RegEx for google event - regex-group

Hello I would like help writing a regex that captures all urls with the word confirmation in it.
I am trying to set up a Goal that captures all visits to any confirmation page on the website as by visiting that page you most likely filled out a form to download an asset

So, basically all links end with confirmation?
Then you could just use a very stupid and simple regex like:
If you only want the URL to contain confirmation:
is already enough (Demo). That's basically the same as if you were using String.endsWith(str) and String.contains(str).
Depending on the way you're evaluating this, you may need to allow chars before the search term to produce a full match (not only a partial match):
if you want to allow any text after the search term.


How do I reduce the number of 301 redirect entries using wildcards and variables in Squarespace?

I recently renamed all of the URLs that make up my blog... and have written redirects for almost every page... using wildcards where I can... keeping in mind... all that I know is the * wildcard at this time...
Here is an example of what I have...
/season-1/2017/1/1/snl-s01e01-host-george-carlin -> /season-1/snl-s01e01-george-carlin 301
I want to write a catch-all that will redirect all 38 seasons of reviews with one redirect entry... but I can't figure out how to get rid of just the word "host" between s01e01- and -george-carlin... and was thinking it would work something like this...
/season-*/*/*/*/snl-s*e*-host-*-* -> /season-*/snl-s*e*[code to remove the word "host"]-*-* 301
Is that even close to being correct? Do I need that many *s
Thanks in advance for any help...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to reduce the number of individual redirect entries using the redirect features that Squarespace has to offer, namely the wildcard (*) and a single variable ([name]). Multiple variables would be needed, but only [name] is supported.
The closest you can get is:
/season-1/*/*/*/snl-s01e01-host-[name] -> /season-1/snl-s01e01-[name] 301
But, if I'm understanding things, while the above redirect appears more general, it would still need to be copy/pasted for each post individually. So although it demonstrates the best that could be achieved, it is not a technical improvement.
Therefore, there are only two alternatives:
Create a Google Sheet (or other spreadsheet) where the old URLs are copy/pasted in column one, a formula using arrayformula and regular expressions to parse the old URL and generate the new URL is added in column two, and in column three a formula is written to join the two cells with -> and 301. With that done, you could click, drag and highlight all cells in column 3, copy, and paste them in the "URL Shortcuts" text area in Squarespace.It can be quite time consuming to figure out, write and test the correct formula, but it does avoid having to manually type out every redirect. Whether it is less time/effort in total depends on the number of redirects and one's proficiency with writing spreadsheet formulas.It could be that using the redirect code above would simplify the formula that'd need to be written in the spreadsheet, which may save some time.
Another alternative would be to remove your redirects and instead handle the redirect via JavaScript added to the 404/Page-not-found page. Because it sounds like you already have all of the redirects in place but are simply trying to reduce the overall number, I wouldn't recommend changing to a JavaScript-based approach. There are other drawbacks to using JavaScript, in any case.

Getting the user's name without directly asking for it (Watson Assistant)

I'm creating a chatbot for fun and want to implement something to collect the user's name, but only if he says something like "my name is ..." or close to that; the intention of giving the name would come from the user, the bot won't ask for it, maybe only suggest it. Kind of like in Google Assistant, I think. So, it could be given at any time the user wants.
My idea is:
1st create an intent with different ways the user would tell his name to the bot (like in the example above).
2nd use slots and, if the intent is detected, save it as a variable. So far, I've managed.
3rd is the part that I'm stuck in, since it's only an idea and I don't know how I'd do it. Before saving the whole text as a variable, I'd like to delete the part that's included in the intent (my name is) and save only the rest in the variable. So, for example, the user says "my name is XXX"; the command deletes the "my name is" part and saves only "XXX" in the $name intent.
I don't know if this'd be possible, since I don't know coding. I used some special syntax before, like to capitalize the first letter of some other variable, but I don't really know how to use the JSON editor.
Is my idea viable? I don't know how I'd delete the intent corresponding portion and save only the remaining part as the intent. Dunno what would be the command for that, nor where I'd write it.
You can suggest something else if you have an idea.
Last thing, I'm created the skill in portuguese, so there's no access to the #sys-person entity.
Thanks for reading.
I use portuguese skills and face the same issue. I see two solutions, althougt they are not perfect:
Using intents:
When the intent is identified, the bot asks the name again, telling the user that he should only say his name, e.g without "my name is", then store the whole input on a context variable, using:
<? input.text ?>
For embedding such logic inside slots, you probaly will need to use digressions.
But, this is boring to the user.
Using entities:
Entities identification carries along they start and end position in the input text, but intents not. With this, is possible to slice the input, cutting the entity:
<? input.text.substring([1], input.text.length()) ?>
Entites would be "My name is", "People call me", "I'm called", "I'm baptized", "I was baptized".
So, "Hello, my name is Gustavo", would be cut after "my name is" ending, resulting in "Gustavo". Additional input in the beggining is ignored, but problems arrise with additional input after the name. Also, you need to define more "my name is" like entities, likely all possibilities, than would need if using intents, cause even with fuzzy matching, entities identification doesn't take in account synonymus and similar meaning words.

