RMDIR does not delete nested directories path greater than 255 length - robocopy

I am using below command inside the batch file and running via task scheduler in my server , it deletes most of the nested files/folders but when path length exceed 255 it does not delete those files/folders. Is this issue with RMDIR , What are other alternatives , Robocopy Delete ? Has somebody faced this issue and robocopy was able to solve this issue for them , something like below ?
RMDIR "Path-location" /S /Q -- Does not delete files/folder > 255 length
Robocopy : You need to create empty folder before executing below commands :
robocopy "C:\empty" "C:\Test Folder" /purge
rmdir "C:\Test Folder" // Once all files/folders are deleted now remove your parent/root directory

This is normal behaviour. To be exact, the limit is defined as 260 characters (source). You have multiple options to circumvent this limit:
You can raise this limit to 65535 characters by adding/setting the registry value HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled of type REG_DWORD to 1. This works since Windows 10, version 1607 (read more). Reboot your machine after this change.
You can use robocopy in combination with the /PURGE parameter to synchronize an empty folder to the folder that contains the long file paths as you already found out. This might get complicated if you do not want to delete everything, but only certain files.
You can use UNC paths to describe long paths. Change


Batch File to copy files to new directory while renaming, skipping existing files, and without confirmation

I am creating a batch file to be run later which will be used to copy files from one location to another while renaming the files, skipping any existing files, and without prompting the user. Examples of files to be copied:
Copied files will have the names:
Things I have tried:
xcopy C:\Testing\1000012\21\00021*.* C:\Testing\1000013\22\00022*.* /D
This almost does it. It copies all the files starting with "00021" in the first location into the second location while properly renaming them to start with "00022". It skips all the files with the same name and date stamp, but ends up prompting to copy any files from the source which are newer than the target.
robocopy C:\Testing\1000012\21\ C:\Testing\1000013\22\ 00021*.* /xo /xn /xc
I was hoping that by excluding older, newer, and same date files it would work (even if it doesn't rename - I would just do that in a separate step.) Unfortunately, this just ends up overwriting newer source files over existing target files if they are a different filesize.
I have even tried the Copy-Item command in PowerShell. But it doesn't do the renaming like Xcopy, and it doesn't skip existing files (although I can get it to confirm and say "No to All".)
Copy-Item -Path "C:\CWUImageCompare\Testing\1000012\CWU\chemistry\129\21\00021*.*" -Destination "C:\CWUImageCompare\Testing\1000013\CWU\chemistry\129\20\" -Confirm
If xcopy had the "Skip if existing" flag I'd be all set, but it doesn't.
rem The following settings for the source directory & destination directory are names
rem that I use for testing and deliberately includes spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files"
SET "destdir=u:\your results"
FOR /f "skip=1delims=" %%b IN ('xcopy /L /Y "%sourcedir%\00021*.*" "%destdir%\00022*.*" ^|sort') DO (
SET "oname=%%~nxb"
IF EXIST "%destdir%\00022!oname:~5!" (ECHO "%%b" skipped) ELSE (ECHO COPY /y "%%b" "%destdir%\00022!oname:~5!")
Always verify against a test directory before applying to real data.
Seems a little complicated, but essentially, execute the xcopy (I omitted the /D for testing) with /L /Y to simply produce a list.
Since the list has a last line that begins with a numeric, whereas the other lines start with a drive-letter, sort the list and skip the first line.
This would implement the date-requirement.
Then grab the part after the first 5 characters of the name+extension, test whether the new name exists and either report or copy as appropriate (The copy command is disarmed for testing)

Use Robocopy to copy only changed files?

