Microsoft Graph API - File Download - How to use library and subsite paths instead of ids? - rest

Main Problem
I am using Microsoft Graph to access SharePoint resources and I'm having trouble understanding why my syntax isn't working when I try to access a specific file.
My SharePoint is structured like this:
- site
- subsite
- library
- file1.pdf
I am able to access a file using the following: (this works)
However, I would like to access the file using only site, library, and file names (or paths), instead of using ids. Ideally something like this would work: (this does not work)
Is anything like this possible?
More details...
I seem to be running into at least two problems:
1. I am unable to access the library as a drive in the same way using site paths as using site ids. E.g.:
# these work as expected
# this does not work
Why am I unable to access a specific DRIVE_ID in this way?
2. As a workaround, I can access the library as a list instead of a drive ...but then I am unable to get the contents of the list items. For example:
# this works
# this does not work (`/content` is not available)
Is there a way to get content from a list item, the way it can be retrieved from a drive item?
Maybe I'm missing something about how path-based and id-based endpoints are supposed to work together? None of the examples in the documentation are much help.


PowerBI/Powershell - Get list of datasources that a PBIX file uses

I am trying to get a list of datasources that a Powerbi file is using. I seen solutions online where I can use the ReportingService module to get a list but this only works when the PowerBI report is published online. Is there a solution that would work for a local file?
Here is the situation.
A user gives me a Powerbi file. In order for me to get a list of datasources, I have to go in manually and to take a look at sources manually. Ideally, I would like to use Powershell to get this list.
There isn't an API that can access the desktop application. You would have to brute force it.
The PBX file is basically a Zip file which then contains separate files with JSON information. You would have to follow the following steps:
Use Expand-Archive to get the files out of the PBX (Not sure if you will need to change the file extension first).
Read the "Connections" file (Which is Json). It will have the various connection strings used by the model.
You can do this manually by changing the file extension to Zip and opening the Zip file directly, and looking at the connections file in notepad.

How to share OneDrive files using Powershell?

I'd like to find an automatic way to share OneDrive files with a specific internal user, what's the best approach? My current scripts are using PowerShell, but that's not a hard requirement.
I've tried: - what's the best library to use for this? I've created an AzureAD app with the appropriate delegated permissions. In PowerShell, once I run Connect-MgGraph, what method can I run to call this? - but my OneDrive items aren't part of a list. Could they be? The folder permission works well: but I don't understand why there isn't a file one just like this folder one
I know the absolute URL of the file, the UPN of the internal user I want to directly share with, and I have owner permissions to the file. How can I do this?

Get names of files contained in Dropbox directory

I'm in need to read a large number of files from a permanent Dropbox webpage.
The reading part is fine, but I'm having troubles finding a way to list all the files contained within.
To be more precise, I would need something like
files = dir([url_to_Dropbox_directory,'*.file_extension']);
returning the names of all the files.
I've found an example in php, but nothing for MATLAB. Using dir was just an example, I'm looking for any solution to this problem.
How can I get the file list from a permanent Dropbox webpage?
You should use the Dropbox API where you can acces that data by a http request. "file-list-folder" is the specific endpoint that you are looking for.
Here is the documentation for it:
In addition you could use the SDK for PHP (or others programming languages). I have used the SDK for JS and it's easy and works well.

How to upload files and attachments to the sobject record using REST API?

Salesforce has two different UIs and in accordance with it, it has the possibility to store attached files differently.
Two files were uploaded via the classic UI and they are marked as 'attachments'. Other files were uploaded through the new UI and they are marked as 'files'.
I want to upload all of these files using REST API. I cannot find the proper documentation. Can somebody help me with this?
That's not 100% true. In SF Classic UI you were able to upload Files too. It's "just" about knowing the right API name of the table and you'll find lots of examples online.
Attachment and Document objects have exactly same API names, you can view their definitions in SOAP API definition or in REST API explorer (there was something which you can still see in screenshot in here, seems to be down now, maybe they're moving it to another area in documentation...)
The Files (incl. "Chatter Files") are stored in ContentDocument and ContentVersion object. The name is unexpected because long time ago SF purchased another company's product and it was called "Salesforce Content". In beginning it was bit of mess, now it's better integrated into whole platform but still some things lurk like File folders can be called Libraries sometimes in documentation but actual API name is ContentWorkspace. The entity relationship diagram can help a bit:
ContentDocument is a header to which many places in SF link (imagine file wasting space on disk only once but being cross-linked from multiple records). It can have at least 1 version and if you need to update the document - you'd upload new version but all links in org wouldn't change, they'd still link to header.
So, how to use it?
REST API guide:
or maybe Chatter API guide (you tagged it with chatter so chances are you already use it):
some of my answers here might help (shameless plug). They're about upload and reading data too and one is even about data loader... but you might experiment with exporting files first, get familiar with structure before you load?

TFS 2013 build - uploading build output to servier via FTP

I'm hoping someone can help. I've started using the Community TFS Build Extensions, in particular the FTP activity. I followed the documentation here and got to grips with the it pretty easily. I'm encountering one major problem though.
My Web app has a basic enough structure:
I start by creating the FindMatchingFile activity which places the files in the drop location into an IEnumberable variable called FilesToFTP :
String.Format("{0}\**\*.*", BuildDetail.DropLocation)
When I iterate through the variable and print out the results, all seems correct:
etc etc.
The problem is, when I pass that IEnumerable to the Ftp activity (converting it to a string array), it FTP uploads all the files on the server however it doesn't keep the directory structure of my Web app. It just piles all the output (dlls, aspx etc) into one directory. See the following two screenshots.
Is there any way I can use the FTP activity to upload all the output from the drop location recursively? I feel like I'm doing something simple wrong.
The FTP activity in TFS Build Extensions doesn't upload files recursively.
I think it would be a good value addition to the activity. Please create a request for the project and we will add in it. For now, you can go around it by calling the Ftp activity recursively for each directory and setting the RemoteDirectory for each.