Fetching Download URL From Uploaded Image - Firebase and Swift - swift

I currently have a view controller where the user uploads an image and that image is stored in the Firebase Storage, with folders of their user id and in there their uploaded image. I want to fetch that image's url and display it on the view controller. The question I have is, do i need to store that uploaded image's download url into the realtime database ie; Users - > User Id - > Media -> Image Title -> Download URL? Or is there a way for me to refer an image view to Firebase storage and accordingly into the User Id's folder containing all the images and display this? Would appreciate it a lot if someone could help me out. Thank you!
This is my code:
let imageName = (Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)!+"/\(imageTitle.text!)"
let imageReference = Storage.storage().reference().child(MyKeys.imagesFolder).child(imageName)
imageReference.putData(data, metadata: nil) { (metadata, err) in
if let err = err {
print ("Error")
imageReference.downloadURL(completion: { (url, err) in
if let err = err {
print ("Error")
guard let url = url else {
print ("Error")
let dataReference = Firestore.firestore().collection(MyKeys.imagesCollection).document()
let documentUid = dataReference.documentID
let urlString = url.absoluteString
let data = [
MyKeys.imageUrl: urlString,
MyKeys.imageTitle: self.imageTitle.text!,
] as [String : Any]
dataReference.setData(data) { (err) in
if let err = err {
print ("Error")

There are two ways to read the data from Storage:
Through the Firebase SDK by calling getData or write on a reference, as shown in the documentation on downloading data.
Through a download URL for the reference, which provides public read-only access.
To call getData, write or to get a download URL, you need to have a reference to the file as shown in creating a reference.
Since you store the files under the UID of the user, you can always create a reference to any for for a user if you known their UID. So you can always perform one of the two methods above to read the data for the file, even if you didn't store the download URL.
That said, it is fairly common to store the download URL in a database, as it means you can then treat it like any other image URL. By doing so the rest of your code won't have to know anything about Cloud Storage.
So: it can work without storing the download URL in the database, but it's also fine (and common) if you do store the download URL. The choice is really up to you.


Trouble Uploading Multiple Images to Firebase Storage

I have an array of image data(in bytes), and I want to upload them to storage and get the download URL for all of them. But after uploading lots of pictures, there is only one file appears in the storage under the reference. I do get the download URLs, but only the last one works, the rest all say access denied.
I suspect it is because I am putting all the pictures under the same storage reference and the picture substitutes every time. But what can I do to upload multiple images?
My upload code:
var picturesURL: [String] = [] // I want to put the download URL in this array
if self.imageButton.isSelected{
picturesURL = []
for photoData in self.pictures{ // pictures is the array that stores all the photo data
self.storage.child("images/file.png").putData(photoData, metadata: nil) { _, error in
guard error == nil else{
print("Failed to upload")
self.storage.child("images/file.png").downloadURL (completion: { url, error in
guard let url = url, error == nil else{
print("problems getting url")
let urlString = url.absoluteString
//UserDefaults.standard.set(urlString, forKey: "url")