I'm trying to find an easy way of deploying only changed files to the webserver for deployment purpose. In times past I've used MSBuild, which could be told to only copy files that were newer than the ones on the target, but I'm in a hurry and don't want to try to figure out the newer version of MSBuild.
Can I use ROBOCOPY for this? There is a list of options for exclusion, which is:
/XC :: eXclude Changed files.
/XN :: eXclude Newer files.
/XO :: eXclude Older files.
/XX :: eXclude eXtra files and directories.
/XL :: eXclude Lonely files and directories.
What exactly does it mean to exclude? Exclude copying, or exclude overwriting? For example, if I wrote:
ROBOCOPY C:\SourceFolder\ABC.dll D:\DestinationFolder /XO
would this copy only newer files, not files of the same age?
Or is there a better tool to do this?
To answer all your questions:
Can I use ROBOCOPY for this?
Yes, RC should fit your requirements (simplicity, only copy what needed)
What exactly does it mean to exclude?
It will exclude copying - RC calls it skipping
Would the /XO option copy only newer files, not files of the same age?
Yes, RC will only copy newer files. Files of the same age will be skipped.
(the correct command would be robocopy C:\SourceFolder D:\DestinationFolder ABC.dll /XO)
Maybe in your case using the /MIR option could be useful. In general RC is rather targeted at directories and directory trees than single files.
You can use robocopy to copy files with an archive flag and reset the attribute. Use /M command line, this is my backup script with few extra tricks.
This script needs NirCmd tool to keep mouse moving so that my machine won't fall into sleep. Script is using a lockfile to tell when backup script is completed and mousemove.bat script is closed. You may leave this part out.
Another is 7-Zip tool for splitting virtualbox files smaller than 4GB files, my destination folder is still FAT32 so this is mandatory. I should use NTFS disk but haven't converted backup disks yet.
#REM https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc733145.aspx
#REM http://www.skonet.com/articles_archive/robocopy_job_template.aspx
set basedir=%~dp0
del /Q %basedir%backup-robocopy-log.txt
set dt=%date%_%time:~0,8%
echo "%dt% robocopy started" > %basedir%backup-robocopy-lock.txt
start "Keep system awake" /MIN /LOW cmd.exe /C %basedir%backup-robocopy-movemouse.bat
set dest=E:\backup
call :BACKUP "Program Files\MariaDB 5.5\data"
call :BACKUP "projects"
call :BACKUP "Users\Myname"
#REM Split +4GB file to multiple files to support FAT32 destination disk,
#REM splitted files must be stored outside of the robocopy destination folder.
set srcfile=C:\Users\Myname\VirtualBox VMs\Ubuntu\Ubuntu.vdi
set dstfile=%dest%\Users\Myname\VirtualBox VMs\Ubuntu\Ubuntu.vdi
set dstfile2=%dest%\non-robocopy\Users\Myname\VirtualBox VMs\Ubuntu\Ubuntu.vdi
IF NOT EXIST "%dstfile%" (
IF NOT EXIST "%dstfile2%.7z.001" attrib +A "%srcfile%"
dir /b /aa "%srcfile%" && (
del /Q "%dstfile2%.7z.*"
c:\apps\commands\7za.exe -mx0 -v4000m u "%dstfile2%.7z" "%srcfile%"
attrib -A "%srcfile%"
#set dt=%date%_%time:~0,8%
#echo %dt% Splitted %srcfile% >> %basedir%backup-robocopy-log.txt
del /Q %basedir%backup-robocopy-lock.txt
TITLE Backup %~1
robocopy.exe "c:\%~1" "%dest%\%~1" /JOB:%basedir%backup-robocopy-job.rcj
#set dt=%date%_%time:~0,8%
#echo %dt% robocopy completed >> %basedir%backup-robocopy-log.txt
#echo %dt% robocopy completed
:: Robocopy Job Parameters
:: robocopy.exe "c:\projects" "E:\backup\projects" /JOB:backup-robocopy-job.rcj
:: Source Directory (this is given in command line)
:: Destination Directory (this is given in command line)
:: Include files matching these names
/M :: copy only files with the Archive attribute and reset it.
/XJD :: eXclude Junction points for Directories.
:: Exclude Directories
C:\Users\Myname\Saved Games
:: Exclude files matching these names
:: Exclude files with any of the given Attributes set
:: S=System, H=Hidden
:: Copy options
/S :: copy Subdirectories, but not empty ones.
/E :: copy subdirectories, including Empty ones.
/COPY:DAT :: what to COPY for files (default is /COPY:DAT).
/DCOPY:T :: COPY Directory Timestamps.
/PURGE :: delete dest files/dirs that no longer exist in source.
:: Retry Options
/R:0 :: number of Retries on failed copies: default 1 million.
/W:1 :: Wait time between retries: default is 30 seconds.
:: Logging Options (LOG+ append)
/NDL :: No Directory List - don't log directory names.
/NP :: No Progress - don't display percentage copied.
/TEE :: output to console window, as well as the log file.
/LOG+:c:\apps\commands\backup-robocopy-log.txt :: append to logfile
#echo off
#REM Move mouse to prevent maching from sleeping
#rem while running a backup script
echo Keep system awake while robocopy is running,
echo this script moves a mouse once in a while.
set basedir=%~dp0
set IDX=0
IF NOT EXIST "%basedir%backup-robocopy-lock.txt" GOTO :EOF
SET /A IDX=%IDX% + 1
IF "%IDX%"=="240" (
echo Move mouse to keep system awake
c:\apps\commands\nircmdc.exe sendmouse move 5 5
c:\apps\commands\nircmdc.exe sendmouse move -5 -5
c:\apps\commands\nircmdc.exe wait 1000
Looks like /e option is what you need, it'll skip same files/directories.
robocopy c:\data c:\backup /e
If you run the command twice, you'll see the second round is much faster since it skips a lot of things.

