everyone , i want to know anyone create function or package like _ceil or _round() same as lodash JavaScript utility library ? i need it , thank in advance
reference link : lodash
As I explained in comments, what you want doesn't make sense for IEEE-754 floating-point numbers. That is, you can't have a specific precision in base-10 using a system that uses base-2. As a basic example, the decimal number 0.3 cannot be exactly represented in binary floating-point. (For more details, see Is floating point math broken?)
package:decimal provides operations for working with arbitrary precision base-10 numbers, so you can use that to pretty easily create your own implementation:
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
Decimal _multiplier(int precision) => Decimal.fromInt(10).pow(precision.abs());
Decimal ceil(Decimal n, [int precision = 0]) {
var multiplier = _multiplier(precision);
return (n * multiplier).ceil() / multiplier;
void main() {
print(ceil(Decimal.parse('4.006'))); // Prints: 5
print(ceil(Decimal.parse('6.004'), 2)); // Prints: 6.01
print(ceil(Decimal.parse('6040'), -2)); // Prints: 6100
print(ceil(Decimal.parse('0.1') + Decimal.parse('0.2'), 1)); // Prints: 0.3
Implementing equivalent functions for floor and round should be similar.
This question already has answers here:
How do you round a double in Dart to a given degree of precision AFTER the decimal point?
(28 answers)
Closed last year.
I want to set a double, let's call it Price, in Dart, so that it always gives me a double of 2 decimal places.
So 2.5 would return 2.50 and 2.50138263 would also return 2.50.
The simplest answer would be double's built-in toStringAsFixed.
In your case
double x = 2.5;
x = 2.50138263;
Would both return 2.50. Be aware that this truncates (e.g., 2.519 returns 2.51). It does not use the standard rounding (half-even) banker's algorithm.
I recommend using a NumberFormat from the intl package; The parsing and formatting rules are worth learning since they appear in other languages like Java.
double d = 2.519;
String s = NumberFormat.currency().format(d);
returns USD2.52
s = NumberFormat('#.00').format(d);
returns 2.52
Since your are dealing with money, you should probably use NumberFormat.currency, which would add the currency symbol for the current locale.
Your question is more about how Dart handles the type double. Something like the following might work depending on your use-case:
void main() {
double num = 2.50138263;
num = double.parse(num.toStringAsFixed(2));
More info about how Dart handles double can be found here.
This question already has answers here:
How do you round a double in Dart to a given degree of precision AFTER the decimal point?
(28 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I've coded this simple function to round doubles to a custom step size.
The normal .round() function retuns an int and can only rounds to the nearest 1.
My function returns a double and can round to the nearest 100.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.1 or 0.23, you get it.
But when I put in certain doubles the result doesn't really work out and is a very tiny fraction off.
I think this has something to do with how computers do floating comma calcualations, but I need an efficient way to get around it.
Run on DartPad
void main() {
stepround(61.337551616741315, 0.1); // this should be 61.3 but is 61.300000000000004
/// rounds a double with given steps/precision
double stepround(double value, double steps) {
double rounded = (value / steps).round() * steps;
print(value.toString() + " rounded to the nearest " + steps.toString() + " is " + rounded.toString());
return rounded;
As mentioned in the comments, the cause of this issue the way that computers deal with floating numbers. Please refer to the links in the comments for further explanation.
However in a nutshell the problem is mostly caused when dividing or multiplying decimals with decimals. Therefore we can create a similar method to the one you created but with a different approach. We we will take the precision to be as an int.
I.e: 0.1 => 10; 0.001 => 1000
double stepround(double value, int place){
return (value * place).round() / place;
// This will return 61.3
stepround(61.337551616741315, 10);
// This will return 61.34
stepround(61.337551616741315, 100);
// This will return 61.338
stepround(61.337551616741315, 1000);
This method works since the small fraction that is caused by the multiplication is removed by round(). And after that we are doing a division by an integer which doesn't create such a problem.
I need to multiply two large numbers for example,
double x = 318191400000;
double result =x*x;
But i am getting negative value for this when building in flutter .
Please help me on this.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/eyxJ4.png
You're not actually multiplying two doubles here, but two ints which is overflowing the 64-bit integer resulting in a negative number.
With doubles:
void main() {
double x = 318191400000;
print(x*x); // Result: 1.0124576703396e+23
With ints:
void main() {
int x = 318191400000;
print(x*x); // Result: -8411186631728820224
If you ever print a double to the console, you'll always see it displayed in either scientific notation (for extremely large or small values) or with a decimal point with at least one trailing digit.
Finally i have found solution and sharing here for anyone having these kind of issues,
xValues[index].toDouble() * yValues[index].toDouble()
This gives the expected result which is 1.0124576703396e+23
On the official API doc, it says:
Returns the value of this number as an Int, which may involve rounding or truncation.
I want truncation, but not sure. Can anyone explain the exact meaning of may involve rounding or truncation?
p.s.: In my unit test, (1.7).toInt() was 1, which might involve truncation.
The KDoc of Double.toInt() is simply inherited from Number.toInt(), and for that, the exact meaning is, it is defined in the concrete Number implementation how it is converted to Int.
In Kotlin, the Double operations follow the IEEE 754 standard, and the semantics of the Double.toInt() conversion is the same as that of casting double to int in Java, i.e. normal numbers are rounded toward zero, dropping the fractional part:
println(1.1.toInt()) // 1
println(1.7.toInt()) // 1
println(-2.3.toInt()) // -2
println(-2.9.toInt()) // -2
First of all, this documentation is straight up copied from Java's documentation.
As far as I know it only truncates the decimal points, e.g. 3.14 will become 3, 12.345 will become 12, and 9.999 will become 9.
Reading this answer and the comments under it suggests that there is no actual rounding. The "rounding" is actually truncating. The rounding differs from Math.floor that instead of rounding to Integer.MIN_VALUE it rounds to 0.
use this roundToInt() in kotlin
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
fun main() {
var r = 3.1416
var c:Int = r.roundToInt()
Use the function to.Int(), and send the value to the new variable which is marked as Int:
val x: Int = variable_name.toInt()
Paste the following code into a playground:
5.0 / 100
func test(anything: Float) -> Float {
return anything / 100
The first line should return 0.05 as expected. The function test returns 0.0500000007450581. Why?
It has nothing to do with functions. Your first example is using type Double which represents floating point numbers more precisely by using 64 bits. If you were to change your second example to:
func test(anything: Double) -> Double {
return anything / 100
You would get the result you expect. Float uses only 32 bits of data, thus it provides a less precise representation of the number. Also, floating point numbers are stored as binary values and frequently are only an approximation of the base 10 representation. That is why 0.05 is showing up as 0.0500000007450581 when stored as a Float.