How to get browser and browser version used by a WebView using Swift - swift

I would like to get the browser (e.g. Safari) and the browser version of the browser that is used in a WKWebView when it opens up an URL. Any help is greatly appreciated!

WKWebView doesn't "use a browser". WKWebView is the browser engine that is used by Safari. As a matter of fact, all web browsers on iOS are explicitly required to use WebKit framework, as per App Store Review Guidelines
2.5.6 Apps that browse the web must use the appropriate WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript.


How to make a plugin like app in iphone

I want to make an plugin like app in iphone for mobile web browser, in which i want to use safari (or any browser) current link and also link which is present on the web page, when i click on it my app should invoke for using targeted link.
I know plugins are not supported in mobile browser,
Can anybody have any solution without jailbreak?
Thanks in advance.

google chrome browser is differed from UIWebview?

google chrome browser is availabe in App store as a native application.
1)How will it be differed from safari?
2)How can it access device memory,have its all features if they have used
UIWebview?Normal UIWebview is enough if they have used UIWebview.
Chrome on iOS differs from Safari only in UI and ability to sync with Google services, cause it is based on Apple`s WebKit (rendering/layout engine)

Safari doesn't open Native Map application from url iOS5

I am having a problem in safari, that it stopped opening native map application in iPhone device from url like, it is always opening google map inside the browser, in new iOS safari browser, where as the same url works fine in older devices.
Any help would be very appreciated..
Contrary to what you find on the internet, you should not use "http://" but should use "maps://". So "" will open the Google Maps website but "maps://" will open the native Maps application.

Windows mobile application and javascript communication

Is it possible to create communication between running program context and javascript ?
for example, iPhone have good example about it under webkit development on iPhone.
It's possible to invoke this command stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString from webview in the application scope on Obj-C and iPhone platform. I'm looking to same thing in windows mobile 6 or greater versions.
Any comments would be appreciated.
This question has some links about hosting a web browser control on an application.
I guess it's possible to catch events from the page, or maybe just from the url change that you can use to trigger an action on the application.
PhoneGap has a WiMo prototype here. You have a web browser control in your application, then call out to C# by setting the href and intercepting in the Navigating event.

iPhone Mobile Safari File System Access

Is it possible to write to a file in a native iPhone application and have a Safari browser read from that file after having the browser opened from the native app?
Alternatively (and this would be great!), would it be possible to launch a mobile Safari webapp from a native iPhone app, and have that application access the OS 3.0 External Accessory Framework? My assumption is no...
Basically, I have a functioning iPhone app that wraps a simple mobile Safari webapp, but I'd like to utilize the external accessory framework once I have launched the Safari webapp from the iPhone app...
You can use the phonegap framework : it provide a project template and libraries to access native function in javascript (like writing/reading a file).
Consider also the localstorage and the SQLLite DB...
There are 2 different interpretations. If you want to launch MobileSafari from your app, then the answers will be no since MobileSafari and your app are isolated by sandboxes. But you may include the detail in the URL like…
But you can embed a UIWebView in your app, then the answers will be yes (to the UIWebView), since you may communicate with the web view with any ObjC code.