebook on SageMathCloud you can switch the kernel to a variety of choices, including Python 3. To do that, use the 'Kernel' menu, then 'Change kernel', then 'Python 3'.
Switching to the Python 3 kernel in the IPython Notebook on SageMathCloud is discussed in this discussion the sage-cloud mailing list.
Is this what your question is about, or are you asking how to make that choice the default when you open a new IPython Notebook on SageMathCloud?
To get the fastest answers to SageMathCloud questions, use the sage-cloud mailing list.

Stop ipython pop-up docs

In the ipython qtconsole it automatically displays the documentation for a function when I type the opening parenthesis. For example, when I'm typing
the documentation for is displayed when I've typed
This documentation is displayed in a pop-up window that, much more often than not, blocks my view what I'm typing. Is there a configuration to stop the ipython qtconsole from doing this?
The feature to which you refer is calltips or more precisely IPythonWidget.enable_calltips and is documented at The only effective way I have found to disable it is by adding --IPythonWidget.enable_calltips=False as an argument to qtconsole that in turn an argument of ipython. A command line for all of this is:
ipython qtconsole --IPythonWidget.enable_calltips=False
I have verified this with IPython QTConsole 3.2.0 and believe it generally works for versions below 4, which I have not been able to install yet without breaking QTConsole. (I believe what some refer to as IPython 4 is also known as Jupyter 4. See below for information on Jupyter and disabling calltips in it.)
On Linux and Windows system, generating this command line can be automated using a bash alias. On Windows it can be automated by using it as the Target of an icon configured in its properties.
It is supposed to be possible to disable calltips by setting c.IPythonWidget.enable_calltips = False in the right configuraton file in which c = get_config() is set on the first line. I tried doing this on a Windows 7 system in and in ~.ipython\profile_default\ and several other locations, but could not get it to work.
Project Jupyter is the successor to the IPython project and began in 2014. Its website is and information about its Qt console is at In response to a question about disabling IPython calltips, which I submitted to, I received the following on how to disable calltips for Jupyter:
On the command line
jupyter qtconsole --JupyterWidget.enable_calltips=False
or add
c.JupyterWidget.enable_calltips = False

Display of music21, musicXML PNG objects using iPython Notebook/Enthought Canopy

I am experimenting with the music21 library, in preparation for a Machine Learning project that involves genre classification and categorization. I and following some tutorials available here. I am using MuseScore as my MusicXML program, and I am trying to run the whole thing from iPython.
Although I can run the some of the turtorials from the terminal, some elements don't seem to run well from inside iPython. For example:
In [3]:
Out[3]: <music21.ipython21.objects.IPythonPNGObject at 0x10da0aa10>
The line above shows that the PNG object is created, but not displayed. The expected output for 3 above is the following:
Experimenting with the following iPython command, I get a placeholder for an image, but not image.
In [6]: %load_ext music21.ipython21.ipExtension
In [7]:
I can't find any problem with my MusicXMLPath. This tutorial refers to the use of musc21 with Anaconda, but all my developments is done with Enthought, so I prefer not to run another virtual environment to use music21 with iPython.
Is there any way to run music21 in an Enthought/iPython notebook?
I have been grappling with this issue myself. ... Have you set your musicxmlPath in music21? If you have not, it's done via environment.set(key, value). You can query for available keys with environment.keys(). I hope this isn't too simple an answer, but it cleared up the problem for me.
This should be in the iPython music21 documentation somewhere, my apologies: iPython in music21 requires Lilypond to be installed for images to be generated within the notebook itself. There hasn't been (and won't be until MuseScore 2.0 is released) a way using MusicXML to generate PNG images of scores directly.
Edit: 2015 July; music21 2.0 w/ MuseScore 2 will generate the PNG images with MuseScore if it is installed and fallback to Lilypond if it is not installed.
If not yet tried, some steps to isolate the cause of the problem:
1) Update to the latest Canopy (Edit: currently 1.4.1) (might help this, will help generally, won't hurt).
2) Change the Pylab backend in Canopy's IPython shell to "Inline (SVG)", via Preferences / Python. (The default Qt backend in that shell conflicts with music21's use of the tkinter library.)
3) Test your script in that shell rather than in the notebook.
4) Ensure that Canopy User Python is your default Python in a Terminal window, as described here.
5) Test your scripts inside of plain ipython terminal (from Terminal, type ipython).
6) Test in ipython terminal in pylab mode (ipython qtconsole --pylab=inline).
7) Test your scripts inside of ipython notebook running in a regular browser (from Terminal, type ipython notebook, and/or ipython notebook --pylab=inline).
Had similar issues before. It's the same problem when people try to use plot function in ipython/jupyter notebook. You need to call
%matplotlib inline
For me the issue was solved by uninstalling the snap version of musescore and installing it from ppa:mscore-ubuntu/mscore3-stable via

The tab indent in emacs ipython shell

The environment is Emacs 24.1.1 on Ubuntu. using Ipython for python programming.
The auto indent is works well when running ipython command on shell directly, but when i come to emacs run ipython there is no auto indent any more. and even worse when i type TAB it will prompt the Completion buffer.I also have searched this issue many times but still not found a practical method. as a result i have to enter space manually.
anyone could help to resolve this issue ?
1. auto indent on emacs ipython shell
2. disable completion on emacs ipython shell separately.keep the Tab-completion work when i am not in ipython interactive shell.
In emacs you can use python-mode, and from there send the code to *REPL* buffer with C-c C-c.
When you send the buffer for the first time, it asks you what executable you use for python, so you can use ipython, or other one.
Any invocation of ipython-shell should do a correct setup.
Please file a bug-report.
If running python-mode.el -- modeline shows "Py" --
please checkout current trunk first
When bazaar is available
bzr branch lp:python-mode