Mongoose: Defining 404 status for not finding a document doesnt work - mongodb

I,m learning MongoDB and mongoose and now I have a problem in defining a 404 status for my route handler. Here is the code:
app.get('/users/:id', async (req, res) => {
const _id =
try {
const user = await User.findById(_id)
if (!user) {
return res.status(404).send()
} catch (error) {
Now if I give it an id that doesn't exist, it doesn't give me 404 Not Found status. it only executes the catch block which is not what I want.
I would appreciate it if you tell me where I made mistake or tell me a way to get error handling for that.

The problem
As you can see in the log
CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "6082d50a2c89db3164" at path "_id" for model "User"
It means : the value you provide to findById function ("6082d50a2c89db3164") is not a valid ObjectId.Then the catch block is executed.
1. Validate the parameter before query in database
I understand that you're trying to provide some id that doesn't exist in the database to test. But IMHO, there a difference between 2 cases :
you provide a valid id, and this id cannot be found in the database. It should return 404 in this case
you provide an invalid id in the request, it could be a string like "6082d50a2c89db3164", or even "#Q*&$(##*" or anything we could imagine. For this case, it could be better if we validate the input (req.params._id) to ensure that the format is valid. The code will be something like this:
app.get('/users/:id', async (req, res) => {
const _id =;
// validate params
if(!isValidateObjectId(_id)) { // the function we need to write
res.status(200).send("Invalid params"); // you can define your status and message
// good params, get user from database
try {
const user = await User.findById(_id)
if (!user) {
return res.status(404).send()
} catch (error) {
2. Use findOne() method instead of findById
If you want a simpler solution, don't use findById because the function expects a valid ObjectId. We can use findOne() method :
app.get('/users/:id', async (req, res) => {
const _id =
try {
const user = await User.findOne({_id : _id})
if (!user) {
return res.status(404).send()
} catch (error) {
(IMHO, the first solution is better though..)
Some helpful link :
Can I determine if a string is a MongoDB ObjectID?


I want my Dialogflow bot to say a message which includes the result from a MongoDB query

I am querying a collection in MongoDB from Dialoglow Fulfillment. I then want my bot to respond with a message which includes this query. The code in the function of the Dialogflow Fulfillment is:
function readRecord(agent){
var name;
MongoClient.connect(uri, function(err, client) {
const collection = client.db("test").collection("data");
collection.find({fname: 'Example'}).toArray(function(err, result){
if (err) throw err;
name = result.lname;
agent.add("Found last name: ", name);
When I run this I get no response from my from the bot. When I console.log(result) the information is there but I can't seem to get the bot to say it.
The issue is that the intent handler expects you to return a Promise if you are doing any asynchronous functions - like accessing a database. The easiest way to do this is to change from using callbacks with MongoDB to using versions of the functions that return Promises, and then to return the promise.
I haven't tested, but something like this might work
return MongoClient.connect( uri )
.then( client => {
const collection = client.db("test").collection("data");
return collection.find({fname: 'Example'}).toArray();
.then( result => {
let name = result[0].lname;
agent.add("Found last name: "+name);

Express - return certain documents with named route parameters using axios

I'm having trouble communicating between the frontend and backend for a selected GET request.
I am using a React frontend with an express/mongoose setup out in the backend.
In the frontend, I do a GET call using axios for:
axios.get('/api/orders/', {
params : {
name: // user name can be Bob
And in the backend I'm having a hard time understanding the correct method I would need to do to query the database (example below doesn't work). I found stuff with .select but even then I still can't get it to work:
router.get('/orders', function(req, res) {
Order.find({}).select(req.params).then(function (order) {
I also tried doing this to see if I can even get the params to send properly and to no demise:
router.get('/orders/:name', function(req, res) {
res.send('client sent :',;
The orders document model holds objects that house an ordered array and a name (type: String) attached to the object. The Mongoose scheme for the order:
const orderScheme = new Schema({
name : { type : String },
orders : { type : Array}
In my MongoDB, I can see all the "Master Orders" send back. Each master order has the name of who submitted it, plus all the orders within (there can be a ton of orders).
What I'm trying to exactly do is pull up all orders that have a certain name. So if I search "TestAccount", I'll get all of bob's orders. I've included an image below:
Any pointers?
axios.get('/api/orders/' +
.then(function (response) {
// handle success
.catch(function (error) {
// handle error
You need to handle the Promise when resolved/rejected.
router.get('/orders/:name', function(req, res) {
return Order.find({name:}).then(function(orders) {
// return orders when resolved
.catch(function (error) {
// handle error
You did not specify a named route parameter in your route path.
You also aren't accessing the name property by using req.params only.
You should use Model.find() conditions parameter to specify which document[s] you're trying to find. is for filtering document fields.

