How can I use ftp://user:pw#host/... style urls in the wiki? - azure-devops

When defining a link like this
or simply
Azure DevOps turns the colon between user and pw into a slash. In other words, the effective user name when clicking the link will be user/pw, with no password set.
Is there a way to prevent AzDO from doing that?
As a workaround, I'm now using backticks:
which keeps the url unchanged, but a) it is not turned into a clickable link and b) I cannot use a description text to be displayed in place of the link.
Update: What I'm trying to do is fine according to CommonMark, an attempt to create an unambiguous specification of Markdown, that has been adopted by the likes of GitHub and StackOverflow:

Update>>By reference to this doc: About Wikis, READMEs, and Markdown, wiki uses Markdown format.
Testing in Markdown online and found that this
[description](ftp://user:pw#host/...) will show link content ftp://user:pw#host/.... However, it shows ftp://user/pw#host/... in Azure DevOps wiki page, so this issue can be reproduced.
It might be caused by Azure DevOps security consideration, I suggest that you could submit this issue here, so the product group will investigate it further. Thanks for your feedback.


Mermaid syntax error on trying render a diagram on Github .md file

I've followed this MermaId tutorial but when I try put into my .md file on Github an error is raised:
This works perfectely on Live editor.
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
Someone can help me find my error on try write it on Github
Currently, I struggle on a similar problem.
With GitHub, do you mean GitHub pages?
Could you find a solution to it?
Personally, I have a setup with Jekyll. Here is my question on how to setup mermaid correctly for jekyll.
Interestingly, I just posted your mermaid into my jekyll page and the result is:
If I put it into <div> tags with class mermaid. Setup I used was this.
And if I use the jekyll spaceship-plugin, ist renders to:
I guess, that this what it should like. Am I right?
Therefore, so far, for me mermaid works based on the spaceship plugin, but not by "natively" referencing the mermaid JavaScript. I do not know if spaceship will work with GitHub pages, however, definitely within GitHub pages (which is based on Jekyll), you may also add plugins. See documentation for further details.

How to set rules (custom text) for issues in Github?

Sometimes when creating an issue on Github, there is some text in place to describe what the repository Authors expect of any issues that are created.
If you have a repository and want to add this custom text so people creating issues can read it, how do you do that (add the custom text)?
Only if possible, I would like the custom text to appear without:
new files appearing in the repo (which could distract if the repo is a an MRE or tutorial). I.e. none of this:
anything else being added (e.g. like contact links produced with the example yml)
blank_issues_enabled: false
- name: GitHub Community Support
about: Please ask and answer questions here.
- name: GitHub Security Bug Bounty
about: Please report security vulnerabilities here.
GitHub already has a guide on how to make issue templates & creating a template chooser similar to what you described.

How to link to a file type search on GitHub?

On this pull request the Original Poster added some file search links for .nsi and .awk file types:
How did he do that? Is there some special syntax like #mention or user/repo#issue or he just did it the hard way:
[`.nsi` files](
[`.awk` files](
I'm not aware of any magic syntax for searches. Certainly nothing appears in the Mastering Markdown guide or the basic writing and formatting syntax page, though both describe user mentions, issue links, SHA links, etc.
I would speculate that the author of that comment performed a search in another tab, then copied the generated URL to their comment.

Confluence blueprint substitution does not work in macros with plain-text body

I've created a Confluence blueprint plugin as per the basic/intermediate/advanced tutorials available from Atlassian. I now want to update the page template to include a {HTML} macro with embedded CDATA, where a URL in that CDATA contains a portion to be substituted with user-entered data.
What I'd ideally like to do, with the <at:var...> being substituted with locationid:
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="html">
<![CDATA[<iframe src="http://...?locationid=<at:var at:name="locationid"/>"></iframe>]]>
Unfortunately this does not work; the <at:var at:name="..."> inside CDATA can't be substituted.
I've tried various formats of this, for example substituting in the entire CDATA string itself, even going as far as substituting in the entire <ac:structured-macro> block in a single string. None work.
A Google search brought up two very similar questions on the Atlassian community wiki, this and this. Furthermore I found a Confluence Server JIRA to fix this problem, but it's been rejected and closed.
Despite the evidence against a solution I'm hoping that someone creative has an idea of how I can achieve this?
Atlassian SDK: 6.2.14
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking ;) but could it be the same as this discussion in our doc space?
Confluence 4.3-RC1 Release Notes

How do you keep track of your comments on GitHub issues?

