Iterating with for .. in on a changing collection - swift

I'm experimenting with iteration on an array using a for .. in .. loop. My question is related to the case where the collection is changed within the loop body.
It seems that the iteration is safe, even if the list shrinks in the meantime. The for iteration variables successively take the values of the (indexes and) elements that were in the array at the start of the loop, despite the changes made on the flow. Example:
var slist = [ "AA", "BC", "DE", "FG" ]
for (i, st) in slist.enumerated() { // for st in slist gives a similar result
print ("Index \(i): \(st)")
if st == "AA" { // at one iteration change completely the list
print (" --> check 0: \(slist[0]), and 2: \(slist[2])")
slist.append ("KLM")
slist.insert(st+"XX", at:0) // shift the elements in the array
slist[2]="bc" // replace some elements to come
print (" --> check again 0: \(slist[0]), and 2: \(slist[2])")
slist.remove(at:1) // makes list shorter
print (slist)
This works very well, the iteration being made on the values [ "AA", "BC", "DE", "FG" ] even if after the first iteration the array is completely changed to ["AAXX", "bc", "KLM"]
I wanted to know if I can safely rely on this behavior. Unfortunately, the language guide does not tell anything about iterating on a collection when the collection is modified. And the for .. in section doesn't address this question either. So:
Can I safely rely on a guarantee about this iteration behavior provided in the language specifications ?
Or am I simply lucky with the current version of Swift 5.4? In this case, is there any clue in the language specification that one cannot take it for granted? And is there a performance overhead for this iteration behavior (e.g. some copy) compared to indexed iteration?

The documentation for IteratorProtocol says "whenever you use a for-in loop with an array, set, or any other collection or sequence, you’re using that type’s iterator." So, we are guaranteed that a for in loop is going to be using .makeIterator() and .next() which is defined most generally on Sequence and IteratorProtocol respectively.
The documentation for Sequence says that "the Sequence protocol makes no requirement on conforming types regarding whether they will be destructively consumed by iteration." As a consequence, this means that an iterator for a Sequence is not required to make a copy, and so I do not think that modifying a sequence while iterating over it is, in general, safe.
This same caveat does not occur in the documentation for Collection, but I also don't think there is any guarantee that the iterator makes a copy, and so I do not think that modifying a collection while iterating over it is, in general, safe.
But, most collection types in Swift are structs with value semantics or copy-on-write semantics. I'm not really sure where the documentation for this is, but this link does say that "in Swift, Array, String, and Dictionary are all value types... You don’t need to do anything special — such as making an explicit copy — to prevent other code from modifying that data behind your back." In particular, this means that for Array, .makeIterator() cannot hold a reference to your array because the iterator for Array does not have to "do anything special" to prevent other code (i.e. your code) from modifying the data it holds.
We can explore this in more detail. The Iterator type of Array is defined as type IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>. The documentation IndexingIterator says that it is the default implementation of the iterator for collections, so we can assume that most collections will use this. We can see in the source code for IndexingIterator that it holds a copy of its collection
public struct IndexingIterator<Elements: Collection> {
internal let _elements: Elements
internal var _position: Elements.Index
/// Creates an iterator over the given collection.
public /// #testable
init(_elements: Elements) {
self._elements = _elements
self._position = _elements.startIndex
and that the default .makeIterator() simply creates this copy.
extension Collection where Iterator == IndexingIterator<Self> {
/// Returns an iterator over the elements of the collection.
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public __consuming func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<Self> {
return IndexingIterator(_elements: self)
Although you might not want to trust this source code, the documentation for library evolution claims that "the #inlinable attribute is a promise from the library developer that the current definition of a function will remain correct when used with future versions of the library" and the #frozen also means that the members of IndexingIterator cannot change.
Altogether, this means that any collection type with value semantics and an IndexingIterator as its Iterator must make a copy when using using for in loops (at least until the next ABI break, which should be a long-way off). Even then, I don't think Apple is likely to change this behavior.
In Conclusion
I don't know of any place that it is explicitly spelled out in the docs "you can modify an array while you iterate over it, and the iteration will proceed as if you made a copy" but that's also the kind of language that probably shouldn't be written down as writing such code could definitely confuse a beginner.
However, there is enough documentation lying around which says that a for in loop just calls .makeIterator() and that for any collection with value semantics and the default iterator type (for example, Array), .makeIterator() makes a copy and so cannot be influenced by code inside the loop. Further, because Array and some other types like Set and Dictionary are copy-on-write, modifying these collections inside a loop will have a one-time copy penalty as the body of the loop will not have a unique reference to its storage (because the iterator will). This is the exact same penalty that modifying the collection outside the loop with have if you don’t have a unique reference to the storage.
Without these assumptions, you aren't guaranteed safety, but you might have it anyway in some circumstances.
I just realized we can create some cases where this is unsafe for sequences.
import Foundation
/// This is clearly fine and works as expected.
print("Test normal")
for _ in 0...10 {
let x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x {
/// This is also okay. Reassigning `x` does not mutate the reference that the iterator holds.
print("Test reassignment")
for _ in 0...10 {
var x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x {
x = []
/// This crashes. The iterator assumes that the last index it used is still valid, but after removing the objects, there are no valid indices.
print("Test removal")
for _ in 0...10 {
let x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x {
/// This also crashes. `.enumerated()` gets a reference to `x` which it expects will not be modified behind its back.
print("Test removal enumerated")
for _ in 0...10 {
let x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x.enumerated() {
The fact that this is an NSMutableArray is important because this type has reference semantics. Since NSMutableArray conforms to Sequence, we know that mutating a sequence while iterating over it is not safe, even when using .enumerated().

