SELECT COUNT with HAVING clause - mongodb

This is my input :
{"_id": "phd/Klink2006","type": "Phd", "title": "IQForCE - Intelligent Query (Re-)Formulation with Concept-based Expansion", "year": 2006, "publisher": "Verlag Dr. Hut, M?nchen", "authors": ["Stefan Klink"], "isbn": ["3-89963-303-2"]}
I want to count books that have less than 3 authors. How can I reach this ?

$group by null, check condition if size of authors is less than 3 then count 1 otherwise 0
$group: {
_id: null,
count: {
$sum: {
$cond: [
{ $lt: [{ $size: "$authors" }, 3] },

You can use the $where operator (this will return all the documents).
"$where": "this.authors.length < 3"
Important consideration:
$where evaluates JavaScript and cannot take advantage of indexes.
Therefore, query performance improves when you express your query
using the standard MongoDB operators (e.g., $gt, $in).
In general, you
should use $where only when you cannot express your query using
another operator. If you must use $where, try to include at least one
other standard query operator to filter the result set. Using $where
alone requires a collection scan.
The best options in term of performance is to create a new key authorsLength
"$match": {
"authorsLength": {
"$lt": 3
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"count": {
"$sum": 1


Efficiently find the most recent filtered document in MongoDB collection using datetime field

I have a large collection of documents with datetime fields in them, and I need to retrieve the most recent document for any given queried list.
Sample data:
{"_id": "",
"ts_utc": "2019-05-27T23:43:16.963Z"},
{"_id": "42.def",
"ts_utc": "2019-05-27T23:43:17.055Z"},
{"_id": "",
"ts_utc": "2019-05-27T23:43:17.147Z"},
{"_id": "69.def",
"ts_utc": "2019-05-27T23:44:02.427Z"}
Essentially, I need to get the most recent record for the "42" group as well as the most recent record for the "69" group. Using the sample data above, the desired result for the "42" group would be document "42.def".
My current solution is to query each group one at a time (looping with PyMongo), sort by the ts_utc field, and limit it to one, but this is really slow.
// Requires official MongoShell 3.6+
db = db.getSiblingDB("someDB");
"_id" : /^42\..*/
"ts_utc" : -1.0
Is there a faster way to get the results I'm after?
Assuming all your documents have the format displayed above, you can split the id into two parts (using the dot character) and use aggregation to find the max element per each first array (numeric) element.
That way you can do it in a one shot, instead of iterating per each group.[
{ $project: { id_parts : { $split: ["$_id", "."] }, ts_utc : 1 }},
{ $group: {"_id" : { $arrayElemAt: [ "$id_parts", 0 ] }, max : {$max: "$ts_utc"}}}
As #danh mentioned in the comment, the best way you can do is probably adding an auxiliary field to indicate the grouping. You may further index the auxiliary field to boost the performance.
Here is an ad-hoc way to derive the field and get the latest result per grouping:
"$addFields": {
"group": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
"$split": [
$sort: {
ts_utc: -1
"$group": {
"_id": "$group",
"doc": {
"$first": "$$ROOT"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$doc"
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.

Find empty documents in a database

I have queried an API which is quiet inconsistent and therefore does not return objects for all numerical indexes (but most of them). To further go on with .count() on the numerical index I've been inserting empty documents with db.collection.insert({})
My question now is: how would I find and count these objects?
Something like db.collection.count({}) won't work obviously.
Thanks for any idea!
Use the $where operator. The Javascript expression returns only documents containing a single key. (that single key being the documents "_id" key)
db.collection.find({ "$where": "return Object.keys(this).length == 1" }).count()
For MongoDB 3.4.4 and newer, consider running the following aggregate pipeline which uses $objectToArray (which is available from MongoDB 3.4.4 and newer versions) to get the count of those empty documents/null fields:
{ "$project": {
"hashmaps": { "$objectToArray": "$$ROOT" }
} },
{ "$project": {
"keys": "$hashmaps.k"
} },
{ "$group": {
"_id": null,
"count": { "$sum": {
"$cond": [
"$ifNull": [
{ "$arrayElemAt": ["$keys", 1] },
} }
} }

