Adding multiple subtitles in generic template - chatbot

The generic template docs of the messenger api has an image that shows 3 lines of subtitles. I'm unable to figure out how to get this done.
Generic Tepmlate Image Attached

Solved it. The text is UTF-8. Using /n creates a new line


Vscode extension: insert some meta text on a certain position?

I think it should be possible.
I want to make an extension that will add a specific meta text content on specific positions in the source file (depending on its content), but this content should be just visible to the user not inserted into the source of course.
Can someone point to the VSCode API which I should use for this?
I think I found it:
This extensions also uses it:

How to make file clickable in upload collection?

I am doing upload collection component in sap ui5. I want to make file clickable after upload. Previously uploaded files are getting clickable but currently uploaded files are not getting clickable. Please help me to find solution.
Below is my XML code :
You have not set the mode for the Upload list, by default this is set to None. Add a mode parameter in you List as below. This will make the List clickable.

How can I maintain image class when using mc:edit in a MailChimp template?

I'm trying to create a MailChimp template where an image is editable using mc:edit
Here's the code:
<img class="flexibleImage" mc:edit="top_image">
This seems all good, but once I edit this image using the MailChimp editor, I lose the original class "flexibleImage" and all other class and style info related to that img element.
How can I create a template with an editable image and maintain (or add) that class?
For anyone else with the problme, this answer is based on a response from MailChimp support:
It looks like it isn't possible to keep a custom class attached to an
editable image. What you could do instead though is apply the class
to the image's containing element. So if the image is in a <div>, add
flexibleImage to the div, and then update your CSS rules to point to
This happens because the image you want to edit is inside an mc:repeatable block that in turn is inside another mc:repeatable block
Even four years later this is still an issue.
The other route is to put mc:edit on the parent container, and have images managed through there, but you lose the Image uploader box, which is poor user experience.
You can go into Settings when you have uploaded a new image and put the sizes in there. Not ideal, but Mailchimp is to blame here (no such issue on Campaign Monitor templates).

File Upload not working after moving form field

I have a large form with a image upload field working ok.
Field is defined in model as:
Then I created two tabs inside form:
And moved image field to design tab:
Now I can't upload files. When I try I get the following javascript error
Error: cannot call methods on atk4_form prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'submitPlain
Is there any other way to move the field or have upload working again after moving it?
I was trying to use the same method ($design->add($form->getElement('my_element'));) to move a slider into another place on the page. That didn't work - I think it was because the slider input field is not placed on the page the same way as other input fields.
So I tried with the jQuery appendTo-method (I found the hint in a comment from romanish in a documentation page). That worked. But then I experienced the same problem as you - and in the end I gave up and solved the problem by editing the slider-class page.
So I can't help you, sorry, but I guess this points out that there is a general problem related to getting input from moved form elements.

ASP.NET MVC2 - Determine which type of template is being rendered

Instead of using DisplayFor and EditorFor, I would like to create a more generic ContentFor. In that Html extension it would take into account Metadata values to determine how to render the resulting control. The only piece of the puzzle I am not am to determine is this: Is there a way to determine if I am currently rendering a DisplayTemplate or an EditorTemplate. As a real-world example of this, when rendering a string, for the display version I would like to render it as a , but when rendering the editor version, I would want to render it as a text box.
To better explain, let's say I have two templates called Address.ascx, one in the DisplayTemplates directory and one in the EditorTemplates directory. I would like both of them to use ContentFor to render, but in the display version it renders as a label and in the editor version it renders as a textbox.
Using two ASCX files to call a single file control (which is doable, just do another RenderPartial or DisplayFor/LabelFor) doesn't make sense to me. It breaks the "seperation of concerns". Label displays labels, and Display displays values, it doesn't make sense for a control to try and figure out what way you want it to display.
If you want a use a custom display or label for a property, use the UIHint data Annotation.
Then in the DisplayTemplates and EditorTempaltes create a "MyCustomControlName.ascx" file to display that property however you want. Additionally, the ascx controls can read custom Model Metadata and do whatever it is you need done. Example at