Kubernetes - Running the CI/CD pipeline on the prod cluster [closed] - kubernetes

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Closed 1 year ago.
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First of all, a disclaimer - I know that this questions might be too "open-ended" for SO, but I honestly could not find a better place for it (and the K8s docs specifically recommend any questions be directed to SO).
My company has decided to switch the main production infrastructure to Kubernetes. However, there is some significant pushback from the developers, who would prefer not to run the CI/CD pipeline on the same cluster as the production workloads. They prefer to keep some dedicated VMs for that purpose, the main reason given that "we should not put all our eggs in one basket".
With me coming from the other side of devops (the "ops" side), I would prefer to have everything in one place, managed using the same set of tools. Unfortunately, I cannot find any documented best practices stating one way or another.
So my questions are:
Based on personal experience, would you recommend one type of deployment over another? Why?
Can anyone point me to a link making the argument one way or another? Any recommendations that we should follow in such a case?

Unfortunately, I cannot find any documented best practices stating one way or another.
This is all depends on how strong separation you want. In Kubernetes you can separate environments by using a separate namespace, but for professional company environments, you typically want stronger separation. If you use a cloud provider, it is common to separate with a different account for "production", aslo with different access rights.
developers, who would prefer not to run the CI/CD pipeline on the same cluster as the production workloads.
If this is for a professional organization, I agree with them. You want to use completely separated VMs, network and load balancer. If you use a cloud provider, it is also good to use a different cloud account and vpc (virtual private cloud - network).
With me coming from the other side of devops (the "ops" side), I would prefer to have everything in one place, managed using the same set of tools.
I agree with both you and your developers. Use a dedicated cluster for production and a different cluster for development. Do all changes in the production cluster via CI/CD pipelines. Restrict access (at least, write access) to the production environment.
With that setup, you only have two clusters that are in active use, not more - but also strong separation for the production environment.
See Best practices for enterprise organizations for a good document on best practices for organizations.


How to implement deployment freeze in kubernetes infrastructure? [closed]

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Closed last month.
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Any big project is subject of code freeze in special moments of the year, mine included. In our context, we work with microservices architecture, where each team is responsable for the entire cycle coding->deploying, where deployment means changing a k8s deployment.yaml file that points to a new docker image with the latest changes.
However, the way we deal with freezes is that we simply don't merge any changes into the deployment.yaml of any of our services, this way, k8s won't deploy anything new. But IMO this approach is not ideal and easily bypassed because there isn't any real blocker, it's just a common agreement that we won't merge such PRs so that we don't change the deployment.yaml.
This way, my question would be if there is a known way, be that in kubernetes configurations or somewhere else, where I can enforce a real freeze and be 100% sure that nothing will be deployed in the meantime?
Even better if I were allowed to keep merging changes in deployment.yaml of my services, but only have the changes actually deployed upon freezing end.
-> In case you also don't know any existing way to do it, please leave your suggestions on how you think this could be done because Im heading to my final project in college and I think this could be an interesting topic...
The answer to this question will vary according to some parameters, but there are generally 2 main access points that can change production which should be controlled in order to achieve a hermetic code freeze -
CI/CD pipelines - This is the most common way to deploy changes to production these days. In my previous company, when we wanted to prevent developers from deploying changes during a code freeze, we would delete production credentials from the CI/CD system during the code freeze, and that way no change can be deployed even if it is merged to master.
As #larsks mentioned in the comments - if you are using GitOps, you might have to pin the current change to a specific commit/tag in git.
Manual changes - If developers in the organization have access to change production manually, you will have to address this as well. You can either block manual access until the end of the code freeze, or make sure the policy is clearly communicated to everyone with production access (since manual changes don't are less probable to happen unintentionally)
Another point to address when implementing code freeze is out of band access to apply hotfixes and other urgent changes. When cutting access to production there should still be an emergency route allowing changes to production to be applied, and it should be simple and quick - because it will often be applied in times of stress and downtime.

