How to prevent PVC from being deleted in K8s - kubernetes

I recently encountered an issue where something (which I was not able to identify) deleted a PVC and the corresponding PV in my k8s cluster. The data can be recovered but I have two questions:
Is there some hack to prevent the PVC from being deleted accidentally if someone issues a wrong command which deletes it?
Is it possible to check what command caused the deletion of the PVC via some logs?

For question 1, you can set the Reclaim Policy to Retain. This means that the PV and PVC can be deleted but the underlying storage volume will stick around forever (or until you delete it in whatever the underlying system is).
For 2, yes if you have audit logging turned on. Otherwise not really.


Cleaner way to delete all content on PV when all pods mounting it are deleted

We have a number of PV backed by directories on our nodes. These PVs have a retain policy and we usually want to retain the contents for archiving.
However, I'm writing some logic for restarting in a completely clean state, including clearing the content stored on the PV. Note this is not deleting the PV, only the data on disk in the PV.
Currently the best process I have come up for automating this would be.
Add a finalizer to the PVC bound to the PV we want to clear, to prevent a different pod binding them while were doing cleanup.
delete all the pods using the PVC, again to prevent them writing to it.
run a job that mounts the PVC and runs a delete on the directory
remove the finalizer so the PVC can be deleted once the job completes
Restart all the pods again.
This seems like allot of work. Does kubernetes provide any easier process for this cleanup, like say some default finalize label that would automatically clear the PV? I feel like I must be making things harder then it needs to be for such a simple task.
Again to make it clear this behavior is only run occasionally, I want the default behavior to be to retain data. I just want a clean way to clear it out when we want a complete reset.

Do I have to recreate already bound PersistentVolumes after reconfiguring StorageClass

I have created several PersistenVolumes through PersistentColumeClaims on the "azure-file" StorageClass in AKS. Now the mount options of the StorageClass as it is delivered by Azure didn't fit our needs, and I had to update/reconfigure it with different MountOptions.
Do I have to manually destroy bound PersistentVolumes now to force a recreation and a reconfiguration (different mount) or is the provisioner taking care of that?
What would be the best way of forcing that?
Delete the PersistentVolume itself?
Delete the Claim?
Delete the where the volumes are bound (I guess not)
Delete and recreate the whole StatefulSet?
#SahadatHossain is right with his answer but I would like to expand it a bit with more details and sources.
It is important to understand the Lifecycle of a volume and claim. The interaction between PVs and PVCs follows this lifecycle:
Provisioning - which can be static or dynamic.
The Reclaiming step brings us to your actual use case:
When a user is done with their volume, they can delete the PVC objects
from the API that allows reclamation of the resource. The reclaim
policy for a PersistentVolume tells the cluster what to do with the
volume after it has been released of its claim. Currently, volumes can
either be Retained, Recycled, or Deleted.
Retain - The Retain reclaim policy allows for manual reclamation of the resource.
Delete - For volume plugins that support the Delete reclaim policy, deletion removes both the PersistentVolume object from Kubernetes, as well as the associated storage asset in the external infrastructure.
Recycle - If supported by the underlying volume plugin, the Recycle reclaim policy performs a basic scrub (rm -rf /thevolume/*) on the volume and makes it available again for a new claim. Warning: The Recycle reclaim policy is deprecated. Instead, the recommended approach is to use dynamic provisioning.
When it comes to updating Pod specs, you can consider Updating a Deployment (if possible) with a various update strategies like for example Rolling Update:
The Deployment updates Pods in a rolling update fashion when
.spec.strategy.type==RollingUpdate. You can specify maxUnavailable
and maxSurge to control the rolling update process.
Basically if you delete a PVC then the state of PV will be according to it's ReclaimPolicy. PV can have three reclaim policies, named: Retain, Recycle, and Delete.
For Delete, the PV will be deleted automatically when the respected PVC is deleted. But remember a pv cannot be deleted without deleted it's bounded pvc. Also for dynamic provisioning the default policy is Delete. Again, pvc cannot be deleted if currently any pod is using it.
Now, things depends on you.

What happens with recreate strategy for database deployment and Kubernetes?