Link app object to file on disk with metadata

Following this topic : iOS PDFkit cannot add custom attribute to pdf document
My app is using PDFKit to save files
I'm trying to set custom key metadata to PDFDocument I save on the device.
The object in my app ('Test') has two important properties :
id: a UUID to be able to retrieve the file on disk (the linked file on disk URL is this_UUID.jpg).
name: a human-readable string set by the user.
This cause some problems :
the file name is a UUID not human readable, so it's bad user experience.
If the user renames the file, the app won't be able to get the file.
So the id is to have a human-readable label for the file. So when the user opens the File app he can find it easily. And add metadata with the id so my app can retrieve it even if renamed. Looks like a nice solution right?
// First I create my own attribute
fileprivate extension PDFDocumentAttribute {
static let testId = PDFDocumentAttribute(rawValue: "com.sc.testID")
// Then I set the news attributes before saving the file, in the 'test' class
func setDocument(pdf: PDFDocument) {
let fileURL = self.getPDFDocumentURL()
print("the metadata is \(pdf.documentAttributes)") // print an empty dictionary
pdf.documentAttributes?[PDFDocumentAttribute.testId] = self.id
pdf.documentAttributes?[PDFDocumentAttribute.titleAttribute] = self.name // I suppose the ddisplay name of the document ? It's not, so what is that ?
print("the metadata is now \(pdf.documentAttributes)") // both are printed, it looks ok
//pdf.write(to: fileURL) // I tested this one too, same issues
let data = pdf.dataRepresentation()
do {
try data?.write(to: fileURL, options: .completeFileProtection)
} catch {
From here it looks ok, when I want to retrieve the pdf document I will check in the folder the id of each doc and return the doc when id match. But the problem is when I get the documentAttributes the attribute 'testId' isn't in. Note the native title, is set correctly.
So I could get the id from there but that looks pretty inappropriate
//still in 'Test' class
func getPDFDocument() -> PDFDocument? {
// get all docs in the folder ad check metadata for each
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let documentsURL = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0]
do {
let fileURLs = try fileManager.contentsOfDirectory(at: SchoolTest.getSubjectFolderURL(subject: self.subject!), includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
for url in fileURLs {
print("the doc attributes are : \(PDFDocument(url: url)?.documentAttributes)") // contain title and others preset by Apple but not my custom 'testId'
if let doc = PDFDocument(url: url), doc.documentAttributes?[PDFDocumentAttribute.titleAttribute/*testId*/] as? String == self.documentName {
return doc // this work temporary
} catch {
print("Error while enumerating files \(documentsURL.path): \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
Display name:
Currently, the display name/label displayed in the File app is the file name (from URL).
This can cause problems too because if two 'Test' have the same name, their linked file gonna have the same URL. So when the most recent one will be saved on disk it will overwrite the other.
That's a problem I don't have when using the 'Test' id property for the file URL.
If I could set a display name for the file and keep the URL with the UUID that should resolve the problem.
Directories have the same localizing issue, I have named them with English but Apple native directories are localized. A localized name could be nice for user experience.
After hours of research, I can't find a way to localize or apply a display name to my files/directories.
// I tried that without positive result
var url = fileURL as NSURL
try url.setResourceValue("localized label", forKey: .localizedLabelKey)
print("localized name is \(try url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.localizedLabelKey]))")
let newURL = url as URL
try data?.write(to: newURL, options: .completeFileProtection)
Am I doing something badly? How should we do when adding custom metada to a file?

How to upload a PDF File to firebase that is already in memory

I have seen posts and read the docs on how to upload a file with a url reference to local disk, however, I cannot find anything about how to do this with a file in memory? The file is an array of pdfs. I take it I have to have some kind of URL reference to that file. Where would I URL reference a pdf in memory? Anybody know?
I used this code from the Docs, however, I'm getting the following error for putData: Type of expression is ambiguous without more context
Which I think means the constructor is not expecting a type of PDFDoc?
#IBAction func confirmUploadButtonTapped(_ sender: Any) {
let uuid = UUID().uuidString
// Create a root reference
let storage = Storage.storage()
// Create a storage reference from our storage service
let storageRef = storage.reference()
// Data in memory
let data = Data()
// Create a reference to the file you want to upload
let pdfRef = storageRef.child("docRequest/" + uuid + "/" + ".pdf")
// Upload the file to the path "images/rivers.jpg"
let uploadTask = pdfRef.putData(pdfDocument, metadata: nil) { (metadata, error) in
guard let metadata = metadata else {
// Uh-oh, an error occurred!
// Metadata contains file metadata such as size, content-type.
let size = metadata.size
// You can also access to download URL after upload.
pdfRef.downloadURL { (url, error) in
guard let downloadURL = url else {
// Uh-oh, an error occurred!
If you have the data for the PDF in memory already, you can upload that data to Firebase Storage by calling putData. See for an example the documentation on Upload from data in memory, or this code in the Firebase quickstart project.
This line is the issue
let pdfRef = storageRef.child("docRequest/" + uuid + "/" + ".pdf")
because it will create a path of
So you should use this
let pdfRef = storageRef.child("docRequest/" + uuid + ".pdf")
when will be a path of
Also, please ensure that when that file is written to storage, you also save the url in Firebase so you can get to it later.
As far as a PDF in memory, the PDFKit (which I think you're using) has functions to work with that, check into pdfData(actions:) renderer to produce a Data object

