PayPal merchant and session destruction - paypal

I wonder if somebody came across with the next situation:
After the payment flow, I click the link "Return to Merchant"
and I go back to my website but unfortunately my session is destroyed.
Did somebody face an identical situation?
Update: I've made an empty form
, I mean that it works on its own without any engine's script. And the problem is in existence. 2-3 times out of 10 it works incorrectly. I can't catch a cause. When the problem occurs, the browser doesn't send cookies
and sends if works

The best solution is to simply not redirect the user away from your site, and keep it loaded in the background. This gives the best experience, as they are not sent to a possibly-unfamiliar PayPal checkout with no context.
Make two routes on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order', documented here. These routes should return only JSON data (no HTML or text). The latter one should (on success) store the payment details in your database before it does the return.
Pair those two routes with the following approval flow:


PayPal - received cancel but the transaction was succesfull

On an e-commerce site in the payment page I used the new js sdk from paypal.
When the user clicks on paypal button a popup appears and the user performs the transaction in the popup.
When the transaction is over the popup closes and a callback is called to do what is needed.
If the user manually closes the popup, a CANCEL event is emitted and the transaction is considered canceled.
The problem I'm having is that sometimes I see on the logs that I receive the CANCEL event (meaning that the user has closed the popup) but on PayPal account the transaction is succesfull and correctly payed...
Is it possible that the user closes the popup just before paypal sends the confirmation back or something like that? Anyone knows how this can be handled?
Using the JS SDK alone is for very simple use cases. For an ecommerce site of any importance, the JS SDK should be combined with the v2/checkout/orders API. This way orders are always captured from the server and recorded when successful, and things happening on the client side won't be relevant nor interfere with accurate payment tracking.
Your question doesn't give technical details for your current integration, but here's how to go about making a correct one from scratch:
Use the v2/checkout/orders API and make two routes (url paths) on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order'. You could use one of the (recently deprecated) Checkout-*-SDKs for the routes' API calls to PayPal, or your own HTTPS implementation of first getting an access token and then doing the call. Both of these routes should return/output only JSON data (no HTML or text). Inside the 2nd route, when the capture API is successful you should verify the amount was correct and store its resulting payment details in your database (particularly purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0].id, which is the PayPal transaction ID) and perform any necessary business logic (such as reserving product or sending an email) immediately before forwarding return JSON to the frontend caller. In the event of an error forward the JSON details of it as well, since the frontend must handle such cases.
Pair those 2 routes with this frontend approval flow: . (If you need to send any additional data from the client to the server, such as an items array or selected options, add a body parameter to the fetch with a value that is a JSON string or object)

API for completing PayPal one-time payments

I'm looking for ways to make a PayPal payment using PHP. I understand there are deprecated APIs and current one. so I've found several ways to do so. but lots documents lead me into labyrinth. I'm quite confuse de.g. client button rendering, how to call our PHP script/ what is a PayPal-Request-Id and to get it/ what can we do with a token from webscr ==> cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-7BA65327KY8480517 and etc.
I tried to use a button on my page to submit some few paypal-required parameters using html form. The receiving php file formed payment record as need, then create order. I got the order-id, but what is it for? so I set up a new parameters, conformed the PayPal needs to create a payment. This give me 4 links, one I choose to get redirected for client logging in and continuing. with this one I got to landing page then I executed a payment but each payment on sandbox dashboard says pending.
I am then confused how to get completed payment. Right here there is my data with THB currency
{"id":"PAYID-MAKU2OI7RR56034B9692111L","intent":"sale","state":"created","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal"},"transactions":[{"amount":{"total":"1126.15","currency":"THB","details":{"subtotal":"979.26","tax":"146.89","shipping":"0.00","insurance":"0.00","handling_fee":"0.00","shipping_discount":"0.00"}},"description":"aonang to","custom":"0","invoice_number":"kbv.starlight_12","soft_descriptor":"MFWD","payment_options":{"allowed_payment_method":"INSTANT_FUNDING_SOURCE","recurring_flag":false,"skip_fmf":false},"item_list":{"items":[{"name":"MFWD","sku":"kbv.starlight_12","description":"aonang to ","price":"979.26","currency":"THB","tax":"146.89","quantity":1}]},"related_resources":[]}],"note_to_payer":"Contact us for any questions on your order.","create_time":"2021-01-30T12:12:40Z","links":[{"href":"","rel":"self","method":"GET"},{"href":"","rel":"approval_url","method":"REDIRECT"},{"href":"","rel":"execute","method":"POST"}]}
Sandbox account interface screenshot
You mention the classic Express Checkout API and the deprecated v1/payments API, but the right solution is to use the current API, v2/checkout/orders
Create two routes on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order', documented here. These routes should return JSON data (and only JSON data) when called by an XHR/fetch.
Pair your two routes with the following approval flow:

Paypal IPN Simulator (Different Sites, different results)

