Public network access on Azure batch to be enabled - azure-batch

I have a Azure Batch which by mistake i made "Public network access" as denied. Is there a way to enable it.

You will need to create a new Batch account with public network access enabled. Please see the private Batch account documentation. If you mistakenly created that Batch account, you can delete it.


error connecting to azure data lake in azure data factory

I am trying to create a linked service in Azure Data Factory to an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 data store. Below is my linked service configuration:
I get the following error message when I test the connection:
Error code 24200 Details ADLS Gen2 operation failed for: Storage
operation '' on container 'testconnection' get failed with 'Operation
returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden''. Possible root causes:
(1). It's possible because some IP address ranges of Azure Data
Factory are not allowed by your Azure Storage firewall settings. Azure
Data Factory IP ranges please refer
I have found a very similar question here, but I'm not using Managed Identity as my authentication method. Perhaps I should be using that method. How can I overcome this error?
I tried to create a linked service to my Azure Data Lake storage and when I test its connection, it gives me the same error.
Error code 24200 Details ADLS Gen2 operation failed for: Storage
operation '' on container 'testconnection' get failed with 'Operation
returned an invalid status code 'Forbidden''. Possible root causes:
(1). It's possible because some IP address ranges of Azure Data
Factory are not allowed by your Azure Storage firewall settings. Azure
Data Factory IP ranges please refer
As indicated by the Possible root causes in the error details, this occurred because of the Azure data lake storage account firewall settings.
Navigate to your data lake storage account, go to Networking -> Firewalls and virtual networks.
Here, when the public network access is either disabled or enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses, the linked service creation fails with the above specified error message.
Change it to Enabled from all networks save the changes and try creating the linked service again.
When we test the connection before creating the linked service, it will be successful, and we can proceed to create it.
In order to proceed with a data lake storage with public access enabled from selected virtual netowrks and IP addresses to create a successful connection via linked service, you can use the following approach.
Assuming your data lake storage has public network access enabled from selected virtual netowrks and IP addresses, first create an integration runtime in your azure data factory.
In your data factory studio, navigate to Manage -> Integration Runtime -> New. Select Azure,self hosted as the type of integration runtime.
Select Azure in the next window and click continue. Enter the details for integration runtime
In the virtual network tab, enable the virtual network configuration and check the interactive authoring checkbox.
Now continue to create the Integration runtime. Once it is up and running, start creating the linked service for data lake storage.
In Connect via integration runtime, select the above created IR. In order to complete the creation, we also need to create a managed private endpoint (It will be prompted as shown in the image below).
Click Create new, with account selection method as From azure subscription, select the data lake storage you are creating the linked service to and click create.
Once you create this, a private endpoint request will be sent to your data lake storage account. Open the storage account, navigate to Networking -> Private endpoint connections. You can see a pending request. Approve this request.
Once this is approved, you can successfully create the linked service where your data lake storage allows access on selected virtual networks and IP addressess.
The error has occurred because of firewall and network access restriction. One way to overcome this error is by adding your client ip to the firewall and network setting of your storage account. Navigate to your data lake storage account, go to Networking -> Firewalls and virtual networks. Under firewall option click on "Add your client ip address"

How to Manage IBM Cloud Key-Protect Instance from CLI when Private Network Only Policy is Applied?

