Is FOR EACH STATEMENT Supported in Trigger? - postgresql

After reading docs, thought For Each Statement covers For Each Row and is more efficient, so I created a generic trigger function and applied to all tables contains column editts (stands for edit-timestamp without timezone, so we know when this record is updated).
CREATE FUNCTION public._tr_updateeditts()
RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
new.editts = now();
return new;
create trigger _tr_updateeditts_tbl_product before update
on public.product -- table product has column [editts]
for each statement execute procedure public._tr_updateeditts();
But, product.editts is never updated. Changed the above to for each row works. My Postgresql is v12

You cannot modify the data in statement level triggers, and the variable NEW won't be set. To do that, you need a row level trigger.
Statement level triggers may be more efficient since they are not called for each row, but if you need to modify each row, only a row level trigger will do.


Track Changes in Source table and load to History Table

I have created a view which has columns that i need to track for any change and load it into a history table. I created a Trigger as below and when i execute change, it only updates the History but does not add a new updated record. Any idea what im doing wrong?
create or replace function asset_h_fn() returns trigger
LANGUAGE plpgsql
as $$
if (asset = 'Insert') then
insert into asset_history (sys_period,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6)
values (tstzrange(lower(OLD.sys_period), current_timestamp), OLD.col1, OLD.col2, OLD.col3, OLD.col4, OLD.col5);
NEW.sys_period = tstzrange(current_timestamp,null);
return new;
return old;
end if;
end $$ ;
The RETURN OLD; in your code is fortunately unreachable; remove it.
You don't show us the CREATE TRIGGER statement, but it must be an INSTEAD OF trigger.
A view does not hold any data, it is an SQL statement with a name. So if you want a new row to appear in the view, you have to add a second INSERT to the trigger function that inserts a row into the table(s) on which the view is defined.
Well, It depends on how do you define your trigger...
Looking at your code I suppose you should use CREATE TRIGGER <trigger_name> BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON <table_name> FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE asset_h_fn();
The key here is BEFORE INSERT - if you wish to alter somehow inserted into original table data... If you don't wish to alter it, you should probably use AFTER INSERT.
You may read more about defining triggers and see some examples in official docs

Postgres Function Trigger Sequence Dependency Error

I have the following functions and trigger with sequence setup:
I want to create a function and trigger that anytime I add a new row to STRATEGY_SITES table, the 'SITE_NUM' field will have the new sequential number from SITENUM_SEQ. Schema name is gismgr.
I am getting the following error:Underlying DBMS error[Error:control reached end of trigger procedure without return Context: PL/pgSQL function process_sites_edit()(gismgr.strategy_sites)::SQLSTATE=2F005][gismgr.startegy_sites]
new.SITE_NUM := nextval('gismgr.SITENUM_SEQ');
before insert or update on STRATEGY_SITES for each row
EXECUTE PROCEDURE process_strategy_sites_edit();
CREATE SEQUENCE gismgr."SITENUM_SEQ" owned by gismgr.strategy_Sites.site_num
START 19080
MAXVALUE 9999999999999999
This seems to be an ORACLEism which is unnecessary in Postgres. Assuming your table already exsists then just
alter table *table_name* alter column site_num default nextval('gismgr.SITENUM_SEQ')
Also make sure the insert does not mention the site_num column. If you feel you must continue with the trigger approach the your trigger function needs to specify the return value.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION process_sites_edit()
new.SITE_NUM := nextval('gismgr.SITENUM_SEQ');
return new;
I would also suggest you do not want to fire the trigger on updates. That will change the site number on any/every update of a given row Are there FK referencing it - they will not be updated the update would fail. Further the procedure executed must match the function name:
before insert on STRATEGY_SITES for each row
EXECUTE PROCEDURE process_sites_edit();

Why postgresql trigger doesn't launch?

