docker swam - secrets from file not resolving tilde - docker-compose

Using secrets from docker-compose on my dev machine works. But the remote server via ssh just says open /home/johndoe/~/my-secrets/jenkinsuser.txt: no such file or directory.
secret definition in stack.yml:
file: ~/my-secrets/jenkinsuser.txt
Run with:
docker stack deploy -c stack.yml mystack
The documentation does not mention any gotchas about ~ path. I am not going to put the secret files inside . as all examples do, because that directory is version controlled.
Am I missing some basics about variable expansion, or differences between docker-compose and docker swarm?

Your ~ character in your path is considered as literal. Use $HOME wich is treated as a variable in your string path.
Tilde character work only if it is unquoted. In your remote environment, the SWARM yaml parser consider your path as a string, where the prefix-tilde is read as a normal character (see prefix-tilde).


How to copy or moves files from one directory to another directory inside the Kubernetes POD (Azure Devops release Pipeline)

I would like to move files that are available in the system working directory in the azure pipeline to the Kubernetes pod.
Method one (Kubectl cp command)
kubectl cp D:\a\r1\a\test-files\westus\test.txt /test-745f6564dd:/inetpub/wwwroot/
D:\a\r1\a\test-files\westus\test.txt -- my system working directory file location
(name-space)/test-745f6564dd:/inetpub/wwwroot/ -- kubernetes pod location
I have tried to use kubectl cp command but facing an error.
error: one of src or dest must be a local file specification
Method two command line tool in azure devops
Even i tried to use command line to copy files from one directory to another directory.
cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot>
copy C:\inetpub\wwwroot\west\test.txt C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
Once this task is executed in the azure pipeline, its throwing error.
he syntax of the command is incorrect.
Method three azure cli
I have tried to use azure cli and login into Kubernetes and tried to try one of the below codes. But not throwing any errors even file is not copied too.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group test --name test-dev
cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot
copy C:\inetpub\wwwroot\west\test.txt C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
Is there any way do this operation.
For the first error:
error: one of src or dest must be a local file specification
Try to run the kubectl cp command from the same directory where your file is there and instead of giving the whole path try like below:
kubecto cp test.txt /test-745f6564dd:/inetpub/wwwroot/test.txt

Riak-KV: how to create bucket in docker-compose file?

I try to use the original riak-kv image in docker-compose and I want on init add one bucket but docker-compose up won't start. How I can edit volumes.schemas to add bucket on init?
Original image allows to add riak.conf file in docker-compose ? If yes, then how can I do that?
Creating a bucket type with a custom datatype
I assume you want to create a bucket type when starting your container. You have to create a file in the /etc/riak/schemas directory with the bucket's name, like bucket_name.dt. The file should contain a single line with the type you would like to create (e.g. counter, set, map, hll).
You can also use the following command to create the file:
echo "counter" > schemas/bucket_name.dt
After that you have to just mount the schemas folder with the file to the /etc/riak/schemas directory in the container:
docker run -d -P -v $(pwd)/schemas:/etc/riak/schemas basho/riak-ts
Creating a bucket type with default datatype
Currently creating a bucket type with default datatype is only available if you add a custom post-start script under the /etc/riak/poststart.d directory.
Create a shell script with the command you would like to run. An example can be found here.
You have to mount it as a read-only file into the /etc/riak/poststart.d folder:
docker run -d -P -v $(pwd)/poststart.d/ basho/riak-ts
See the whole documentation for the docker images here. The rest can be found in GitHub.
Also, the available datatypes can be found here.

File path from within Azure CLI task

I have an Azure CLI task which references a PowerShell script (via build artifact) running az commands. Most of these commands work successfully, but when attempting to execute the following command:
az appconfig kv import --name $resourceName -s file --path appconfig.json --format json
I've noticed that the information was not present against the Azure resource and the log file has "File is not available".
I must be referencing the file incorrectly from the build artifact but if anyone could provide some clarity around this that would be great.
I must be referencing the file incorrectly from the build artifact
You can try to add $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) to the json file path. For example: --path $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/appconfig.json.
System.ArtifactsDirectory: The directory to which artifacts are downloaded during deployment of a release. Example: C:\agent\_work\r1\a
For details ,please refer to predefined variables .
This can be a little tricky to figure out.
System.ArtifactsDirectory is the default variable that indicates the directory to which artifacts are downloaded during deployment of a release.
However, to use a default variable in your script, you must first replace the . in the default variable names with _. For example, to print the value of artifact variable System.ArtifactsDirectory in a PowerShell script, you would have to use $env:SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY.
I have a similar setup and do it this way within my PowerShell script:
# Define the path to the file
# Pass it to the Azure CLI command
az appconfig kv import -n $appConfigName -s file --path $appSettingsFile --format json --separator . --yes
It is also helpful to view the current values of all variables to see what they contain before using them.
Default variables - System
Using default variables

"No such file or directory" when importing local file into docker container using docker exec

When running a shell command in docker exec with a local file as an argument, it fails with
-bash:  docker/mongo.archive: No such file or directory
$ docker exec -i 4cb4a63af40c sh -c 'mongorestore --archive' < 'docker/mongo.archive'
-bash:  docker/mongo.archive: No such file or directory
However, the file clearly exists at the given location:
$ ls docker/mongo.archive
I remember using the exact same command and it worked. Also, I tried calling the command from within its directory (./docker) as well as from outside, using relative paths. Using the absolute path fails as well. Any ideas?
Remark: 4cb4a63af40c is a mongodb container.
Adjust the quotes
docker exec -i 4cb4a63af40c sh -c 'mongorestore --archive < docker/mongo.archive'

Is there any clean way to append an env_file to an autogenerated docker file?

I am planning to self-host Bitwarden using Ansible. During the execution of the ansible playbook, a file hierarchy and a docker-compose file is generated on the remote based on config file parameters and other. At the end, this docker file is executed to spawn the containers.
My personal server infrastructure already servers an nginx-proxy combined with letsencrypt. In order to use this service, I need to add several specific environmental parameters to the "main container" in this docker-compose file. I collected them in an external file and now I need to add a this external file to the docker file. I want to do it dynamically. Until now, I am using the ansible task:
- name: append nginx.env as env file to automatically generated docker file
shell: 'sed -i "\$a\ \ \ \ \ \ - ../env/nginx.env" /srv/bitwarden/bwdata/docker/docker-compose.yml'
to transform:
- ../env/uid.env(EOF)
- ../env/uid.env
- ../env/nginx.env(EOF)
But I am unhappy with this sed solution because Bitwarden could modify this auto-generated file (appending to the end would eventually fail.. and I also can't really use any regEx because they could change the structure of single components of the file etc...).
Is there any built-in safe way by ansible to achieve this exact behavior?
EDIT: I am looking for something like:match <container_name> append to env_file <../env/nginx.env>