Could not open settings generic class cache for settings file ' - flutter

I reinstalled my android studio since the sdk was not found and so on. After re installing java jdk and android studio , everything worked well until I got an error saying 'Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper' which I solved by changing the Gradle version. And now the error is 'Type 'FlutterTask' property 'assets' is missing an input or output annotation.'
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Could not open settings generic class cache for settings file 'C:\Users\loran\ASProjects\xylophone-flutter\android\settings.gradle' (C:\Users\loran.gradle\caches\6.8.2\scripts\4mawlyb2l5e9tefyvnpxva1kg).
BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit 'BuildScript' Unsupported class file major version 60
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Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

I also had this problem So I did install java 8
You might have Java 13 So install Java 8

Java JDK 16 is the one that seems to lead to this issue try downgrading by downloading a lower version of JDK preferable JDK 8 or 11
To future individuals who will run to this error. Here is the link to download the JDK enjoy your coding experience don't forget to change the path too.

mainly you have jdk16 i tried to install java 8 and set env to java 8 it worked for me

Try installing the latest Gradle package gradle-7.1.1, if you are using Java JDK 16 installed. To do this open android/gradle/wrapper/ file and under distribution url, update the gradle version to 7.1.1 (or the latest). After that, inside your Flutter project directory, run the following command in the terminal:
cd android && ./gradlew

I removed the JAVA_HOME path to the JAVA download and changed JAVA_HOME path to the following:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre
I am now coding

No need to change your JDK version, follow the steps to resolve the issue:
check your java version and remember it, use "java -version" in terminal
go to your android studio path installation
then in: Android Studio/jre/ open the file named "release"
take attention of the value of JAVA_VERSION field
if it's not the same as the java version on your computer, just change it with the version installed on your computer.
That's it, i hope it will resolve your issue like it resolves mine.
Try it and give a feedback.

Try this!
Remove package android from the top of settings.gradle. This helped me out.

If this error occurs, this might because you have installed the latest JDK such as JDK 16. You download and install JDK 8 and uninstall JDK 16. Then restart the desktop/laptop and try launch and run flutter run again. It should be working fine.

In my case, on Windows 10, my JAVA_HOME was set to JAVA SE 16 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16 and when I looked at the release file in java jre in android studio, C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\release, I found that the the JAVA_VERSION WAS "11.0.10" (java 11) for short. So I changed the java installation on my PC to Java 11, update JAVA_HOME in my environment variables to point to the new java (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.12) and restarted android studio, Then everything worked.
You can get your java 11 from here. Change 11 to 8, 16 etc to get the download link for the java version you need.

The problem has to do with having Java 13 or 16 installed on your computer. The current version of Flutter does not work with Java 13 and 16. Just uninstall either of these that you may have installed and installed Java 8 or Java 11. Restart your computer to effect the update. Everything should be fine afterwards

I got this error when using flutter. I fixed it ensuring the android-studio-dir path was set correctly.
You set it up using flutter config --android-studio-dir="android studio path".
Then run flutter doctor and ensure flutter can see Android Studio

In 'adnroid/gradle/wrapper/'
Change distributionUrl to version 7.0.1
In 'android/build.gradle'
Change '' to version 4.2.0

Java 11 is the only supported version by Flutter as for now. It compiles and installs.
Previously I had this error using Java 19 and Java 8.

You might want update your gradle version.
Check the supported gradle <-> kotlin <-> java version on their page.

You can try this, it works for me.
Open the android module to a new window and automatically download all necessary libraries after successfully building finished run the app.

Simply go to your Android Studio path -> C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
open jbr folder -> copy all files -> then go back -> paste all the files in the jre folder and "replace the files in the destination".
It works for me in two different laptops. I have latest jdk version - 19.0.2

The error message you're seeing is related to the flutter build process and it occurs when a required input or output annotation is missing from the assets property of the FlutterTask.
task buildFlutter(type: FlutterTask) {
// Add the #Input annotation to the assets property
#Input List<String> assets = ["assets/images/", "assets/fonts/"]

Try to disable AVAST, check system vatiables path for JDK and SDK, clear cache with yarn.


