How to set Cadence test workflow id? - cadence-workflow

I'm following and seeing errors with Activity error. {"WorkflowID": "default-test-workflow-id".
How do I go about setting the WorkflowID (eg so that it contains the test name)? I'm using Go.

It's not supported directly to set a workflowID. we recently realized it and are actively working on this.
At the mean time, if you have to test with workflowID, a workaround is to use
ReplayWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, service workflowserviceclient.Interface, logger *zap.Logger, domain string, execution workflow.Execution) error
But you have to mock the service interface for fetching history.
I will update this thread when this feature is implemented.


Zabbix: how to parse error messages from web scenario checks as a macro

I just setup dozens of web scenario checks in Zabbix. I also added triggers and one action for all the triggers. To test the action I deployed a test bad web scenario check, however an email message I got from the test only gave very high-level information:
Problem: Service "Jira-QAS" is DOWN
Application: CloudOps
Problem started at 13:41:38 on 2019.11.20
Problem name: Service "Jira-QAS" is DOWN
Severity: High
Value: 1
Original problem ID: 2314429
I want to parse "Last error message of scenario ..." as a macro and put it in the "default message" in "Action", so it would look something like this:
Problem: Service "Jira-QAS" is DOWN
Application: CloudOps
Problem started at 13:41:38 on 2019.11.20
Problem name: Service "Jira-QAS" is DOWN
Severity: High
Issue: Couldn't connect to server: Failed connect to; Connection refused
Original problem ID: 2314429
I tried different macros such as {ITEM.VALUE}, {EVENT.STATUS}, but neither of them were good enough.
You need to define Operational Data in the trigger, and add {EVENT.OPDATA} to the mail.
Operational data allow to define arbitrary strings along with macros. The macros will resolve dynamically to real time data in Monitoring → Problems. While macros in the trigger name (see above) will resolve to their values at the moment of a problem happening and will become the basis of a static problem name, the macros in the operational data maintain the ability to display the very latest information dynamically.
The same set of macros is supported as in the trigger name.

Getting OperationResult when ResultUrl is not in response object?

I am turning to the community as I haven't found anything in the official documentation.
As the title says, I am having troubles fetching the operation result. I am creating an operation by calling the Project - Create REST endpoint. The HTTP call is responding with the operation reference, as the operation is successfully queued. While the operation is running (States NotSet, Queued, InProgress), I am polling the operation at an 300 ms interval. After several seconds, the operation results in a success state.
As the operation was successful, I would expect that the resultUrl property of the Operation is populated with the URL pointing to the created resource (in my case in the form of{organization}/_apis/projects/{projectId}?api-version=6.0). However, resultUrl is not part of the response of the GET call at all.
Is there anything I am missing or misinterpreting? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
The problem is not clear in your question. If you create a new project, you know its name. The URL to projects is stable:{organization}/_apis/projects/{projectNAME}?api-version=6.0
You can get ProjectState in the answer and any over information like the project URL (TeamProject).

Unable to flag / trigger "Merge when pipeline succeeds" via Gitlab Api (v3/v4)

So as a part of some tests to automatically accept / merge successful pipelines in our git repository i was running some tests to flag the "merge when pipeline succeeds" feature when the pipeline is still running:
So this button is available when the pipeline is still running and will convert to a green 'Accept merge' button when the pipeline succeeds:
(note that this picture was taken afterwards not to confuse the use-case)
additionally i have set these general settings:
So when checking the Gitlab API Documentation it says i should use the following endpoint:
PUT /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/merge
when using the parameter ?merge_when_pipleline_succeeds=true it should flag the button.
However when i call this endpoint when the pipeline is still running (i built in a wait for 10 mins while testing this) i get the following result:
i am getting a Method Not Allowed. My assumption is that the endpoint i am using is correct because otherwise i would've gotten a bad request / not found return code.
when checking the gitlab merge request i am seeing that indeed the flag is not set to true:
However, when i manually click the blue button the mergerequest looks like this:
Also if i let the pipeline finish and then proceed to call the merge api (w/ or w/o the merge when pipeline succeeds flag) it will accept the merge. It just does not work when the pipeline is running (which is odd because even the button itself only shows when the pipeline is running)
so i am wondering what I am doing wrong here.
I am using a Powershell module to call the GitLab API. The Accept part of the module is not official and was made by myself because i found this feature missing.
I am using the same credentials for the API w/ a personal access token to authenticate to the API. Other functionality of the API work with this token like creating merge requests, retrieving status of a current MR and accepting a MR when the pipeline is finished.
I have tried the following variants :
Use the V3 api with merge_when_build_succeeds=true --> nets the same
Uncheck the "Only allow merge request to be merged if the
pipeline succeeds" --> nets the same result
Use ID of the merge request instead of IID
use /merge_when_pipeline_succeeds instead of ?merge_when_pipeline_succeeds=true
use True instead of true --> nets the same result
I get a similar issue with the python-gitlab library on v4. It works sometimes when I use:
Where mr is a ProjectMergeRequest object. However, if the MR has a merge conflict in it I get that 405 Method Not Allowed error back.
My best guess is to see if I can apply logic before calling mr.merge() to check for problems. Will update this if that works.
UPDATE: Looks like there is no feature to check for conflicts as of today.
UPDATE 2: You can check merge_status when looking at the MR information, so either that attribute or an exception then mr.merge() fails would let you identify when it won't work.

