Is it possible to is VS Code Dev Containers with Windows-based containers? - visual-studio-code

Does VSCode dev containers support Dockerfiles where the base is a Windows Server Core base image? From looking at the docker build command, it seems that it assumes a Linux-based image.

Based on official documentation from here: :
"Windows container images are not yet supported."


preinstall VScode remote extensions in a docker container

I'm currently using the vscode extension to attach to running containers in Kubernetes as described here:
When attaching vscode will install some extensions in the remote container - this works reliably, but it quite slow.
Is it possible to figure out how to install these extensions into the base image so that remote connection can happen quickly?

docker ecs command not found

I am trying to use the new docker ecs feature, but just get an error 'ecs' is not a docker command.
Using the latest version of docker edge on macOS 10.15.7
Do I need some additional steps to activate the docker command?
For anyone who was following documentation they found about docker ecs written previous to some development changes - while it used to be a plugin, ECS integration is now part of the docker cli itself.
This document covers how to set it up using a context

Build Kubernetes from Source on a Windows machine

Is it possible to build Kubernetes from source code on a windows machine?
As per development environment setup mentioned in only supported OSs are Linux and MAC
Running build/ shows below:
Unsupported host OS. Must be Linux or Mac OS X.
The simple answer is yes. Kubernetes source is in Go and there is Go compiler for Windows.
Another question would be, is it possible to be built easily? And that would be a 'no' (as of this writing) since you have already seen by running build/ So it's not supported by K8s officially.

Docker microsoft/nanoserver won't start

I have a problem with Docker running the nanoserver.
My environment: I Installed docker on a Win10 (developer build from microsoft) Virtual Machine (cause host is still Win7 with no default Docker support because of Hyper-V). I installed docker on the virgin image so no 3rd-party programs can cause the error. I also have already checked if Hyper-V is enabled.
But I think this Screenshot says everything:
Also Googled the problem, but everything i found wasn't in a Docker context.
FYI: I want to use the Docker container for running a network rendering slave which should only see one cpu core (for licensing reasons), maybe someone has another option for this.
so you are trying to run Docker on Windows 10 which is a VM on Windows 7? I suppose this is not possible. You are trying to run a virtualization platform inside a virtualized Host (your Windows 10 machine). This nested virtualization is not supported by Windows 7 afaik.
Nested virtualization is supported on Windows 10 Build 10565 and later (this must be your virtualization host).
Have you tried to create and run a Hyper-V VM inside that Windows 10 VM? this will also fail.

creating redhat lxc inside redhat host machine

I was in the process of creating redhat based lxc in redhat host machine but lxc-create doesn't have any template for redhat. I like to know if there is any feasibility to create redhat lxc in redhat host machine.I have also read about virsh and docker. Virsh is used for host based containers but will it be isolated similar to LXC and have anyone had experience about it. I'm confused whether i can configure separate filesystems and network interface for each container in virsh. Please help me with best solution. Thanks in advance.
The Docker Hub is full of images that can be used with LXC (including redhat images). You can use dlrootfs to download the redhat image directly from the Docker Hub and then use it with LXC.
Hope that helps