Building Dynamic Expressions with Scala3 macro - scala

In Scala2's macro, you could dynamically construct expressions by using Context.parse and so on.
def generateExpr[T: c.WeakTypeTag](target: C#Symbol): C#Expr[T] = {
if (target.isModule) {
} else {
c.Expr[T] {
s"""new ${target.fullName}(${
val a = target.asClass.primaryConstructor.asMethod
val b = a.paramLists
.collect {
case curry if !curry.exists(_.isImplicit) => { param => s"inject[${param.typeSignature.toString}]" }.mkString(",")
}) with MixIn"""
Even if the pre-composition syntax literal refers to a symbol that is not in the current classpath, the compilation will succeed if it can be resolved in the module that calls macro.
However, there is no such feature in the released Scala3.
My goal is to use
to refer to a symbol that is not in the classpath of a module using macro.
I want to use new $T(???) with Trait from the type information.
Are these no longer feasible?
As mentioned in this issue, the deployment of variable length parameters to Trees is also unknown. These will be relevant as dynamic AST construction.

Those are use cases that we explicitly did not want to support since they cause language fragmentation, with many possible dialects supported by macros. I am sure there are good use cases
for this, but overall I believe allowing this would be detrimental to the language ecosystem as a whole.


Is it possible to write a Rust macro "has_trait!(<type>,<ident>|<expr>)"?

I want to match, e.g. an ident's type to implement a certain trait, how would I do that?
Here the basic idea in (incomplete) code:
macro_rules! has_trait {
($ ($t : ty), ($x : ident),) => {
fn trait_test() {
let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
let b = 42;
let a_iteratable = has_trait!(IntoIterator, a);
let b_iteratable = has_trait!(IntoIterator, b);
println!("{:?} iterable? {}", a, a_iteratable);
println!("{:?} iterable? {}", b, b_iteratable);
I cannot wrap my head around how to say "any type which has trait Foo".
I see 2 options how to tackle the problem:
Find a match expression which matches any type with trait $t and simply return true on match, else (how works else?) false.
In the body of the match of any type, use some code to determine if trait $t is implemented by the type of $x.
I cannot see how to do either of both options.
Can this even be done?
I am afraid there is here a serious misconception about what macros can and cannot do.
In Rust, a macro acts on the AST, short for Abstract Syntax Tree. This means that it has access to syntactic information (only).
It means that anything that a macro does, you can also do without a macro. A macro is just syntactic sugar to avoid writing boilerplate over and over.
And conversely, if you cannot do something without a macro, you cannot do it with a macro either.
It is not immediately clear to me whether this information is available or not (proving a negative is always so difficult), however it is certain that the usage of macros has no influence on this availability.
As the other answers have already made clear, there is nothing a macro can do. And indeed, in current (stable) Rust, that's it. However, if you are willing to either use nightly or wait until specialization is stable, you can write and implement a trait to make that distinction, e.g.
#[feature(specialization)] // nightly only for now
trait HasMyTrait {
fn has_trait() -> bool;
impl<T> HasMyTrait for T {
default fn has_trait() -> bool { false }
impl<T: MyTrait> HasMyTrait for T {
fn has_trait() -> bool { true }
This is just a simple example, but you can switch out multiple implementations of whatever functionality you want based on if the type in question implements a trait or not.
This code requires Rust 1.11.0 nightly as of 2016-06-02 or newer.
What you basically want is static (or compile-time) reflection:
Assigning values at compile-time, depending on the type system, to use at run-time.
This is possible in for example D or even C++, but not in Rust.
Rust does not allow template specialisation or compile-time values as generic parameters, nor does it have static reflection capabilities like D.

How to compile/eval a Scala expression at runtime?

New to Scala and looking for pointers to an idiomatic solution, if there is one.
I'd like to have arbitrary user-supplied Scala functions (which are allowed to reference functions/classes I have defined in my code) applied to some data.
For example: I have foo(s: String): String and bar(s: String): String functions defined in my myprog.scala. The user runs my program like this:
$ scala myprog data.txt --func='(s: Str) => foo(bar(s)).reverse'
This would run line by line through the data file and emit the result of applying the user-specified function to that line.
For extra points, can I ensure that there are no side-effects in the user-defined function? If not, can I restrict the function to use only a restricted subset of functions (which I can assure to be safe)?
#kenjiyoshida has a nice gist that shows how to eval Scala code. Note that when using Eval from that gist, not specifying a return value will result in a runtime failure when Scala defaults to inferring Nothing.
scala> Eval("println(\"Hello\")")
java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.runtime.BoxedUnit cannot be cast to scala.runtime.Nothing$
... 42 elided
scala> Eval[Unit]("println(\"Hello\")")
It nicely handles whatever's in scope as well.
object Thing {
val thing: Int = 5
object Eval {
def apply[A](string: String): A = {
val toolbox = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
val tree = toolbox.parse(string)
def fromFile[A](file: File): A =
def fromFileName[A](file: String): A =
fromFile(new File(file))
object Thing2 {
val thing2 = Eval[Int]("Thing.thing") // 5
Twitter's util package used to have util-eval, but that seems to have been deprecated now (and also triggers a compiler bug when compiled).
As for the second part of your question, the answer seems to be no. Even if you disable default Predef and imports yourself, a user can always get to those functions with the fully qualified package name. You could perhaps use Scala's to first parse your string and then compare against a whitelist, before passing to eval, but at that point things could get pretty hairy since you'll be manually writing code to sanitize the Scala AST (or at the very least reject dangerous input). It definitely doesn't seem to be an "idiomatic solution."
This should be possible by using the standard Java JSR 223 Scripting Engine
(also mentions using but not sure this is still available)
import javax.script.*;
ScriptEngine e = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("scala");
e.getContext().setAttribute("label", new Integer(4), ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
try {
} catch (ScriptException ex) {

