I used the command (code. -r) in the cmd window, but what does -r mean? (vscode) - visual-studio-code

While watching the YouTube development video, I used the command (code . -r) in the cmd window in vscode. What is this function? vscode turned on, but what does -r mean?

The help says:
-r --reuse-window Force to open a file or folder in an already opened window.
Full help is available to you:
$ code -h
code 1.55.2
Usage: code [options][paths...]
To read from stdin, append '-' (e.g. 'ps aux | grep code | code -')
-d --diff <file> <file> Compare two files with each other.
-a --add <folder> Add folder(s) to the last active window.
-g --goto <file:line[:character]> Open a file at the path on the specified line and character position.
-n --new-window Force to open a new window.
-r --reuse-window Force to open a file or folder in an already opened window.
-w --wait Wait for the files to be closed before returning.
--locale <locale> The locale to use (e.g. en-US or zh-TW).
-h --help Print usage.
Extensions Management
--list-extensions List the installed extensions.
--show-versions Show versions of installed extensions, when using
--category Filters installed extensions by provided category, when
using --list-extensions.
--install-extension <extension-id[#version] | path-to-vsix> Installs or updates the extension. The identifier of an
extension is always `${publisher}.${name}`. Use
`--force` argument to update to latest version. To
install a specific version provide `#${version}`. For
example: 'vscode.csharp#1.2.3'.
--uninstall-extension <extension-id> Uninstalls an extension.
--enable-proposed-api <extension-id> Enables proposed API features for extensions. Can receive
one or more extension IDs to enable individually.
-v --version Print version.
--verbose Print verbose output (implies --wait).
--log <level> Log level to use. Default is 'info'. Allowed values are 'critical', 'error',
'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'trace', 'off'.
-s --status Print process usage and diagnostics information.
--prof-startup Run CPU profiler during startup
--disable-extensions Disable all installed extensions.
--disable-extension <extension-id> Disable an extension.
--sync <on> <off> Turn sync on or off
--inspect-extensions <port> Allow debugging and profiling of extensions. Check the developer tools for the
connection URI.
--inspect-brk-extensions <port> Allow debugging and profiling of extensions with the extension host being paused
after start. Check the developer tools for the connection URI.
--disable-gpu Disable GPU hardware acceleration.
--max-memory Max memory size for a window (in Mbytes).

From the official documentation:
-r or --reuse-window Forces opening a file or folder in the last active window.
IE, it doesn't launches a new instance of VSC, but opens a new tab in the existing opened instance, if it exists.


Run Multiple VS code projects through batch file (in a single go)

I have so many projects I have to open during windows startup.
So I have created batch file to open them in vs code as following.
start cmd /C code C:\project1
start cmd /C code C:\Project2
start cmd /C code C:\ProjectN
I also need them to run. I have launch.json for each project. How do I execute them through batch file.
First, I suggest streamlining your batch file as follows:
for %%p in (C:\project1 C:\project2 C:\projectN) do code %%p
Each project will open in its own window, asynchronously - no need for start, and no need for cmd child processes (double-quote individual paths as needed).
Note: If you wanted to open all projects in a single window, using a single workspace, you could simply do:
code C:\project1 C:\project2 C:\projectN
As for your desire to launch the projects for debugging after opening, it seems that code, Visual Studio's CLI does not support this, at least as of v1.66.
This isn't too surprising, given that the focus of an editor/IDE is on editing code, not on running it.
As of v1.66, code -h reports the following options (as also documented in the link above):
C:\>code -h
Visual Studio Code 1.66.0
Usage: code [options][paths...]
To read from stdin, append '-' (e.g. 'ps aux | grep code | code -')
-d --diff <file> <file> Compare two files with each other.
-a --add <folder> Add folder(s) to the last active window.
-g --goto <file:line[:character]> Open a file at the path on the specified
line and character position.
-n --new-window Force to open a new window.
-r --reuse-window Force to open a file or folder in an
already opened window.
-w --wait Wait for the files to be closed before
--locale <locale> The locale to use (e.g. en-US or zh-TW).
--user-data-dir <dir> Specifies the directory that user data is
kept in. Can be used to open multiple
distinct instances of Code.
-h --help Print usage.
Extensions Management
--extensions-dir <dir> Set the root path for extensions.
--list-extensions List the installed extensions.
--show-versions Show versions of installed extensions,
when using --list-extensions.
--category <category> Filters installed extensions by provided
category, when using --list-extensions.
--install-extension <ext-id | path> Installs or updates an extension. The
argument is either an extension id or a
path to a VSIX. The identifier of an
extension is '${publisher}.${name}'. Use
'--force' argument to update to latest
version. To install a specific version
provide '#${version}'. For example:
--pre-release Installs the pre-release version of the
extension, when using
--uninstall-extension <ext-id> Uninstalls an extension.
--enable-proposed-api <ext-id> Enables proposed API features for
extensions. Can receive one or more
extension IDs to enable individually.
-v --version Print version.
--verbose Print verbose output (implies --wait).
--log <level> Log level to use. Default is 'info'. Allowed
values are 'critical', 'error', 'warn',
'info', 'debug', 'trace', 'off'.
-s --status Print process usage and diagnostics
--prof-startup Run CPU profiler during startup.
--disable-extensions Disable all installed extensions.
--disable-extension <ext-id> Disable an extension.
--sync <on | off> Turn sync on or off.
--inspect-extensions <port> Allow debugging and profiling of extensions.
Check the developer tools for the connection
--inspect-brk-extensions <port> Allow debugging and profiling of extensions
with the extension host being paused after
start. Check the developer tools for the
connection URI.
--disable-gpu Disable GPU hardware acceleration.
--max-memory <memory> Max memory size for a window (in Mbytes).
--telemetry Shows all telemetry events which VS code
Originally I wanted to run all the projects in one go. Figured that vs code provides such functionality through multi-root workspaces (You will be also able to check all git changes in one place using this multi-root workspace).
We can run all the projects in one go with the workspace definition below where configurations are nothing but individual launch.json file's name field which you need to launch in vs code which are inside sub folders/projects (if name are same in multiple launch.json then you need to specify folder along with name. More details in link below.)
And place this workspace at root of all child projects. Open this workspace and hit F5, it will run all the projects as well in single go (having said that you have individual launch.json files for each project which you have mentioned in below workspace).
"compounds": [{
"name": "Launch Server & Client",
"configurations": [
"Launch Server",
"folder": "Web Client",
"name": "Launch Client"
"folder": "Desktop Client",
"name": "Launch Client"
Source: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/multi-root-workspaces