A background URLSession with identifier already exists

I have an S3Service which is a singleton that manages all the S3 related uploads and downloads.
When I upload the first image it works fine but if I try to upload an Image consecutively It gives me this warning and the completion block never gets called.
A background URLSession with identifier com.amazonaws.AWSS3TransferUtility.Identifier.TransferManager already exists.
This is how I upload method looks:
if let data = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.5) {
let transferUtility = AWSS3TransferUtility.s3TransferUtility(forKey: S3Service.TRANSFER_MANAGER_KEY)
transferUtility.uploadUsingMultiPart(data: data, bucket: EnvironmentUtils.getBucketName(), key: filename, contentType: "image/jpg", expression: nil, completionHandler: { task,error in
if let error = error {
} else {
print("Image upload success")
The call to register transfer utility AWSS3TransferUtility.register(with: serviceconfig, forKey: KEY) was causing the above issue. There are two things that should be kept in mind.
The AWSS3TransferUtility should be registered only once per Application session. Then we can use AWSS3TransferUtility.S3TransferUtilityForKey to get the instance wherever needed.
If these are for different users within the app, ( e.g. sign-up) and if we want to keep AWSS3TransferUtility separate for each user, register AWSS3TransferUtility with a different key (preferably the same key for the same user) and look up using that key.

Load UIImage from PHAsset Image absoluteString Swift 4

I am saving a list of file names/paths so I can load the image at a later time to upload it.
When the user selects the images from the camera roll, I get back this
But when I try to load up the image,
if let image = UIImage(named: filepath) {
imageView.image = image
It doesn't load.
How do I load an image from a filepath?
The code I use to get the file path
func getURL(ofPhotoWith mPhasset: PHAsset, completionHandler : #escaping ((_ responseURL : URL?) -> Void)) {
let options = PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions()
options.canHandleAdjustmentData = {(adjustmeta: PHAdjustmentData) -> Bool in
return true
mPhasset.requestContentEditingInput(with: options, completionHandler: { (contentEditingInput, info) in
func add(images: [PHAsset]) {
for image in images {
getURL(ofPhotoWith: image) { (imgURL) in
if let imgURL = imgURL {
print ("ImageURL: \(imgURL.absoluteString)")
I am saving a list of file names/paths so I can load the image at a later time to upload it.
PHContentEditingInput is the wrong tool for that job. As the names of that class and the functions you're using to get one suggest, it's for content editing — tasks like applying a filter to an asset in the library.
When PHContentEditingInput gives you a file URL, it's granting you temporary access to that file. PhotoKit makes no guarantee that the asset in question will always be backed by a file at that URL, and even if it is, PhotoKit revokes temporary access to that URL when the owning PHContentEditingInput is deallocated.
A user's Photos library isn't a directory full of image files — it's a database, where each asset can have data resources stored in one or more files, which might or might not even be in local storage at all times. If you want to upload assets to an external service and preserve all the original data, you need an API that's meant for getting data resources. PhotoKit gives you two choices for that:
If you want just some image representation of the current state of the asset, use PHImageManager. This downloads and/or generates image data ready for you to save as a file, incorporating whatever edits the user has already applied to the asset:
let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
PHImageManager.default().requestImageData(for: myAsset, options: options) { data, uti, orientation, info in
// save `data` to file / upload to web service
// use `uti` to find out what file type it is
If you want the original image data resources — that is, enough data that you could back up and restore the asset, including features like in-progress edits, Live Photo modes, and RAW format image data — use PHAssetResource and PHAssetResourceManager:
let resources = PHAssetResource.resources(for: myAsset)
let options = PHAssetResourceRequestOptions()
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
for resource in resources {
let outputURL = myOutputDirectory.appendingPathComponent(resource.originalFilename)
PHAssetResourceManager.default().writeData(for: resource, to: outputURL, options: options) { error in
// handle error if not nil
I am saving a list of file names/paths so I can load the image at a later time to upload it when the user selects the images from the camera roll
Don't. The thing to save so that you can retrieve something from the camera roll at a later time is the PHAsset's localIdentifier. You can use that to get the same asset again later, and now you can ask for the associated image.