Is it an anti-pattern to build a REST API powered by ElasticSearch? - rest

For example, if I want to build a series of Lambda micro-services which hit an ElasticSearch instance, is this an anti-pattern? I saw that there was a project a while back called Ramses, but is not supported anymore, so I am wondering if there's a better way to achieve these results that I'm simply not aware of.
I know that ElasticSearch has its own REST API as well, but I want to tailor the interface to our data and provide a more limited but concise request syntax.


Are JAMstack conventions compatible with RESTful API design?

I've been building a lot of quick prototypes on Netlify lately. I love the service for its ease of setup and deployment. But I keep running into this conflict between their JAMstacky conventions around API endpoints and my own background in RESTful API design.
To be more specific, say I am building a basic CRUD API in which I can create, fetch one, fetch all, and update some resource type . Let's say a User. If I were designing those endpoints from a RESTful perspective, it would look like this:
POST /users -> Create a user
GET /users -> Fetch all users
GET /users/{id} -> Fetch one user
PUT /users/{id} -> Update a user
Now, if I were setting this up on AWS, perhaps with the serverless framework, each of those endpoints would be their own lambda. But Netlify offers no such configuration options. Which is mostly nice. I hate configuration. But it is difficult to achieve these endpoints at all with Netlify.
Specifically in this case, Netlify automatically creates endpoints which match filenames. So if you have a file named users.js, that creates a /users endpoint. The problem is, that file will be used for every possible permutation of /users. Every HTTP method. Every subroute. They all go to this one lambda. So in order to achieve a RESTful API design, I have to put everything in a single lambda and essentially make it a router. Which seems to defeat the whole idea of serverless.
So usually when you read Netlify examples, which claim to follow JAMstack patterns (something I'm not super familiar with), they do not use RESTful endpoints. Instead they tend to do something like this:
POST /create-user -> Create a user
GET /fetch-users -> Fetch all users
GET /fetch-user?id={id} -> Fetch one user
POST /update-user -> Update a user
So this is in some ways a Netlify question, and in some way a larger question about JAMstack patterns. Is there something inherent about JAMstack that makes it incompatible with REST? Are there different conventions which tend to replace REST for Netflify/JAMstack projects?
"Is there something inherent about JAMstack that makes it incompatible with REST?"
I would say no as it's not related. You aren't building an API with the Jamstack. You are using a service (Netlify) which supports serverless functions that operate alongside the rest of your site. Remember that the Netlify serverless functions are just one option. You could set up your own AWS setup and support the mechanism you want, and still use it in conjunction with the rest of your Jamstack site. I like Netlify's serverless stuff, but it's not going to work for 100% of the use cases out there.
I guess my tl;dr is - Netlify tried to make serverless simple for folks building Jamstack sites, but it won't cover every use case. When it doesn't, you can still use your own solutions along with your site.

What is the real benefit of using GraphQL?

I have been reading about the articles on the web about the benefits of graphql but so far I have not been able to find a single benefit of it.
One of the most common benefits mentioned in those articles are below?
No Overfetching with GraphQL.
Reducing number of calls made from client side.
Data Load Control Granularity
Evolve your API without versions.
Those above all makes sense but it is not the graphql itself that provides these benefits. Any second layer api written in java/python or any other language would be able to provide this benefits too. It is basically introducing another layer of abstraction above the data retrieval systems, rest or whatever, and decoupling the client side from that layer. After you do that everything you can do with graphql can also be done with any other language too.
Anyone can implement a say scala server that retrieves the data from various api's integrates them, create objects internally and feeds the client with only the relevant part of the data with total control on the data. This api can be easily versioned and released accordingly. Considering the syntax of graphql and how cumbersome it is and difficulty of creating a good cache around it, I can't see why would you use it really.
So the overall question is there any benefits of graphql that is provided to the application because of the graphql itself and not because you implement another layer of abstraction between your applications and your api's?
Best practices known as REST existed earlier, too.
GraphQL is more standarized than REST, safer (no injections) and syntax gives great flexibility in the area of quickly changing client needs.
It's just a good standard of best practices.
I feel GrapgQL is another example of overengineering. I would say "Best standards and practices" are "Keeping It Simple."
Breaking down and object and building a custom one before sending it to the client is very basic.

Difference between use of xsjs and xsodata?

I understand that both xsodata and xsjs are used for exposing data but why there are two ways? Which one should one use and how the use of xsodata is different from xsjs data.?
Good Question, I will try to give you a little overview. I will describe three SAPUI5 ways of backend implementation.
Let's assume, you have something like a Checklist. You may want to add items to your list, edit or delete them and - obvious - you want to display them. These simple tasks are called CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations. These Operations are the simplest way of dealing with data. There are no real "hard" queries to get work done and you may operate on very less JOIN's. This can be easyly done with XSODATA. It's a simple REST-Interface.
Okay, you have your checklist, but you want to log every single entry, or do analysis or something not-so-easy with it. This is, where XSJS comes into play. With XSJS you have a better control (and much more work needs to be done) of your data. But keep in mind, that you need to code every single step. XSJS is not a real interface, but it's a sapui5 way of handling data, like you would do in any other vanilla-programming-language without a framework.
Node.JS / custom backend
Another, newly (2017) introduced way of handling data at sapui5 is the usage of Node.JS. Node.JS let you write your own RESTful API (node.js is much more powerful than that, but this information must be enough for now). Node.JS is something like the intersection between XSODATA and XSJS: you are able to use a RESTful API (implemented by yourself) with 100% datacontrol. I don't want to go too much into detail, but Node.JS is for advanced applications the state-of-the-art at early '17.
What you might use really depends on your application itself. Personally, I think the best way to start is with XSODATA. If you can't solve certain tasks with only oData, use XSJS for those single cases. In a real-world application with tons of data and complex queries, you might consider Node.JS as your backend-wizard.
useful informations:
OData vs XSJS in SAP Hana Development