VSCode - remote SSH - can't find code executable in vscode-server directory

I'm using VSCode and the official remote-ssh extension.
I would like to be able to write code /path/to/file in an ssh terminal or in the vscode integrated terminal in a remote window in order to open a file/folder in vscode remote.
I am aware that I can use code --folder-uri=vscode-remote://ssh-remote+ADDRESS/path/to/file from the local machine's terminal, but I want to be able to run a command from within the integrated vscode terminal and any other terminal session where I've ssh'd into the remote machine)
Currently, if I run code from a remote terminal it opens up a new vscode window on the remote machine.
To achieve this goal, in the past I've used the following alias on the remote machine:
alias code="${VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE%/*}/bin/code"
Which looks for the code executable in ~/.vscode-server/bin/<COMMIT_ID>/bin before defaulting to the local /bin/code.
I got that alias from this related stackoverflow question.
However, this doesn't seem to work right now.
Upon closer inspection, it appears that there is no code executable in the vscode-server directory.
How can I fix this?
Both machines are running MacOS and visual studio code version f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326, if that's relevant.
I also wanted to be able to run code from the integrated terminal when running VSCode with the "remote ssh" extension. In my case, the "remote" is a Linux box (named "aorus" below), and I want to use VSCode from a laptop running macOS (named "mbp").
As for you, I used to use the VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE trick. Recently, I had to change the alias since code (or code-insiders in my case) wasn't available in bin/ anymore. It seems it has been moved to bin/remote-cli. The correct alias (tested with vscode 1.64.2):
alias code="${VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE%/*}/bin/remote-cli/code"
If you also want this to work from other ssh sessions (not just inside the integrated terminal), you can create a short script that I called coder (r for "remote") which I have in ~/bin on my remote ("aorus"). Note that you need to be able to reach the local machine from your remote (I do that with Tailscale). The script looks like this:
#! /bin/bash
set -ex
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
cmd+=" --file-uri \"vscode-remote://ssh-remote+$remotehost$(readlink -f "$1")\""
elif [ -d "$1" ]; then
cmd+=" --folder-uri \"vscode-remote://ssh-remote+$remotehost$(readlink -f "$1")\""
cmd+=" $1"
exec ssh $localhost -q -t -x "exec bash -l -c '$cmd'"
On my Mac, when running VSCode connected remotely to my Linux box, I can type this in the integrated terminal to open the file main.go present on my remote Linux box:
coder main.go
The reason I have to wrap code in bash -l is due to the fact that ssh, by default, runs in a non-login shell, which means that the ~/.bashrc on my Mac isn't picked up, meaning code isn't in the PATH. The error message looks like this:
bash:1: command not found: code
Another note: there is a shorter syntax documented here:
ssh -q -t -x mbp bash -l -c "code --remote=ssh-remote+aorus main.go"
I don't use this syntax is because this method isn't able to know whether you are opening just a single file (which should be open in the most recent VSCode remote session) or a folder (which should be open as a new VSCode remote session).
Finally, if you are using VSCode Insiders, you can create a symlink so that the command code works on your local machine (in my case, on my Mac):
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/code-insiders /usr/local/bin/code
As already explained by maelvls the path has been changed.
But if you use it outside integrated terminal you will got message
Command is only available in WSL or inside a Visual Studio Code terminal
To avoid this you need to export VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI in your .bashrc .
Use this script in your .bashrc
export VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI=`ls -t /run/user/1012/vscode-ipc-* | head -n1`
alias code="~/.vscode-server/bin/*/bin/remote-cli/code"
If you want to open your file in your current visual studio use -r option.
code -r tes.txt
Note :
I can't call VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE so I use full path, it is working well
I don't know if VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI will show in different location, just check it in your integrated terminal visual studio code
tested on remote server Centos 7
local macOS Monterey version 12.2
Visual Studio Code Version: 1.64.2 (Universal)
Commit: f80445acd5a3dadef24aa209168452a3d97cc326
extension : remote-ssh