In doing some testing of the IBM Cloud Security and Compliance items, specifically the CIS Benchmarks for Best Practices, one item I was non-compliant on was in Cloud Key protect for the Goal "Check whether Key Protect is accessible only by using private endpoints"
My Key-protect instance was indeed set to "Public and Private" so I changed it to Private. This change now requires me to manage my Key-Protect instance from the CLI.
When I try to even look at my Key-Protect instance policy from the CLI I receive the following error:
ibmcloud kp instance -i my_instance_id policies
Retrieving policy details for instance: my_instance_id...
Error while getting instance policy: kp.Error: correlation_id='cc54f61d-4424-4c72-91aa-d2f6bc20be68', msg='Unauthorized: The user does not have access to the specified resource'
Unauthorized: The user does not have access to the specified resource
I'm confused - I am running the CLI logged, in as the tenant admin with Access policy of All resources in account (including future IAM enabled services)
What am I doing wrong here?
Private endpoints are only accessible from within IBM Cloud. If you connect from the public internet, access should be blocked.
There are multiple ways, how to work with such a policy in place. One is to deploy (a VPC with) a virtual machine on a private network. Then, connect to it with a VPN or Direct Link. Thus, your resources are not accessible from the public internet, but only through private connectivity. You could continue to use the IBM Cloud CLI, but set it to use private endpoints.

Azure Resource Manager Service Connection not connecting

We currently have one DevOps repository, with a functional CI/CD pipeline. We have another website hosted on a different instance (and different region) on Azure. We are trying to use our existing repo to deploy to the other Azure instance, but it is giving is the following message:
Failed to query service connection API: ''. Status Code: 'Forbidden', Response from server: '{"error":{"code":"AuthorizationFailed","message":"The client '2317de35-b2c2-4e32-a922-e0d076a429f5' with object id '2317de35-b2c2-4e32-a922-e0d076a429f5' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read' over scope '/subscriptions/c50b0601-a951-446c-b637-afa8d6bb1a1d'."}}'
I have tried all of the recommended trouble-shooting, making sure that the user is in a Global Administrator role and what-not, but still not luck. The secondary Azure subscription that we are hoping to push our builds to is a trial account. I'm not sure if it being a trial account matters.
I came across the same error. It turns out that, as the error message states, the service principal didn't have Read permission over the subscription. So the solution was to go to Azure Portal, select the subscription, select IAM and assign the role Reader to my service principal. Full explanation on here:
I have the same problem. There are one repository and two instances of the application on the Azure portal. For the first instance, the subscription Pay-As-You-Go is used, and there were no problems for it when creating the service connection and CI/CD settings. For the second instance, a free subscription is used and when trying to create a new service connection (Azure Resource Manager) I get the same error.
I tried to do it with the permissions of Owner and Contributor
UPD: I was helped by the re-creation of the application in the azure portal
Another option would be to save without verification if the Service Principle will not require permissions at the Subscription level. Like for example providing access to a Keyvault.
Check if the service connection for the second instance is correctly added in project settings:

Azure PowerShell start Virtual Machine with RBAC

In the new Azure portal you have the option to use Role Based Access (RBAC). I want to give a user rights to startup and shutdown a virtual machine in Azure. I also don't want that is it possible for this user to create new VM's in Azure so I don't want to make this user Administrator. I gave the user the required rights in the new Azure portal (owner for: the VM, Cloud Service and storage).
When I open PowerShell with the user that has rights on Azure. I first execute the command Add-AzureAccount. After this I execute the following command: Start-AzureVM -ServiceName "MyVM" -Name "MyVM". Then I receive the following error: ForbiddenError: The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription.
When I perform this scenario for a Subscription Administrator everything works fine.
Is the described scenario supported by the Azure PowerShell cmdlets? What are possible alternatives?
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, RBAC through Powershell is currently only available for ARM-resources, i.e. non-"classic" resources in the preview portal, and users needs to have accounts in the Azure AD tenant associated with the subscription. Federated Microsoft accounts will won't work.

Adding a Co-administrator via PowerShell

I know how to add a co-administrator via the portal, but need a way to add it via PowerShell.
I need this method as I have lost access to the login id, but have the publish setting file so can administrator my virtual machines.
Unfortunately you can't. Azure PowerShell Cmdlets are essentially wrapper over Azure Service Management API and currently the API does not expose any method to add co-admins programmatically.
Azure have rolled out Roll Based Access Control which will allow you to automate the adding of new admins to your Azure Subscription. Intro here:
You would add a new user as an Owner at the Subscription scope. These operations are available using both PowerShell and REST