Can google cloud storage auto delete unused image/file? - google-cloud-storage

I use google cloud storage as my CKEditor image uploader.
But now I face some problems. If I upload a image to GCS, then I delete the image in my article, that image still exist in my GCS.
Can GCS auto delete unused image?

It sounds like the condition you want is that there are no img tag references in your HTML files to an image file you want to delete. If that's the case, Lifecycle Management has no condition support for that condition. Or maybe you're thinking of deleting images if they haven't been accessed in the past N days. Unfortunately that also is not a condition supported by Lifecycle Management.
If the above is a correct interpretation of your case, you will need to implement something to do the needed detection - either by walking your HTML objects and determining which of your image files is no longer referenced, or by enabling object access logging and walking the logs to determine image files that haven't been accessed recently.

You can set up a GCS Object Lifecycle rule that would delete images based on conditions you choose.


Including non-standard resources in Unity HoloLens app

I'm building an app that must visualize a large point cloud on HoloLens 1st gen. As performance is an issue wit large clouds, I'm using Potree, an octree that takes care that only a preset number of points from the cloud are rendered.
The solution works in the editor, but, you guessed it, not when deployed on HL.
The point cloud in the Potree format is a set of couple of .json and hundreds of .bin files stored in hundreds of subfolders following the octree structure, all of that stored within a single folder, and the path to this folder is accessed by the renderer at runtime. However, I don't know how to include this folder in the HL app. Using Resources doesn't work as it's not really a standard resource. I've seen Asset Bundle suggested elsewhere, but according to this post asset bundling doesn't work on HL.
Is there a way to simply put this complex file structure in an accessible directory on HoloLens?
I feel completely stuck here and any help would be much appreciated.
Some of the things I've tried:
Keijiro Pcx doesn't work here. If rendered as single pixels, points cannot be seen in AR, and if rendered as meshes, the performance is abysmal (which led me to a conclusion octree structure should be used)
the solution here shows how to load one .xml file, but I have hundreds of files so I don't think it would work for me
similarly, this post deals with one .obj file
Unity 2019.4
HoloLens 1st gen
For anyone stumbling upon this - I ended up using Unity StreamingAssets and accessing the folder with Application.streamingAssetsPath - works beautifully!
Using pcx needs to be adjusted to binocular rendering in publishing settings. Please uncheck "Enable Depth Buffer Sharing" in XR Settings, and change "Single Pass" to "Multi Pass", as shown in the figure.enter image description here

obscuring / securing filepicker / filestack urls

I use filepicker to serve resized / cropped / watermarked images on a website. I use the regular URL based API to do this: e.g. a url might look like https://.../convert?h=400&w=600&fit=crop&quality=80&format=jpg&cache=true
This obviously allows a lot of flexibility for sizing images on the fly and so on. However, it also means that anyone can get the original un-cropped, un-watermarked image by removing the parameters at the end of the URL.
Is there any way around this short of creating a proxy server that could un-encode an encoded string?
For the latest version, it seems you need to add in your API key to the URL as well - what would stop someone else from using my API key? Are these URLs really meant to be used on a production website in the <img> tags? or for creating a resized image to download, store and ultimately serve up to the end user?
We have updated our processing engine so that it is no longer necessary to pass an API key if you are transforming an image based on its Filestack Handle:
However, a user could still get the image without the watermark. So, we also have a store method built into the processing engine:
Posting the image with our store task attached:
curl -X POST -g ""
Will return the following:
Which is a saved version of the watermarked image, so the watermark cannot be removed:
We recommend using the newer method but you should also set up security so that people can't hotlinking to your content.
I would also recommend move over to Filestack as it we have rebuilt all the infrastructure.

Can I pass a FilePicker a custom source using their API

Essentially I'm trying to see if I can use file picker to manage user assets.
With they accelerate bundle you can specify a custom s3 source, but only on their dashboard.
I want users to pick and store to their own folders ( which appears to be possible )
but then also be able to re-use those files they have already picked and stored using filepicker.
Is this possible? by reading through the doc it appears not.
Such a feature is not available so far.
I think the only solution here would be to create a database with user filepicker filelinks.

Create a link on the ios filesystem with Objective-C

I'm trying to create a comic reader app which supports both online reading & off-line reading (by downloading).
I've found MWPhotoBrowser as my image viewer, which supports SDWebImage as the image cache.
My problem is that if some user read little part of a comic on-line, and then they decides to download it for offline reading. Since the already read part is cached by SDWebImage, I don't wanna download them again from the web server. But since user asks to download them locally, I don't wanna keep them on the image cache neither as this will make the downloaded images out of our hand.
Copy the image from the image cache to the place I wanna put is a feasible solution, but it takes storage space. So, what I'm trying to do is cut the image from the image cache to the right place, and then make some soft-link in the image cache. In this way, there should be only one image copy in the storage file system.
You don't want a symbolic (soft) link. A symlink doesn't prevent the original file (in the cache) from being deleted. If the original file is deleted, you'll get an error when you try to open it through the symlink.
You want a hard link. You can create a hard link using -[NSFileManager linkItemAtURL:toURL:error:] or -[NSFileManager linkItemAtPath:toPath:error:]. Take a look at the NSFileManager Class Reference.
If you need to learn more about hard links and symbolic links, you can quickly find a lot of information by searching for “hard link” or “symbolic link” in your favorite search engine.
You can create a symbolic link using -[NSFileManager createSymbolicLinkAtURL:withDestinationURL:error:] or -[NSFileManager createSymbolicLinkAtPath:withDestinationPath:error:].

Where to cache remote image files in iOS?

I am planning to cache the images from a server and use show it as a sort slide show in my App. I would be asynchronously loading the images.
I have two options:
Either to cache the images as a File and use it whenever necessary.
Cache the images objects in memory and use it when ever necessary and write it in to files when Application quits.
Which one would be better?
Please let me know if you you have any kind of suggestions regarding caching images.
Your second approach has 2 major flaws:
If there's too many images then your application will get low memory warning and you'll have to dispose your images from memory anyway
It's also not a good idea to save all images to file on application quit - it is not guaranteed that your saving code will finish on application exit (e.g. if it takes too long system may just terminate your app and your images will be lost)
I'd suggest saving images to files right after you download them and keep in memory reasonable number of images you need to show without visible delay (loading extra images when required and disposing of unnecessary ones)
I would recommend you the first option. Leaves you more flexibility, e.g. when the data size increases the memory size.
I'd do it like this: Have a NSMutableDictionary with the cached images (as UIImage objects). If the image is not in the cache, look whether it's available as a file. If it's not available as a file, load it, put it into your dictionary and also write it to a file.
As for where to write the files to: you can either use the NSTemporaryDirectory() or create a directory inside your NSLibraryDirectory (use NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains to locate it). The later has the advantage/disadvantage that it will be in the iTunes backup (whether that's an advantage or not depends on the use case). Using the Library directory is Apple's recommended way of storing data that is backed up but does not appear in the iTune's file exchange thingy (Documents directory).
I have started using EGOImageView to handle my caching; it's very versatile and handles the intricacies of caching for you.
It works very well for pulling images via http, you can find it on the EGO developer website here
For image caching solution on iOS platform, you might want to consider SDWebImage framework available at: It is very easy to integrate and takes care of all your image caching worries.: read more about the working here:
We recently picked this up for our app and it works great.