Connecting to topics using Rest proxy - apache-kafka

I am new to Kafka .I have implemented my consumer as normal Java springboot application.I need to connect to the topic deployed on remote broker using Kafka rest proxy.
I am not able to understand how it will function differently if i use Kafka rest proxy.Where i should do change in my code to include the rest proxy.Do i need to structure my code complete different as i didn't think about rest proxy while creation.
I maybe wrong with the terminologies.
Any help or guidance would be of great help.

REST proxy would be used with any HTTP client, not a Kafka consumer (so create a WebClient bean rather than a ConsumerFactory, etc)
You can refer its documentation for how you can consume records over HTTP, but, simply put, the code will be completely different up until you parse the data


Kafka - increase partition count of existing topic through Confluent REST Api

I need to add partitions to an existing Kafka topic.
I'm aware that it is possible to use the /bin/ script to achieve this, but I would prefer to do this through the Confluent REST api.
As far as I see there is no documented endpoint in the api reference, but I wonder if someone else here was able to make this work.
Edit: As it does seem to be impossible to use the REST api here, I wonder what the best practice is for adding partitions to an existing topic in a containerized setup. E.g. if there is a custom partioning scheme that maps customer ids to specific partitions. In this case the app container would need to adjust the partition count of the kafka container.
The Confluent REST Proxy has no such endpoint for topic update administration.
You would need to use the shell script or the corresponding AdminClient class that the shell script uses
This is the solution I ended up with:
Create a small http service that is is deployed within the kafka docker image
The http service accepts requests to increase the partition count and directs the requests to the kafka admin scripts (bin/kafka/
Something similar could have been achieved by using the AdminClient NewPartitions api in the Java Kafka lib. This solution has the advantage that the kafka docker image does not have to be changed, because the AdminClient can connect through network from another container.
For a production setup the AdminClient is preferrable, I decided for the integrated script approach because of the chosen language (rust).

Need help on Kafka to get data from web api GET Call

As of now we are using curl and GET call to get data from outside using their ENDPOINT URL.
i'm planning to setup a new process and is there anyway to leverage kafka here instead of CURL.
unfortunately we dont have kafka confluent version.
Kafka doesn't perform or accept HTTP calls.
You'd have to write some HTTP scraper, then combine this with a Kafka producer.
Note: You don't need Confluent Platform to just setup and run their REST proxy next to your existing brokers

Is a web frontend producing directly to a Kafka broker a viable idea?

I have just started learning Kafka. So trying to build a social media web application. I am fairly clear on how to use Kafka for my backend ( communicating from backend to databases and other services).
However, I am not sure how should frontend communicate with backend. I was considering an architecture as: Frontend -> Kafka -> Backend.
Frontend acts as producer and backend as consumer. In this case, frontend would supposedly have all required resources to publish to Kafka broker (even if I implement security on Kafka). Now, is this scenario possible:
Lets say I impersonate the frontend and send absurd/invalid messages to my Kafka broker. Now I can handle and filter these messages when they reach to my backend. But I know that Kafka stores these messages temporarily. Wouldn't my Kafka server face DDOS problems if such "fake" messages are published to it in high volume, since it is gonna store them anyway as they dont get filtered out until they actually get consumed by backend?
If so, how can I prevent this?
Or is this not a good option? I can also try using REST for frontend/backend communication and then Kafka will be used from backend to communicate with database(s) and other stuff.
Or I can have a middleware (again, REST) that detects and filters out such messages.
Easiest way is to have the front end produce to the Kafka REST Proxy
See details here
That way there is no kafka client code required in your front end and you can use HTTP(S) with standard off the shelf load balancers, and API Management tools.
Could you not consider the other direction, to use Kafka as a transport system for updating assets available to frontend ? This has been proposed for hybrid React / NodeJS/Express solutions.

Publish message to kafka via http

I'm new with kafka and I'm trying to publish data from external application via http but I cannot find the way to do this.
I already created a topic in kafka and test it producing and consuming the message but I don't know how to insert/publish message via http, I tried to invoke the following url to retrieve the topics but it does not retrieve any data http://servername:2181/topics/
I'm using cloudera 5.12.1.
You can access to your topics, if it was already created, using APIs. The easy way...(see client list)
Or see Connects Config to manage connectors by REST (, rest.port parameters). But only connectors...
To consume or produce message in a topic, use a middleware. IT is more feaseble.
Check out the open source Kafka REST Proxy from Confluent. It does exactly what you want.
You can get it standalone, or as part of Confluent Platform.

kafka producer using Rest API

We are trying to build a data-torrent application using kafka as a source that will consume messages from web UI using REST.
Can someone provide a good documentation or some steps how to setup kafka produce using java REST API ?
Check out kafka-rest.
It will let you produce messages to a Kafka topic with a REST API in JSON or Avro. It is in Java and you may be able to use it out-of-the-box if you don't have special requirements.
Alternatively, if you don't want to use Confluent REST Proxy for Kafka, you can run a web application using a Web Framework which will call into a Kafka Client library during an HTTP request from the client.