Constructing a back-end suitable for app and web interface

Let's suppose I was going to design a platform like Airbnb. They have a website as well as native apps on various mobile platforms.
I've been researching app design, and from what I've gathered, the most effective way to do this is to build an API for the back-end, like a REST API using something like node.js, and SQL or mongoDB. The font-end would then be developed natively on each platform which makes calls to the API endpoints to display and update data. This design sounds like it works great for mobile development, but what would be the best way to construct a website that uses the same API?
There are three approaches I can think of:
Use something completely client-side like AangularJS to create a single-page application front end which ties directly into the REST API back-end. This seems OK, but I don't really like the idea of a single-page application and would prefer a more traditional approach
Create a normal web application (in PHP, python, node.js, etc), but rather than tying the data to a typical back end like mySQL, it would basically act as an interface to the REST API. For example when you visit the server would then call the corresponding REST endpoint (ie and render the HTML for the user. This seems like kind of a messy approach, especially since most web frameworks are designed to work with a SQL backend.
Tie the web interface in directly in with the REST api. For example, The endpoint can return both html or json depending on the HTTP headers. The advantage is that you can share most of your code, however the code would become more complex and you can't decouple your web interface from the API.
What is the best approach for this situation? Do you choose to completely decouple the web application from the REST API? If so, how do you elegantly interface between the two? Or do you choose to merge the REST API and web interface into one code base?
It's a usually a prefered way but one should have a good command of SPA.
Adds a redundant layer from performance perspective. You will basically make twice more requests all the time.
This might work with super simple UI, when it's just a matter of serializing your REST API result into different formats but I believe you want rich UI and going this way will be a nightmare from both implementation and maintainance perspective.
Extract your core logic. Put it into a separate project/assembly and reuse it both in your REST API and UI. This way you will be able to reuse the business logic which is the same both for UI and REST API and keep the representation stuff separately which is different for UI and REST API.
Hope it helps!
Both the first and the second option seem reasonable to me, in the sense that there are certain advantages in decoupling the backend API from the clients (including your web site). For example, you could have dedicated teams per each project, if there's a bug on the web/api you'd only have to release that project, and not both.
Say you're going public with your API. If you're releasing a version that breaks backwards compatibility, with a decoupled web app you'd be able to detect that earlier (say staging environment, given you're developing both in-house). However, if they were tightly coupled they'd probably work just fine, and you'll find out you've broken the other clients only once you release in production.
I would say the first option is preferable one as a generic approach. SPA first load delay problem can be resolved with server side rendering technique.
For second option you will have to face scalability, cpu performance, user session(not on rest api of course because should be stateless), caching issues both on your rest api services and normal website node instances (maybe caching not in all the cases). In most of the cases this intermediate backend layer is just unnecessary, there is not any technical limitation for doing all the stuff in the recent versions of browsers.
The third option violates the separation of concerns, in your case presentational from data models/bussines logic.

Does REST only cover CRUD?

I'm writing an AngularJS application that's communicating with an API, and right now that API is following the REST architecture.
I know the basics of REST, but I've still not understood if REST only covers the CRUD operations? For example, if I'm building a community website and I want to make it possible for people to add each other as friends, is this covered by REST in any way? What about search queries? If not, is there any other architecture that's recommended to follow, or should I roll my own?
Also, should I even be using REST for a community website? There are a lot of cases where it seems like it's not the optimal design, but when I google around I only get results saying that REST is the best practice. For example PUT /api/user/:id wouldn't be very useful, since the only user you're able to update (unless you're an admin) is yourself.
It all depends, REST is just an architectural style and (in many forms unfortunately) is used all over the world. I also follow REST rules in all type of applications but try to stay at the second level of Richardson's Maturity Model. Why? Since I consider HAL, HATEOAS and all the API discoverability as an unnecessary buzz - unfortunately documentation is still very important.
What you need to consider while designing an API is if it's going to public or not. If it's not, you can probably whatever you want/need (of course this is not good idea). If it is going to be public the consistency starts to play a great role - API needs to be designed in such a way that it will be both intuitive and easy to use. E.g. this is not good idea to introduce new endpoint every time you need a new operation - thus following CRUD REST rules seems to be reasonable option. When it comes to to going beyond CRUD - yes, I've created APIs with verbs in endpoints - but it was almost always the last resort and to be honest I don't feel guilty.
I think the question is a bit too broad, but I'll try to answer.
REST only covers the CRUD operations?
No, it covers other operations as well. You have to transform your operation into a HTTP method and a resource. The resource can have identifiers: URIs. An URI with a HTTP method compose a hyperlink. This hyperlink can be followed by the client. You can attach the operation name, etc... to the hyperlink as meta-data, so it can be used by the client to recognize the operation. At least that's how it should work.
What about search queries?
General queries are not supported currently, because there is no standard RDF vocab which could be used to describe a general query. There are non-standard workaround, you can use them or for example a SPARQL endpoint. More fixed queries can be used with URI templates.
Also, should I even be using REST for a community website?
As far as I know facebook uses it for 3rd party clients, so you can develop a facebook application using their REST API. Another advantage that it scales better than SOAP. If you don't need these features currently, then you can use something else you are more familiar with.