I use postgresql 11.
I think my problem comes from a trigger that doesn't do an update so the next trigger doesn't launch.
I have a table projet with columns : projet_temps_doe, projet_temps_etudes, projet_temps_globale.
The goal is to update each columns depending on other columns values.
The idea is : projet_temps_globale = projet_temps_doe + projet_temps_etudes.
I have a first trigger on projet_temps_doe which works perfectly:
create function temps_globale_doe() returns trigger
language plpgsql
new.projet_temps_globale_doe := new.projet_temps_doe_gc_bts + new.projet_temps_doe_gc_nra;
return new;
CREATE TRIGGER temps_globale_doe
BEFORE UPDATE OF projet_temps_doe_gc_bts, projet_temps_doe_gc_nra
ON public.projet
EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.temps_globale_doe();
I have a similar trigger on projet_temps_etudes which works perfectly too.
Then the trigger I struggle with on projet_temps_globale :
create trigger maj_temps_globale_projet
before update of projet_temps_doe, projet_temps_etudes on projet
for each row
execute procedure maj_temps_globale_projet();
create or replace function maj_temps_globale_projet()returns trigger
language plpgsql
new.projet_temps_globale := new.projet_temps_doe + new.projet_temps_etudes;
raise info 'TEST!!';
return new;
When projet_temps_doe and/or projet_temps_etudes are updated via triggers my last trigger doesn't launch. However when I manually change projet_temps_doe and/or projet_temps_etudes values the trigger maj_temps_globale_projet is fired.
I want to learn from this, so, if possible, explain to me what I'm doing wrong here, or if my approach is lacking insight.
The doc says
The trigger will only fire if at least one of the listed columns is
mentioned as a target of the UPDATE command.
The column projet_temps_globale_doe is not part of the update command but is rather set in another trigger via new.projet_temps_globale_doe = ... so the trigger on this particular column is not called.
It would be easier to have only one trigger on the entire table that sets the 3 derived values.

Postgres triggers and producers (column "new" of relation does not exist)

I am trying to create a trigger and procedure to update a last_changed_timestamp column upon UPDATE and INSERT.
I can register the function and trigger just fine, but when I try to update a record I receive the error.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_my_table_last_changed_timestamp()
RETURNS trigger AS
UPDATE my_table SET NEW.last_changed_timestamp = NOW();
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_update_my_table_last_changed_timestamp
ON my_table
EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_my_table_last_changed_timestamp();
column "new" of relation "my_table" does not exist
I also do not fully understand how update_my_table_last_changed_timestamp knows which row it's suppose to update, nor if there were parameters passed to it, how the I would get those variables from the trigger to the procedure.
Modify the NEW record, there is no need to update.
NEW.last_changed_timestamp = NOW();
Read in the documentation: Overview of Trigger Behavior
If you still want to access a (other )table in the update trigger.
You can add to beginning of your trigger body the following:
EXECUTE format('SET search_path TO %I', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA);
For some reason with the update trigger it can happen that you're not on the correct search_path (i believe some old psql version have this)

Postgresql: run trigger AFTER update FOR EACH STATEMENT ONLY if data changed

In Postgresql I can have two kinds of triggers: FOR EACH ROW and FOR EACH STATEMENT. If I do a FOR EACH ROW trigger, I can add a WHERE clause something like OLD.* != NEW.* so it only fires if something has actually changed. Is there any way to do something similar with STATEMENT level triggers? I know I can't do the same thing since OLD and NEW aren't available, but I was thinking perhaps there might be a way to check the number of rows changed from within my function itself or the like.
Usage case: I am using the postgresql NOTIFY system to notify my app when data changes. Ideally, the app would get a single notification each time one or more records changes, and not get notified at all if data stays the same (even if an UPDATE was run). With a basic AFTER UPDATE FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger, I am getting notified every time an update statement runs - even if it doesn't actually change anything.
You should create two triggers: before update for each row and after update for each statement.
The first trigger checks if the table is being updated and sets a flag if so.
The second trigger checks the flag and performs notify if it was set.
You can use a custom configuration parameter as the flag (e.g. flags.the_table).
The solution is simple and safe, as the parameter is local in the current session.
create or replace function before_each_row_on_the_table()
returns trigger language plpgsql
as $$
if new <> old then
set flags.the_table to 'on';
end if;
return new;
end $$;
create or replace function after_each_statement_on_the_table()
returns trigger language plpgsql
as $$
if current_setting('flags.the_table', true) = 'on' then
notify your_channel, 'the_table was updated';
set flags.the_table to 'off';
end if;
return null;
end $$;
create trigger before_each_row_on_the_table
before update on the_table
for each row execute procedure before_each_row_on_the_table();
create trigger after_each_statement_on_the_table
after update on the_table
for each statement execute procedure after_each_statement_on_the_table();
The function current_setting() with two arguments is available in Postgres 9.6 or later.