How to link this button to another route in Laravel Bacpack - laravel-backpack

So i have this view below :
The button view that i want to route to another page
Theres a button named Go To Question that i want to link to edit-question route. This is the code for the button.
[ // CustomHTML
'name' => 'separator',
'type' => 'custom_html',
'value' => '<a href="{{$this->crud->setEditView(`backpack::crud.question`,3);}}"
target="_blank">Go to question ></a>'
Does anyone know how to do this ?

You can easily link to a Backpack page using the backpack_url() helper instead of Laravel's standard url(). That will also add the admin prefix that you've set in your config/backpack/base.php (by default admin).
But take note that you cannot add a link to a particular view in Laravel. You should point to a route, that points to a controller, that loads a view. So your button should look more like this:
[ // CustomHTML
'name' => 'separator',
'type' => 'custom_html',
'value' => '<a href="{{ backpack_url('question/3/edit') }}"
target="_blank">Go to question ></a>'
This will point to the Questions CRUD route, which will load QuestionCrudController, which in its turn will load the edit view - assuming you do have that CRUD.


Is it possible to remove the 'Delete' and 'Add x' on the 'table' field for Laravel Backpack?

I'm currently setting up a backpack CRUD for languages/translations, and I'd like the translations to be bulk editable from the language CRUD. I've currently got that working through the update operation like so:
protected function setupUpdateOperation()
'name' => 'translations',
'label' => 'Translations',
'type' => 'table',
'entity_singular' => 'translation',
'columns' => [
'key' => 'Key',
'text' => 'Text'
Which looks like this:
preview image
The problem I'm running into here is that all the 'keys' should be static (but still displayed), as well as that users shouldn't be able to 'add' translations or remove them. (Translation creation is handled by setting up default translations each time a language is created)
Is it possible to
Make it so that the 'key' column is uneditable but still displayed.
Remove the 'Add translation' button at the bottom of the table.
Remove the 'Delete' trashcan icon at the end of each translation line
Many thanks in advance!
Add these lines to your Controller. You can add it anywhere but I prefer to add in public function setup()
However user cannot add Translation but this will not remove the + Add Translation button. So to remove that button also,
remove this line
use \Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\Operations\CreateOperation;

How to add custom action button in suiteCRM module sub panel list?

I need some suggestion in my suite CRM module integration.
I have a sub-panel in one of my modules and required to add one more edit button to redirect to a custom form to take some input from the user for each row separately.
Below is a sample image of my sub-panel list view.
In the above image on click of the edit button of a row, there is a remove button, I want to add one more custom button after remove and need to redirect from there to my new form.
I have checked some of forums and blogs but didn't found the solution.
To add a button you will need to modify the metadata of that sub-panel. In metadata, you will see the following code for the Edit and Remove buttons:
'edit_button' =>
array (
'vname' => 'LBL_EDIT_BUTTON',
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelEditButton',
'module' => 'Contacts',
'width' => '5%',
'default' => true,
'remove_button' =>
array (
'vname' => 'LBL_REMOVE',
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelRemoveButton',
'module' => 'Contacts',
'width' => '5%',
'default' => true,
You can add your new button using same array syntax. As you can see that every button use specific widget class(defined as widget_class) therefore you will need to add new widget_class class for that. You can find existing widget classes in this folder: include/generic/SugarWidgets.

What's the best way to site specific configuration in a multisite TYPO3 installation?