Could not open settings generic class cache for settings file Flutter

When I clone the project from GitHub and execute the program it throws this error
Please help all thanks
BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit 'BuildScript' Unsupported class file major version 61
"Unsupported class file major version 61" indicates java 17, which is used by Gradle.
This indicates major class version and corresponding Java versions.
Per this link, Java 17 support was added circa Gradle 7.3, so either upgrade to a more recent version of Gradle, or change your settings to use an earlier version of Java (such as JAVA_HOME if using the CLI).
If you run flutter doctor, you probably will see:
[!] Android Studio (version 2022.1)
✗ Unable to find bundled Java version. seems to be the latest issue in which this crops up. notes they reverted a buggy change, but it hasn't hit stable yet, so you'll have to symlink the bundled JRE folder as a workaround til the next AS update.
e.g. for mac, you can use:
cd /Applications/
ln -s jbr jre

Flutter application not working due to Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8

I am trying to make a flutter application but I constantly get this error :
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Failed to apply plugin ''.
> Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.
You can try some of the following options:
- changing the IDE settings.
- changing the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
- changing `` in ``
I followed this question : Android Studio Error "Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8"
and this was the output :
Gradle 7.4
Build time: 2022-02-08 09:58:38 UTC
Revision: f0d9291c04b90b59445041eaa75b2ee744162586
Kotlin: 1.5.31
Groovy: 3.0.9
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
JVM: 13.0.7 (Private Build 13.0.7+5-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04)
OS: Linux 5.4.0-125-generic amd64
JVM points to 13.0.7. What can be issue and how can it be resolved? Thankyou
In your Android Studio IDE, go to ~
Preferences → Build, Execution, Deployment → Build Tools → Gradle → *Gradle JDK
and choose the appropriate JDK version and apply. Try to take the embedded JDK as that would be IDE version appropriate. After this sync project and run.
Check your version of Android Studio and update to Dolphin (2021.3.x).
There are plenty of answers to this question out there that simply ask you to point to the right SDK. None of them appreciate that in some 4.x versions of Android Studio, you can be pointing to the right SDK, but Android Studio keeps pointing to the v1.8, even if you have a version >11 installed and selected in:
Project Structure, or
It's possible that: C:*\java -version --> Results in jre/jvm >11, your 'flutter doctor -v' still says: jre/jvm-1.8.
If you don't see the above screen posted by GeekyChick in settings (i.e., "it's a location that only opens up a checkbox where its written generate *.iml files"), than you probably have Android Studio v4.x, rather than a 2021.x or greater.
Upgrade your Android Studio to Dolphin, and re-follow the instructions to choose the right SDK in Project Structure (not Settings).

Flutter Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1 zip END header not found

Hello I am new to Flutter I have setup flutter with android studio 4.2.1, and every thing is fine. When I try to run it; it show me following error
I see too much questions but it is not helpfull for me
flutter doctor run no issue found
Hers is doctor result
Here is my enviroment variable
can any one guide me how can I run the flutter. I am lunching it in a chrome
exception in thread "main" zip END header not found at
java.base/$Source.zerror( at
java.base/$Source.findEND( at
java.base/$Source.initCEN( at
java.base/$Source.( at
java.base/$Source.get( at
at java.base/ at
java.base/ at
java.base/ at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install.unzip( at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install.access$600( at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install$ at
org.gradle.wrapper.Install$ at
at org.gradle.wrapper.Install.createDist( at
Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1
I recently Solved this problem.
This Problem came from gradle file is corrupted in my system.
I'm using Linux so this steps almost same in windows also. This answer is for any gradle version.
Open File Manager:
enable Show hidden folder from top menu bar.
You may find this location : .gradle>wrapper>dists.
In Linux: Home > .gradle > wrapper > dists.
In Windows: C:>Users>{PC Name}>.gradle>wrapper>dists
Method 1
Go inside gradle-6.5-all > dists > 2oz4ud9k3tuxjg84bbf55q0tn. '2oz4ud9k3tuxjg84bbf55q0tn' may be different in your PC.
Delete all files in that folder and download required file manually:
after download paste freshly downloaded zip file in that folder.
Run your project flutter run -v
Method 2
Try this if you have fast & stable internet connection.
Delete that gradle-6.5-all folder.
Open project in VS code or Android Studio and open terminal.
Run this command flutter run -v
Method 3
Flutter Doctor will give right result.
Open Android Studio
Create new flutter project
Click on Tools > flutter >Flutter for editing in android studio
and wait, flutter doctor takes time to identify problem.
Use this link for download gradle file.
Replace 6.5 with your gradle version.
I hope this answer helpful for you.
Please use the below command
1.Mac User :
rm -rf ~/.gradle
2.Windows User :
remove the .gradle file
.gradle file location -> C:\Users\myUser
I solve this error by updating the gradle plugin/version. I have as part of my configuration:
Windows 10
Android Studio 4.2.1
Java 11: Android Studio 4.2.1 don't have support for JDK 16, so, I installed JDK 11, and configured the AS (how to change the jdk in AS) to use this older JDK
Gradle 7.0.1
By default, when you create a new Flutter project, the IDE created it with basic standard configurations, so you have to change this configs to fit your current config. For that, you need to update the gradle config in the flutter project, as follow:
in android/gradle/build.gradle file: update the gradle plugin to 4.2.0 in the dependencies section, like this:
dependencies {
classpath ''
//more dependencies
in android/gradle/wrapper/ file: update the gradle version, in this case I have the 7.0.1, feel free to use another one, like this
//more attributes
After you change the gradle config, run this commands in your project:
flutter clean : clean the project
flutter pub get : update your dependencies
flutter run : run the project. Now it must work, at least it work for me
I faced the same problem in VSCode when I wanted to run the Flutter app I got that error, so after lots of debugging and research, I found the solution. it's pretty easy, just follow these steps:
In windows 10:
1. Open flutter project in a Text-Editor like VSCode.
2. Open android -> gradle -> wrapper ->
3. You will find "" inside gradle-wrapper folder
4. Go to this path: C:\Users\your-user
5. Then go to the wrapper->dists and find "gradle-6.7.1.all" folder
5. Delete this folder.
6. Then come to VSCode and open Terminal.
7. Please make sure that you have stable internet connection then type this command in terminal
8. flutter run
I hope this solution can help you!
I solve this error by deleting the .gradle folder.
This location is gradle folder
In Windows: C:> Users> {PC Name}>. Gradle
After deleting this folder, you only need to run the application again in Android Studio. At this point, Android Studio starts downloading the deleted folder automatically.
enter image description here
This error is caused by corrupted gradle files, this is either due to incomplete downloads due to network issues. To solve it easily download the gradle zipped file from and paste on the .gradle directory as shown below if you are on linux
enter image description here
I try all method but it did not work for me so i decided to location the in the andriod folder then i change the distribution gradle link to a more recent gradle link.
Welcome SO.
Java 16/latest version is not fully compatible with the Gradle 6 at this moment. Try to use java 11 or 8, it will resolve your issue.

