How do I set node definition from docker plugin? - rundeck

I try to set Docker containers as node with the following Custom Mapping :
I alway get this error message :
Failed: AuthenticationFailure: Authentication failure connecting to node: "xxxxxx". Make sure your resource definitions and credentials are up to date.

Set the Docker node executor. Project Settings > Edit Configuration > Default Node Executor tab (select "docker-container-node-executor") and save it.


Couldn't find network parameters file and compatibility zone wasn't configured/isn't reachable, corda

Am stuck, trying to integrate azure postgres with corda. I'm using gradle's deployNodes task to create the network locally.
Below is the exception that I get.
[ERROR] 2021-09-06T06:53:02,290Z [main] internal.NodeStartupLogging. - Exception during node startup: Couldn't find network parameters file and compatibility zone wasn't configured/isn't reachable. - Couldn't find network parameters file and compatibility zone wasn't configured/isn't reachable. [errorCode=1917kd6, moreInformationAt=]
I had no issues when connected with a local instance of postgres installed on my machine.
Below given is the azure postgres configuration that errors.
extraConfig = [
'dataSourceProperties' : [
'dataSourceClassName': 'org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource',
'dataSource.url': 'jdbc:postgresql://',
'dataSource.user': 'userN#me#azure_database_name',
'dataSource.password': 'pa$$word'
Try to do this:
create a /drivers folder in your project root folder. This folder will contain the postgresql-XX.X.jar of PostgreSQL
update your build.gradle to add the location of the jar of the drivers with jarDirs, like so:
extraConfig = [
jarDirs : ['/your-project-absolute-path/drivers'],
dataSourceProperties : [
'dataSourceClassName': 'org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource',
'dataSource.url': 'jdbc:postgresql://',
'dataSource.user': 'userN#me#azure_database_name',
'dataSource.password': 'pa$$word'
run ./gradlew deployNodes
run ./build/nodes/runnodes
the node should start (it will take some time since it has to connect to Azure DB)

How to register app from private repo in Spring Cloud dataflow 2.6.1

I'm using SCDF 2.6.1 in Openshift 3, and I'm facing error while registering the app, error log like below :
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
I checked the line of code in
// Convert the image name into a well-formed ContainerImage
ContainerImage containerImage = this.containerImageParser.parse(imageName);
// Find a registry configuration that matches the image's registry host
RegistryConfiguration registryConf = this.registryConfigurationMap.get(containerImage.getRegistryHost());
// Retrieve a registry authorizer that supports the configured authorization type.
RegistryAuthorizer registryAuthorizer = this.registryAuthorizerMap.get(registryConf.getAuthorizationType());
I'm pretty sure the error is because registryConf is null as result from
RegistryConfiguration registryConf = this.registryConfigurationMap.get(containerImage.getRegistryHost());
How to put my private repo URI in registryConfigurationMap ?
I have tried to put imagePullSecret in the deployment.yml which is registered with the private repo, but I think it doesn't work because in the startup log, I still see :
2020-09-03 04:55:24.111 INFO 1 --- [ main] urationMetadataResolverAutoConfiguration :
Final Registry Configurations: {{registryHost='', user='null', secret='****'', authorizationType=dockeroauth2, manifestMediaType='application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json', disableSslVerification='false',
extra={registryAuthUri={repository}:pull&offline_token=1&client_id=shell }}}
The only place where SCDF server downloads the container image layer is when it looks for app metadata.
Currently, this is configured to use the docker registry host (as this is where all the out-of-the-box applications are hosted).
If you want to override, you can modify these property values at the time of server startup and proceed.
Remember the fact that this configuration is only needed to download the app metadata layer of the image - not to download the entire container image at the SCDF server side.

