All of <a> tags were broken on outlook - email

All of tags are changed to the below type of string on outlook web browser
[]Verify Now
It has to be.
Verify Now
** The thing is it is working on Google(web browser) or mailbox as well **
The email server is using AWS smtp service.

The prefix and type has to be defined
https:// or http://
How to Copy a URL
You can copy a website link in most desktop web browsers and other programs by right-clicking or tapping-and-holding the link and choosing the copy option. If you're using a web browser, the URL is located at the very top of the program, likely above or below the open tabs or bookmarks bar.
The link should look something like this, with http:// or https:// at the very start:

Outlook web will do that for any links that do not have a protocol at the start of the link, i.e. http:// or https://.
I.e. you need Verify Now


Best practices for linking [<a href] canonical URL that have redirects while using localhost

Say I have a website:
This website has many different HTML pages such as:
The website is hosted on AWS Amplify and has a variety of 301 redirects which are handled with JSON. Below is an example:
"source": "",
"target": "",
"status": "301",
"condition": null
So, as result, my page is always showing /page instead of /page.html on the client side, as expected. I read a lot about canonical URLS today and learned:
For the quickest effect, use 3xx HTTP (also known as server-side) redirects.
Suppose your page can be reached in multiple ways:
Pick one of those URLs as your canonical URL, and use redirects to send traffic from the other URLs to your preferred URL.
From: How to specify a canonical with rel="canonical" and other methods | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google Developers
Which is what I did with the JSON in AWS. I also found that using <link rel="canonical" href="desired page" in the <head> of my HTML is the best practice for telling google (Analytics, etc.) which page is the desired canonical. Which I have since updated all my pages with.
Now the main problem is whenever you hover a href or copy the link address, it includes the .HTML extension on the client side. As soon as this link is pasted and entered the server updates without the .HTML extension. My question is what is the best practice to exclude the extension and display the target address when copying the link address or hovering and the href appearing in the bottom left (Chrome MacOS 110.0.5481.77).
I've seen sites using absolute paths that include the full domain. This isn't a problem, however, most of the development of the site is done on a localhost. Doing this will make that a hassle as I would have to type in the full local path each time which includes the .html extension to get an accurate representation locally. Is there a certain way to do this, which is the correct way?
*Most of this is all new information to me so if something I'm saying is invalid, please correct me.

Apache2: Redirect from a custom link to a html file

That's quite a simple question, but I would like to create a redirection for my website using Apache2 and the virtual hosts.
I want it to happen when a user gets on this link :
And this link should redirect to an html file in my website directory (for example test.html) with the link still on
I think I should use mod_rewrite or the aliases but I don't know how to use them.
Thanks for your time !

Facebook app domain name when using localhost

From a tutorial here:
I tried to set up a Local development Area for my Facebook app. But when I put "http://localhost:85/my_app/" as my domain name, Facebook says
App Domains: "http://localhost:85/app-name/" should not contain protocol information.
Also when I put "localhost:85/my_app/" as my domain name, I get the error:
App Domains: localhost:85/my_app/ is not a valid domain.
It seems like the protocol has been changed.
Here is my solution (I tested on 3rd April 2015 and it works well):
In Settings -> Basic tab
App Domain: localhost
Click "+Add Platform" and choose "Website"
Site URL: http://localhost:<port>/ (<port> is your port number)
Save Changes
My solution:
Leave App Domains empty
(Products) Facebook login > Settings
Add http://localhost:85/my_app/ to Valid OAuth redirect URIs box
Save Changes
Leave App Domains empty
Go to Website with Facebook Login
Add http://localhost:port_number/
Save changes and try again.
For more information visit
Happy coding :-)
This has changed some over the years, but I just got it to work with a webapp that I'm running on localhost. This is what I did:
Select your app.
Select Settings > Basic from the left hand nav bar.
Click the Add Platform button at the bottom of the page.
Click Website
Enter http://localhost:8080/ for the Site URL.
Click the Quickstart button to the far right of the Site URL you just entered.
A new tab will open. On that tab, scroll down to the section, "Tell us about your website" and again enter http://localhost:8080/ for the Site URL.
Click the Next button.
Attempted to login again, and it worked this time.
Good luck!
2018 working solution
It took me ages to figure this out, so I'm going to share my solution.
I tried all the suggested answers, but nothing worked for me, and in the end all I had to do was to go to, and add my full callback url in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs box.
In my case, using ruby on rails, my url looked like this http://localhost:3000/user/auth/facebook/callback.
And right after I added it, everything started working! Hope this helps someone else facing this issue.
This is what I used to do.
If you are using Windows, you need to modify the host file. Host file location will be at %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\
Add a new line in host file like this
Save the host file.
Go to FB apps setting control panel and give in Apps domain field. Save changes.
Now load you local environment like from your browser.
NB: change YOUR-SITE-NAME with your domain name.
Working solution (August 2018)
First, select your app in the developers dashboard.
Then make sure your app is in development mode, as it allows localhost over HTTP. To do so, click on the toggle situated at the top right of your app's page.
Finally, please follow the notes below as they could cause trouble if improperly filled:
Settings > Basic > App Domains should be empty
Products > Facebook Login > Settings > Valid OAuth Redirect URIs should be empty
You can either leave it blank or use localhost, http://localhost:85/my_app/ is the URL
When I wrote that tutorial at that time port was allowed in app domain. And I actually able to run app with 81 port (wamp server). Now it looks that facebook is not allowing port in url. You can use localhost in app domain.
I will update information as soon as possible. I am trying to find out solution.
A temporary solution is use localtunnel
I tested this and it works for me [Feb 2020]:
Install ngrok & get your https url (example:
Go to FB App Dashboard Settings (Basic) -> under App Domains -> add,
On the same page, scroll all the way down, Add Platform (Website), set the url as Not finish yet, click QuickStart -> under "Tell us about your website", put the same url
Then go to Products -> Facebook Login -> Settings -> Client OAuth Settings -> Valid OAuth Redirect URIs -> add these,,{your-redirect-uri}.
And here you go. Thanks me later :)
You must create a tunnel to share your localhost;
Ngrok is maby the easiest way to do that.
Go through link to download ngrok and extract that file.
Open cmd ( search cmd)
Go to directory where ngrok is extracted.
Open ngrok from command line ex: c:/ngrok/ngrok.exe [port] or cd c:/ngrok then ngrok 80 ( ngrok [port] )
You will get
Tunnel Status online
Version 1.3/1.3
Forwarding ->
Forwarding ->
Web Interface
# Conn 0
Avg Conn Time 0.00ms
Don’t FORGET to make sure your wamp server is open on same port …
(how to check -> goto->wampicon->apache->httpd.conf search for port or 80(default) use that for ngrok.exe 80 )
will be URL for accessing your localhost online
I tried all the solutions mentioned here but none of them worked.
What solved my issue was copying the "OAuth redirect URI" from firebase to facebook app "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs"
I left all the domains blank
If you are getting the protocol errors, not only do you need to REMOVE the Http:// but also if there is any backslash at the end of the web address, you must remove that too or it won't work. I did this and it worked perfectly! Holla!
Tossing one more solution into the mix:
I set up my website per the instructions, then added a second app (Facebook Canvas) and set that URL to http://localhost:XXXXX. Now I can access FB both locally and in production.
I develop locally and I use this URL: localhost/fb
Then I had to add a website with the following URL: http://localhost
Under App Domains I added localhost.
Now it works. The only issue I had was, that you have to use this URL in all of your scripts. E.g.
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl('http://localhost/fb/login-callback.php', $permissions);
You can't use here ...

Redirecting users to the facebook app

If I have an app on facebook that's pulling the content from for instance, is there a way I can stop people visting the site and instead redirect them to the facebook app page?
Facebook is sending a POST variable called signed_request when the page is opened within a Fan Page Tab or the Canvas page of your App. Simply check if the POST variable is there and redirect to your App's Canvas page if not ;-)
Here you can read a bit how the signed_request is used inside an App.
Kalvin is close. Props to Kalvin :)
Setup your website to default to index.html
Move the real content of your site from index.html to index-fb.html
In index.html then place either the meta tag for redirection or just javascript for location.href='' script for redirection. The url to redirect to will be in the{yourappname} format.
In facebook, update the app settings canvas app url from to
1) Pull your content from your website from a subfolder
2) Redirect them from the index.html using a meta tag:
A better way would be to check if the content is being displayed inside facebook and then redirect but I have no idea how to do that
Edit the .htaccess or conf.d file on your Apache web server (or the rewrite rules in IIS) to give a 301 Permenant Redirect.
Assuming you have Apache:
1.) Log into the box using ssh or some terminal emmulation program
2.) cd /etc/httpd/conf.d
3.) Locate the the configuration file for your site, edit it using vi, emacs, nano, or some text editor
4.) See here on how to write the rewrite rule.

How to redirect 404

For example in past my website look like this:
Now look like this:
How can i redirect people who search for a specific tag to my new link?
From "" to ""
I'm not so good with coding so based to my examples can somebody make the code that need to be inserted in htaccess file pls.
This are the examples of links:
That redirecting is called URL Rewriting, and is usually done via a .htaccess file for Apache, or with magic if you're using Lighttpd.
I would take a look at this website, which more or less explains how to do it (assuming you're running Apache):
The specific details depend on the web server being used (IIS, Apache, etc.) but basically you could configure those to redirect to a specific web page and extract the keyword from the original URL and place it in the query string parameter list.
For example, in IIS you would do the following:
Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager
Select your web site from the list and right-click to go Properties.
The Custom Errors tab is where you will see a list of HTTP errors.
Select the "404" page and "Edit Properties" to point this to a web page of your choosing.
The last step is where you will plug in your custom code that will handle the redirect.