We have a TYPO3 9.5 installation with a bunch of different websites in it.
We want to store some custom configurations for each site (eg. show phone number in footer yes/no and something like this) and give the editors the possibility to change this in a simple way in the backend.
It would be nice if we can store these properties on the rootpage of each site but be able to overwrite (some) properties on sub pages if needed.
Similar to the page properties that fluidtypo3/flux brings.
Is there a possibility to achieve this with TYPO3 core and a custom extension? Eg. by extending the page table or adding custom table?
You need to differ between a site configuration and regular pages!
The site configuration is valid for the full site, so for every page
A page can be different on a page level
Both use cases are valid, so let's explain in detail
Extending the site configuration
The site configuration can easily be extended by creating the file <site-extension>/Configuration/SiteConfiguration/Overrides/sites.php
defined('TYPO3_MODE') || die('Access denied.');
function ($table) {
$GLOBALS['SiteConfiguration'][$table]['columns']['trackingCode'] = [
'label' => 'Label',
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'eval' => 'trim',
'placeholder' => 'GTM-123456',
$GLOBALS['SiteConfiguration'][$table]['types']['0']['showitem'] .= ',--div--;Extra,trackingCode';
The value of the new field trackingCode can then be easily fetched, e.g. by TS with data = site:trackingCode. As an alternative you can also use the SiteProcessor to get access to the site configuration in a FLUIDTEMPLATE.
Extending pages
Create the file <site-extension>/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/pages.php
'trackingCode' => [
'exclude' => true,
'label' => 'A label',
'config' => [
'type' => 'input',
'--div--;Extra, trackingCode'
and `ext_tables.sql``
trackingCode text NOT NULL
and you get access to the field with TypoScript and within FLUIDTEMPLATE with {data.trackingCode}.
Using slide
By adding trackingCode to the comma separated list in [FE][addRootLineFields] (use the Install Tool > Settings > Configure Installation-Wide Options it is possible to override the value for all subpages.
The following TypoScript will get up the rootline and return the 1st value set.
lib.code = TEXT = levelfield:-1,trackingCode, slide

Zend Framework 2 - Including a variable in a form action

My login form may be called with a re-direct query and I am wondering if there is a simple way to include this in the subsequent post action.
The use case is for SSO login.
My normal login route is:
and when called from a third party client becomes:
My login action:
public function loginAction()
$prg = $this->prg();
if ($prg instanceof Response) {
return $prg;
} elseif ($prg === false) {
return new ViewModel(['form' => $this->loginForm]);
This loads my view and I currently define my action as so:
$form = $this->form;
$form->setAttribute('action', $this->url());
Now when the action is called, I am losing the redirectTo parameter.
So my question is this, is it possible to update the action to include the re-direct url so that when a user clicks to login, it is posted back to my form?
Obviously I can create a redirectTo route in the configs and test on the initial call to the page for the existence of such a route and include this in the form. My question however is whether or not this can be done automagically simply from the viewscript.
To generate query string arguments from the view helper, you need to assign them as the third argument using the query key. Please refer to the ZF2 docs
$form->setAttribute('action', $this->url('application', array('action' => 'login'), array('query' => array('redirectTo' => ',))));
$form->setAttribute('action', $this->url('login', [
'query' => [
'redirectTo' => $this->params()->fromQuery('redirectTo')
Where 'login' is the name of the login route.
See Url View Helper
Well my solution is not as elegant as I hoped it would be. I wanted to avoid using the controller for the query params. As #Stanimir pointed out, the view helpers are in fact, to help with view so my original idea was unfounded.
This is an end to end of what I have put together:
$redirect_url = $this->params()->fromQuery('redirectTo',null);
Returns this to view on initial load:
return new ViewModel( ['form' => $this->loginForm , 'redirect_url' => $redirect_url] );
'customer/login', [] ,
[ 'query'=>
[ 'redirectTo' => $this->redirect_url ]

Zend_Navigation url generation issue

I use Navigation component for site menus. I also use let zend figure-out the selected menu item from request parameters - I guess this is done automatically. The only problem is, that for this to work, action and controller have to be specified in navigation configuration for every node. This also means that when zend generates links from route, action and controller information to appended to the generated link automatically.
Anyone had the same problem?
Zend manual section, explaining the Mvc navigation page features.
some route defined in bootstrap:
$router->addRoute('user_profile_tab', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
'action' => 'profile',
'controller' => 'user',
'user' => ($user ? $user->id : 0), //change later
'location' => 0 //inject appropriate value later
navigation container object:
$container = .....
'label' => tr('Privileges'),
'id' => 'user-profile-perms',
'type' => 'Zulu_Navigation_Page',
'controller' => 'user',
'action' => 'profile',
'route'=> 'user_profile_tab',
'params' => array('tab'=>Main_Lib_Common::NAVI_USER_TAB_PERMS)
the result when using
$page = $container->getById('user-profile-perms');
WHY action and controler params in the navigation container object you ask. The $page->isActive() check needs this data to make a perfect match.
extend mvc navigation page and provide an alternative getHref() method ... one that removes action, controller and module params when a route does not define them.
I have done this to fix this weird behaviour:
extend mvc navigation page
provide an alternative getHref() method
check for routes, not having action , controller and module parameters and remove them from params array before href generation.
This way the isActive matching will still work, as we didnt modify the route or navigation nodes in any way.