Bazel Kubernetes Object Error: no objects passed to apply (Google Container Registry)

I have a k8s_object rule to apply a deployment to my Google Kubernetes Cluster. Here is my setup:
load("#io_bazel_rules_docker//nodejs:image.bzl", "nodejs_image")
name = "image",
data = [":lib", "//:package.json"],
entry_point = ":index.ts",
load("#io_bazel_rules_k8s//k8s:object.bzl", "k8s_object")
name = "k8s_deployment",
template = ":gateway.deployment.yaml",
kind = "deployment",
cluster = "gke_cents-ideas_europe-west3-b_cents-ideas",
images = {
"": ":image"
But when I run bazel run //services/gateway:k8s_deployment.apply, I get the following error
INFO: Analyzed target //services/gateway:k8s_deployment.apply (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //services/gateway:k8s_deployment.apply up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.113s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 0 processes.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
$ /snap/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig= --cluster=gke_cents-ideas_europe-west3-b_cents-ideas --context= --user= apply -f -
2020/02/12 14:52:44 Unable to publish images: unable to publish image
error: no objects passed to apply
error: no objects passed to apply
It doesn't push the new image to the Google Container Registry.
Strangely, this worked a few days ago. But I didn't change anything.
Here is the full code if you need to take a closer look:
I don't know if this has something to do with this issue but when I run
gcloud auth configure-docker
I get some warnings:
WARNING: `docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH.
gcloud's Docker credential helper can be configured but it will not work until this is corrected.
WARNING: Your config file at [/home/flolu/.docker/config.json] contains these credential helper entries:
"credHelpers": {
"": "gcloud",
"": "gcloud",
"": "gcloud",
"": "gcloud",
"": "gcloud",
"": "gcloud"
Adding credentials for all GCR repositories.
WARNING: A long list of credential helpers may cause delays running 'docker build'. We recommend passing the registry name to configure only the registry you are using.
gcloud credential helpers already registered correctly.
I had google-cloud-sdk installed via snap install. What I did to make it work is to remove google-cloud-sdk via
snap remove google-cloud-sdk
and then followed those instructions to install it via
sudo apt install google-cloud-sdk
Now it works fine Connect to ipv4# failed: Connection refused

I use Kafka with one node (version 1.0.0).
why when I set listeners=PLAINTEXT://138.201.YYYY.YYY:9092, everything is OK and I can produce and consume well in local and client enviroment , but when I set listeners=PLAINTEXT://, in the client side, I cannot produce and consume any message and this error will appear‍‍ :
%3|1531686738.672|FAIL|rdkafka#producer-1| []: Failed to resolve '': Name or service not known
%3|1531686738.672|ERROR|rdkafka#producer-1| []: Failed to resolve '': Name or service not known
and I have to add 138.201.YYY.YYY in the etc/hosts file (in local) to fix the problem and produce fine.

red hat OSP10 deploy fails on node profile tag, even though it is configured

I am trying to deploy rhosp10, and when getting to "openstack overcloud deploy" phase, I get these errors:
Error: only 0 of 1 requested ironic nodes are tagged to profile control (for flavor control)
Recommendation: tag more nodes using ironic node-update <NODE ID> replace properties/capabilities=profile:control,boot_option:local
Error: only 0 of 5 requested ironic nodes are tagged to profile compute (for flavor compute)
Recommendation: tag more nodes using ironic node-update <NODE ID> replace properties/capabilities=profile:compute,boot_option:local
Not enough nodes - available: 0, requested: 6
Configuration has 3 errors, fix them before proceeding. Ignoring these errors is likely to lead to a failed deploy.
However, I configured 1 node to use control profile, and 5 to use compute profile. For example:
[stack#rhosp-1-director ~]$ openstack baremetal node show 4e153e0a-4c7b-4ee9-afb5-9036e263949b|grep prop
| properties | {u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'root_device': {u'serial': u'600508b1001c7b0731bc32edbb3a8369'}, u'cpus': u'48', u'capabilities': u'profile:control,boot_option:local', u'memory_mb': u'131072', u'local_gb': u'744'} |
[stack#rhosp-1-director ~]$ openstack baremetal node show 4989038d-de10-4365-8051-44fd42fd0ec7|grep prop
| properties | {u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'root_device': {u'serial': u'600508b1001c73b9fa55f385cd1a4008'}, u'cpus': u'48', u'capabilities': u'profile:compute,boot_option:local', u'memory_mb': u'131072', u'local_gb': u'744'} |
Another thing is that the following command yields no output:
openstack overcloud profiles list
I am following their manual from step by step, so don't know what I'm doing wrong.
problem ended up being ironic auto cleaning. introspection never completed ok. not sure why, but disabling auto cleaning in ironic.conf right after undercloud install, followed by a reboot (for all ironic services to update this property), followed by the next steps, was successful (including introspection).