The slist.enumerate() create a new instance of EnumeratedSequence<[String]>
To create an instance of EnumeratedSequence, call enumerated() on a sequence or collection. The following example enumerates the elements of an array. reference
If you remove the .enumerate() produce the same result, any st has the old value. This occurs because the for-in loop generates a new instance of IndexingIterator<[String]>.
Whenever you use a for-in loop with an array, set, or any other collection or sequence, you’re using that type’s iterator. Swift uses a sequence’s or collection’s iterator internally to enable the for-in loop language construct. reference
About the questions:
You would be able to remove all the elements and still perform the loop safe because a new instance is generated to perform the interactions.
Swift uses the iterator internally to enable for-in then there's no overhead to compare. Logically that the larger the array the performance will be affected.


What did Swift do to avoid that Collection was mutated while being enumerated? [duplicate]

I'm experimenting with iteration on an array using a for .. in .. loop. My question is related to the case where the collection is changed within the loop body.
It seems that the iteration is safe, even if the list shrinks in the meantime. The for iteration variables successively take the values of the (indexes and) elements that were in the array at the start of the loop, despite the changes made on the flow. Example:
var slist = [ "AA", "BC", "DE", "FG" ]
for (i, st) in slist.enumerated() { // for st in slist gives a similar result
print ("Index \(i): \(st)")
if st == "AA" { // at one iteration change completely the list
print (" --> check 0: \(slist[0]), and 2: \(slist[2])")
slist.append ("KLM")
slist.insert(st+"XX", at:0) // shift the elements in the array
slist[2]="bc" // replace some elements to come
print (" --> check again 0: \(slist[0]), and 2: \(slist[2])")
slist.remove(at:1) // makes list shorter
print (slist)
This works very well, the iteration being made on the values [ "AA", "BC", "DE", "FG" ] even if after the first iteration the array is completely changed to ["AAXX", "bc", "KLM"]
I wanted to know if I can safely rely on this behavior. Unfortunately, the language guide does not tell anything about iterating on a collection when the collection is modified. And the for .. in section doesn't address this question either. So:
Can I safely rely on a guarantee about this iteration behavior provided in the language specifications ?
Or am I simply lucky with the current version of Swift 5.4? In this case, is there any clue in the language specification that one cannot take it for granted? And is there a performance overhead for this iteration behavior (e.g. some copy) compared to indexed iteration?
The documentation for IteratorProtocol says "whenever you use a for-in loop with an array, set, or any other collection or sequence, you’re using that type’s iterator." So, we are guaranteed that a for in loop is going to be using .makeIterator() and .next() which is defined most generally on Sequence and IteratorProtocol respectively.
The documentation for Sequence says that "the Sequence protocol makes no requirement on conforming types regarding whether they will be destructively consumed by iteration." As a consequence, this means that an iterator for a Sequence is not required to make a copy, and so I do not think that modifying a sequence while iterating over it is, in general, safe.
This same caveat does not occur in the documentation for Collection, but I also don't think there is any guarantee that the iterator makes a copy, and so I do not think that modifying a collection while iterating over it is, in general, safe.
But, most collection types in Swift are structs with value semantics or copy-on-write semantics. I'm not really sure where the documentation for this is, but this link does say that "in Swift, Array, String, and Dictionary are all value types... You don’t need to do anything special — such as making an explicit copy — to prevent other code from modifying that data behind your back." In particular, this means that for Array, .makeIterator() cannot hold a reference to your array because the iterator for Array does not have to "do anything special" to prevent other code (i.e. your code) from modifying the data it holds.
We can explore this in more detail. The Iterator type of Array is defined as type IndexingIterator<Array<Element>>. The documentation IndexingIterator says that it is the default implementation of the iterator for collections, so we can assume that most collections will use this. We can see in the source code for IndexingIterator that it holds a copy of its collection
