how to fetch the heart rate of a smartband with react-native-ble-manager - react-native-ble-manager

how to fetch the heart rate of a smartband with react-native-ble-manager, I need a method to capture the heart rate


Data types produced by apple watch

Does anyone have a list of data types that produced by the apple watch without any additional apps or integrated devices? It must be a subset of these, but I can't figure out which ones
The exact list of data types depends on the model, but the latest Apple Watch models automatically collect data for all of the following HealthKit types:
Active energy
Basal energy
Environmental audio exposure
Headphone audio exposure
Noise notifications
Exercise minutes
Flights climbed
Heart rate
Heart rate variability
Resting heart rate
Walking heart rate average
High heart rate notifications
Low heart rate notifications
Stand hours
Stand minutes
Step count
Walking + running distance
VO2 max
Apple Watch will also collect cycling distance, but only if the user explicitly records a cycling workout. There are also other types of HealthKit data that can be recorded manually by the using the built-in apps on the Apple Watch, such as mindful minutes.

HealthKit Elevated Heart Rate Notification Variable?

Is there a specific HealthKit variable for the elevated heart rate notifications? I couldn’t find a variable in the data or object types. I am extracting data from the Apple Health app for a visualization using R and showing multiple variables from multiple wearables. I want to use the notification variable to only select heart rate data for those specific observations. Thanks.
Elevated Heart Rate notifications are not accessible using the HealthKit API.

WatchOS2 access to heart sensor data

Has apple released any documentation on how to access data from the infrared and photodiodes that make up the heart rate sensor with the new release of watchOS 2.0.1?
The OS gives you access to the HealthKit. Within the HealthKit you have an access to the heart sensor data.
You may find this link useful:

How to stay in SoundCloud's rate limit while streaming audio?

SoundCloud recently enabled their 15k-a-day rate limit.
My app will serve quite a few visitors a day. The rate limit is expected to be hit very easily.
Can the stream URL be cached? Is there any way to stream and stay in the rate limit when going over because you have too much traffic?
The devs haven't made an application form yet to ask for higher limits..

Is there any way to check if there is any input to the mic or not?

Is there any way to let's say, user clicks a button, and then he needs to say something to the mic, but only after he finishes to talk to the mic, the app will wait 5 seconds, and then the app will do something. is there any code or example for this? to check if there is an input to the mic or not.
thanks in advance!
If you're recording with AVAudioRecorder, you have the ability to enable metering and get basic power metrics for your current recording. One way to determine silence for a period of time is to sample the average power and peak power over a time period of your choosing (1/2 second to a few seconds). If the ratio remains low enough during that arbitrary period, the input has been relatively quiet and you can end the recording. You can view the docs for that class here. If you're using Audio Queue Services, this may be a little more involved, but the concept is the same.