Can I disable variables' names autocomplete suggestions in Wolfram Mathematica? - autocomplete

By default, Mathematica makes autocomplete suggestions about variables' names as well as functions' names. It can be quite annoying because the pop-ups hide underlying lines and make editing long multi-line equations frustrating.
I've found the option for turning off all pop-ups (including functions). But can I specify what pop-ups do I want?

You could try one of the options below. Modify $FrontEndSession to apply for just the current session. Apply to $FrontEnd for future sessions too.
CodeAssistOptions -> {"FloatingElementEnable" -> False}]


Show all consecutive EOLs in VSCode

I tried several extensions and settings, but I was not able to make VSCode show all the EOLs (i.e. the file "as it is"), here is an example of the same few lines of a file as displayed by:
VSCode (unfaithful)
and Notepad++ (faithful)
In general I always prefer to see the file I'm editing "as it is", VSCode has nice colors and styles but it's unreasonable (especially if you deal with TeX) that it hides characters as it likes.
I do think the ShowEOL
With setting like:
"showeol.eol.character.crlf": " [CRLF]",
"showeol.eol.character.lf": "[LF]",
"showeol.eol.color": "#229DCA",
"showeol.eof.color": "#229DCA"
give a pretty nice view, and I think the colors can be changed to you likings
Multiple consecutive EOL's are rendered as single (according to comment), but how to reproduce this? (Screenshot was taken in Windows11)

Getting reftex recomendations for labels when creating new sections

In TeX-latex-mode under Emacs (26.1) using the reftex minor mode,
When pressing C-c (, the command reftex-label (found in reftex-mode-map, from reftex-ref.el) gives pretty good suggestions of label according to context for sections (with the default value of reftex-insert-label-flags).
When pressing C-c C-s, the command LaTeX-section (found in LaTeX-mode-map, defined in latex.el) offers to enter a label for the section, with no suggestion (other than a prefix based on the level of the section, which is useful but much less than the one based on the title section offered by reftex-label).
How can one configure LaTeX-section to make the same suggestions as reftex-label for sections?
The hook LaTeX-section-hook along with the variable LaTeX-section-label would seem the right candidate for that purpose, but the documentation states that
Some LaTeX packages (such as fancyref) look at the prefix to
generate some text around cross-references automatically. When using
those packages, you should not change this variable.
for one, I assume that reftex is one of such packages, and second, I was expecting to be able to give a function inside a hook, not a list of prefixes, I wonder if I misunderstood what a hook is?
I think that one would "just" need to get LaTeX-section to abstain from offering a label and to call the function reftex-label immediately after each LaTeX-section call, but if it is not LaTeX-section-hook, I do not know which one it could be?
Before starting programming something which could involve stuff as complicated as refactoring both latex.el and reftex-ref.el, I thought I would ask in case I was missing an easier solution!!!

How to hide suggestions on known words in Visual Studio Code?

Suggestions are very useful, but sometimes they're annoying.
I want to hide suggestions when what I typed is a known word in the language or in the current document.
E.g.: Since I used the word elapsed in a document, every single else I typed after it selected elapsed. Very annoying. Since else is a known word, I want the suggestions disappear, so when I hit ENTER the final word is that what I typed. This is a case; there are a lot of cases.
Other editors hide suggestions on known words (e.g.: Kate).
Tuning "editor.quickSuggestionsDelay" doesn't help, because frequently I stop to think and suggestions will appear anyway.
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": false doesn't help too; I've tried it but I'm not productive using TAB instead of ENTER.
I also tried "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false, but this is not what I want. It hides every known word, but I want to select known words if I didn't type one.
I would like an option like "editor.hideSuggestionsOnKnownWord": true, but I could not find nothing similar in vscode.
Is there an option or an extension to do that?

How to auto-uppercase MySQL after typing keywords?

I type pretty fast so I want MySQL Workbench to auto-capitalize keywords after I type them. I've seen a solution to a similar question which is MySQLWorkbench-> Preferences-> Query Editor-> Change keywords to UPPER CASE. However this only provides uppercase for autofill. The problem is that the dropdown menu takes a second to load and hinders my work flow.
Is there any solution to this problem? Could I create a trigger for this or is that not helpful?
Not an automatic solution but something useful: look in the Edit -> Format menu. It has entries to upcase + downcase keywords, as well as other formatting commands.

VS Code Refactoring: Change all occurences - but only in block scope

When using "change all occurences" in VS Code, it will just search the whole file for matches and change them. Is there a similar feature doing the same thing, but limiting it to function or block scope?
Let's take an example where I would need that: I'm having a React file with several components and want to refactor a class component to a functional component, so I'm changing all occurences of this.props to props. However, I obviously don't want to change all the other class components as well that are supposed to stay class components. :-)
This seems like such a standard use case, but I'm not able to find it anywhere in VS Code. If it's not possible (yet, or for some good reasons) is there another way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
Check out the 'Add Selection To Next Find Match' functionality. It allows you to highlight the first occurrence you'd like to change, then using a keyboard shortcut, highlight the next occurrence and so on until you've selected all the instances you want to change. When all to-be-changed occurrences are selected, you can edit the selected text normally. Just remember to hit the escape key a couple times after editing to return to a single cursor!
Here are the keybindings for the command, it's Cmd+d on Mac:
I find it very useful when renaming variables, there's also a shortcut to skip occurrences (Cmd+k Cmd+d) in case there is text you don't want to change in between.