public struct IndexingIterator<Elements: Collection> {
internal let _elements: Elements
internal var _position: Elements.Index
/// Creates an iterator over the given collection.
public /// #testable
init(_elements: Elements) {
self._elements = _elements
self._position = _elements.startIndex
and that the default .makeIterator() simply creates this copy.
extension Collection where Iterator == IndexingIterator<Self> {
/// Returns an iterator over the elements of the collection.
#inlinable // trivial-implementation
public __consuming func makeIterator() -> IndexingIterator<Self> {
return IndexingIterator(_elements: self)
Although you might not want to trust this source code, the documentation for library evolution claims that "the #inlinable attribute is a promise from the library developer that the current definition of a function will remain correct when used with future versions of the library" and the #frozen also means that the members of IndexingIterator cannot change.
Altogether, this means that any collection type with value semantics and an IndexingIterator as its Iterator must make a copy when using using for in loops (at least until the next ABI break, which should be a long-way off). Even then, I don't think Apple is likely to change this behavior.
In Conclusion
I don't know of any place that it is explicitly spelled out in the docs "you can modify an array while you iterate over it, and the iteration will proceed as if you made a copy" but that's also the kind of language that probably shouldn't be written down as writing such code could definitely confuse a beginner.
However, there is enough documentation lying around which says that a for in loop just calls .makeIterator() and that for any collection with value semantics and the default iterator type (for example, Array), .makeIterator() makes a copy and so cannot be influenced by code inside the loop. Further, because Array and some other types like Set and Dictionary are copy-on-write, modifying these collections inside a loop will have a one-time copy penalty as the body of the loop will not have a unique reference to its storage (because the iterator will). This is the exact same penalty that modifying the collection outside the loop with have if you don’t have a unique reference to the storage.
Without these assumptions, you aren't guaranteed safety, but you might have it anyway in some circumstances.
I just realized we can create some cases where this is unsafe for sequences.
import Foundation
/// This is clearly fine and works as expected.
print("Test normal")
for _ in 0...10 {
let x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x {
/// This is also okay. Reassigning `x` does not mutate the reference that the iterator holds.
print("Test reassignment")
for _ in 0...10 {
var x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x {
x = []
/// This crashes. The iterator assumes that the last index it used is still valid, but after removing the objects, there are no valid indices.
print("Test removal")
for _ in 0...10 {
let x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x {
/// This also crashes. `.enumerated()` gets a reference to `x` which it expects will not be modified behind its back.
print("Test removal enumerated")
for _ in 0...10 {
let x: NSMutableArray = [0,1,2,3]
for i in x.enumerated() {
The fact that this is an NSMutableArray is important because this type has reference semantics. Since NSMutableArray conforms to Sequence, we know that mutating a sequence while iterating over it is not safe, even when using .enumerated().
The slist.enumerate() create a new instance of EnumeratedSequence<[String]>
To create an instance of EnumeratedSequence, call enumerated() on a sequence or collection. The following example enumerates the elements of an array. reference
If you remove the .enumerate() produce the same result, any st has the old value. This occurs because the for-in loop generates a new instance of IndexingIterator<[String]>.
Whenever you use a for-in loop with an array, set, or any other collection or sequence, you’re using that type’s iterator. Swift uses a sequence’s or collection’s iterator internally to enable the for-in loop language construct. reference
About the questions:
You would be able to remove all the elements and still perform the loop safe because a new instance is generated to perform the interactions.
Swift uses the iterator internally to enable for-in then there's no overhead to compare. Logically that the larger the array the performance will be affected.