The setup is on GCP GKE. I deploy a Postgres database with a persistent volume (retain reclaim policy), and:
type: Recreate
Will the data be retained or re-initialized if the database pod gets deleted?
The update strategy has nothing to do with the on-delete behavior. That's used when a change to the pod template triggers an update. Basically does it nuke the old ReplicaSet all at once or gradually scale things up/down. You almost always way RollingUpdate unless you are working with software that requires all nodes be on exactly the same version and understand this will cause downtime on any change.
As for the Retain volume mode, this is mostly a safety net for admins. Assuming you used a PVC, deleting the pod will have no effect on the data since the volume is tied to the claim rather than the pod itself (obviously things will go down while the pod restarts but that's unrelated). If you delete the PVC, a Retain volume will be kept on the backend but if you wanted to do anything with it you would have to go in and do it manually. It's like a "oops" protection, requires two steps to actually delete the data.
The update strategy has nothing to do with the on-delete behavior. <...>
deleting the pod will have no effect on the data since the volume is tied to the claim rather than the pod itself
I totally agree with coderanger, you should consider the data from Postgres independently. Usually, people create a separate volume (with the PVC) mounted on /usr/local/pgsql/data. When you delete/re-create a new Postgres pod, you still claim the same volume to mount it back without affecting your data.

Is it possible to undo kubernetes cluster delete command?

Is it possible to undo "gcloud container clusters delete" command?
Unfortunately not: Deleting a Cluster
All the source volumes and data (that are not persistent) are removed, and unless you made a conscious choice to take a backup of the cluster, it would be a permanent operation.
If a backup does exist, it would be a restore from backup rather than a revert on the delete command.
I suggest reading a bit more into the Administration of a cluster on Gcloud for more info: Administration of Clusters Overview
Unfortunately if you will delete cluster it is impossible to undo this.
In the GCP documentation you can check what will be deleted after gcloud container clusters delete and what will remain after this command.
One of the things which will remain is Persistent disk volumes. It means that if your ClaimPolicy was set to Retain and your PV status is Released you will be able to get data from PersistentVolume. To do that you will have to create PersistentVolumeClain. More info about ReclaimPolicyhere.
Run $ kubectl get pv to check if it is still bound and check ReclaimPolicy. Similar case can be found in this github thread.
In this documentation you can find step by stop how to connect pod to specific PV.
In addition, please note that you can backup your cluster. To do this you can use for example Ark.

Persistent Volumes & Claims & Replicas in Helm recommended approach

I'm trying to get my head around Persistent Volumes & Persistent Volume Claims and how it should be done in Helm...
The TLDR version of the question is: How do I create a PVC in helm that I can attach future releases (whether upgrades or brand new installs) to?
My current understanding:
PV is an interface to a piece of physical storage.
PVC is how a pod claims the existence of a PV for its own use. When the pod is deleted, the PVC is also deleted, but the PV is maintained - and is therefore persisted. But then how I do use it again?
I know it is possible to dynamically provision PVs. Like with Google Cloud as an example if you create ONLY a PVC, it will automatically create a PV for you.
Now this is the part I'm stuck on...
I've created a helm chart that explicitly creates the PVC & thus has a dynamically created PV as part of a release. I then later delete the release, which will then also remove the PVC. The cloud provider will maintain the PV. On a subsequent install of the same chart with a new release... How do I reuse the old PV? Is there a way to actually do that?
I did find this question which kind of answers it... However, it implies that you need to pre-create PVs for each PVC you're going to need, and the whole point of the replicas & auto-scaling is that all of those should be generated on demand.
The use case is - as always - for test/dev environments where I want my data to be persisted, but I don't always want the servers running.
Thank you in advance! My brain's hurting a bit cause I just can't figure it out... >.<
It will be a headache indeed.
Let's start with how you should do it to achieve scalable deployments with RWO storages that are attached to your singular pods when they are brought up. This is where volumeClaimTemplates come into play. You can have PVC created dynamicaly as your Deployment scales. This however suits well situation when your pod needs storage that is attached to a pod, but not really needed any longer when pod goes away (volume can be reused following reclaim policy.
If you need the data like this reatached when pod fails, you should think of StatefulSets which solve that part at least.
Now, if you precreate PVC explicitly, you have more control over what happens, but dynamic scalability will have problems with this for RWO. This and manual PV management as in the response you linked can actually achieve volume reuse, and it's the only mechanism that would allow it that I can think of.
After you hit a wall like this it's time to think about alternatives. For example, why not use a StatefulSet that will give you storage retention in running cluster and instead of deleting the chart, set all it's replicas to 0, retaining non-compute resources in place but scaling it down to nothing. Then when you scale up a still bound PVC should get reattached to rescaled pods.