Issue in setting up the Android emulator with React native

I am fairly new to React native and trying to set up Android environment with Visual studio. All the installation has been fairly successful, however, when I try to run the sample app on the android emulator executing the npx react-native run-android command it shows below error -
'C:\Users\Home' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: Could not start emulator within 30 seconds..
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7
at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VMPluginFactory.<clinit>(
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.GroovyClassValueFactory.<clinit>(
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ClassInfo.<clinit>(
However, when i execute adb devices on visual studio, it shows the list of emulator connected -
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
What could be the possible reason? Is this because my users name is Home PC? (Is this because there is a space in between) and it is not able to get the correct path?
This is because your java version is updated to the latest version and gradle is not supported with the installed version. what you can do is update the gradle as well
So go to gradle/wrapper folder inside the android folder
Edit file and replace distributionUrl
with following value
I too faced the same issue.The problem is with the JDK. From JDK 14 i downgraded to JDK 11(LTS) version. And it worked.
Hope it helps.
Install Java 8 version, which is available Java 8 download
Gradle is not keeping up with the Java Latest versions, so roll back
to previous versions

Android studio:import NDK project from eclipse

I exported project from Eclipse(windows) and imported it to android studio V 0.4.2(ubuntu).
The project include working NDK library.
I get this error when try to run my app:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugNdk'.
NDK not configured
From others stackoverflow posts, I understand that it is an issue.
But get no workaround for this.
Should i proceed the development with eclipse for now, or is that the a lazy option ?
I run this command:
export NDK=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c
and then :
and then go to my app directory and run this:
And i get this:
yarinkos-u#yarinkosu-MSI-Notebook-EX600:~/AndroidStudioProjects/AndEngineEXperimental$ ndk-build
/home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: 1: /home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: dirname: not found
/home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: 132: /home/yarinkos-u/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c/ndk-build: uname: not found
ERROR: Unknown host operating system:
What i did wrong?
It seems that the script running,but i miss something there.
i mistakenly runing this also :
export PATH=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c
so i get the error above.
If i running onlt this :
export NDK=~/Downloads/android-ndk-r9c
I get ndk-build not found error.
NDK Support is introduced from Android Studio 0.4.1 only, so make sure you are running AS 0.4.1 or above.
Android gradle plugin must be 0.7.+ in build.gradle file and also new NDK integration requires NDK r9c .
Lines from Developer tools blog under Release 0.4.1
Supports importing NDK projects. If the imported project contains NDK
sources, these are imported into the jni/ source set of the project,
the module name is inferred from the Makefile and stored in the Gradle
file, and the ndk.dir property is defined in
Check more about it here :
you need to download the NDK for your operatings system # once it's downloaded, install it it'll extract the contents to the correct file system it needs to be in it'll take some time, also make sure you are running the latest android studio. it worked for me. good luck.