How to delete files from a list?

I have a filesystem that uses a hash algorithm to organize files. I have used xcopy in the past to copy files to a different location by passing in a file that has a list of all the files and having it iterate through it. The script looks similar to the following:
for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %i in (D:\foo.csv)
do echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
However, now I've run into a situation where in addition to copying the files that are provided in the foo.csv file, I want them to be deleted as well. I looked at the xcopy documentation and couldn't find anything. Is there someway I can accomplish this, even if I have to run another script to go through the same list of files and delete them after using xcopy?
You can use parenthesis to indicate multiple commands to be excecuted by the for operand:
for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %%i in (D:\foo.csv) do (
echo F | xcopy /i /d "Z:\%%i\%%j\%%k" "Y:\%%i\%%j\%%k" >> "D:\xcopy\Log.txt"
del /F "Z:\%%i\%%j\%%k"
I'm not familiar with Windows (I'm happily using Gnu/Linux since 1993), but perhaps you could add some command with variables like del %n somewhere (or replace xcopy with your own .bat file doing what you want)
From the look of it you can use move command instead of xcopy, since you're not using any extended features from xcopy. The '/d' is supposed to be used to only copy the files if they are newer, not sure how useful that is for your purpose since you want to delete them. Otherwise, move doesn't have many more options to speak of.
Another possible, and slightly more sophisticated, method is robocopy.
robocopy /MOVE /XO "Z:\%i\%j\%k" "Y:\%i\%j\%k"
The /MOVE would delete both folders and files after copying, and /XO flag excludes older files from being copied. robocopy is primarily available in newer operating systems (i.e. Not XP). You can check the above mentioned reference for more details.
Hope this helps. Although, just using del as previously mentioned should work fine also.

Having XCopy copy a file and not overwrite the previous one if it exists (without prompting)

I'm sending commands to a remote computer in order to have it copy a file.
I want the file to be copied, but not to overwrite the previous file with the same name (if it exists).
I also need the command to run without any prompts (xcopy likes to prompt whether the target name I've specified is file or directory, and it will also prompt about overwriting a file).
I have good results with xcopy /d.
It will copy NEWER files, and since we can assume that existing files have same time-stamp, you will copy only files that don't exist.
just in case anyone else finds this:
robocopy x:\sourcefolder Y:\destfolder /s /e /r:0 /z
much better than xcopy, even gives you a table at the end informing of any failed or skipped files. Doesn't prompt to not overwrite.
Well, there's a certain remedy! It has helped me with saving much of my effort and time on Win10 while writing a setup for our product demo.
Just try to use piping:
#ECHO N|COPY /-Y SourceFiles Destination
As an example I used this piece of code so that I would have a clean gentle quiet and safe copy!
#FOR /D %%F in ("FooPath") DO #(
#ECHO N|COPY /-Y ^"%%~npdxF\*.*^" ^"GooPath^" 3>NUL 2>NUL >NUL
where obviously FooPath is the source and GooPath is the destination.
(main source: https://ss64.com/nt/copy.html)
Following command copy files and folder but not override file if already exist.
xcopy "*.*" "C:\test\" /s /y /d
No way to make it NOT overwrite as far as I know. but /Y will make it overwrite. and /I will get rid of the file/dict prompt. See xcopy /? for all options
You can also use the replace command. It has two modes: to add files that don't exist there or replace files that do exist. You want the previous mode:
replace <path1> <path2> /A
I had to copy AND rename files, so I got the prompt about creating a file or a directory.
This is the, rather "hackish" way I did it:
ECHO F | XCOPY /D "C:\install\dummy\dummy.pdf" "C:\Archive\fffc810e-f01a-47e8-a000-5903fc56f0ec.pdf"
XCOPY will use the "F" to indicate it should create the target as a file:
C:\install>ECHO F | XCOPY /D "C:\install\dummy\dummy.html" "C:\Archive\aa77cd6e-1d19-4eb4-b2a8-3f8fe60daf00.html"
Does C:\Archive\aa77cd6e-1d19-4eb4-b2a8-3f8fe60daf00.html specify a file name or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? F
1 File(s) copied
I've also verified this command leaves existing files alone. (You should too :-)