Finding documents based on the minimum value in an array

my document structure is something like :
_id: ...,
key1: ....
key2: ....
min_value: //should be the minimum of all the values in options
options: [
source: 'a',
value: 12,
source: 'b',
value: 10,
_id: ...,
key1: ....
key2: ....
min_value: //should be the minimum of all the values in options
options: [
source: 'a',
value: 24,
source: 'b',
value: 36,
the value of various sources in options will keep getting updated on a frequent basis(evey few mins or hours),
assume the size of options array doesnt change, i.e. no extra elements are added to the list
my queries are of the following type:
-find all documents where the min_value of all the options falls between some limit.
I could first do an unwind on options(and then take min) and then run comparison queries, but I am new to mongo and not sure how performance
is affected by unwind operation. The number of documents of this type would be about a few million.
Or does anyone has any suggestions around changing the document structure which could help me simplify this query? ( apart from creating separate documents per source - it would involves lot of data duplication )
Using $unwind is indeed quite expensive, most notably so with larger arrays, but there is a cost in all cases of usage. There are a couple of way to approach not needing $unwind here without real structural changes.
Pure Aggregation
In the basic case, as of MongoDB 3.2.x release series the $min operator can work directly on an array of values in a "projection" sense in addition to it's standard grouping accumulator role. This means that with the help of the related $map operator for processing elements of an array, you can then get the minimal value without using $unwind:
// Still makes sense to use an index to select only possible documents
{ "$match": {
"options": {
"$elemMatch": {
"value": { "$gte": minValue, "$lt": maxValue }
// Provides a logical filter to remove non-matching documents
{ "$redact": {
"$cond": {
"if": {
"$let": {
"vars": {
"min_value": {
"$min": {
"$map": {
"input": "$options",
"as": "option",
"in": "$$option.value"
"in": { "$and": [
{ "$gte": [ "$$min_value", minValue ] },
{ "$lt": [ "$$min_value", maxValue ] }
"then": "$$KEEP",
"else": "$$PRUNE"
// Optionally return the min_value as a field
{ "$project": {
"min_value": {
"$min": {
"$map": {
"input": "$options",
"as": "option",
"in": "$$option.value"
The basic case is to get the "minimum" value from the array ( done inside of $let since we want to use the result "twice" in logical conditions. Helps us not repeat ourselves ) is to first extract the "value" data from the "options" array. This is done using $map.
The output of $map is an array with just those values, so this is supplied as the argument to $min, which then returns the minimum value for that array.
Using $redact is sort of like a $match pipeline stage with the difference that rather than needing a field to be "present" in the document being examined, you instead just form a logical condition with calculations.
In this case the condition is $and where "both" the logical forms of $gte and $lt return true against the calculated value ( from $let as "$$min_value" ).
The $redact stage then has the special arguments to apply to $$KEEP the document when the condition is true or $$PRUNE the document from results when it is false.
It's all very much like doing $project and then $match to actually project the value into the document before filtering in another stage, but all done in one stage. Of course you might actually want to $project the resulting field in what you return, but it generally cuts the workload if you remove non-matched documents "first" using $redact instead.
Updating Documents
Of course I think the best option is to actually keep the "min_value" field in the document rather than work it out at run-time. So this is a very simple thing to do when adding to or altering array items during update.
For this there is the $min "update" operator. Use it when appending with $push:
{ "_id": id },
"$push": { "options": { "source": "a", "value": 9 } },
"$min": { "min_value": 9 }
Or when updating a value of an element:
{ "_id": id, "options.source": "a" },
"$set": { "options.$.value": 9 },
"$min": { "min_value": 9 }
If the current "min_value" in the document is greater than the argument in $min or the key does not yet exist then the value given will be written. If it is greater than, the existing value stays in place since it is already the smaller value.
You can even set all your existing data with a simple "bulk" operations update:
var ops = [];
db.collection.find({ "min_value": { "$exists": false } }).forEach(function(doc) {
// Queue operations
"updateOne": {
"filter": { "_id": doc._id },
"update": {
"$min": {
"min_value": Math.min.apply(
null, {
return option.value
// Write once in 1000 documents
if ( ops.length == 1000 ) {
ops = [];
// Clear any remaining operations
if ( ops.length > 0 )
Then with a field in place, it is just a simple range selection:
"min_value": {
"$gte": minValue, "$lt": maxValue
So it really should be in your best interests to keep a field ( or fields if you regularly need different conditions ) in the document since that provides the most efficient query.
Of course, the new functions of aggregation $min along with $map also make this viable to use without a field, if you prefer more dynamic conditions.

