Istio Installation successful but not able to deploy POD - kubernetes

I have successfully installed Istio in k8 cluster.
Istio version is 1.9.1
Kubernetes CNI plugin used: Calico version 3.18 (Calico POD is up and running)
kubectl get pod -A
istio-system istio-egressgateway-bd477794-8rnr6 1/1 Running 0 124m
istio-system istio-ingressgateway-79df7c789f-fjwf8 1/1 Running 0 124m
istio-system istiod-6dc55bbdd-89mlv 1/1 Running 0 124
When I'm trying to deploy sample nginx app I am getting the error below:
failed calling webhook context deadline exceeded
Post "https://istiod.istio-system.svc:443/inject?timeout=30s":
context deadline exceeded
When I Disable automatic proxy sidecar injection the pod is getting deployed without any errors.
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection-
I am not sure how to fix this issue could you please some one help me on this?

In this case, adding hostNetwork:true under spec.template.spec to the istiod Deployment may help.
This seems to be a workaround when using Calico CNI for pod networking (see: failed calling webhook "
As we can find in the Kubernetes Host namespaces documentation:
HostNetwork - Controls whether the pod may use the node network namespace. Doing so gives the pod access to the loopback device, services listening on localhost, and could be used to snoop on network activity of other pods on the same node.


Kubernetes: Prometheus context deadline exceeded error

I have several nodejs microservices which are running dev namespace which I expose metrics and able to access via http://localhost:9187/metrics.
But when I deploy prometheus server which is running monitoring namespace I received an below error in Targets page.
Get http://1.../metrics: context deadline exceeded.
I assume none of these allow access from the namespace monitoring
so need to add an additional one into the namespace dev to allow the prometheus pod from namespace monitoring to scrape the below pod or what might be the reason of this error?
What is the best way to add netpol to my application to allow prometheus from namespace monitoring?
kubectl get netpol -n dev
myapp-api-dev, 5h33m
myapp-auth-dev, 56m
myapp-backend-dev, 5h42m
redis app=redis,release=redis 33d
kubectl get pods -n monitoring
monitoring-prometheus-server-6cc796c4db-hp4rg 2/2 Running 0 2d4h
I guess you have kube-prometheus installed. In this case you need to create custom roles and role bindings to let Prometheus to monitor other namespaces, see here

Unable to get kubernetes dashboard

I've installad a new cluster (version 1.13.5 of kubectl kubelet kubeadm), then I've installed flannel and add a worker node.
Now I'm trying to add kubernetes dashboard to my cluster but after i run
$ kubectl apply -f
I've this situation
kubernetes-dashboard-**** 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 1 8s
Then if I get the log i can see this
Error while initializing connection to Kubernetes apiserver...
Where I'm wrong?
It seems that the problem was on the worker, when I put the dashboard on master the pod starts.
Maybe the kube dashboard has to be installed on the master or there is something wrong with flannel and the master-node communication.
Check api-server pod is running or not and KubeDNS is working fine or not.

unable to access dns from a kubernetes pod

I have a kubernetes master and node setup in two centos VMs on my Win 10.
I used flannel for CNI and deployed ambassador as an API gateway.
As the ambassador routes did not work, I analysed further to understand that the DNS (ip- is not accessible from busybox pod which means that none of the service names can be accessed. Could I get any suggestion please.
1. You should use newest version of Flannel.
Flannel does not setup service IPs but kube-proxy does, you should look at kube-proxy on your nodes and ensure they are not reporting errors.
I'd suggest taking a look at and ensure you have met the requirements stated there.
Similar issue but with Calico plugin you can find here:
2. Check if you have open port 8285, flannel uses UDP port 8285 for sending encapsulated IP packets. Make sure to enable this traffic to pass between the hosts.
3. Ambassador includes an integrated diagnostics service to help with troubleshooting, this may be useful for you. By default, this is not exposed to the Internet. To view it, we'll need to get the name of one of the Ambassador pods:
$ kubectl get pods
ambassador-3655608000-43x86 1/1 Running 0 2m
ambassador-3655608000-w63zf 1/1 Running 0 2m
Forwarding local port 8877 to one of the pods:
kubectl port-forward ambassador-3655608000-43x86 8877
will then let us view the diagnostics at http://localhost:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/.
First spot should solve your problem, if not, try remainings.
I hope this helps.