How to build an easy to use cloud architecture [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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I'm a student and I'm supposed to set up a usable cluster for the university in the next semester. The main requirement is that other students can easily work with it. The cluster consists of 20 Linux PCs and 20 Macs. Other students should be able to quickly get applications like Kubernetes, Hadoop, etc. running with little configuration. At best deploy application, determine the node number and done (exaggerated). What is the best way to do this. I've skimmed over tools like Ansible and Terraform, they sound like something im looking for, but don't know anything about them.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Such questions are generally discouraged since they are not really questions but rather design problems but I'll answer anyway just to give you some idea.
Keep in mind that an architecture with 40 machines is not something easy to achieve for a beginner, so you should have a lot of patience and dedication when working on the project.
You are looking for a design type which is generally referred to as Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS. This allows tenants (the users of the cloud) to be able to deploy their own application/clusters on top of an existing infrastructure that you will provide. For this, you will have to start with something like openstack, which is one of the ways in which you can achieve this and you will have to do a lot of work to learn how it works, deploy it, and add your 40 machines to it. You can get started here. [I'm really unsure if you can use Mac systems as part of a cloud - but I'm really curious to know if it is possible]
Once you have setup an openstack infrastructure, you will have to think about maintenance and management of your system. There, you will have to think about solutions like ansible and terraform that will allow you to provide easy to use templates to you students where they will be able to edit some text files to match their specifications, and then deploy them on top of your openstack infrastructure easily. This practice is known as Infrastructure as Code - IaC. This helps you maintain your infrastructure designs as simple text files in a VCS (Version Control System) like Git for easier maintenance/rollback/upgrade etc.
The overall flow will look like this:
Student => Creates Manifests => Applies them to an Openstack account => Manages/Uses/Interacts with the deployed application
You => deploy Openstack => manage student accounts (tenant projects) => Monitor it => Maintain it => make sure it is available => Provide templates for deploying the 'overclouds'
There is no easy and simple answer to this very generic and complicated problem, but it is possible, for sure. I hope this gets you started.

Which segregation Kubernetes clusters for an production environment? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm wondering about the best practices for architecting my Kubernetes clusters.
For 1 environment (e.g. production), what organisation should I have in my clusters?
Examples: 1 cluster per technology stack, 1 cluster per exposure area (internet, private...), 1 cluster with everything ... ?
Thanks for your help
I'm not a Kubernetes expert, so I'll give you some generic guidance to help until someone who knows more weighs in.
By technology stack - no. That wouldn't provide any value I can think of.
By 'exposure' - yes. If one cluster is compromised the damage will hopefully be limited to that cluster only.
By solution - yes.
Solution vs Technology Stack
"Solution" is where you have a number of systems that exist to addresses a specific business problem or domain. This could be functional e.g. finance vs CRM vs HR.
Technology stacks in the literal sense is not likely to be relevant. True, it's not uncommon for different solutions & systems to be comprised of different technology (is that what you were meaning?) - but that's usually a by-product, not the primary driver.
Let's say you have two major solutions (e.g. the finance and CRM). It's likely that you will have situations that impacts one but shouldn't impact the other.
Planned functional changes: e.g. rolling out a major release. Object Orientated programmers and architects have had this nailed for years through designing systems that are cohesive but loosely-coupled (see: Difference Between Cohesion and Coupling), and through stuff like the Stable Dependencies Principle. Having both solutions dependent on the same cluster makes them coupled in that respect, which.
Planned infrastructure changes: e.g. patching, maintenance, resource reallocation, etc.
Unplanned changes: e.g. un-planned outage, security breaches.
Look at what will be running on the cluster(s), and what solutions they are part of, and consider separation along those lines.
The final answer might be a combination of both, some sort of balance between security concerns and solution (i.e. change) boundaries.
The best way would be is to have 1 kubernetes cluster and have the worker nodes in private subnets. You can choose to have the control plane in a public subnet with restricted access like your VPN cidr etc.
If you have multiple teams or application stacks, I'd suggest having different namespaces for each stack as this creates the logical separation of resources.
Also, check the resource limits and quotas that you can apply on kubernetes to prevent over consumption of the resources.
And, as you mentioned multiple application stacks, I am assuming you would have multiple services being exposed for each application or something similar. I would highly recommend using a ingress controller (nginx or anything) to work as single point of entry for each application. You can have more than 1 application listening to 1 load balancer.
Also, have prometheus or ELK monitoring in place as they are great with monitoring k8s components and metrics.
And, I would highly recommend using a tool kubecost and kubebench for enhancing your k8s cluster.
Kubecost is for cost analytics and reporting for k8s components and kubebench would audit your cluster against CIS standards and give you a report on what improvements are required and where.
Please note that the above recommendations are based on best practises and cost efficiency.

