Downloading an artifact from actions on someone else's repository - github

This problem seems really simple. I'm trying to download a pre-built binary for a program from somebody's github repo.
They suggest that I can do this:
"You can also download pre-built binaries from GitHub Actions artifacts."
But it turns out that I have no idea what that means!
The file is not in the actions page (I'm not sure if it should be) and when I try:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"
I receive { "message": "You must have the actions scope to download artifacts.", "documentation_url": "" }
But this documentation implies that I need to Build an app in order to download a file???
Can this possibly be correct?
What am I missing here?

This works for me:
curl.exe `
--netrc-file C:\Users\Steven\_netrc `
-L `
-o `
Where _netrc looks like this:
default login <USERNAME> password <PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN>

You can also directly use Basic auth. In curl:
And the personal access token is generated at:


Getting "not found" after authenticating when trying to initiate GitHub workflow via REST

I am trying to trigger the workflow_dispatch action for a GitHub workflow via REST but I am getting a "not found" error.
My question is similar to this one but the difference is that I am still getting the "not found" error even though the header indicates I am authenticated (the rate limit has increased to 5,000).
Here's my script:
echo "Calling $POST_URL"
# -i to include headers.
curl \
-i \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-d '{"ref":"ref"}'
In the headers, I see the rate limit has increased to 5,000, so I know I am logged in.
The personal access token has the following permissions:
The personal access token is for a machine user.
In the repo settings, under "Collaborators and teams", the machine user account has the "Read" role.
What more do I need to do to trigger the workflow?
The machine user needs to have write access, not read access.
This is true even if the workflow does something like run CI tests and does not write any code.

How to associate a project with a quality profile in Sonarqube

I am using sonar webapi to associate a project with a quality profile but not able to do it. On every run of sonnar-scanner it is associating default quality profile. Below is the code snippet.
Updated the code snippet
curl -k -X POST --insecure -H “X-Auth-Token:XXX” -d "language=py" -d "qualityProfile=test_profile" -d “project=test_1.0”
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have administrative access and followed the webapi of Version 6.7.3 (build 38370)
Finally got some help from Soanrqube community. I need to remove X-Auth-Token from code. It should be something like this
curl -u ur_token: -X POST -d language=py -d qualityProfile=test_profile -d projectKey=${params.ProjectName}

How should I do with CURL in Facebook Messenger Platform(Chatbot)?

I'm working on Facebook chatbot, and I found some difficulties while reading Facebook's official Messenger Platform tutorial.
The frustrating part is here:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"text":"Timeless apparel for the masses."
}' ""
I'm using a Node.js and Heroku. How should I use the code above to make it work?
If you're on OSX you can use the terminal to run the command. On windows you could use Git Bash.
Copy & paste your curl command, replace PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN with your token from your Facebook Developer App and run it by pressing the enter key.
Hope that helps.

Post a comment on Github Pull Request via Command Line

Is there a way I can post a comment on a Github Pull Request via the command line? The ideas is that I want Jenkins to post comments on Pull Requests with a summary of the results of a script.
This is absolutely possible with nothing more than curl.
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ \
-d '{"body":"Hello Github!"}'
Read more about the API in use here
NOTE: This assumes you have a Personal Access Token stored in an environment variable named GITHUB_TOKEN
It's not possible without third party extensions.
You may be intrested in this:
Sorry I can't help more!
This is a little late, but this sounds like exactly what you are looking for:
gh pr comment 6 --body "Hi from GitHub CLI"
Simply allows you to add comments to a pr from a given pr number.

How do I deploy a file to Artifactory using the command line?

I've spent far more time on this than I care to admit. I am trying to just deploy one file into my Artifactory server from the command line. I'm doing this using gradle because that is how we manage our java builds. However, this artifact is an NDK/JNI build artifact, and does not use gradle.
So I just need the simplest gradle script to do the deploy. Something equivalent to:
scp <file> <remote>
I am currently trying to use the artifactory plugin, and am having little luck in locating a reference for the plugin.
curl POST did not work for me . PUT worked correctly . The usage is
curl -X PUT $SERVER/$PATH/$FILE --data-binary #localfile
example :
$ curl -v --user username:password --data-binary #local-file -X PUT "http://<artifactory server >/artifactory/abc-snapshot-local/remotepath/remotefile"
Instead of using the curl command, I recommend using the jfrog CLI.
Download from here - and use the following command (make sure the file is executable) -
./jfrog rt u <file-name> <upload-path>
Here is a simple example:
./jfrog rt u sample-service-1.0.0.jar libs-release-local/com/sample-service/1.0.0/
You will be prompted for credentials and the repo URL the first time.
You can do lots of other stuff with this CLI tool. Check out the detailed instructions here -
The documentation for the artifactory plugin can be found, as expected, in Artifactory User Guide.
Please note that it is adviced to use the newer plugin - artifactory-publish, which supports the new Gradle publishing model.
Regarding uploading from the command line, you really don't need gradle for that. You can execute a simple PUT query using CURL or any other tool.
And of course if you just want to get your file into Artifactory, you can always deploy it via the UI.
Take a look the Artifactory REST API, mostly you can't use scp command, instead use the curl command towards REST API.
$ curl -X POST $SERVER/$PATH/$FILE --data #localfile
Mostly it looks like
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/artifactory/abc-snapshot-local/remotepath/remotefile --data #localfile
The scp command is only used if you really want to access the internal folder which is managed by artifactory
$ curl -v -X PUT \
--user username:password \
--upload-file <path to your file> \
Ironically, I'm answering my own question. After a couple more hours working on the problem, I found a sample project on github:
The project even includes a straightforward bash script for doing the exact deploy/copy from the command line that I was looking for, as well as a couple of less straightforward gradle scripts.
As per official docs, You can upload any file using the following command:
curl -u username:password -T <PATH_TO_FILE> "https://<ARTIFACTORY_SERVER>/<REPOSITORY_PATH>/<TARGET_FILE>"
Note: The user should have write access to this path.