Array values optional, or not?

Could you explain why:
when I access an array value using array.first it's optional
when I access from an index value it is not?
var players = ["Alice", "Bob", "Cindy", "Dan"]
let firstPlayer = players.first
print(firstPlayer) // Optional("Alice")
let firstIndex = players[0]
print(firstIndex) // Alice
(The short answers to this question are great, and exactly what you need. I just wanted to go a bit deeper into the why and how this interacts with Swift Collections more generally and the underlying types. If you just want "how should I use this stuff?" read the accepted answer and ignore all this.)
Arrays follow the rules of all Collections. A Collection must implement the following subscript:
subscript(position: Self.Index) -> Self.Element { get }
So to be a Collection, Array's subscript must accept its Index and unconditionally return an Element. For many kinds of Collections, it is impossible to create an Index that does not exist, but Array uses Int as its Index, so it has to deal with the possibility that you pass an Index that is out of range. In that case, it is impossible to return an Element, and its only option is to fail to return at all. This generally takes the form of crashing the program since it's generally more useful than hanging the program, which is the other option.
(This hides a slight bit of type theory, which is that every function in Swift technically can return "crash," but we don't track that in the type system. It's possible to do that to distinguish between functions that can crash and ones that cannot, but Swift doesn't.)
This should naturally raise the question of why Dictionary doesn't crash when you subscript with a non-existant key. The reason is that Dictionary's Index is not its Key. It has a little-used subscript that provides conformance to Collection (little-used in top-level code, but very commonly used inside of stdlib):
subscript(position: Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Dictionary.Element { get }
Array could have done this as well, having an Array.Index type that was independent of Int, and making the Int subscript return an Optional. In Swift 1.0, I opened a radar to request exactly that. The team argued that this would make common uses of Array too difficult and that programmers coming to Swift were used to the idea that out-of-range was a programming error (crash). Dictionary, on the other hand, is common to access with non-existant keys, so the Key subscript should be Optional. Several years using Swift has convinced me they were right.
In general you shouldn't subscript arrays unless you got the index from the array (i.e. using index(where:)). But many Cocoa patterns make it very natural to subscript (cellForRow(at:) being the most famous). Still, in more pure Swift code, subscripting with arbitrary Ints often suggests a design problem.
Instead you should often use Collection methods like first and first(where:) which return Optionals and generally safer and clearer, and iterate over them using for-in loops rather than subscripts.
if you want to use subscript and you don't want to have a crash, you can add this extension to your code:
extension Collection {
subscript (safe index: Index) -> Iterator.Element? {
return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
and then use it:
let array = [0, 1, 2]
let second = array[safe:1] //Optional(1)
let fourth = array[safe:3] //nil instead of crash
The behavior of first and index subscription is different:
first is declared safely: If the array is empty it returns nil, otherwise the (optional) object.
index subscription is unsafe for legacy reasons: If the array is empty it throws an out-of-range exception otherwise it returns the (non-optional) object
This is because with first, if the Array is empty, the value will be nil. That is why it is an optional. If it is not empty, the first element will be returned.
However, with a subscript (or index value), your program will crash with an error
fatal error: Index out of range
If it is out of range (or is empty) and not return an optional. Else, it will return the element required.
There are default behavior of array property. Array is generic type of Element. When you try to access using first it return as optional.
public var first: Element? { get }
This is available in Array class.