MeteorJS: Get success callback from user update?

So, I just want to know if my user update was successful on client, so I can notify the user that the update worked.
//Client Side
return'handleUpdateUser', _id, _username, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
// also, what is best practices for handling these errors?
//Server Side
handleUpdateUser(id, username) {
if (check for user...) {
return if found
return Meteor.users.update({_id: id}, {$set: {username: username}},
function(err, count, res) {
if (err) {
console.log(err) // again, best practices for handling these errors?
return res;
I currently get undefined in console on client.
//Server Side
update:function(userId, doc, fields, modifier) {
return userId && doc._id === userId;
you're getting undefined because your server side method is async and, absent treating it as such, your client will see the result of the synchronous part. i.e. the implicit undefined returned at the end of handleUserUpdate().
i use a Future to treat it as async. e.g.
const Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');
handleUpdateUser(id, username) {
let future = new Future();
Meteor.users.update({_id: id}, {$set: {username: username}}, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
future.throw(new Meteor.Error('500', err));
return future.wait();
now, Meteor will wait to notify the client until the future is handled, either through a return or a throw. your client call should work as you expect.
From the docs:
On the server, if you don’t provide a callback, then update blocks
until the database acknowledges the write, or throws an exception if
something went wrong. If you do provide a callback, update returns
immediately. Once the update completes, the callback is called with a
single error argument in the case of failure, or a second argument
indicating the number of affected documents if the update was
So if you want to wait for result, you should think of update as of a sync operation to avoid all those Futures:
handleUpdateUser(id, username) {
return Meteor.users.update({ _id: id }, { $set: { username: username } });
If operation fails, it will throw an error and pass it on to the client. If it succeeds, then it will return the result.
If you want to check what was the error (on server side), then wrap it into a regular try {} catch(e) {}.

Unable to enter data in mongo database in express

router.get('/wiki/:topicname', function(req, res, next) {
var topicname = req.params.topicname;
summary.wikitext(topicname, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
return res.send(err);
if (!result) {
return res.send('No article found');
$ = cheerio.load(result);
var db = req.db;
var collection = db.get('try1');
collection.insert({ "topicname" : topicname, "content": result }, function (err, doc){
if (err) {
// If it failed, return error
res.send("There was a problem adding the information to the database.");
else {
// And forward to success page
res.send("Added succesfully");
Using this code, I am trying to add the fetched content from Wikipedia in to the collection try1. The message "Added succesfully" is displayed. But the collection seems to be empty. The data is not inserted in the database
The data must be there, mongodb has { w: 1, j: true } write concern options by default so its only returns without an error if the document is truly inserted if there were any document to insert.
Things you should consider:
-Do NOT use insert function, its depricated use insertOne, insertMany or bulkWrite. ref.:
-The insert methods callback has two parameters. Error if there was an error, and result. The result object has several properties with could be used for after insert result testing like: result.insertedCount will return the number of inserted documents.
So according to these in your code you only test for error but you can insert zero documents without an error.
Also its not clear to me where do you get your database name from. Is the following correct in your code? Are you sure you are connected to the database you want to use?
var db = req.db;
Also you don't have to enclose your property names with " in your insert method. The insert should look something like this:
col.insertOne({topicname : topicname, content: result}, function(err, r) {
if (err){
} else {
Start your mongod server in a correct path,i.e, same path as that of what you are using to check the contents of collection.
sudo mongod --dbpath <actual-path>

Mongoose findByIdAndUpdate not working

I have a fairly straight forward method below to update a document based on its ObjectId. It does not return an error but it fails to make the required updates to the document. I think it is failing because, according to my research, findByIdAndUpdate() takes only plain Javascript whereas job._id is an ObjectId from the document that I want to update. Can someone tell me how to make this work correctly?
function handleEncoderResponse(xmlResponse, job) {
var r = et.parse(xmlResponse);
var mediaID = r.findtext('./MediaID');
var message = r.findtext('./message');
EncodingJob = mongoose.model('EncodingJob');
EncodingJob.findByIdAndUpdate( job._id, {
"MediaID": mediaID,
"Status": message
}, function(err, result) {
if (err) console.log(err);
Edit: Per this question Mongoose update document Fail with findByIdAndUpdate
I also tried the following code to no avail.
job.MediaID = mediaID;
job.Status = message;, res) {
if(err) console.log(err);
This approach yields the issue. It does not update the document and it does not return an error.
As it turns out, my mistake was forgetting to define MediaID and Status in the Schema as follows:
var encodingJobSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
MediaID: String,
Status: String