odd isInstanceOf behavior in Scala

using the ScalaTest/FlatSpec library I am testing the types of returned values from a random number generator using functional state:
it should "return (\"{someRandomNumber}\", rng2) on" in {
val s =
assert(s.isInstanceOf[(Int, RNG)]) // WRONG but PASS!!
assert(s._2 !== rng)
now if you notice the incorrect isInstanceOf[(Int, RNG)] you would think that this would produce a fail, however it succeeds.
the following code demonstrates that this passes as long as the tuple has the correct arity:
it should "not work" in {
assert(("123", rng).isInstanceOf[(Int, RNG)]) // PASS
assert(("123", rng).isInstanceOf[(String, Nothing)]) // PASS
assert(("123", rng).isInstanceOf[(Exception, Array[_])]) // PASS
but if the tuple has one type parameter:
it should "also not work" in {
assert(("123").isInstanceOf[Int]) // FAIL
What is going on here? how should I test the inner parameterized types?
Don't ever forget that scala is backed by plain old java, inheriting all its nuances. Java performs runtime type erasure for generic classes. So your (Int, Rng) in runtime is Tuple2(Object, Object), so is your s.
You can find some useful information how to work around that issue in scala here.

Is it possible to simplify Scala method arguments declaration using macros?

Methods are often declared with obvious parameter names, e.g.
def myMethod(s: String, image: BufferedImage, mesh: Mesh) { ... }
Parameter names correspond to parameter types.
1) "s" is often used for String
2) "i" for Int
3) lowercased class name for one word named classes (Mesh -> mesh)
4) lowercased last word from class name for long class names (BufferedImage -> image)
(Of course, it would not be convenient for ALL methods and arguments. Of course, somebody would prefer other rules…)
Scala macros are intended to generate some expressions in code. I would like to write some specific macros to convert to correct Scala expressions something like this:
// "arguments interpolation" style
// like string interpolation
def myMethod s[String, BufferedImage, Mesh]
{ /* code using vars "s", "image", "mesh" */ }
// or even better:
mydef myMethod[String, BufferedImage, Mesh]
{ /* code using vars "s", "image", "mesh" */ }
Is it possible?
Currently it is not possible and probably it will never be. Macros can not introduce their own syntax - they must be represented through valid Scala code (which can be executed at compile time) and, too, they must generate valid Scala code (better say a valid Scala AST).
Both of your shown examples are not valid Scala code, thus Macros can not handle them. Nevertheless, the current nightly build of Macro Paradise includes untyped macros. They allow to write Scala code which is typechecked after they are expanded, this means it is possible to write:
forM({i = 0; i < 10; i += 1}) {
Notice, that the curly braces inside of the first parameter list are needed because, although the code is not typechecked when one writes it, it must represent a valid Scala AST.
The implementation of this macro looks like this:
def forM(header: _)(body: _) = macro __forM
def __forM(c: Context)(header: c.Tree)(body: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
header match {
case Block(
Assign(Ident(TermName(name)), Literal(Constant(start))),
Apply(Select(Ident(TermName(name2)), TermName(comparison)), List(Literal(Constant(end))))
Apply(Select(Ident(TermName(name3)), TermName(incrementation)), List(Literal(Constant(inc))))
) =>
// here one can generate the behavior of the loop
// but omit full implementation for clarity now ...
Instead of an already typechecked expression, the macro expects only a tree, that is typechecked after the expansion. The method call itself expects two parameter lists, whose parameter types can be delayed after the expansion phase if one uses an underscore.
Currently there is a little bit of documentation available but because it is extremely beta a lot of things will probably change in future.
With type macros it is possible to write something like this:
object O extends M {
// traverse the body of O to find what you want
type M(x: _) = macro __M
def __M(c: Context)(x: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
// omit full implementation for clarity ...
This is nice in order to delay the typechecking of the whole body because it allows to to cool things...
Macros that can change Scalas syntax are not planned at the moment and are probably not a good idea. I can't say if they will happen one day only future can tell us this.
Aside from the "why" (no really, why do you want to do that?), the answer is no, because as far as I know macros cannot (in their current state) generate methods or types, only expressions.