I want to find all the GitHub issues that I commented on. I tried searching for commenter:mbigras type:issue like the Searching issues and pull requests GitHub article suggests. But that method returns fewer results than the public activity section of my profile.
See both attached images:
Search method
Doesn't display current results:
Profile method
Gets mixed up with other public activity:
Is there a way to get the full history of my comments on GitHub?
author:mbigras type:issue gives wider results but still not the full history:
What I'm looking for is a way to quickly view all my comment/issue history in all issues.
I emailed GitHub about this. Search doesn't match the public activity section because search indexes issues by creation date and not last active date.
How do you keep organized about which issues you've commented on?
Search for commenter:username in the main Github search box.
For example commenter:gavinandresen
To see recent activity, select Recently updated from Sort dropdown
You can also narrow the search: is:issue commenter:gavinandresen
I have also been very frustrated when I could not find an issue that I have commented on a while ago. I even did not remember the project it was in. I knew only the problem I was referring to.
Then, I went to the Notification settings on Github and saw there is an Include your own updates option that is unchecked by default.
Once you check it, Github will send you an e-mail notification about every comment or PR you make. They you probably want to add an appropriate label and filter for emails so Github messages do not clutter an inbox.
My life has changed since then. Now, every time I want to find something I have written on Github, I just search for it in the e-mail notifications.
You can view all the issues on Github you have commented on by going to and selecting Reason as Comment.
This will show all the issues that you've commented on.
You can also filter the issues by selecting other reason such as Assign, Author, Manual, Mention, etc. but you can select only one reason at a time. Also, you can filter the issues by repository by selecting the concerned repository from dropdown after clicking Repository
Search All GitHub using the search term is:issue author:#me
You can also check the following links.
For all your subscriptions
For all your issues
For all your pull requests
In case someone is interested to know how to find these links, go to github's resi api documentation. The URL's are not explicitly described there. However, look for the page names bellow REFERENCE.
If you lowercase the relevant word (for example Issues become issues, Pulls become pulls) and put that after, you most probably will find what you are looking for.
This might be a little late, but there's also another way to find what issues/PRs you have participated in. This method also brings in a lot more things you might be interested in too!
When you are on the website main page, on, use the keyboard shortcuts as described here to open your pull requests or issues. The shortcut for these is in particular [g, i] for issues and [g, p] for pull requests (I remember g by go, but whatever works for you.)
After you go to the page directed by these shortcuts you are greeted by an entire screen of goodies you can use! The search bar can be edited and the buttons can be used to make your experience fast!
Type involves:<your username> in the search box on the GitHub's main page. This will find all the issues that you commented on, was assigned to or mentioned in.
For example, if your username on GitHub is unclebob, the search query should look like:
Or if you're logged in to GitHub, then simply:
Note the difference between involves and similar search qualifiers - author and commenter:
author will find only the issues that were started by you; if you comment on the issue that was started by someone else, author query won't return it in the search results.
E.g., compare involves:unclebob and author:unclebob type:issue.
commenter will find only those issues where you commented second or later (creator of the first comment in an issue is considered its author and not a commenter); if you start an issue and then never comment on it, the commenter query won't return it in the search results.
E.g., compare involves:unclebob and commenter:unclebob.
In other words, when it comes to searching comments, author and commenter return only a subset of involves' results. So I recommend using involves not to miss anything.
Also, since Github is on the web, any HTTP search engine works, eg Google, Bing, etc. This works to the extent of your search engine's quality and the uniqueness of the writer name.
(Indeed, I actually do this all the time when I need to find any previously written web (engine)-accessible publication, including those on StackExchange. Names I use are 1 in probably an infinity, so Google often works better than forum search options.)
(Sample Google link.)
If you want to search for multiple users in a single search, use it like in the global search bar without the OR logical conjugation:
commenter:FantomX1 commenter:FantomX1-github
since the similar google way approach with 'OR' would not work
commenter:FantomX1 OR commenter:FantomX1-github