Is it possible to use INTENT instead of STRING as List Title in Google Action?

Some Background:
I use Lists a lot for a Google Action with a NodeJS fulfillment backend. The Action is primarily Voice-based. The reason for using List is that I can encode information in List's key and use it later to make a decision. Another reason is that Google Assistant will try to fuzzy match the user's input with the Title of the List's items to find the closest matched option. This is where thing's get a bit hard for me. Consider the following example:
JSON.stringify(SOME_OBJECT): {
title: 'Yes'
title: 'No'
Now if I say Yes / No, I can get the user's choice and do something with information stored as stringified JSON in the choice's Key.
But, the users may say Sure or Yup or OK as they basically mean the same thing as saying Yes. But as those words don't match Yes, Google Assistant will ignore the "Yes" option. But all of these words belong to the smalltalk.confirmation.yes built-in intent. So, if I could use this intent instead of hardcoding the string Yes then I would be able to capture all of the inputs that mean Yes.
I know I could do this with a Synonyms list or Confirmation intent. But they also have some problems.
Using Synonyms would require me finding every word which is similar. Besides, I would also need to localize these synonyms to all the supported language.
With Confirmation intent, I won't be able to show some information to the user before asking them to choose an option. Besides, it also doesn't support encoding the options as I can do in List's key.
So, List is a good choice for me in this case.
So, is there any way to leverage the built-in intents for this purpose? What do you do in this situation?

How to use keywords include ampersand(&) in Facebook Search API

I want to use some keywords that include special characters like & in Facebook search api. I tried the query below but I cannot get useful results. Is there any chance for this usage in search api? How should I build my search query?
My example queries and keywords are "H&M", "marks & spencer","H&M""marks & spencer"
My team worked on this forever, ended up finding this as a solution that provides relevant results for a query with an ampersand, such as 'H&M'.
This is the hex equivilent to &
So your example link would be"H%26amp%3bM"
We found the solution thanks to Creative Jar
You want %26 which is the URL encode for ampersand so"H%26M""marks %26 spencer"
Depending on your language, it may have a URL encoding function or you can just use string replacement.
It seems, that all of solutions suggested here are not working any more.
Searching for q=H%26%bM returns empty data set. The same for q=H%26M.
It must have changed recently, in last 2 months.
If you try to search for postings about H&M on Facebook site (type H&M in search, then "Show me more results" on the bottom of list and then public posts on menu on the left side) the list is empty.
The only query that returns any results is q=H&M but it is not helpful, as the results are irrelevant for that query.

How to process a simple loop in Perl's WWW::Mechanize?

Especially interesting for me as a PHP/Perl-beginner is this site in Switzerland:
see this link:
Which has a dataset of 2700 foundations. All the data are free to use with no limitations copyrights on it.
what we have so far: Well the harvesting task should be no problem if i take WWW::Mechanize - particularly for doing the form based search and selecting the individual entries. Hmm - i guess that the algorithm would be basically 2 nested loops: the outer loop runs the form based search, the inner loop processes the search results.
The outer loop would use the select() and the submit_form() functions on the second search form on the page. Can we use DOM processing here. Well - how can we get the get the selection values.
The inner loop through the results would use the follow link function to get to the actual entries using the following call.
$mech->follow_link(url_regex => qr/webgrab_path=http:\/\/evs2000.*\?
Id=\d+$/, n => $result_nbr);
This would forward our mechanic browser to the entry page. Basically the URL query looks for links that have the webgrap_path to Id pattern, which is unique for each database entry. The $result_nbr variable tells mecha which one of the results it should follow next.
If we have several result pages we would also use the same trick to traverse through the result pages. For the semantic extraction of the entry information,we could parse the content of the actual entries with XML:LibXML's html parser (which works fine on this page), because it gives you some powerful DOM selection (using XPath) methods.
Well the actual looping through the pages should be doable in a few lines of perl of max. 20 lines - likely less.
But wait: the processing of the entry pages will then be the most complex part
of the script.
Approaches: In principle we could do the same algorithm with a single while loop
if we use the back() function smartly.
Can you give me a hint for the beginning - the processing of the entry pages - doing this in Perl:: Mechanize
"Which has a dataset of 2700 foundations. All the data are free to use with no limitations copyrights on it."
Not true. See
"The data is copyrighted even though it is made available freely: "Downloading or copying of texts, illustrations, photos or any other data does not entail any transfer of rights on the content." (and again, in German, as you've been scraping some other German list to spam before)."