Can I use Scala Macros to internalise an external DSL?

I would like to implement an external DSL such as SQL in Scala using Macros. I have already seen papers on how to implement internal DSLs with Scala. Also, I've recently written an article about how this can be done in Java, myself.
Now, internal DSLs always feel a bit clumsy as they have to be implemented and used in the host language (e.g. Scala) and adhere to the host language's syntax constraints. That's why I'm hoping that Scala Macros will allow to internalise an external DSL without any such constraints. However, I don't fully understand Scala Macros and how far I can go with them. I've seen that SLICK and also a much less-known library called sqltyped have started using Macros, but SLICK uses a "Scalaesque" syntax for querying, which isn't really SQL, whereas sqltyped uses Macros to parse SQL strings (which can be done without Macros, too). Also, the various examples given on the Scala website are too trivial for what I'm trying to do
My question is:
Given an example external DSL defined as some BNF grammar like this:
MyGrammar ::= (
( 'CHOICE-1' 'ARG-1'+ )
| ( 'CHOICE-2' 'ARG-2' )
Can I implement the above grammar using Scala Macros to allow for client programs like this? Or are Scala Macros not powerful enough to implement such a DSL?
// This function would take a Scala compile-checked argument and produce an AST
// of some sort, that I can further process
def evaluate(args: MyGrammar): MyGrammarEvaluated = ...
// These expressions produce a valid result, as the argument is valid according
// to my grammar
val result1 = evaluate(SOME-KEYWORD CHOICE-1 ARG-1 ARG-1)
val result2 = evaluate(SOME-KEYWORD CHOICE-2 ARG-2)
val result3 = evaluate(SOME-KEYWORD OPTION CHOICE-1 ARG-1 ARG-1)
val result4 = evaluate(SOME-KEYWORD OPTION CHOICE-2 ARG-2)
// These expressions produce a compilation error, as the argument is invalid
// according to my grammar
val result5 = evaluate(SOME-KEYWORD CHOICE-1)
val result6 = evaluate(SOME-KEYWORD CHOICE-2 ARG-2 ARG-2)
Note, I'm not interested in solutions that parse strings, the way sqltyped does
It's been some time since this question was answered by paradigmatic, but I've just stumbled upon it and thought it's worth extending.
An internalized DSL must indeed be valid Scala code with all the names defined before macro expansion, however one can overcome this restriction with a carefully designed syntax and Dynamics.
Let's say we wanted to create a simple, silly DSL allowing us to introduce people in a classy way. It might look like this:
people {
introduce John please
introduce Frank and Lilly please
We would like to translate (as part of compilation) the above code to an object (of a class derived for example from class People) containing definitions of fields of type Person for every introduced person - something like this:
new People {
val john: Person = new Person("John")
val frank: Person = new Person("Frank")
val lilly: Person = new Person("Lilly")
To make it possible we need to define some artificial objects and classes having two purposes: defining grammar (somewhat...) and tricking the compiler into accepting undefined names (like John or Lilly).
import scala.language.dynamics
trait AllowedAfterName
object and extends Dynamic with AllowedAfterName {
def applyDynamic(personName: String)(arg: AllowedAfterName): AllowedAfterName = this
object please extends AllowedAfterName
object introduce extends Dynamic {
def applyDynamic(personName: String)(arg: AllowedAfterName): and.type = and
These dummy definitions make our DSL code legal - the compiler translates it to the below code before proceeding to macro expansion:
people {
Do we need this ugly and seemingly redundant please? One could probably come up with a nicer syntax, for example using Scala's postfix operator notation (language.postfixOps), but that gets tricky due to semicolon inference (you can try it yourself in the REPL console or IntelliJ's Scala Worksheet). It's easiest to just interlace keywords with undefined names.
As we've made the syntax legal, we can process the block with a macro:
def people[A](block: A): People = macro Macros.impl[A]
class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
import c.universe._
def impl[A](block: c.Tree) = {
val introductions = block.children
def getNames(t: c.Tree): List[String] = t match {
case q"applyDynamic($name)(and).$rest" =>
name :: getNames(q"$rest")
case q"applyDynamic($name)(please)" =>
val names = introductions flatMap getNames
val defs = names map { n =>
val varName = TermName(n.toLowerCase())
q"val $varName: Person = new Person($n)"
c.Expr[People](q"new People { ..$defs }")
The macro finds all the introduced names by pattern matching against the expanded dynamic calls and generates the desired output code. Notice that the macro must be whitebox in order to be allowed to return an expression of a type derived from the one declared in the signature.
I don't think so. The expression you pass to a macro must be a valid Scala expression and identifiers should be defined.