When to use forEach(_:) instead of for in?

As documented in both Array and Dictionary forEach(_:) Instance methods:
Calls the given closure on each element in the sequence in the same
order as a for-in loop.
Nevertheless, adapted from Sequence Overview:
A sequence is a list of values that you can step through one at a
time. The most common way to iterate over the elements of a sequence
is to use a for-in loop.
Implying that iterating sequence by forEach(_:) or for in:
let closedRange = 1...3
for element in closedRange { print(element) } // 1 2 3
closedRange.forEach { print($0) } // 1 2 3
Or (Array):
let array = [1, 2, 3]
for element in array { print(element) } // 1 2 3
array.forEach { print($0) } // 1 2 3
Would gives the same output.
Why forEach(_:) even exist? i.e what is the benefit of using it instead of the for in loop? would they be the same from performance point view?
As an assumption, it could be a syntactic sugar especially when working with functional programming.
There is no performance benefit offered by forEach. In fact, if you look at the source code, the forEach function actually simply performing for-in. For release builds, the performance overhead of this function over simply using for-in yourself is immaterial, though for debug builds, it results in an observable performance impact.
The main advantage of forEach is realized when you are doing functional programming, you can add it to a chain of functional calls, without having to save the prior result into a separate variable that you'd need if you used for-in syntax. So, instead of:
let objects = { ... }
.filter { ... }
for object in objects {
You can instead stay within functional programming patterns: { ... }
.filter { ... }
.forEach { ... }
The result is functional code that is more concise with less syntactic noise.
FWIW, the documentation for Array, Dictionary, and Sequence all remind us of the limitations introduced by forEach, namely:
You cannot use a break or continue statement to exit the current
call of the body closure or skip subsequent calls.
Using the return statement in the body closure will exit only from
the current call to body, not from any outer scope, and won't skip
subsequent calls.
I recently ran across a use case where using forEachwas preferable in a tangible way to for in. Let's say you want to remove all sublayers from a layer. A statement such as the below doesn't work as you need to unwrap the [CALayer]
for layer in self.videoContainerView.layer.sublayers!
If sublayers are nil, you will get a crash. This forces you to check to see if there are sublayers first. However, a forEach makes this much simpler as in the following:
self.videoContainerView.layer.sublayers?.forEach { $0.removeFromSuperlayer() }
They are more or less interchangeable, but there are two important differences.
break/continue only work in a for .. in
return in forEach will exit the closure, but will not halt the iteration.
The reason for this is that for .. in is a special form in the language (which allows break and continue to work as you expect). It is something that you can't implement in an identical way using the language itself.
However, forEach is not a special form and can be re-implemented identically by writing it as a function.
extension Sequence {
func myOwnForEach(_ body: (Self.Element) throws -> Void) rethrows {
let it = Self.makeIterator()
while let item = {
In addition to above answers one more reason that differentiates for loop from forEach is that with for loop we can also chose to implement that logic using where based pattern matching instead, like
for adBanner in adBanners where !adBanner.isLoading {
The above kind of control flow related features are what makes for loops so powerful, but if we don’t need that level of control, using a call to forEach might give us slightly simpler-looking code.
So in short using a for loop gives us a much greater degree of control over an iteration

