Evaluation of thousands metrics in InfuxDB - database-performance

I’m trying to evaluate thousands of metrics using a checkers, but my computer doesn’t count it. I tried tasks too.
PC: notebook with Core i5 (8 threads) and 16 GB RAM
I’m running influxdb in the docker (6 threads, 8 GB RAM is allowed).
Have you some idea where is problem?
Or influxdb can compute so many metrics?

I solved it on influxdb community: https://community.influxdata.com/t/evaluation-of-thousands-metrics/19422


Cockroach DB is slower in 64GB RAM cluster as compared to 32GB RAM cluster

I have installed CockroachDB in below clusters
a. 3 nodes cluster in which every node has 32GB RAM
b. 3 nodes cluster in which every node has 64GB RAM
I am testing the performance by running the same queries(Select, join, insert, delete, aggregate functions, nested queries, concurrent queries) in both the clusters.
After testing for 3 times, I have found that 64GB cluster is slower than 32 GB cluster.
I was expecting 64GB RAM cluster would be faster than 32GB RAM cluster.
I am not able to find the suitable answers for the same.
Any answers or insights would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance!
Thanks for the post! Without knowing the exact machine specs, configuration settings, and workload it would be hard to figure out what could be happening here :)
We have a Slack channel that might be a bit easier for back and forth on performance optimization, or a support ticket could be opened with a best effort SLA. If you have any more information on the run configuration that would be great too!

Apache Druid: My VM hangs when I try to load quickstart data

I'm new to Apache Druid. I used Azure VM (Standard B2s (2 vcpus, 4 GiB memory)) to install apache druid and then tried to load the quick-start tutorial json data (wikiticker-2015-09-12-sampled.json.gz) using console.
I followed all the instructions as mentioned in the DRUID tutorial on their official site. I tried multiple times but each time the VM hangs and make it unresponsive. Am I missing anything/need to do any configuration changes for task to execute before loading the data?
Druid comes with several startup configuration profiles for a range of machine sizes.
*Single server reference configurations
Nano-Quickstart: 1 CPU, 4GB RAM
Micro-Quickstart: 4 CPU, 16GB RAM
Small: 8 CPU, 64GB RAM (~i3.2xlarge)
Medium: 16 CPU, 128GB RAM (~i3.4xlarge)
Large: 32 CPU, 256GB RAM (~i3.8xlarge)
X-Large: 64 CPU, 512GB RAM (~i3.16xlarge)
To start the Druid services I was using the micro configuration profile:
However, my machines as mentioned above is more of a Nano configuration and hence should be using below command to start the Druid services:
I was now able to successfully load and query the data file.
Please check your machine configuration before running the service start command.

Jenkins and PostgreSQL is consuming a lot of memory

We have a Data ware house server running on Debian linux ,We are using PostgreSQL , Jenkins and Python.
It's been few day the memory of the CPU is consuming a lot by jenkins and Postgres.tried to find and check all the ways from google but the issue is still there.
Anyone can give me a lead on how to reduce this memory consumption,It will be very helpful.
below is the output from free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 63805 9152 429 16780 54223 37166
Swap: 0 0 0
below is the postgresql.conf file
Below is the System configurations,
Results from htop
Please don't post text as images. It is hard to read and process.
I don't see your problem.
Your machine has 64 GB RAM, 16 GB are used for PostgreSQL shared memory like you configured, 9 GB are private memory used by processes, and 37 GB are free (the available entry).
Linux uses available memory for the file system cache, which boosts PostgreSQL performance. The low value for free just means that the cache is in use.
For Jenkins, run it with these JAVA Options
JAVA_OPTS=-Xms200m -Xmx300m -XX:PermSize=68m -XX:MaxPermSize=100m
For postgres, start it with option
-c shared_buffers=256MB
These values are the one I use on a small homelab of 8GB memory, you might want to increase these to match your hardware

Presto on Preemptible GCE instances

I am running an instance group of 20 Preemptible GCE instance to read ORC files on Google storage, The data partitioned by hour, each hour about 2GB.
What type of instances should i use ?
How many of the Ram should be used by the JVM ?
I am using autoscale configuration of 80% CPU and 10 minute cooldown, Is there more subtitle config for Presto ?
Is there a solution for servers shutdowns, due to lack of resources ?
Partial responses will be appreciated as well.
As 0.199 version of PrestoDB there's no google cloud storage connector for Presto, which makes impossible to query GCS data.
Regarding hardware requirements, I'll cite Terada doc here.
You should allocate a minimum of 16GB of RAM per node for Presto. But
recommend 64GB for most production workloads.
Network Bandwidth
It is recommended to have 10 Gigabit Ethernet between all the nodes in
the cluster.
Other Recommendations
Presto can be installed on any normally configured Hadoop cluster.
YARN should be configured to account for resources dedicated to
Presto. For example, if a node has 64GB of RAM, perhaps you would
normally allocate 60GB to YARN. If you install Presto on that node and
give Presto 32GB of RAM, then you should subtract 32GB from the 60GB
and let YARN only allocate 28GB per node. An optimized configuration
might choose to have separate Presto and Hadoop nodes. The optimized
configuration allows you to give more memory to Presto, and thus
perform larger join queries, for example.

Matlab, parallel computing and Amazon EC2

I'm completely new to Amazon EC2. I have read the website documentation but I'm still confused.
At the moment I'm estimating my model using Matlab-r2014b. In my Matlab code I use parallel computing ("parfor") on the local cluster. I run my model through the HPC of my University which allows me to access 1 node with 40GB of memory and 12 cores.
My questions are the following:
(1) Does Amazon EC2 offer a machine with more than 40GB of memory and 12 cores where I can run my Matlab code?
(2) Prices and instructions?
Short answer, yes, the c3.8xlarge instance type is available with 60GB of ram and 32 cores.
Per hour pricing is available here: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/ along with all the other sizes and options.