Command line to recursively delete files but excluding a certain file

I need to delete files of a certain type (.zip files, say) from a folder, and all of its sub-folders, using the command line. Ideally I am looking for something that can be run as a .bat file in Windows.
I know there is a /S switch for the DEL command to look in sub-folders, but to add to the challenge I need to exclude files of a certain name ("Backup.zip" as an example).
Is there a way to delete files recursively but exclude files of a certain name. It will not be practical in my situation to explicitly list all the file names I want to delete, only the files of the matching type I don't want to delete.
A nice trick: make the files you want to exclude read-only!
DEL /S will not delete read-only file.
The following script does not do exactly what you want (see my remarks below) but shows you how read-only files can be used to avoid deletion.
:: This example supposes your first parameter is
:: the relative path to the folder to be deleted
:: and the second is the relative path (from the
:: the target folder) of the one to be excluded
:: Notice that this will only work if the folders
:: are in the working drive, if not, you ll
:: have to specify full paths
IF "%1"=="" GOTO ERROR
IF "%2"=="" GOTO ERROR
CD %1
ECHO Starting up the deletion process
ECHO. * Setting attributes
attrib %1\*.mp3 -r -s -h > NUL
attrib %2\*.mp3 +r > NUL
ECHO. * Deleting files
del /s %1\*.mp3
ECHO. * Reseting attributes
attrib %2\*.mp3 -r > NUL
ECHO Operation completed!
ECHO Parameters:
ECHO. Param1 -> target folder
ECHO. Param2 -> folder to be ignored
Note: you can adapt this script in order to ignore not just a sub-folder but all files of given type:
attrib /S *.xxx +r > NUL
will in effect help you to exclude all 'xxx' files of the current directory and all sub-directories (hence the /S option).
Note: the "> NUL" part is a redirection often used to hide standard output, instead of displaying it on screen.
It can be dangerous if used too often (in a large loop with different paths involved, for instance) since it is a device, and like all devices (AUX, COMn, LPTn, NUL and PRN):
opening a device will claim one file handle. However, unlike files, devices will never be closed until reboot.
each device exists in every directory on every drive, so if you used redirection to NUL in, say, C:\ and after that you use it again in C:\TEMP, you'll lose another file handle.
Just do this, easy
windows button + r
type cmd and hit enter
Navigate to parent directory:
type c: or d: (or letter of the drive you want to navigate to)
type dir to see a list of that directory's contents ( dir /ah to see hidden files )
then to change directory, type cd xxxx ( xxxx = directory name )
Repeat 4&5 until you get to the directory where you want to run the batch delete
then type your pattern. Something like: del /S /ah *.jpg and hit enter. It will run through all sub-directories, and remove all visible and hidden files that are .jpg files
* is a wildcard
/S deletes from all subfolders
/ah a = select files based on attribute, h = hidden
Example: to delete those annoying .DS_Store files that appear when you copy from Mac to Windows, run:
del /S /ah .DS_Store
del /S /ah ._*
which will get all the 'duplicate' hidden files that are also created when copying from Mac to Windows.
You can easily loop a set of files and perform a command on each one, like this:
set match=D:\blah\M*.zip
for %%x in (%match%) do (
del %%x
Then I think you need to read this article on how to manipulate strings in DOS:
You can simply use below:
forfiles /p C:\temp-new /s /c "cmd /c if #isdir==FALSE del #file"
TechNet Referenceenter link description here
Perhaps the 'forfiles' command could be of use
Hope that helps.
This script will delete all .zip files from a folder (and subfolders), BUT ONLY IF the file name does not contain the word "backup", or "Backup" or "BACKUP", etc.
# Script DeleteZip.txt
var str folder, filelist, file
cd $folder
lf -r -n "*.zip" > $filelist
while ($filelist <> "")
lex "1" $filelist > $file
# Does this $file contain the word "backup" ? Do case independent search (-c option).
if ( { sen -c "^backup^" $file } <= 0 )
system del ("\""+$file+"\"")
Script is in biterscripting ( http://www.biterscripting.com ). Save the script in file C:/Scripts/DeleteZip.txt. Run the script as
script "C:/Scripts/DeleteZip.txt" folder("C:/testfolder")
Will do the delete operation on folder C:/testfolder and all its subfolders, at all levels.
A simple way that you need:
FORFILES /P "DIRECTORY" /S /M SEARCHMASK /C "cmd /c if #file neq \"FILE_TO_EXCLUDE\" del /f #file"
You still can adapt the command to your need to exclude specific files and/or by date. More details in the 'forfiles' documentation below.