Struct cannot have a stored property that references itself [duplicate]

Reference cycles in Swift occur when properties of reference types have strong ownership of each other (or with closures).
Is there, however, a possibility of having reference cycles with value types only?
I tried this in playground without succes (Error: Recursive value type 'A' is not allowed).
struct A {
var otherA: A? = nil
init() {
otherA = A()
A reference cycle (or retain cycle) is so named because it indicates a cycle in the object graph:
Each arrow indicates one object retaining another (a strong reference). Unless the cycle is broken, the memory for these objects will never be freed.
When capturing and storing value types (structs and enums), there is no such thing as a reference. Values are copied, rather than referenced, although values can hold references to objects.
In other words, values can have outgoing arrows in the object graph, but no incoming arrows. That means they can't participate in a cycle.
As the compiler told you, what you're trying to do is illegal. Exactly because this is a value type, there's no coherent, efficient way to implement what you're describing. If a type needs to refer to itself (e.g., it has a property that is of the same type as itself), use a class, not a struct.
Alternatively, you can use an enum, but only in a special, limited way: an enum case's associated value can be an instance of that enum, provided the case (or the entire enum) is marked indirect:
enum Node {
case None(Int)
indirect case left(Int, Node)
indirect case right(Int, Node)
indirect case both(Int, Node, Node)
Disclaimer: I'm making an (hopefully educated) guess about the inner workings of the Swift compiler here, so apply grains of salt.
Aside from value semantics, ask yourself: Why do we have structs? What is the advantage?
One advantage is that we can (read: want to) store them on the stack (resp. in an object frame), i.e. just like primitive values in other languages. In particular, we don't want to allocate dedicated space on the heap to point to. That makes accessing struct values more efficient: we (read: the compiler) always knows where exactly in memory it finds the value, relative to the current frame or object pointer.
In order for that to work out for the compiler, it needs to know how much space to reserve for a given struct value when determining the structure of the stack or object frame. As long as struct values are trees of fixed size (disregarding outgoing references to objects; they point to the heap are not of interest for us), that is fine: the compiler can just add up all the sizes it finds.
If you had a recursive struct, this fails: you can implement lists or binary trees in this way. The compiler can not figure out statically how to store such values in memory, so we have to forbid them.
Nota bene: The same reasoning explains why structs are pass-by-value: we need them to physically be at their new context.
Quick and easy hack workaround: just embed it in an array.
struct A {
var otherA: [A]? = nil
init() {
otherA = [A()]
You normally cannot have a reference cycle with value types simply because Swift normally doesn't allow references to value types. Everything is copied.
However, if you're curious, you actually can induce a value-type reference cycle by capturing self in a closure.
The following is an example. Note that the MyObject class is present merely to illustrate the leak.
class MyObject {
static var objCount = 0
init() {
MyObject.objCount += 1
print("Alloc \(MyObject.objCount)")
deinit {
print("Dealloc \(MyObject.objCount)")
MyObject.objCount -= 1
struct MyValueType {
var closure: (() -> ())?
var obj = MyObject()
init(leakMe: Bool) {
if leakMe {
closure = { print("\(self)") }
func test(leakMe leakMe: Bool) {
print("Creating value type. Leak:\(leakMe)")
let _ = MyValueType(leakMe: leakMe)
test(leakMe: true)
test(leakMe: false)
Creating value type. Leak:true
Alloc 1
Creating value type. Leak:false
Alloc 2
Dealloc 2
Is there, however, a possibility of having reference cycles with value types only?
Depends on what you mean with "value types only".
If you mean completely no reference including hidden ones inside, then the answer is NO. To make a reference cycle, you need at least one reference.
But in Swift, Array, String or some other types are value types, which may contain references inside their instances. If your "value types" includes such types, the answer is YES.

