Calling platform specific SDK from Flutter - flutter

I already have an Android and IOS SDK which can communicate to one of my clients and manipulate data. Is there a way I can call the methods in those SDK from Flutter.
For example: I have a method registerUser(String username) in my Android SDK. Currently I have to use the Flutter channel in a custom Android code and call the method registerUser(String username) from there. This adds overhead as I have to rewrite all my hundreds of methods in the custom code in Flutter or generate a new Android SDK that supports the Flutter calls.
So is there a way I can call the methods in my Android SDK from Flutter directly or using some interface which requires less efforts?

try to use:
import "dart:io" show Platform;
if(Platform.isIOS){ ... }
if(Platform.isAndroid){ ... }


Including a native SDK (for IOS and Android) into flutter

i am currently facing the following problem and I hope someone can help me out:
I want to write an app in Flutter (yes I already compared this framework to others like React Native and Ionic) but i need to include the motiontag SDK and here is where the problem starts.
The Motion Tag SDK is only available for native App descreptive native programming language (Java/Kotlin, Swift).
Is there a way to include the SDK anyway to flutter??
Like some workaround!
Thanks for helping me out!
Flutter does have communication with native via Platform Channels, so if the sdk is just function calls you could call the function from flutter/dart , and then let the platform channel handle the call to the native function with arguments. If the sdk it's about rendering UI inside flutter then it's more complicated but it's possible as long as you use the boundaries of PlatformView . All the native plugins developed for flutter use this two methods to handle native code/UI

Hello i want to know how can i use both java +kotlin both in flutter actually i want to use both languages to to create my own app in flutter

public class My Question
{ public void main()
System.out.println( "sorry but i could not post my question due to this body section problem"):
Flutter apps are written with dart lang.
You can use Java/Kotlin and Obj-C/Swift for platform-specific code using Platfom Channel. But, your Java/Ktl code will run only on Android.
Flutter app code: dart.
Platform specific code Android: Java/Kotlin.
Platofrm specific code iOS: Obj-C/Swift.
You can't use Java/Kotlin for flutter app main code (.dart files).

Setting Flutter project: iOS and Android languages

When I create a new Flutter project, it asks me to choose between Java/Kotlin for Android and Objective-c/Swift for iOS. But, what does this mean? Is it in case I want to write something for Android or iOS specifically?
Yes that is correct. In Flutter you have the option to call into platform-specific APIs. This is especially useful if you need to access functionality that is not available in Flutter directly (e.g. accessing the keychain on iOS or the keystore on Android).
To do so you can open up a message channel which bridges the Dart world with the platform-specific world. You can use this message channel to send a message from Dart to you platform-specific code. This platform-specific code is either Java/Kotlin for Android or Objective-C/Swift for iOS, depending on your selections during the creation of the project.
More detailed information can be found in the Flutter documentation here:
Just a heads up, the Flutter team and the Flutter community already wrote a lot of OSS packages and plugins that will take care of the platform-specific stuff and offer you an easy Dart API. You can search for these packages in the Pub:

How to implement sms retrieve api in flutter

I want my app to take OTP automatically, In android, we have the SMS retrieval API for that, so how to implement the same thing for IOS and android using flutter
Currently, there is no official Flutter plugin developed by the Flutter team for this. You have two options for this:
Use plugins created by the developer community. Try sms_retriever.
Write your own platform-specific code (e.g. your Android code in Java), and invoke it from Flutter. Read more about this here.

How can I clear OneSignal notifications using the OneSignal Flutter SDK?

There does not seem to exist any method to clear notifications when using the OneSignal Flutter SDK. I see the methods for other OneSignal SDKs, but not for Flutter.
For example, the Native Android SDK, and the Native IOS SDK, and the Cordova SDK has the method "clearOneSignalNotifications", but this method seems to be missing from the Flutter SDK.