Openshift vs Rancher, what are the differences? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am totally new to this two technologies (I know docker and kubernetes btw).
Haven't find much an the web about this comparison topic.
I have read that Openshift is used by more companies,but a nightmare to install,pricier and on upgrade data loss can occur.
But nothing else.
What should be the deciding factor for which one to use for kubernete cluster orchestration?
I currently work for Rancher. I've also been building Internet infrastructure since 1996 and owned an MSP for 14 years that built and managed Internet datacenters for large US media companies. I've been working with containers since 2014, and since then I've tried pretty much everything that exists for managing containers and Kubernetes.
"The deciding factor" varies by individual and organization. Many companies use OpenShift. Many companies use Rancher. Many companies use something else, and everyone will defend their solution because it fits their needs, or because of the psychological principle of consistency, which states that because we chose to walk a certain path, that path must be correct. More specifically, the parameters around the solution we chose must be what we need because that was the choice we made.
Red Hat's approach to Kubernetes management comes from OpenShift being a PaaS before it was ever a Kubernetes solution. By virtue of being a PaaS, it is opinionated, which means it's going to be prescriptive about what you can do and how you can do it. For many people, this is a great solution -- they avoid the "analysis paralysis" that comes from having too many choices available to them.
Rancher's approach to Kubernetes management comes from a desire to integrate cloud native tooling into a modular platform that still lets you choose what to do. Much like Kubernetes itself, it doesn't tell you how to do it, but rather gives fast access to the tooling to do whatever you want to do.
Red Hat's approach is to create large K8s clusters and manage them independently.
Rancher's approach is to unify thousands of clusters into a single management control plane.
Because Rancher is designed for multi-cluster management, it applies global configuration where it benefits the operator (such as authentication and identity management) but keeps tight controls on individual clusters and namespaces within them.
Within the security boundaries Rancher gives developers access to clusters and namespaces, easy app deployment, monitoring and metrics, service mesh, and access to Kubernetes features without having to go and learn all about Kubernetes first.
But wait! Doesn't OpenShift give developers those things too?
Yes, but often with Red Hat-branded solutions that are modified versions of open source software. Rancher always deploys unadulterated versions of upstream software and adds management value to it from the outside.
The skills you learn using software with Rancher will transfer to using that same software anywhere else. That's not always the case with skills you learn while using OpenShift.
There are a lot of things in Kubernetes that are onerous to configure, independent of the value of using the thing itself. It's easy to spend more time fussing around with Kubernetes than you do using it, and Rancher wants to narrow that gap without compromising your freedom of choice.
What is it that you want to do, not only now, but in the future? You say that you already know Kubernetes, but something has you seeking a management solution for your K8s clusters. What are your criteria for success?
No one can tell you what you need to be successful. Not me, not Red Hat, not Rancher.
I chose to use Rancher and to work there because I believe that they are empowering developers and operators to hit the ground running with Kubernetes. Everything that Rancher produces is free and open source, and although they're a business, the vast majority of Rancher deployments make no money for Rancher.
This forces Rancher to create a product that has true value, not a product that they can convince other people to buy.
The proof is in the deployments - Red Hat has roughly 1,000 OpenShift customers, which means roughly 1,000 OpenShift deployments. Rancher has fewer paying customers than Red Hat, but Rancher has over 30,000 deployments that we know about.
You can be up and running with Rancher in under ten minutes, and you can import the clusters you already have and start working with them a few minutes later. Why not just take it for a spin and see if you like it?
I also invite you to join the Rancher Users slack. There you will not only find a community of Rancher users, but you will be able to find other people who compared Rancher and OpenShift and chose Rancher. They will be happy to help you with information that will lead you to feel confident about whatever choice you make.

What is the scope of learning kubernetes? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I came across the word "Kubernetes" recently while searching for some online courses. I understood if I learn Kubernetes, I will learn about containers and stuff related to container orchestration and how easily we can scale the microservices. But I wanted to know after learning kubernetes is there any other thing to learn to become an expert in that line?
My question is more of the stream I can select if I learn this, as like learning Python or R will help you to become a data analyst or other data related stream?
I am very new this, really appreciate your help in understanding this
Thanks in advance
The main prerequisite for Kubernetes is Docker. Once you learn Docker, you learn how to package environments into containers and deploy them. Once you've learnt how to build docker images, you need to 'orchestrate' them. What does that mean?
That means, if you have a bunch of microservices (in the form of containers), you can spin up multiple machines and tell Kubernetes which image/container goes where and so you can orchestrate your app using Docker images (packaged environments) and then Kubernetes as the underlying resource provider to run these containers, and control when they are spun up/killed.
Assuming you don't have a massive cluster on-prem (or at home) Kubernetes on a single personal computer is rather useless. You would need to learn a cloud platform (or invest in a server) to utilise Kubernetes efficiently.
Once you learn this, you would possibly need to find a way for your containers to communicate with one another. In my opinion, the two most important things any amateur programmer needs to know are:
Message brokers
Message brokers: Kafka, RabbitMQ (personal fave), Google Pub/Sub, etc.
REST: Basically sending/receiving data via HTTP requests.
Once all of this is done, you've learnt how to build images, orchestrate them, have them communicate with one another and use resources from other machines (utilizing the cloud or on-prem servers)
There are many other uses for Kubernetes, but in my opinion, this should be enough to entice you to learn this key-skill.
Kubernetes and Docker is the future, because it removes the need to worry about environments. If you have a docker image, you can run that image on Mac, Linux, Windows or basically any machine with a hypervisor. Increase portability, and decreases over-head of setting up environments each time. Also allows you to spin up 1 or 100 or 1000 or 10,000 containers (excellent for scalability!)
Yes, if you are looking to explore fully then security aspect can also be a thing you can learn and these days its in demand where various clients want to get security leaks checked at level of containers, containers registry and even at level of kubernetes also.
You can become DevSecOps with couple of certifications.
And pertaining to your later question I can't envisage anything because here you can just deploy containers and you can even deploy some python code there which is expected to collect some data from sensors and do some computations.
Please comment if something specific is your question