Azure Devops Changed Column Names But State Is Not Changing - azure-devops

I have been trying to switch to Azure Devops to manager our projects for quite a while now.
The latest hurdle is when viewing a Backlog item board.
The 'Planning Has Started' column does not work in our work flow, I have changed it to 'Paused' which means that items in that column have hit a road block and need attention.
But the 'State' when items are moved to that column still show 'Planning Has Started' and 'Paused' is not a option as a setting.
Where can I set/change the various States that are available?
I really have spent a good amount of time looking for this before asking here.

In your current situation, we recommend you check your state mapping settings in your Borad. Please make sure you have mapped the right state to your columns 'Paused'.
Then, if you do not have the state 'Paused', you can go to the 'Organization settings --> Boards process --> Your own process --> New state' to create the new state 'Paused'.


How to automatically update the Assigned To on a User Story when state changes in Azure DevOps Board

We have a typical board with the following columns.
In Dev
Ready for QA
Ready for release
When we click and drag a user story from one column to another, we'd like it to update the "assigned to" field automatically depending on which stage its in. We're not seeing any settings from which to accomplish this from the Azure DevOps UI. Any suggestions?
You could customize the Process to achieve what you want:
Customize States for each column in user story work item type (The process for your team project should be an inherited process). Go to the Organization Setting -- Process, choose the inherited Process your team project used, and then choose user story work item type. Click States tab and add appropriate states for each column. Check the following example:
Add rules for user story work item type. Click Rules tab, and add following rule for each State:

Adding to State Picklist in Azure DevOps Service

I'm using Azure DevOps Service (the on-line version, not on-premise) with Agile methodology.
I'm trying to add a custom state of 'Testing'. I use the method described here, but this doesn't seem to work. I can add Testing as a column in the sprint board, but it doesn't appear in the State picklist values (I do understand that adding a column will not add a State).
How can I get this to appear in the State picklist?
How can I get this to appear in the State picklist?
1.You can quickly navigate to the process your current project belongs to via Project settings => Overview => Project Details.
Then you can modify the states there. If you want to add a Testing state to Bug WorkItem type, click the Bug and click the new state:
2.And we should know that only inherited process can be modified in this way. So we must make sure our project is created from inherited process. Otherwise the New State button is disabled.

Powerbi and Azure DevOps (online version) reporting when Backlog Level name changes

I'm attempting to utilize Power BI and the Analytics Views provided in Azure DevOps to create reports. I noticed an issue regarding the template(s) used that caused for no data to appear in the datasets in Power BI.
Scenario: If a user uses the Scrum template in Azure DevOps, it calls the Refinement Backlog level of work "Backlog items". If a user goes into change that to "Stories" it changes how the queries grab the group of work items in that level.enter image description here You can easily change the query to match the new name of the backlog level. You cannot add multiple "projects" to that query and see the data in the dataset if other projects are using the default name.
Issue: I attempted to change the name back to the original name of "Backlog items" instead of "Stories" and run the query in the Analytics Views to grab the data from multiple projects with the same "Backlog items" level but nothing appears in that project that was renamed back to the original name.
How to reproduce:
Open a project in Azure DevOps
Access Analytics Views
Under any Backlog query, edit and add additional projects to retrieve data in this view and save
Open Power BI and connect to the recently changed query
In Azure DevOps, access Organization Settings and go to Process
Access the project the above query is located and open the template
Modify the name of the backlog level to something other than "Backlog items"enter image description here
Save and go back to Power BI and refresh data
Actual result - you should not see the data from that project due to the name change
Go back and change the name back to the original name and refresh the dataset in Power BI
You still do not see the deta in the dataset even though you renamed it back to the original name. Besides 'resetting' the backlog level back to the original default state, is there a way to get it to recognize the original name if you renamed it back? Is there another step to making it recognize the name change? Since it's in the cloud, I waited 24 hours after the name change back to the original name but still didn't work. I noticed the same thing will happen on the Portfolio Backlog level (i.e. Epic).
Besides 'resetting' the backlog level back to the original default
state, is there a way to get it to recognize the original name if you
renamed it back?
I seem to reproduce similar issue like yours and then I use steps below to make it work:
1.Reset the Backlog and refresh the page.
2.Then navigate to the Analytics views, edit the View(the view in your step3) which can't be recognized now.
No matter it's Backlog items backlog or Stories backlog here, delete them all and Verify the view. Then click Save button.
3.Refresh current page and edit the View again, add the Backlog Items backlog back, Verify the view, Save the view. Now refresh the data in Power BI, the data should come back.
Above steps are what I use to work around the issue, hope it helps :)

Azure DevOps user story not being displayed in column 'ready'

So, a project that I am working on requires the custom column/silo of 'ready' to indicate that the initial analysis has been done and it ready to be picked up as a development object. When I change the state of an user story to 'ready' it does not show in the appropriate column however when selecting another such as 'new' or 'active' it is displayed. Is there a word restriction on the use of 'ready' as a column (silo)?
Please make sure you have also configured the state mapping for your customized Ready column. Otherwise, if you change the state of work item it will not auto show in the appropriate column.
More detail about this you could take a look at our official tutorial Update Kanban column-to-State mappings

RTC 4.0.6 View Component Scope Change History

My team has recently had an issue where the scope on a component was changed to "Team Private". No person on my team should have the authority to perform this change except myself as the project manager. I'm trying to find a way to view the history of a component to determine who made the change so I can prevent this from happening in the future.
I've tried to find a component history (not the component change set history) in the RTC client and in the browser interface but haven't had any luck. I have direct access to the RTC CCM database on the AIX DB2 server and I can find the row for this component on the SCM.COMPONENT table but the ITEM_ID is in a weird format and I'm not able to correlate it's value with anything on any of the other CCM tables. I tried creating a ER diagram by reverse engineering the SCM via IBM Data Studio but the diagram doesn't display any of the relationship information for the tables (I can do this on a z/OS DB2 database and it works properly so I know the process is correct) so I'm in the dark when it comes to the table relations with the SCM tables.
What are my options for viewing the change history of a component? Is it even possible?
The closest source of (temporary) information that might have recorded the change is the event stream of the project.
See for instance "Is there RTC component rename history?":
Yes, there is.
It is captured in the event log for the project area.
Open the feed associated with the project area and you'll see a record of who renamed it, when and
the before/after the rename operation.
FYI, the event log doesn't last forever.
It will eventually be purged. I believe it only shows you the last few hundred events. If there's a lot of activity, the record won't last long.
The events come from the feed management used in all Jazz based products and it doesn't have a way to set the limit.
You can check if that applies to scope changes.
There is an enhancement request to have those logs kept around for a longer or customizable period of time: Enhancement 279808... don't hold your breath though.