This is leading me into confusion only. After reading Paypal's documentation for Paypal IPN, I know how to get to the Simulator page and trigger an IPN test. Reading throughout PP's documentation, the page I am lead to is:
Now, on my server side, I have used one of PP's Listenter example file in which I've implemented my own class to log everything I need into text files, and, I know that my IPN Listener is up, running and receiving requests from the IPN Simulator because I can see it all beeing logged.
Now the intriguing part is that, as I said before, i'm lead to the aforementioned page, which triggers an INVALID response from Paypal every single time I simulate a payment. Afters dozens of forums read, including SO, I have seen some people using instead of the former one.
If I use this latter URL, the simulation works without a hitch and I get the "VERIFIED" response, everytime. At this point, the question I cannot answer is "Why?". Why does this only works on the latter URL, and not on the URL that I am redirected to from within my paypal account, which is the one I think it was supposed to work from? And this constitutes by itself another problem. I cannot access this latter URL from anywhere within my paypal account, unless I manually enter it. You may question how did I get to this second URL. Well, I got it from other people's posts, otherwise I didn't even know it existed. So, right now I am completly lost and with this said,
Is there anyone that can explain me the difference from both URLs, and why is the second one not available inside my PP account?
If you can also explain me why the simulation works from the second URL only, that would be a bonus
NOTE: By the way, I've tried it and I know that in Live mode it works also, and I get the VERIFIED response.

PayPal REST API - Redirect Error Handling

My question is simple yet I can't find any SO posts or PayPal documentation to answer it.
In the event of a PayPal user having some error being redirected after completing their checkout (internet goes out, browser crashes, they close their browser before the redirect goes through, random networking issues, etc.) How are we suppose to handle that?
I thought using the following REST API
GET /v1/payments/payment/<Payment-Id>
Would solve my problem but since the state returned from this request does not change from created to approved until the funds have been executed it is useless. In the case of having some redirect error you will not have been able to execute the funds and thus it will simply be in the created state still which does not help you.
Additionally I thought maybe PayPals IPN system used for CLASSIC API would be the answer to my problem but again it fails. The IPN system does not contain relevant information such as transaction ID which is needed to link the two systems together.
Is there no way to do automated error handling using the REST API?

paypal express checkout digital goods testing in sandbox

I used PayPal's Integration Wiz to generate the code (PHP) for the Express Checkout Digital Goods functionality. I'll admit, I made a few minor changes to it so that it could work with my site... My site is a single page Angular.js app - so I need to pass back parameters to the app, and not go back to a different page (as it is, I'm not keen on leaving the page at all, but I'm not ready to shell out for a business pro account yet.. the PCI compliance is something I don't relish being on the hook for...but maybe one day... certainly not until I know I can get "basic" things working).
I would not expect any of my changes (basically changing the hardcoded URLS to being PHP session vars) to interrupt any of the flow of the Integration Wiz's processing.
However, when I test things in the sanbox, the process stops at the point of redirection to:{somevariabletokenconent}
The token always starts with "EC-" so I'm assuming this is telling me I've been able to successfully start the Express Checkout process.
All I am seeing is a blank page, with Chrome telling me I'm getting:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
AFAICT my sandbox account is set up for EC/DG:
Your payment solution: PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)
I HAVE updated my sandbox details in paypalfunctions.php
And other than the changes in checkout.php, I havent messed with any other code from the integration wizard... should this not "just work" ??
Or have I missed something else?
Update a few hours later...
I actually was able to get things to progress end to end. Once. But no record of the transaction can be seen on either side of the sandbox accounts. It did sit thinking for a long time... so I'm not sure what it was doing, but the final redirect was back with a success parameter, so I have to think that something behind the scenes must be having issues...
But now its not working anymore. Its stopping in the same spot again.
For the life of me, I don't believe I made any code changes to the PP wiz produced code prior to it working, or prior to it not working again.
I have logged into the sandbox to check the transaction as I mentioned. Both accounts are showing nothing. And the transactions are not processing.
[EDIT 2]
Ok - strange things are afoot. I know I did absolutely no changes since my last test...I havent even been at the keyboard. And upon trying again, the test proceeds to allow me to log into the sandbox, and approve a payment, but gets stuck processing at
with the PayPal "Loading" icon spinning...
Is this a configuration issue on my side? With the Integration Wiz writing all the Express Checkout code, there's not to change, but it seems really flakey to me.
I've been hanging my head on this for about a day now, and got nowhere. My App is a single page Angular.js site, and triggers the PayPal purchase out of a Bootstrap Modal popup window.
As mentioned above, my process would get to the point of approving and confirming payment, then spin wildly at the point it should be redirecting back to the success (or failure) page.
Using the PP integration Wiz, the form code that was produced (and used) was:
<form name='ppcheckout' action='checkout.php' METHOD='POST'>
And it fails to proceed to the final redirect.
However, if I change the code to:
<form name='ppcheckout' action='checkout.php' METHOD='POST' target="_blank">
The processing occurs as expected.
Is there some interaction between PayPal's JS and Angular (or Bootstrap) that I'm not aware of? It seems strange that it "just works" when the target is added.