Set global environment variables in VS Code with remote-ssh

I have the case that I need to use VS Code installed on Windows 10 and run it with the extension Remote - SSH on a RHEL 7.x.
The default RHEL 7.x runs with git 1.8.x. I have installed a newer git version but this is not in the default $PATH environment.
I have found this instructions https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/wsl#_advanced-environment-setup-script which describe how to set the environment variables specifically for VS Code when usind WSL.
If you want to run additional commands or modify the environment this can be done in a setup script ~/.vscode-server/server-env-setup
This does seem to work only if you use WSL. Why does this not work with the Remote - SSH extension?
My special case is that I only want and need the git>=2 while usind VS Code. When I am connected regularly via ssh I would like and need the OS default tools and settings.
This gives me the special request that I don't want to edit the ~/.bashrc, ~/.cshrc or any other user environment files.
I would like to be able to edit the environment for VS Code only. Some kind, maybe like:
export PATH=/opt/rh/rh-git29/root/usr/bin\:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
setenv PATH /opt/rh/rh-git29/root/usr/bin\:$PATH
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Is there anything I have not found yet where I can make my requests to work or would this be some kind of request to the VS Code Team?
I think I found the solution in this issue comment and the follow-up response:
When vscode-server initially starts, it uses a login shell, sourcing .profile in your home directory.
However, any following interactive shells started through VS Code are non-login shells and thus only source .bashrc
A complication in fiddling with this is that vscode-server apparently caches the environment during its lifetimes, so changes to these dotfiles don't become visible until the server is restarted.
I have a better solution to minimize the proxy scope
export http_proxy=<proxy here>
export no_proxy=<no proxy here>
while IFS= read -r _file; do
if ! grep -s -q "export http_proxy=" "${_file}"; then
sed -i -e "/^ROOT/i export http_proxy=${http_proxy}" -e "/^ROOT/i export https_proxy=${http_proxy}" -e "/^ROOT/i export no_proxy=${no_proxy}" "${_file}"
done < <(find ~/.vscode-server/bin -type f -name "server.sh")

“mexschurfun.mexmaci64” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

I am trying to use CVX in MATLAB, but when I run a my code, I get this error:
“mexschurfun.mexmaci64” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
I have already tried changing my Mac security to "Allow anyway" for the “mexschurfun.mexmaci64” file, but it still gives me the same error. Any ideas how to fix this?
The following answer is taken directly from the cvx forum.
This is a problem of the Gatekeeper in macOS. Go to System Preferences/Security & Privacy and then check the option “Anywhere” in “Allow apps downloaded from”. Follow these instructions if this option is not yet visible.
If you trust the source where you have downloaded FieldTrip, you can resolve these errors for all MEX-files at once by opening a terminal and typing
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine LOCATION_OF_FIELDTRIP
sudo find LOCATION_OF_FIELDTRIP -name \*.mexmaci64 -exec spctl --add {} \;
where LOCATION_OF_FIELDTRIP is the place where you have unzipped FieldTrip. Following sudo you will have to give your administrator password.
The first command removes all FieldTrip files from quarantine, the second adds a Gatekeeper exception to all MEX-files.
Check the following link for more help:

mysql-workbench, how do I write a bash file command as to launch and open a SQL script to a query tab?

mysql-workbench, how do I write a bash file command as to launch and open a SQL script to a query tab? I am not sure which parameter I need to pass.
ps. Now I am on a Fedora 32. (kind of very late edit, sorry)
You should always specify which OS you are using.
Generally, you can start MySQL Workbench with various command line paramaters. One of them is --help (-help on Windows). This will give you the following list:
MySQLWorkbench [<options>] [<model file>]
--query [<connection>] Open a query tab to the named connection or prompt for it if none given
--admin <instance> Open a administration tab to the named instance
--upgrade-mysql-dbs Open a migration wizard tab
--model <model file> Open the given EER model file
--open <file> Open the given file at startup
--run <script> Execute the given code in default language for GRT shell
--run-python <script> Execute the given code in Python
--run-lua <script> Execute the given code in Lua
--migration Open the Migration Wizard tab
--quit-when-done Quit Workbench when the script is done
--log-to-stderr Also log to stderr
--help, -h Show command line options and exit
--log-level=<level> Valid levels are: error, warning, info, debug1, debug2, debug3
--verbose, -v Enable diagnostics output
--version Show Workbench version number and exit
(this is for OS X and Linux, Windows uses a single dash instead). For OS X you also have to use the direct call. So instead of:
open /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app --args --help
which will not show you the parameters use:
/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/MacOS/MySQLWorkbench --help
To open a connection and load an SQL script file use the following parameters:
... --query "Localhost 5.6" --open /Data/Work/Data/Scripts/alter_test.sql
Again, on Windows use single dashes. For the query parameter use the name of a connection you have defined.