mongodb query with comparison of property of itself

i have such documents
"_id": ObjectId("524a498ee4b018b89437f88a"),
"counter": {
"0": {
"date": "2013.9",
"counter": NumberInt(1425)
"1": {
"date": "2013.10",
"counter": NumberInt(1425)
"profile": ObjectId("510576242b5e30877c654aff")
and i wanted to search for those, where the counter.0.counter not equals counter.1.counter
db.counter.find({"profile":ObjectId("510576242b5e30877c654aff"),"counter.0.counter":{$ne:"counter.1.counter"} });
but it says its not a valid json query :/
an help ?
Two things.
You cannot actually compare like this unless resorting to JavaScript or using the aggregation framework. The form with aggregate is the better option:
{ "$project": {
"counter": 1,
"matched": { "$eq": [
{ "$match": { "matched": true } }
Or with the bad use of JavaScript:
"$where": function() {
return this.counter.0.counter == this.counter.1.counter;
So those are the ways this can be done.
The big problems with the JavaScript $where operator are:
Invokes the JavaScript interpreter to evaluate every result document and is not native code.
Removes any opportunity to use an index to find the results as needed. By other methods you can actually use an index with a a separate "match" condition. But this operator removes that chance.

Mongodb query specific month|year not date

How can I query a specific month in mongodb, not date range, I need month to make a list of customer birthday for current month.
In SQL will be something like that:
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE MONTH(bday)='09'
Now I need to translate that in mongodb.
Note: My dates are already saved in MongoDate type, I used this thinking that will be easy to work before but now I can't find easily how to do this simple thing.
With MongoDB 3.6 and newer, you can use the $expr operator in your find() query. This allows you to build query expressions that compare fields from the same document in a $match stage.
db.customer.find({ "$expr": { "$eq": [{ "$month": "$bday" }, 9] } })
For other MongoDB versions, consider running an aggregation pipeline that uses the $redact operator as it allows you to incorporate with a single pipeline, a functionality with $project to create a field that represents the month of a date field and $match to filter the documents
which match the given condition of the month being September.
In the above, $redact uses $cond tenary operator as means to provide the conditional expression that will create the system variable which does the redaction. The logical expression in $cond will check
for an equality of a date operator field with a given value, if that matches then $redact will return the documents using the $$KEEP system variable and discards otherwise using $$PRUNE.
Running the following pipeline should give you the desired result:
{ "$match": { "bday": { "$exists": true } } },
"$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$eq": [{ "$month": "$bday" }, 9] },
This is similar to a $project +$match combo but you'd need to then select all the rest of the fields that go into the pipeline:
{ "$match": { "bday": { "$exists": true } } },
"$project": {
"month": { "$month": "$bday" },
"bday": 1,
"field1": 1,
"field2": 1,
{ "$match": { "month": 9 } }
With another alternative, albeit slow query, using the find() method with $where as:
db.customer.find({ "$where": "this.bday.getMonth() === 8" })
You can do that using aggregate with the $month projection operator:
{$project: {name: 1, month: {$month: '$bday'}}},
{$match: {month: 9}}
First, you need to check whether the data type is in ISODate.
IF not you can change the data type as the following example.
db.collectionName.find().forEach(function(each_object_from_collection){each_object_from_collection.your_date_field=new ISODate(each_object_from_collection.your_date_field);;})
Now you can find it in two ways
db.collectionName.find({ $expr: {
$eq: [{ $year: "$your_date_field" }, 2017]
Or by aggregation
db.collectionName.aggregate([{$project: {field1_you_need_in_result: 1,field12_you_need_in_result: 1,your_year_variable: {$year: '$your_date_field'}, your_month_variable: {$month: '$your_date_field'}}},{$match: {your_year_variable:2017, your_month_variable: 3}}]);
Yes you can fetch this result within date like this ,
$expr: {
$and: [
"$eq": [
"$month": "$date"
"$eq": [
"$year": "$date"
If you're concerned about efficiency, you may want to store the month data in a separate field within each document.