Reference cycles with value types?

Reference cycles in Swift occur when properties of reference types have strong ownership of each other (or with closures).
Is there, however, a possibility of having reference cycles with value types only?
I tried this in playground without succes (Error: Recursive value type 'A' is not allowed).
struct A {
var otherA: A? = nil
init() {
otherA = A()
A reference cycle (or retain cycle) is so named because it indicates a cycle in the object graph:
Each arrow indicates one object retaining another (a strong reference). Unless the cycle is broken, the memory for these objects will never be freed.
When capturing and storing value types (structs and enums), there is no such thing as a reference. Values are copied, rather than referenced, although values can hold references to objects.
In other words, values can have outgoing arrows in the object graph, but no incoming arrows. That means they can't participate in a cycle.
As the compiler told you, what you're trying to do is illegal. Exactly because this is a value type, there's no coherent, efficient way to implement what you're describing. If a type needs to refer to itself (e.g., it has a property that is of the same type as itself), use a class, not a struct.
Alternatively, you can use an enum, but only in a special, limited way: an enum case's associated value can be an instance of that enum, provided the case (or the entire enum) is marked indirect:
enum Node {
case None(Int)
indirect case left(Int, Node)
indirect case right(Int, Node)
indirect case both(Int, Node, Node)
Disclaimer: I'm making an (hopefully educated) guess about the inner workings of the Swift compiler here, so apply grains of salt.
Aside from value semantics, ask yourself: Why do we have structs? What is the advantage?
One advantage is that we can (read: want to) store them on the stack (resp. in an object frame), i.e. just like primitive values in other languages. In particular, we don't want to allocate dedicated space on the heap to point to. That makes accessing struct values more efficient: we (read: the compiler) always knows where exactly in memory it finds the value, relative to the current frame or object pointer.
In order for that to work out for the compiler, it needs to know how much space to reserve for a given struct value when determining the structure of the stack or object frame. As long as struct values are trees of fixed size (disregarding outgoing references to objects; they point to the heap are not of interest for us), that is fine: the compiler can just add up all the sizes it finds.
If you had a recursive struct, this fails: you can implement lists or binary trees in this way. The compiler can not figure out statically how to store such values in memory, so we have to forbid them.
Nota bene: The same reasoning explains why structs are pass-by-value: we need them to physically be at their new context.
Quick and easy hack workaround: just embed it in an array.
struct A {
var otherA: [A]? = nil
init() {
otherA = [A()]
You normally cannot have a reference cycle with value types simply because Swift normally doesn't allow references to value types. Everything is copied.
However, if you're curious, you actually can induce a value-type reference cycle by capturing self in a closure.
The following is an example. Note that the MyObject class is present merely to illustrate the leak.
class MyObject {
static var objCount = 0
init() {
MyObject.objCount += 1
print("Alloc \(MyObject.objCount)")
deinit {
print("Dealloc \(MyObject.objCount)")
MyObject.objCount -= 1
struct MyValueType {
var closure: (() -> ())?
var obj = MyObject()
init(leakMe: Bool) {
if leakMe {
closure = { print("\(self)") }
func test(leakMe leakMe: Bool) {
print("Creating value type. Leak:\(leakMe)")
let _ = MyValueType(leakMe: leakMe)
test(leakMe: true)
test(leakMe: false)
Creating value type. Leak:true
Alloc 1
Creating value type. Leak:false
Alloc 2
Dealloc 2
Is there, however, a possibility of having reference cycles with value types only?
Depends on what you mean with "value types only".
If you mean completely no reference including hidden ones inside, then the answer is NO. To make a reference cycle, you need at least one reference.
But in Swift, Array, String or some other types are value types, which may contain references inside their instances. If your "value types" includes such types, the answer is YES.