store and setRequest

I have a jobque mechanism in ZF.
The jobque simlpy stores the the function call (Class, Method and params) and later executes it as CLI daemon. The daemon works, however at places the application looks for information from the request object, and when called from the CLI these places fail, or get no info.
I would like to store the original request object together with the job and when the job is processed set the request object back as if the job was done by the originall request, somethin along the line of the following pseudo code:
$ser_request = serialize(Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ()->getRequest ());
-->save to db
-->retrive from db
$ZCF= new Zend_Controller_Front;
$ZCF::getInstance ()->setRequest (unserialize($ser_request))
The aim is to store and replay the jobs later withouth having to change the rest of the application.
Any suggestions how to do that?
I am not sure if this works, but here's an idea. Try to implement _sleep and _wakeup magic methods for the request object. Haven't tried it out, but maybe it's at least a starting solution. mvc azure "Error accessing the data store!"

I've started using the AspProviders code to store my session data in my table storage.
I'm sporadically getting the following error:
Description: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpException' was thrown. INNER_EXCEPTION:Error accessing the data store! INNER_EXCEPTION:An error occurred while processing this request. INNER_EXCEPTION: ConditionNotMet The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met. RequestId:0c4239cc-41fb-42c5-98c5-7e9cc22096af Time:2010-10-15T04:28:07.0726801Z
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.EndAcquireState(IAsyncResult ar)
System.Web.HttpApplication.AsyncEventExecutionStep.OnAsyncEventCompletion(IAsyncResult ar) INNER_EXCEPTION:
Microsoft.Samples.ServiceHosting.AspProviders.TableStorageSessionStateProvider.ReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context, String id, Object lockId) in \Azure\AspProviders\TableStorageSessionStateProvider.cs:line 484
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.PollLockedSessionCallback(Object state) INNER_EXCEPTION:
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.TaskImplHelper.ExecuteImplWithRetry[T](Func`2 impl, RetryPolicy policy)
Microsoft.Samples.ServiceHosting.AspProviders.TableStorageSessionStateProvider.ReleaseItemExclusive(TableServiceContext svc, SessionRow session, Object lockId) in \Azure\AspProviders\TableStorageSessionStateProvider.cs:line 603
Microsoft.Samples.ServiceHosting.AspProviders.TableStorageSessionStateProvider.ReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context, String id, Object lockId) in \Azure\AspProviders\TableStorageSessionStateProvider.cs:line 480 INNER_EXCEPTION:
Anyone run into this? The only useful information I've found is this, which I'm hesitant to do:
If you want to bypass the validation, you can open TableStorageSessionStateProvider.cs, find ReleaseItemExclusive, and modify the code from:
svc.AttachTo("Sessions", session, "*");
from here
So I decided to change this:
to this:
svc.AttachTo("Sessions", session, "*");
So, I'll see how that works...
I've encountered this problem as well and after some investigation it seems to happen more often when you have more than one instance and you try to make calls in rapid succession in the same session. (e.g. if you had an auto complete box and making ajax calls on each key press)
This occurs because when you try to access the session data, first of all the web server takes out a lock on that session. When the request is complete, it releases the lock. With the table service provider, it updates this lock status by updating a field in the table. What I think is happening is that Instance1 loads the session row, then Instance2 loads the session row, Instance1 saves down the updated lock status and when Instance2 attempts to save the lock status it gets an error because the object isn't in the same state as when it loaded it (the ETag doesn't match any more).
This is why the fix that you found will stop the error from occurring, because by specifying the "*" in the AttachTo, when Instance2 attempts to save the lock it will turn off ETag checking (and over write the changes made by Instance1).
In our situation we have altered the provider so that we can turn off session for certain paths (the ajax call that was giving us our problems didn't need access to session data, neither did the loading of images) which may be an option for you depending on what is causing your problem.
Unfortunately the TableStorageSessionStateProvider is part of the sample projects and so isn't (as far as I'm aware, but I'll happily be told otherwise) officially supported by Microsoft. It does have other issues, like the fact that it doesn't clean up it's session data once a session expires, so you will end up with lots of junk in the session table and blob container that you'll have to clean up some other way.