Exporting Kubernetes pod cpu/memory information

I am running Kubernetes cluster 1.5.3 on IBM Bluemix, I would like to get the pod's resources utilization (memory and cpu) as raw data points. Is Kubernetes expose such API?
➜ bluemix git:(master) ✗ k cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at https://x:x
Heapster is running at
KubeDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at
You can use heapster or kube-state-metrics to achieve this. In many kubernetes deployments heapsteris already installed. Both can be easily deployed in-cluster.

Minikube got stuck when creating container

I recently got started to learn Kubernetes by using Minikube locally in my Mac. Previously, I was able to start a local Kubernetes cluster with Minikube 0.10.0, created a deployment and viewed Kubernetes dashboard.
Yesterday I tried to delete the cluster and re-did everything from scratch. However, I found I cannot get the assets deployed and cannot view the dashboard. From what I saw, everything seemed to get stuck during container creation.
After I ran minikube start, it reported
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
When I ran kubectl get pods --all-namespaces, it reported (pay attention to the STATUS column):
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kube-system kube-addon-manager-minikube 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 51s
docker ps showed nothing:
docker ps
minikube status tells me the VM and cluster are running:
minikubeVM: Running
localkube: Running
If I tried to create a deployment and an autoscaler, I was told they were created successfully:
kubectl create -f configs
deployment "hello-minikube" created
horizontalpodautoscaler "hello-minikube-autoscaler" created
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
default hello-minikube-661011369-1pgey 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 1m
default hello-minikube-661011369-91iyw 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 1m
kube-system kube-addon-manager-minikube 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 21m
When exposing the service, it said:
$ kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort
service "hello-minikube" exposed
$ kubectl get service
hello-minikube <nodes> 8080/TCP 6s
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 22m
When I tried to access the service, I was told:
curl $(minikube service hello-minikube --url)
Waiting, endpoint for service is not ready yet...
docker ps still showed nothing. It looked to me everything got stuck when creating a container. I tried some other ways to work around this issue:
Upgraded to minikube 0.11.0
Use the xhyve driver instead of the Virtualbox driver
Delete everything cached, like ~/.minikube, ~/.kube, and the cluster, and re-try
None of them worked for me.
Kubernetes is still new to me and I would like to know:
How can I troubleshoot this kind of issue?
What could be the cause of this issue?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
It turned out to be a network problem in my case.
The pod status is "ContainerCreating", and I found during container creation, docker image will be pulled from, which is inaccessible in China (blocked by GFW). Previous time it worked for me because I happened to connect to it via a VPN.
I didn't try minikube but I use kubernetes. With the information provided it is difficult to say the cause of the issue. Your minikube has no problem in creating resources but ContainerCreating is a problem related to docker daemon or improper communication between kube-api and docker daemon or some problem with kubelet.
You can try the following command:
kubectl describe po POD_NAME
This will give you the POD's events. Maybe this will provide a path to the root cause of issue.
You may also check the logs of kubelet to get the events.
I had this problem on Windows, but it was related to an NTLM proxy. I deleted the minikube VM then recreated it with the correct proxy settings for my CNTLM installation:
minikube start \
--docker-env http_proxy= \
--docker-env https_proxy= \
--docker-env no_proxy=localhost,,::1,
The horizontalpodautoscaler (hpa) requires heapster to use. You'll need to run heapster in minikube for that to work. You can always debug these kinds of issues with minikube logs or interactively through the dashboard found at minikube dashboard.
You can find the steps to run heapster and grafana at
For me, it takes several minutes before I see the ContainerCreating problem. After executing the following command:
systemctl status kube-controller-manager.service
I get this error:
Sync "default/redis-master-2229813293" failed with unable to create pods: No API token found for service account "default", retry after the token is automatically created and added to the service account.
There are two ways to solve this:
Set the service account with token
Remove the ServiceAccount setting of KUBE_ADMISSION_CONTROL in api-server