Can I use a provider for all my render functions in react testing library? - react-testing-library

Is there a way to wrap in a provider all my renders? I have a theme provider and now I have to wrap all my test renders with it, like this:
render(<SameProviderInAllMyTest value={theme}>

You can create a custom render for this . The testing library documentation has an example for this on how to setup a custom render .
Custom Render Setup


how to use custom layout with ionic3 barcode-scanner plugin

I am using ionic3, I need to create a screen to scan QRCode/Barcode with this layout: show model example, Is there a possibility of HTML injection in this plugin?
Useful links:
Get picture in Custom View Camera Preview Ionic 3
It's difficult to build a custom layout using barcode-scanner but,
You can make a custom layout for QRcode scanner using the following plugin:

How to make a Material UI layout

For vuetify, I use <v-content> for making may layout when I'm using Vue. Since I got used to this, I was finding this kind of component on Material UI.
Is there a way to convert this layout from Vuetify to Material UI?
<v-toolbar app>...</v-toolbar>
<v-navigation-drawer app>...</v-navigation-drawer permanent>
I was using nuxt on Vuetify. Now I'm using next for my react project.
I'm kind of finding the <v-app> and <v-content> like component for Material UI but I can't seem to find it. Or do I make that layout myself?
well, while Vue is more of a framework in the classic acceptance of the notion, react is more of a library, providing components that you can assemble in any way you may find appropriate
so you'll have to build that layout yourself
have a look at this example:

Render Method Called Twice

I am facing a problem.When i am calling my portlet so render method is triggered twice .I got a link where i got to know that is because of custom theme.
I am also using custom theme for my portlet.Can anyone provide solution how to prevent to render twice with custom theme?
Note- I am using liferay-7

How to wrap 'leaflet-geosearch' in 'react-leaflet' application?

I want to warp 'leaflet-geosearch' to work in a react.js application that uses leaflet-geosearch. Is this possible?
Any examples of this would be extremely useful.
You'd have to write a custom react-leaflet component to do this.

symfony custom form type with assets

I've created a custom form type in symfony2. This formtype has it's own template and this is working fine.
The form type also needs some javascript on the clientside to work nicely.
I would like to add this javascript to the page using the same template I use to render the widget. It's a bit more of a hassle to do this manually.
I could add the javascript manually on each page, but it would be nice if that just happened automatically.
I can't add the javascript just before or after the element itself, as it has a dependency to jquery which is only loaded at the bottom of the body.
I tried using a block which is defined in the "main template" (it is named block_javascript) to add the custom javascripts to the footer of the page, but it seems the rendering of forms works a little different and the block is not available.
I'm using assetic to prepare and return assets.
Is there a way I can use blocks from the main template being rendered when rendering a form widget?
I don't think yet about all the consequences or if it's doable, but here an idea that can solve your problem: use the event dispatcher.
an event for assets addition
a service that hold a list of assets to use and subscribe to above event
a Twig extension that use above service to make assets accessible in the template
trigger the event in the buildView() function of your form type with right parameters
use the Twig extension in your layout template
It theorically should work.