Want to activate a virtual environment from terminal with Octave/Matlab - command

I would like to execute a bash command to activate a virtual environment with Octave using Linux. What I actually want to do is run DeepSpeech using Octave/Matlab.
The command I want to use is
source $HOME/tmp/deepspeech-venv/bin/activate
The line of code I tried on my own is system("source $HOME/tmp/deepspeech-venv/bin/activate")
And the output I'm getting is sh: 1: source: not found
I saw this answer on a post and tried this command setenv('PATH', ['/source $HOME/tmp/deepspeech-venv/bin/activate', pathsep, getenv('PATH')]) but with no help it returned the same error.

It's not completely clear from your question, but I'm assuming you're trying to do is run python commands within octave/matlab, and you'd like to use a python virtual environment for that.
Unfortunately, when you run a system command from within octave, what most likely happens is that this creates a subshell to execute your command, which is discarded once the command has finished.
You have several options to rectify this, but I think the easiest one would be to activate the python virtual environment first, and run your octave instance from within that environment. This then inherits all environmental variables as they existed when octave was run. You can confirm this by doing getenv( 'VIRTUAL_ENV' ).
If that's not an option, then you could make sure that all system commands intended to run python scripts, are prefixed with a call to the virtual environment first (e.g. something like system( 'source ./my/venv/activate; python3 ./myscript.py') ).
Alternatively, you can try to recreate the virtual environment from its exported variables manually, using the setenv command.


Pyenv activate does not run activate script with Fish Shell

My pyenv is working just fine, but it does not seem to be running my activate script located at /usr/local/var/pyenv/versions/project/bin/activate.fish
When activating my environment it gives the following output, but it does not echo anything from the activate script, which indicates that it is not running.
dani#localhost ~/d/project> pyenv activate project
pyenv-virtualenv: prompt changing not working for fish.
Of course I can just source the file manually, but I'm too eager to find out why it is not running. Is there some kind of debug mode? I'm not sure how to approach.
Virtual environment is activated but the message just says that your prompt wasn't changed. Updating prompt was intentionally removed from fish shell.
you can find detailed information here;
If you want to see virtual environment is really activated or not,
run the following command;
pyenv which python
it should print something like;
try this:
set PYENV_ROOT $HOME/.pyenv
pyenv rehash

MATLAB System Command Gives Segmentation Fault?

I am using an external solver to run simulations. I am trying to call the external solver with system(cmd) from a MATLAB script. The cmd itself runs fine with no problems from the Terminal (I'm running on OSX). However, every time the MATLAB script runs, the status is 139 - Segmentation Fault. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
When executing the system command this is not the same as running a program from the terminal since you likely have environment variables defined within your terminal session (via ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile) that are going to effect how a program is accessed and run.
If you have environment variables that you need to set for the program to run successfully, use setenv from within MATLAB prior to calling system.
I had the same problem with my Matlab (R2016b), but the solution was exactly the opposite.
Instead of missing variables, system() defined LD_LIBRARY_PATH which redirected to some shared libraries packaged with Matlab that didn't sit well with my program. After clearing LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my script, everything worked fine. You can do that for example with this:

Updating environmental variables in Visual Studio Code on Linux

I changed the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH from the Ubuntu terminal (because I was receiving an error) and the changes were applied when I ran code (a Python code) from the terminal. But when I ran the same script from the Visual Studio Code, the error remains. How to update the environmental variable so that Visual Studio Code sees it, as well?
Environment variables are passed from parent process to child process; they are not (say) global to the system or the user. If you change a variable in one shell, the change is only seen in that shell and any processes started from that shell. So the simplest solution is to change the variable and then start VSCode from that same shell:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/some/useful/path
$ code
If you want to keep using that shell for other things, run it in the background:
$ code >/dev/null 2>&1 &
The redirection to /dev/null is needed because otherwise VSCode prints logging information periodically, and that output will be mixed with whatever else you're doing.
If you want to set the variable permanently, see the question How do I set a user environment variable? (permanently, not session). After following those instructions, you'll need to start a new shell (and possibly even logout and login) first so the settings take effect. Then launch VSCode from the new shell.

Execute batch file using dos()

I got a problem when executing batch file commands through matlab. This batch file includes commands to run simulations in Adams. When I execute the batch file directly from DOS window, it works well. But if I use matlab to execute it (using command dos()), it gives error saying 'cannot check out the license for Adams'.
This confuses me: if the license is incorrect, it should not work no matter I execute the batch file directly in DOS or ask MATLAB to execute it. I also tried to execute other DOS commands through matlab using dos() and it worked well.
Does anyone know what the problem may be?
Such issues are commonly caused by some environment variables being changed or cleared by MATLAB. I have very similar experience on Linux and Mac OS X, where this causes havoc when using system or unix.
In Unix-like systems, MATLAB is started from a shell script where all of this happens. So you can either incorporate missing variables there or in the .matlab7rc.sh in your home directory (the latter is preserved when you upgrade MATLAB and it is much easier to use). I won't go into all the Unix details here.
An alternative workaround is to explicitly set those variables when you issue a system command (e.g. system('export variable=value ; ...')). It is quite a bit of work, but you can then use that MATLAB code on different computers with ease.
On Windows, I'm not completely sure about the exact location of the corresponding files (and whether MATLAB starts in quite a similar way as on Unix). But if they exist, you can probably find it in the MATLAB documentation.
Anyhow, the alternative fix should work here as well.
First you need to diagnose which system variables you need (likely a PATH or anything that has a name related to Adams).
To do so in Windows, run set from the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) and from within MATLAB. Whatever differs in the output is a possible suspect for your problem.
To inspect just a single variable, you can use the command echo %variablename%.
I will assume that you have found that the suspect environment variable is missing and should be set to value.
The workaround fix is then to run your command in MATLAB as system('set suspect=value & ...') where you replace ... with your original command.

How to make command line tool work in windows and linux?

Making my PHP Command line application support Linux and Windows. Currently it has this code below to work from command line on Linux/unix
How can I make it work on Windows? I lan on having a setting to determine if the sytem is Linux or Windows and using the correct commands based on that but I do not know how to make these function below work in Windows
exec() is a PHP function to run stuff through the command line
exec("rm -f $dest_file", $var);
exec("mv $quant_file {$this->tmp_path}/{$src_filename}-quant.png");
You could test which platform you're on using the PHP_OS constant and run commands accordingly.
I would, however, suggest that you use the PHP provided filesystem functions (if possible).
Here are some links: